Dynasty Rebirth Infinity

Chapter 5 – Peace never lasts. Sowing seeds in early spring.

The next day-

In the early morning-

Ewan walked outside the Manor, breathing in the cool early spring air.

"Sniff* Ha. What a good day." Ewan genuinely smiled and walked to his field.

Soon, he arrived at a massive field of 50 acres of cultivated land.

After 11 years of hard work removing wild vegetation and rocks, irrigating water channels, softening the soil, and adding fertilizer, he finished his work. Of the 50 acres, 44 had something growing, including wheat, rye, peas, beans, apple trees, and cabbages. There were also five acres of fallow land. The last one was where he built a mud house, barn, grain bins, and more for his farm. Because he couldn't work it all, George and Cedric sent their children to help, allowing Ewan to finish cultivating the land.

Now that he was on both feet, he was preparing to marry the 18-year-old Maia. He was in his early twenties, and she just entered her late teens, a slightly late but acceptable marriage age. Of course, this didn't mean they didn't interact. It just means they didn't consummate their marriage ahead of time.

For example-

"Ewan!" A lovely voice sounded.

Ewan turned around with a broad smile. He saw a pretty young woman wearing a long brown tunic reaching below her knees. The woman had brown hair spread under her linen coif and hazel eyes, and her youthful cheeks had some freckles here and there. From the young girl he saw eleven years ago, she was now a ripe and mature young lady.

"Maia!" Ewan smiled at his pretty fiance.

When compared to his first wife, she was a few steps better. She was superior to his first wife, whether it be her parentage, wealth, nutrition, or education. She was also taller and fuller in the right areas, which was a nice bonus.

"I came to help with the animals today as well," Maia said, approaching Ewan before wrapping her arms around his neck.

"Hmhm. Appreciated as always." Ewan smiled, wrapped a strong arm around her back, and kissed her.

They kissed for a good ten seconds before separating.

"Mmm. Oh, Ewan. I can't wait for our wedding next week. We can finally build a family together." Maia joyfully smiled.

"Why not start early?" Ewan lustfully asked, his hand snaking down.

"Ah! Naughty man. Wait until our wedding night." Maia said with a blushing face but didn't resist.

"Your body is honest, though. We already touched each other several dozen times, so why can't we take the next step a week ahead?" Ewan asked while grabbing her round rear.

"Mmm. If you keep doing that, I might give in~." Maia bit her lips with desire.

As horny teens, they helped each other out from time to time. Everyone pretended not to notice since they were already engaged. After all, who wasn't a young and horny teenager? Only if Maia got pregnant would it turn into an issue, which was why they refrained from sex until now. Ewan didn't want to bring kids into the world without financial assurance.

But even if they did the act now and Maia miraculously got pregnant, they would already be married. Was there a problem if your wife got pregnant a bit earlier?

Just as the two were about to continue flirting-

"Hm?" Ewan frowned and turned to look in a direction. Although he never invested in it, Spirit raised his perception. Since few invested in this seemingly useless stat, his perception was already better than most.

"Ewan? What is it?" Maia asked.

Ewan didn't answer, instead frowning as he looked in a direction. There, he saw three riders carrying the banner of the Lord Baron, the Lord of the Shanford Knight family, Knightledge Barony.

"Hah? Is that the Lord Baron's coat of arms?" Maia frowned, a bad feeling rising in her heart.

When a flag was raised like this, raising a coat of arms, there was only one explanation.

"It seems like peace never lasts..." Ewan bitterly muttered.

The pair let go of each other as the three messengers rode straight to the Lord's Manor, ignoring them.

"Seems like I need to make haste to sow the seeds." Ewan sighed.

Nothing would grow on his land if he didn't sow seeds now. He didn't know if this was a short campaign or a long war, but he had to take care of his land.

With that, Ewan quickly started working on his farm. There was no time to lose.




In the Shanford Manor-

In the hall-

"Knight Terric Shanford is to lead his men to join Marquise Blackmere's call of arms against the Northern Barbarians Horde. Signed by the Lord Baron of Knightledge, Ralli Ostend Knightledge. You are to report to the Knightledge Manor within a month." The messenger rolled the sheepskin scroll and solemnly handed it to Lord Terric.

"I received the order." Terric, whose hair had gone white but had a vigorous body, replied with a grave tone.

The messenger nodded, turned, and left.

A Young man resembling Terric, Young Master Thadrelin, patted his chest. "Lord Father, let me join you."

"You may join. Ewan will be your guard." Terric nodded and said to his eldest son.

"Yes! Thank you, father." Thadrelin solemnly patted his chest.

"Lord Father, I also wish to join." Another young man said. He was Jestins, Terric's second son.

"No." Terric expressionlessly said.


"No buts, brother!" Thadrelin frowned and patted his younger brother's shoulders. "If Father and I fall, you are the next in line. Stay here and lead the territory."

"... I understand." Jestins clenched his fists in frustration.

"Otis, you and Cedric will also join us. Prepare your heirs." Terric added.

"Yes, my Lord. It is my honor to live and die by your side." Otis replied with a deep look.

"And inform Ewan... And teach him the 4th and 5th stances. Dismissed." Terric walked up the stairs, a determined look in his eyes.

Otis silently bowed and exited the hall.




Later that evening-

Ewan discussed the future with Cedric and George in Ewan's house, a solemn atmosphere surrounding the room.

Both men were now getting on their years, reaching their mid-forties. Cedric was still better off due to practicing the Breathing Technique, but George was elderly now.

"Cedric and I will ride in two weeks. There is a good chance we won't come back." Ewan said.

"I prepared my children, and they will continue my legacy," Cedric added, knowing he would likely die.

"... Do you have to go, Ewan?" George bitterly asked.

"I have to. If the Northern Barbarians invade, our home will be in danger." Ewan resolutely said.

The Northern Barbarians. They were a ruthless and savage people coming from a harsh climate. When they invade, they kill, butcher, rape, and enslave everyone they can, sometimes even eating their dead. Whenever such battles happened, it would be a meat grinder. Less than half would survive to tell the tales.

"Ewan," Cedric spoke, turning serious. "I want you to marry my daughter ahead of time and consummate your marriage. You are young and deserve an heir."

"Are you sure? If I die, Maia will be a widow." Ewan asked.

"I am sure. And Maia would want this as well. If you die in battle, my family will help on your farm until your child grows. That is if you do manage to sire a child this month." Cedric said.

"... Thank you, Cedric," Ewan said, patting Cedric's shoulder.




The following day, Ewan had a hasty marriage with Maia. He then focused on sowing spring seeds on the field and in Maia.

Morning or evening, the farmer who lived two lives worked hard so the soil would bear fruits.

Ewan also practiced the 4th and 5th Stances of the Deer Breathing Technique, which Otis taught him. Perhaps due to his strong foundation, Ewan advanced with leaps and bounds in the technique.


[Deer Breathing Technique(Fourth Stance)(lvl 4, (11/1,000))]

[Deer Breathing Technique(Fifth Stance)(lvl 4, (11/1,000))]

[Gained +2 Strength, +2 Agility, +2 Physique.]

[Level Up! Warrior lvl 1->3]

[Gained +1 Strength, +1 Physique, +1 Agility, +2 Attribute Points, +2 Skill Points.]

[Spirit +2]

[Robust +2]


The increase was not little, and Ewan gained much from it. He also didn't invest in Intelligence this time, instead spending two points on Spirit. In this war, Ewan would likely need that extra perception to survive. Unfortunately, the experience he gained was insufficient to level up his Beginner Archer class, or he could have promoted it. Future gains be damned. If he can't survive, what is the point?

And so, a month quickly passed by.




Five men on horseback arrived at the Knightledge Barony, where seven other groups congregated at the Baron's Manor. The following day, they marched together to the north, answering the rallying call against the Northern Barbarians, marching out to defend the seeds they sowed behind.

Hey, guys. I had an emergency appendix surgery, so I didn't have time to release an update. We caught it early, so the surgery was simple and quick. If you ever feel an intense and unexplainable pain in the stomach(And vomit uncontrollably, perhaps), go straight to the hospital like I did. It might save your life. Have them perform CT.

I am now recovering at home.

Anyways, cheers.

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