Empathic capacity of a teaspoon (HP Self-insert

Chapter 32

Sixteen people sat at a round table, none of their faces visible, hidden in the darkness as they were.


Some were twirling what looked like wooden sticks in their hands, while others were simply staring bored at some point in the room.


“Oh bloody hell, can someone turn the tossing torches on.”

The man at the head of the table grumbled at the request, but did what he was told, revealing the faculty of Hogwarts.

Some sighs of relief were had.


“So, how are the first years settling in?”


Mcgonagall was the first one to speak.


“I was a bit worried about Harry Potter in the beginning, but at least he's made some friends now, even if they are the Weasley twins.” She said, slightly apprehensive.


Que sneer from Snape.


“Should we perhaps expect the return of the Marauders?” The man bit out.


Every teacher that remembered that particular quartet groaned. The general consensus appeared to be. 'I hope not.'


“I'm a bit worried about Goyle, all of the homework he has turned in until this point was simply a piece of parchment with food smeared on it and some illegible writing in what appears to be troll.”


Everyone but Severus chuckled at Flitwick’s joke.


Except of course, for Dumbledore who was transfiguring his chair into a muggle wizarding hat.


When it was Sprout's turn she shrugged.


“Everyone has settled in well, a lot of that thanks to Ronald, honestly if it was my decision I would make him a prefect next year.” She frowned a bit after that though.


“I'm a bit worried about his schedule though, he has training with the Quidditch team, dueling with Filius and healing with madam Pomfrey.”


Mcgonagall glowered at the table.


“Maybe that's why he's always asleep in my class, though he knows every answer and seems to get every spell on his first try. Honestly the boy would have probably won the house-cup by now if he actually participated.” The next voice to be heard was Flitwick's squeaky one.


“He once told me that transfiguration was the only subject he actually read ahead in.”


“When we are talking about him, anything to say about your dueling lessons?” The headmaster finally decided to say something.

“The little shit keeps kicking me in the face.” Flitwick answered quickly. After saying that he got red in the face and muttered an excuse me.


Everyone had to blink at that one.


“Well that’s a fairly unorthodox dueling style”. Dumbledore commented


At which Sinistra smirked at the half-goblin,“Is it working?”


The man just morosely nodded his head.


“Sadly yes, if it wasn't, he would have stopped doing it by now. I guess I'm just really not used to unarmed combat in wizarding duels.”

Dumbledore noticing that Snape wasn't glowering for once asked the man.


“Anything to add Severus?” The man in question stared into his coffee mug.


“He doing fine in potions, keeps the other dunderheads in line.”

Worried looks were exchanged by the professors at Snape actually saying something nice about a non-Slytherin.

“Anyone have any idea what kinds of tests we’ll be having this year.”


Everyone groaned.



I couldn't help but smile sitting on the couch before the roaring fireplace in the Hufflepuff common room.


I sensed people talking about me. I hissed.


“Yessss, feed my ego.”


Wayne who had been blathering something about his sister in my ear, gave me a questioning look.


“Nothing I just felt some people talking about me.”

A confused “How?” was his response.


I ignored him and took out my chess set.


“Game?” The boy sitting beside me knew he wasn't getting an answer to his question, so he just took the white pieces resigning himself to getting absolutely crushed at another game of chess.


After defeating Wayne twice it was time for bed.


Noticing that everyone was asleep, I crept out of the room into the halls of Hogwarts. Today was the day Harry and whoever he managed to convince to help him would smuggle out Norberta.


I calmly walked through the halls of the castle heading towards the astronomy tower where the exchange would happen.


It was only luck that I heard my twin brothers before I saw them due to an unexpected wind carrying their voices to me.


“Who is this Ergarth fellow and what is he doing here at this time of night.” I didn't know which one spoke. What, sue me, their voices are identical.


“I don't know, I think he's a first year Puff though, I always see him hanging around with them.”


“Well he stopped, maybe he was just taking a walk.” The other commented.


I turned around and headed back to my dorm, not hearing the twins commenting upon me walking away.


Ok change of plan, first the map, then the cloak.

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