Ero Dungeon Online

[Vol. 4 pt. 39]

“It sounds like you had a fun time, mon maître,” Lily said as she stroked her fingers through my hair, my head resting atop her head. The bed in the master room of the dungeon might have been pretty comfy, but it was nowhere near as good as Lily’s thighs.

“Did you listen to anything I just said?” I groaned. “It was horrible!” Of course, I was being overly dramatic just for fun. “And weird! She made her avatar’s tits way too big! They were almost as big as yours!”

“If—if hers were too big… but were almost as big as mine, then—”

“Hold that thought. Hers were only too big because she’s my mom. You’re my girlfriend, not my mom, so it’s legal for you to have huge tits.” I reached up to grab her nearest tit with my hand, squeezing it a few times. “See? This is great. But she’s my mom. I can’t do this to her without it being extremely weird. It’s like… imagine that you make cookies. Now, because you love me, and because you’re not related to me, I can have your huge, delicious cookies as much as I want. I can shove my mouth full of them, look at them and admire them, want to dedicate my life to them, and so on. Then there’s my mom’s cookies. They’re not quite as big, but just as good looking, and I’m not allowed to do anything with them. One, it would be weird. Two, illegal. Three, while I could look at them, it would be weird to stare at cookies that aren’t legal for me to have and that I wouldn’t want to have in the first place.”

“Mon maître… I do not think a cookie comparison was needed.”

“It wasn’t, but I feel like whining and being dramatic so that I can get you to pamper me, so it actually was.”

Lily giggled a little before holding me by my head, lifting me up as she leaned over, and… then stopped as she pressed my face right into her breasts. “A-ah… I… meant to kiss you, but…”

“Yeah, you can’t really pull that sort of thing off when there’s a couple of mountains between our heads.”

“Maybe I should reduce their size after all…”

“Or, consider the following: make them even bigger. If they were so big that they covered up your thighs, then it wouldn’t be possible for me to use your thighs as a pillow, and my head would have to rest on top of your tits instead of underneath them. Then, because my head would already be on top of your tits, you wouldn’t have to worry about them being in the way when trying to kiss me.”

“Mon maître… I think that would be bad for both of our spines.”

“Sometimes spinal health needs to be sacrificed for the greater good.”

“That does not sound quite right.”

“Lily, are you doubting me? Me, your wonderful boyfriend? Who is never wrong about anything ever?” I was still talking against her boobs at that point, too. She might not have meant to pull me into them, but she clearly didn’t plan on letting me free from them, either.

“Ah, you are right! How dare I! Please forgive me, mon maître. I promise to never doubt you again!”

“Alright, good. In that case, the sky is pink, apples are oranges, and you have to suck my dick at least every five minutes in order to survive.”

Lily let out a feigned little gasp before saying, “I better start right away!”

“Alright, maybe you should doubt me a little bit.”

“But I do not want to die! If I die, then I can not be your gullible girlfriend anymore!”

“Ah, that’s true. Well, luckily for you, there’s an alternative solution. Sucking dick will only keep you alive for an extra five minutes per suck, but kissing me will keep you alive for eternity.”

“I have much to suck then!”

“You’re supposed to say, ‘Oh, then I’ll kiss you,’ or something like that.”

“I will kiss it while sucking it!”

“You’re supposed to kiss my lips, not my dick.”

“Why not both?”

“I’m trying to tell you that I want a kiss, not my dick sucked.”

“Ehehe. Alright, mon maître!” And with that, Lily tried to pull my head up toward hers again… only to push me into her underboob again. “Ah.”

Seeing as how she was struggling, I went and did the work myself by moving my head around her tits instead of against them. Thanks to this brilliant maneuvering, I was able to actually bring my lips up against her own for a kiss. “That’s how you do it.”

“Ah, thank you, mon maître! But I am not sure I will remember with such a short demonstration. May I please have another?”

I saw where she was going with that, but I gave in and kissed her again anyways, because why not? “There, was that enough?”

“Mm… I am afraid not. Perhaps several more may help me?”

I gave her a quick succession of kisses. “Now?”

“Ah… perhaps one long kiss?”

I gave her an extra long kiss upon her request. “We good?”

“Maybe try kissing my lips with your penis?”

I flicked her forehead and kissed her lips again. “There. My lips are named penis now, so that counts.”

“Ehe. But I am surprised, mon maître. You have never refused me this much. Have you grown bored of me already?”

“You know, back in the day, if you asked something like that, you would have sounded all nervous and actually worried. But now, you just sound like you’re teasing me.”

“Well… it is because I trust you, mon maître. I trust that you would not get bored of me, so it is okay to tease you about getting bored of me!”

How was I supposed to resist kissing her again after hearing that? So, I kissed her. Then I said, “I’d take you up on the sucking offer if you didn’t suck my dick before we even started talking.”

After all, when I first logged on, Lily basically pounced me to make sure that her lips were against my dick before I got to say even one word to her. Then I told her everything about what happened with my mom and the training she put me through. Then there was the gaming marathon she made me suffer through. After our training was over… it was just an unending series of “please, just one more match, come on” from her. We ended up playing for probably twelve or so hours and it only finally came to an end when she could no longer resist having to stop to go to the bathroom, and I made sure to take advantage of that opportunity by calling it quits there.

So, naturally, I came to Lily to complain about everything. Though, most of the complaining had to do with my own mother teasingly flirting with me by showing off how hot her avatar was all the time. Then she kept hugging me, joking around with other players in our lobbies about how I was her boyfriend or husband, and then there was all the maniacal, bloodthirsty laughter whenever she ripped somebody to pieces with knives or filled somebody’s body full of holes with a machine gun.

My mother was a monster of sexuality and violence.

“And I’m too traumatized from my mom to enjoy it as much as I could,” I said.

“Ehehe. Poor mon maître,” Lily said, running one of her hands through my hair as my head returned to her lap. “At least it sounds like you had fun!”

“Yeah, I did, but I didn’t need to see that side of her. She could have at least done without all the flirting and teasing. Do you know how awkward it was for me?”

“It sounds like she enjoys embarrassing you.”

“She thrives on embarrassing me. And I’m powerless against her. Anything I say or use against her, she amplifies and turns it against me instead. There was one time she apparently came across one of my porn videos… and she criticized my technique. Lily. My mother. Watched. A porn video of me. Her son. And criticized. My thrusting. What kind of monster pretending to be a mother does that?”

“There, there, mon maître. It will be okay.”

I sighed and told the truth next. “I mean, once she was done laughing from how embarrassed I was, she told me the truth and admitted that she made it up and never saw anything with me in it, but still. That didn’t make me feel any less embarrassed. All it did was make me even more embarrassed, if anything, for falling for it.”

“I look forward to teasing you with her someday!”

“No, Lily. Please. You’re supposed to be on my side, not hers.”

“I am on the side that lets me see mon maître be cute!”

“Lily… you traitorous whore.”

Calling her that only made her giggle even more. “Perhaps we will all play a game together, and we will tease you by telling others that me and your mother are dating instead of me and you!”

“Please don’t cuck me with my own mother. She already tells me all the time that she wishes she had a girlfriend like you. She might actually try stealing you from me.”

“Well, perhaps we will let you watch if that happens!”

“I don’t want to watch that!”

Lily giggled some more while I grumbled and pouted.

Lily was… probably the only person I could really act like that around. While I was sure that Akorya, Thera, Meadow—basically, most people I was close to would probably be fine with me acting like that around them if I wanted to, but… I only really felt comfortable acting so whiny around Lily.

No matter how whiny and submissive I acted around her, I knew that she would never judge me for it even for a second. We had absolute, complete faith in each other. And while that also applied to Akorya and the others, I still felt like I should act like a certain way around them.

And there wasn’t anything wrong with that, really. While Akorya liked certain parts of me, there were others she wasn’t all that interested in. Same with Thera. Akorya liked me as a cool boyfriend who took charge. Thera liked me for a teasing partner who she could have intellectual discussions with featuring playful banter. Lily… just liked everything about me, no matter how I acted.

I would say that didn’t make her love for me any stronger or purer than the others, nor was their love for me lesser, it was just different. Equal, but different.

In a similar way, while I felt like I could be anybody with Lily and act all whiny and like a baby, Lily wasn’t somebody who I would necessarily banter with or have deep conversations with. I loved Lily, and there was nothing I would change about her, but me being able to act like this with her was our thing. Then me and Thera’s thing would be serious conversations and teasing banter. Me and Akorya? Our thing was probably more… comedic, I’d say. If I had to pick any of them to perform a comedy routine with, it would absolutely be Akorya, hands down.

“Thank you, mon maître,” Lily said all of a sudden.

“What am I being thanked for? Other than being perfect, obviously,” I replied.

“Ehe. I am thanking you for… having alone time with me. I love mon ange, but I like to have time with only the two of us sometimes, just as I enjoy having time with only Akorya at other times! But you are usually busy, so… it is rare to have times like this.”

“So, what you’re saying is that I should pamper you in private more often.”

“Ehehe… perhaps!”

“Then I’ll make sure to do exactly that. Honestly, at this point, my passive income is high enough that I don’t really have to do any sort of work anymore, and I could just hire somebody to invest my money for me to get me even more, so… I think I might take a step back from the public stuff so that I can focus more on spending time with you and everybody else.”

Lily went silent, but her face told me everything that I needed to know. Part of her wanted to tell me that I should keep on working if I enjoy it, but her smile made it extremely obvious that she wanted to not say anything so that I could have even more time to spend with her.

“But first, I should find a place for all of us to move into together. Then you’ll be around me so much in real life that you’ll get sick and tired of me in no time at all.”

“Impossible, mon maître, but… I would very much like to move in with you and the others. Your mother can live with us too!”

“I really am going to get cucked by own mom at this rate.”

Patreon Harem Members: Kyoma, Emojiman, Alex R., Batty, Caleb, Casey L., Eric B., Isaac H., Jeremy D., Koors, Matt, Meatshield, Monk, Nacho, Red Viking, Somedude, William, Zach W., XCIX, Bill, Sean C., Jared A., Philip W., Seraph, Solian, Senelcar, Jopejoe1, Connor, DocOZ, Geariah, Awdyr S., AcleoDams, Cody G., Chambered44, BlackFire13th, IndigoXIII, Asakura, T.W., Derek G., Michael G., Lolopat, David S., Dota, Puppy, Xalibur, Kin W., Mirador, AlicesEmotion, Kennit K., Josue J.

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