DxD: Matsuda!

Sleeping Beauty, Ingvild Leviathan!


     As I get into the school I see two individuals I know all too well. Azazel is talking with Mittelt and I walk up to the two fallen angels.

     I joke,"From everyone's view it looks like the chemistry teacher is trying to pick up a freshman again, ha-ha!" Mittelt's expression starts to look happy seeing me come up to them.

     Azazel just smiles and says,"Damn and now the Beast of Kuoh will steal my prey away, oh what is this old man going to do.... I have been defeated?!" he just deflects my words.

     Mittelt just comes up to me and gives me a hug around my waist and looks up and says,"Lord Gremory, I am still waiting for you to keep your promise to me you know! I am off Wednesday night if you will take me on that date you promised?" Oh shit I did promise her that! My gear tells me this was Azazel's idea? Ah, I see he has been trying to have me be around her for a while now. Mittelt however is unaware of his scams..... sigh!

     Before I can say anything my buddy Motohama says from the side,"Matsuda you know this hot new girl already?!" I see Motohama with his two freshman girlfriends and I notice that Motohama does not recognize Mittelt.

     Mittelt holds my left arm and says,"Senior Gremory here just asked me to be his girlfriend and I accepted! So sorry I am not on the market for love anymore. You must be Matsuda's friend, and my name is Mittelt!" She puts on her innocent smile and cutesy movements. I think she has fallen for her cute pride and wrathful personality. It is a bizarre personality combo!

     I notice many students in the hall watching this scene of two of the perverted-trio with three illegal looking girls around us and the one on my arm just claimed to be my girlfriend?! Wait what is going on here? Shit I just had a deep kiss with Koneko in public the other day and now this will just make my rep-, no my reputation is nonexistent so I don't care anymore!

     Motohama's girlfriends pull him away in embarrassment and the three of us are alone now, and Azazel tells me,"We installed some of the fallen technology to alter humans memories and we used it on the school as a test to remove memories of Mittelt so your friend would not remember her as the boss of the titty bar. This will help us if something happens in the school and we have to cover things up. Also a nice choice on getting a cute little sister type!" Well that's handy! And what sister type? Oh Mittelt is holding my arm and I feel awkward about this since everyone is looking!

     Before I can extract myself from her hold, both Koneko and Ravel come around the corner and pull the two of us apart! Now Ravel is holding me around my waist in protection while Koneko is glaring at Mittelt!

     Koneko tells her,"Ravel told me you were being a sneaky crow, now leave my brother alone!" Um Koneko, your helper is currently shoving her boobs into my abdomen!

     Mittelt blows me a kiss and says,"See you later my boyfriend! Ha ha!" She actually skips off to class while laughing at Koneko and Ravel... Damn! If this story is on any-other site than Scribble Hub, then it was stolen without permission!

     Koneko, realizing her mistake, turns and pulls Ravel off my belly and says,"Thanks for your help but get off my brother!" Then the two refuse to let go with one trying to pull off the other.....

     This day is weird! I spent the night with four awesome mature beauty's and today I have Loli's fighting over me?! I don't know if my life is good or bad?! No its fucking amazing! Fortunately the bell rang and I escaped the Loli battlefield and did my school day ignoring all the rumors!

     During class I made a booklet for all the residents of the house but mainly for the three devils doing their promotion tests. The Manual consists of the following information......

     The names of the 72 pillars. The rules we need to obey while living in the human world. The houses that survived and the way of how to maintain them. Also the different ways of treating a devil-familiar depending on whether it is a creature or youkai. The political differences between the Old Satan faction and current Satan faction. And the information regarding the legendary creatures, the dragons, and gods from each faction. Underworld economics, and folk-lore from different regions.

     I finished all of this in like two hours and I handed them to Coriana and said,"My dear can you turn this into booklets for all the house residents to study. Even for those not taking the nobility test this will help them in devil life!"

      Coriana skims through it and says,"This is very good content! I will make many copies and I recommend even sending this to the territory of the Gremory! I can't believe you did one copy in Japanese, English, and the Underworld devil alphabet!" I just nod to my smart as hell Coriana.

     After school and our club activities, we all returned home and gathered in the underground training area for study time and the ones not helping the study partners just relaxed. Well my poor Queen Yubelluna, is not looking too happy though!

     I currently have Grace fighting my Queen and training her in physical combat and exercise that she normally avoids. Yubelluna was horrified to know I wanted her to strengthen everything but her magic. So she is looking miserable due to Grace being merciless, but she is avoiding reproductive points unlike when she stabbed me in the dick in the past...sigh!

     I have been healing her so she can train fast both in body and demonic power and I tell her for the umpteenth time,"With the Queen piece you are a Rook, Knight, and Bishop! If you do not strengthen your weakness, you will be dead weight! When I made you my Queen you were told I would train you hard, so suck it up dear...." I feel bad for her, sure, but I know from my past life this is a thing for devils.

     While Asia is studying she throws heels at Yubelluna so she can multiply her training speed. We do this for all members. Having a healer is not just for combat but training if you know what you're doing. I have also put gravity seals on everyone so they can train even during times like studying for a test! Everyone cranks up the gravity to where it is painful and Asia will train her area healing to relieve the pain on the body. I can confidently say everyone is probably stronger than the DxD story counterparts!

     Asia is currently patting a small sprite dragon that is shivering and hiding from me right now! His name in this life is Blue. The reason for this is the fact that its old name which I cannot remember what it was, was named after Issei. Not too long ago while I was in the underworld they went for familiars again and this stupid dragon found Asia!

     Well when we got here, Asia was so excited to show me her dragon. But that little fucker insulted me and told me to stay away from Asia, some bullshit that Asia was his! So to everyone's shock I transformed into my dragon form and pinned that little shit under my claws and told him if he dares try to claim my woman, that I would eat that little fucker! Blue was unaware I was a dragon and my aura traumatized him. It did not take Blue long to realize that Asia was not meant to be his and begged me to let him off!

     Asia was sad when I attacked her perverted familiar, but when I told her what he said about her and me she scolded him and then soothed him. Well as long as he knows the pecking order now I don't care. I just won't tolerate that dragon using electricity on me left and right like Issei did in the show! Hell no I would beat him with a rolled up newspaper first!

     And while the others are studying what am I doing? I am currently comforting my sad Kuroka..... Ya the alarm clock tormented her all fucking day! She would try to take a nap and it constantly harassed her so she is on her last nerves. She was terrified when she threw the clock in her personal territory but it came out on its own and she could not destroy it! When I came home only then did the clock return to my room like it was innocent and did nothing to Kuroka.

     She looks up into my smiling face and says,"It is like an indestructible youkai clock and nothing would stop it, -nya!" She shivered a bit and said,"I am staying in my room so just mate with me there and never let me see that blasted cursed object, -nya!" I don't have the heart to tell her she looks super cute like this!

     Phis is sitting with Le Fay while drinking tea and eating snack sandwiches. Fenrir is being pestered by Precious! Yes my dog has been flirting with the legendary Fenrir and he looks unamused! He knows not to hurt her but I feel bad for him! Well who knows, maybe there will be puppy love?!

     Rias was very happy with the booklets I made as a reference material that is an improvement to what she used before. I then sit with Akeno and Kiba and help them with their promotion tests, while Ravel helps Issei. She is a noble devil and highly qualified to help.

     So a couple of hours went by and we all wrapped things up and had dinner together..............

     That night I took a bath with Issei and Kiba so we could have guys time and I told them what to expect with the practical exam and then I asked about how their relations were going. Kiba seems to be doing well with Kat, and Issei says he goes over to his moms house to have meals with the two girls. Issei's mom is so happy to have a grandchild on the way. Well he told me he learned his lesson and wont neglect his girls anymore...... Well at least till the next big tits come along I am sure.

     So when we three split up I went to the elevator and looked at the floor panel and thought of something..... I then pressed the sixth floor and headed up. When I arrived I quietly made my way to a certain room and knocked.....

     When the door opened I asked,"My feet brought me here, and I really want to spend the night in your arms. If you will have me, my heart will be super happy, but if you are not ready for me... Will I come again some other day?" Seeing the woman's happy smile and gesture to enter while being shy I walked in.

     I look around at all the cute stuffed animals and see the one I got for her in the claw-machine on our date to the mall on her pillow. I then gently pull the blushing Ingvild into my arms and kiss her.

     I then look into her orange eyes and stroke her purple hair, while feeling her well developed body pressing against mine. I say to the Heavenly deity,"I will never not want you my sea goddess. This first night together will only be one of many. Please take my heart and love me forever!" She nods 'yes' and kisses me. In response I pull the string on her nightgown and it slides off her shoulders to the floor.

     She removes my clothing while we are standing there and we keep kissing like newlyweds. The soft smell of a clean sea is filling my senses and I princes carry her to the bed and gently lay her down. I take time to kiss her all over. We have made out abundantly so her shyness is not at a level that she seems to hesitate, on the contrary she is holding me tight like I may run from her.

     While I insert myself into her soft body she shivers in joy and kisses me vigorously. I use my bedroom arts to heal and improve her sensations, this made her more proactive and while I was kissing her neck, she started to gently sing in my ears while rubbing my head and back due to being happy.

     As I listened to her song of love I felt my time had come and I came! At that moment I noticed her eyes are glowing lavender while she is smiling and singing her feelings to me. I instantly recognize what is going on with Ingvild! Her songs are making me feel stronger and more energetic.... However the song was briefly broken due to her massive orgasm. Her body shudders due to me finishing inside her. I think her orgasm is stronger than it should be due to her new Sacred Gear activating!

     My gear is telling me to not tell her or anyone else about this yet, I have a feeling that her Sacred Gear would be sought after if it was known, so I shall pretend I saw nothing! To change the subject I asked her,"What song is that?"

     She smiles like a woman that is in love and tells me,"It is a song I made up right now for you! I will call it [My husband, My hero] because you are now both to me!" She puts on a smile that would even make angels in Heaven feel inauthentic. I now know how Koneko felt when she unlocked my Balance Breaker!

     I start moving and begin round two while whispering in her ear,"Then my love, only sing it to me when we are together! I love you, my sleeping beauty Ingvild Leviathan!" As our long night of love making continued, I noticed her singing in my ear made me feel exceptionally powerful. I think it was fate that I met this amazing woman and fell in love with her. Thanks Father for my amazing family in this life!



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