Dynasty Rebirth Infinity

Chapter 4 – Times of Peace

I made a minor change to chapter 2. Instead of one week, Otis came to pick Ewan up six weeks later. There is no significant change otherwise.


In the following days, Ewan had a busy but fulfilling life.

Ewan would help Cedric every early morning save for Sunday at the Lord's farmland, which stretched 150 acres. He would then dedicate two hours to Archery and two hours to practicing swordsmanship with the Young Masters of the house due to his young age. It was also a way to bond with them since one day, one of them would become his new Lord. 

In his remaining time, Ewan also studied how to read and write with Otis, cultivated his new parcel of uncultivated land into farmland, and helped out his father on the farm. And, of course, train in his Deer Breathing Technique. The benefits it gradually brought made it easier for Ewan to work more.

Other children would likely not have this discipline, but as a reincarnated 40-year-old Farmer, Ewan certainly had such discipline. And it helped that he got better food and treatment than when he was a serf. And Ewan's diligence was not unnoticed. Many had a favorable impression of this young and hardworking boy, including one of Cedric's daughters, a lovely girl younger than him by three years named Maia.

After reaching an agreement with Cedric and receiving Maia's positive input, Cedric agreed to betroth Maia to Ewan, with their marriage due when Ewan finishes cultivating the 50 acres of wildland he received and can stand on both feet.

In the hot summer or cold winter, Ewan continued working hard as his Lord's vassal, a Farmer, Warrior, and Archer.

And such efforts bore fruit.




Eleven years later-

Early spring-

In an isolated room-

A young man was performing a weird posture while breathing, his body sweating profusely. Suddenly, he felt a rush of warmth fill his body, ending his session.


[Deer Breathing Technique(Third Stance) exp +1]

[Warrior exp +1]

[Beginner Archer exp +1]

[Deer Breathing Technique(Third Stance) level up!]

[Strength +1]

[Deer Breathing Technique(Third Stance)(lvl 6, 0/5,000)]


"I already raised the first three stances to level 6..." Ewan muttered.

During these 11 years, Ewan diligently trained the first three stances of the Deer Breathing Technique. With each level, the difficulty increased until he barely got one exp point each session for every stance. That was why it took eleven whole years to reach this point.

But that didn't mean Ewan was dissatisfied! For each level in every stance, he received one attribute point! That is to say, he got a whole 15 attribute points!


[Strength +5](Including the one just now)

[Physique +3]

[Agility +7]


However, he noticed that these exercises focused on Agility over Physique, and although Agility was nice, Ewan considered Physique superior to Agility or Strength.

"The other four stances probably have something that focuses on Physique." Ewan figured.

Due to the increasing difficulty of raising the Deer Breathing Technique, Ewan would likely be stuck in this bottleneck until he reaches his forties. And even then, his gains would be less than half of those with the complete technique. And they would also enjoy a more comprehensive improvement, unlike himself.

But Ewan was not resentful of his Lord for withholding the Breathing Technique. He understood that this was how the powerful stayed in power. He was just happy that he could obtain this technique and pass it on to his future children.

In other news, after diligently farming almost every day and pioneering new land, Ewan reached lvl 6 Farmer when he turned 13 and unlocked a Class Promotion!


[Level Up! Farmer lvl 3 -> 6]

[You gained: +1 Physique, +1 Spirit, Attribute Points +2, Skill Points +3]

[Intelligence +2]

[Farmer's Wisdom +2]

[You have reached Farmer lvl 6, have Farming Tool Proficiency lvl 5, Farmer's Wisdom lvl 5, 10 Strength, Physique, Agility, and Intelligence, and at least three General Farmer Skills at lvl 5. Conditions met. You unlocked the Class Promotion - Advanced Farmer!]


Ewan wanted to continue leveling Farmer up to the limit, but he knew that his advantage already ended. He might be able to raise Farmer to level 7 within four years, but that would merely net him +2 Attribute Points and +1 Skill Points. As for reaching lvl 10? Unlikely in this life.

In contrast, if he advanced his class, he would gain an immediate +6 Attribute Points, a Core Skill, and unlock his third class slot ahead of time. It was very tempting.

He might have chosen to be promoted immediately in his past life, but Ewan decided to hold it off for another four years. However, perhaps thanks to the increased stats from his Breathing Technique and classes, he managed to do it in three years, but he knew it was his limit. Any more would be counterproductive.

As soon as he reached lvl 7, he raised his Farmer class.


[Level Up! Farmer lvl 6->7]

[+1 Strength, +1 Agility, +1 Skill Point]

[The Farmer Class promoted to Advanced Farmer(lvl 1, 0/100)]

[You gained +1 Strength, +2 Physique, +1 Agility, +1 Intelligence, +1 Spirit]

[You gained the Core Class Skill - Loved by the Earth(lvl 1)]

[Loved by the Earth(lvl 1): Positively modifies Earth Affinity, ability to till and loosen the soil, and intuitive ability to improve soil quality.]

[Class Slots +1]

[Loved by the Earth(lvl 1->3)]


Ewan was satisfied with this new class and even more with the Core Skill, Loved by the Earth. Using the two accumulated Skill Points, he immediately raised it to lvl 3.

During the next five years, Ewan also raised it to lvl 3. Every level gave 1 Allocatable Attribute Point and 1 to 2 Fixed Attribute Points. However, Skill Points were still one per level. Without a second thought, Ewan allocated both Attribute Points to Intelligence and the Skill Points to Loved by the Earth. He learned that the more he invests in Intelligence, the faster skill learning gets, so he saw it as a Wise Investment, pun intended.


[Level Up! Advanced Farmer lvl 1->3]

[Gained +1 Strength, +1 Physique, +1 Intelligence, +2 Attribute Points, +2 Skill Points]

[Intelligence +2]

[Loved by the Earth(lvl 3->5)]


For the Trainee Class, Ewan leveled it up to lvl 5 before promoting it to Militia. He then continued training the Militia Class to lvl 7 before promoting it to Warrior last winter.


[Level Up! Trainee lvl 2->5!]

[Gained +1 Physique, +1 Agility, +1 Attribute Points, +3 Skill Points]

[Intelligence +1]

[Weapon Proficiency +3]


[You reached lvl 3 Trainee, lvl 2 Weapon Proficiency, and one lvl 3 General Trainee Skill. Unlocked Class - Militia.]

[Promoting to the Militia Class!]

[Gained +1 Strength, +1 Physique, +1 Agility.]

[Gained Core Skill - Military Drills(lvl 1)]

[Military Drills(lvl 1) - Positively modifies discipline, morale, and coordination with allies.]


[Level Up! Militia lvl 1->7!]

[Gained +2 Strength, +2 Physique, +1 Agility, +1 Charisma, +3 Attribute Points, +6 Skill Points]

[Intelligence +3]

[Military Drills +4]


[You have reached Militia lvl 6, Weapon Proficiency lvl 5, Military Drills lvl 5, 12 Strength, 12 Physique, 12 Agility, and at least three General Milita Skills at lvl 5. Conditions met. You unlocked the Class Promotion - Warrior!]

[Promoting to the Warrior Class!]

[Gained +2 Strength, +2 Physique, +1 Agility, +1 Charisma.]

[You gained the Core Skill - Robust(lvl 1)]

[Robust(lvl 1) - Positively modifies vigor and toughness.]

[Robust +2]


Using the two leftover Skill Points, Ewan raised the Robust Skill. Rather than fighting, it was because it helped him farm better and longer and made the Breathing Technique easier to train.

Ewan also unlocked a new class, Novice Archer, when he turned 16. Unlike the more general Warrior class, Novice Archer specialized in Archery and learned many Archery-related skills.

By practicing Archery for two hours daily, practicing Breathing Techniques, and his already-high Archery skill, the Novice Archer class quickly leveled up to lvl 5 before being promoted to Beginner Archer lvl 5 in a short five years!


[You reached Milita lvl 1 and Archery lvl 2. Conditions Met. Unlocked Novice Archer class.]

[You changed to Novice Archer!]

[You gained Agility +1]

[You gained the Core Skill - Archery Specialization(lvl 1)]

[Archery Specialization(lvl 1) - Positively modifies proficiency in Bows and Crossbows.]


[Level Up! Novice Archer lvl 1->5!]

[Gained +1 Strength, +1 Agility, +2 Attribute Points, +3 Skill Points]

[Intelligence +2]

[Archery Specialization +4]


[You reached lvl 3 Novice Archer, lvl 2 Archery Proficiency, and lvl 3 Archery Skill. Unlocked Class - Beginner Archer.]

[Promoting to the Beginner Archer Class!]

[Gained +1 Strength, +1 Agility, +1 Spirit.]

[Gained Core Skill - Focused(lvl 1)]

[Focused(lvl 1) - Positively modifies your ability to focus.]


[Level Up! Beginner Archer lvl 1->5!]

[Gained +1 Strength, +1 Physique, +1 Agility, +1 Spirit, +2 Attribute Points, +4 Skill Points]

[Intelligence +2]

[Focused +4]


Overall, Ewan was satisfied with his progress these 11 years. He then looked at his status.


Name: Ewan
Sex: Male
Age: 21
Classes: Advanced Farmer(Uncommon, lvl 3, 162/500), Warrior(Uncommon, lvl 1, 62/100), Beginner Archer(Common, lvl 5, (172/2,000)


Strength: 23
Physique: 23
Agility: 23
Intelligence: 25
Spirit: 9
Charisma: 7


Advanced Farmer: Farming Tool Proficiency(lvl 5), Farmer's Wisdom(lvl 5), Loved by the Earth(lvl 5), Ommited(+).

Warrior: Weapon Proficiency(lvl 5), Military Drills(lvl 5), Robust(lvl 3), Archery(lvl 7, 200/10,000), Swordsmanship(lvl 5, (501/2,000), Dodge(lvl 3, 72/500), Parry(lvl 143/500), Side Step(lvl 3, 21/500), Combat Roll(lvl 3, 11/500), Spearmanship(lvl 3, 5/500), Shielding(lvl 3, 31/500), Riding(lvl 3, 102/500), Deer Breathing Technique(First Stance)(lvl 6, (42/5,000)), Deer Breathing Technique(Second Stance)(lvl 6, (21/5,000)), Deer Breathing Technique(Third Stance)(lvl 6, (0/5,000))

Beginner Archer: Archery Specialization(lvl 5), Focused(lvl 5), Archery(lvl 7, 200/10,000), Rapid Shooting(lvl 4, 561/1,000), Snipe(lvl 4, 812/1,000), Double Shot(lvl 3, 102/500), Bow Repair(lvl 3, 217/500), Arrow Repair(lvl 3, 341/500), Arrow Making(lvl 3, 20/500), Side Step(lvl 3, 21/500), Combat Roll(lvl 3, 11/500), Knife Combat(lvl 3, 21/500), Deer Breathing Technique(First Stance)(lvl 6, (42/5,000)), Deer Breathing Technique(Second Stance)(lvl 6, (21/5,000)), Deer Breathing Technique(Third Stance)(lvl 6, (0/5,000))

Attribute Points: 0
Skill Points: 0


Ewan's status was over twice as impressive as his previous life. To say he wasn't impressed with it would be a lie. Of course, he knew this was partially due to joining his Lord's Household. Without this opportunity, the Deer Breathing Technique, and better living conditions, he might become an Advanced Farmer, but he would never have reached such strength so quickly.

Of course, compared to the Young Masters of the household, he lacked talent and resources. Even with a lifetime of experience, the Young Masters of the house would surpass him even if they put in half the effort he did. That was the cruel reality he faced.

Nevertheless, he was content since he didn't need to compare himself with nobles! He was top-notch among the Yeomen and surpassed Isaac, Cedric, and Otis. Being the head of a chicken was better than being the tail of a lion.

Satisfied with a day's hard work, Ewan washed himself and slept. Tomorrow would surely be another fulfilling, peaceful day.

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