DxD: Matsuda!

Phenex and Gremory Engagement, is back on!


     After my beautiful night with my Disney princess, the rest of the week was more or less just normal routines. I had told Mittelt that things are too hectic for that date right now but I confirmed it for certain some time after the promotion exams. Mittelt was still very happy about this and said she would wait patiently.

     On a sad note, both Brynhildr and I decided to cancel our engagement due to the fact we do not have anything in common. When the two of us would circle each other she felt like I was talking to the school principal or a Sergeant from the military. She had not once even tried to contact me first and it was only me contacting her.

     When I talked to Odin about this he just sighed at the fact we did not have chemistry. He told me,"That girl can't even seduce a man with a thirty woman strong harem and a vigorous lower-back!"

     Well I told him,"Father don't worry, Rose is now in my peerage and I won't let her go, so I don't need another Valkyrie." I really love his wing-man personality though.

     Odin then said,"Well you will still be coming here before the new year and if any Valkyrie makes your heart move then we will make it happen, hohoho!"

     Sunday will be the day the Promotion Mid-class Exams will be held and my peerage will be coming to the Gremory main estate with me. Rias will bring the others to the hotel next to the exam center on Sunday while Issei, Kiba, and Akeno will transfer on Sunday from the Kuoh home.

     My group consists of Yubelluna, Asia, Xenovia, Irina, Koneko, Ravel, and Xuelan. It is now Friday after school and Grayfia is transporting us.

     When the silver light of teleportation ended I was welcomed to the sight I am accustomed to with one notable difference......

     Venelana, Millicas, Chysis, and the army of maids and butlers bowing are seen as well as an overly beautiful woman who is none other than Lady Phenex, Ravel's mother.

     I say to everyone,"Greetings everyone, I am home! And a pleasant greeting to you Lady Phenex." I bow and since I have met her before my desire to undress her with my eyes has faded.

     Ravel then rushes to her mother and hugs her. Ravel's mother hugs her and asks,"Have you been well dear? I hope Rias is treating you well?"

     Ravel blushes and says,"I am currently under Lord Gremory's peerage due to Gasper going to the Underworld fallen angel facilities for training."

     Venelana came up to me and kissed my cheek and held my left arm asking,"I am glad your back. We have been waiting for your return. Now let us all go to the sitting room and have refreshments." My girls follow us in and we go to the large meeting room so the peerage can sit to the side while the noble devils socialize. We would skip this if Lady Phenex was not here.

     Ravel, unlike the other servants, is sitting in the center area due to her High class status. The maids serve cakes and tea but I drink wine due to needing to relax after my rather long week of training the girls and mating with a horny cat.

     Ravel's mother, seeing her daughter's body language playfully asks,"Now that my daughter has ended up in your peerage, will we be expecting children?"

     cough cough cough, I swallowed my wine into my lungs and became the first devil to drown on dry land!

     With teary eyes and wiping my mouth I respond with,"I would never dare! Sullying the young lady from the Phenex house is the furthest thing in my mind. I assure you your daughter is still the pure young lady she was when she joined our Gremory house! After-all if you wished to betroth her to another family I would be seen poorly right?" Ravel looks super embarrassed that her mother even started this talk.

     Lady Phenex just smiles and says,"I can't do that dear, I have no right to take your servant away from you so we will not be betrothing her to anyone other than her master." CHECK AND MATE! What the fuck did I just hear? I will ignore her, that's the ticket!

     I say,"It seems your family is being pushed hard for the production of your Phoenix tears, I hope you are taking good care of your health." She just nods yes.

     Venelana tells me,"Later dear I prepared that surprise I told you about so I look forward to it." She squeezed my arm on that one, oh it seems it is not sex related?

     Chysis tells me,"As you requested son, I and Lady Phenex have already transferred the disaster relief supply and medical supply for an emergency." Chysis is so good at handling all the big issues here in the Underworld for me. I notice she seems to be happy to help out Rias and me.

     Ravel's mother says to me,"Thank you for including us in your circle of friends young Lord Gremory, even with all the past events the fact you go out of your way to help the Phenex is assuring."

     I point to Xuelan, Yubelluna, and Ravel although Siris would be included if she was here, and tell her,"I have been given amazing servants and family members, plus I have befriended Riser, so of course I consider our family's to be close. Just because one marriage did not work out, it is not enough to disregard our long term friendships." I can see she still has guilt for her husband taking Zeoticus to the Rating Game that day.

     Lady Phenex then smiles and says,"Lord Gremory, if my daughter chooses you then the house of Phenex is in full support of her decision. So take that as you see fit. Thank you for being kind hearted. I believe you will take good care of my beautiful daughter." Fuck I almost blurted 'I wont marry her' but she cleverly did not say married on purpose! She is sly but I only like eating chicken!

     Ravel proudly tells her mother,"Thanks to my King's training I will be just as strong as my older brother in a very short time! He has taught us that hard work and training is the only way to surpass ourselves from yesterday! In fact Yubelluna is about as strong as older brother now!" Ravel looks very proud of the training that she has to go through and with the dream realm training, Ravel in fact has gotten stronger with a wide variety of magic learned from my girls.

     Lady Phenex sees the smile of confidence on my Queen, Rook, and Bishop and truly knows why her son lost the match that day.

     Just when I thought Venelana loved me she stabs me with the metaphorical knife and asks,"Ravel dear, what are your feelings for my son here? Are you interested in him as a man or as a King?" I never wanted to slap a woman more than at this very moment!!!! Why would you say this now! I just sweat-drop at her actions!

     Ravel blushes and looks at her knees,"Both." I just down my glass of wine and look to the maid to top me off and pretend I am not here anymore.

     Venelana, not letting go of a good thing, then asked me,"Oh my dear, then why have you been avoiding this lovely girls' advances all this time?" Sigh these women....

     I just remember her mother saying in the show,"It is because of her nature as The Path of Supremacy, who governs the world through military force and wisdom, which differs from my Path of Righteousness." Her mother looks shocked then she smiles at the reason I have pushed her away.

     With a giggle Lady Phenex says,"Let me guess, you learned this from one of your visions and took it as a bad thing? Well perhaps if my daughter had her own peerage and did not have a good King to oversee her. So I think your vision may have been out of context. as your servant, she can only be used as you let her. When you learned of this Path of Supremacy, whose peerage was she in?" Uh, I seem to remember in the anime that she was not in Issei's peerage! I only knew she was in Issei's peerage later from my friend.

     Everyone in the room is looking at my funny expressions as I realize that all the shit I have given to Ravel is purely my hatred for Tsundere and how her actions in the Rias vs Riser fight from the anime.... I just utter,"She was in your peerage after the rating game and you told this to Issei because she had a crush on him." Why do I feel like Coriana is shaking her head at me right now?

     Lady Phenex says,"That's exactly the reason I took her away from her brother. And if she was not in your peerage, I too would have warned you, but would you let your Bishop rule the world in a bad way under your leadership? I am sorry but you truly may have misunderstood my meaning and the role of Ravel. I precisely gave her to the Gremory house due to your kind hearts." She just pats the head of her confused daughter. I just lean back and drink more wine thinking of her words.

     Chysis saves the day by asking,"Son, would you trade or let Rias trade Ravel, to another devil family?" Chysis is smart! She makes things simple and does not put me in a corner.

     I shake my head and say,"Nope, the only person outside the Gremory, Ravel would ever be traded to is Lady Phenex!" I can't even hesitate because that's how I feel. No matter how Tsundere she is, I would not want her treated badly.

     Lady Phenex says to me,"Your words are enough for me, what do you think Ravel dear?" She smiles at her daughter lovingly.

     Ravel is smart and she reads the room even faster than me,"I will always be at Lord Gremory's side, and am very happy here." Um why does this conversation feel like it's not going right?

     Venelana puts her lips against my ear and seductively whispers,"If you are willing to be betrothed to Ravel Phenex, I will get married to you tonight after we are done here! I will be your legal wife to do as you please?!" I gulped hearing the devil's whispers, and I chubed just a tiny bit there!

     Lady Phenex with precise timing asks me,"You heard it Lord Gremory, Ravel agrees to it, will you please accept my daughter as one of your wives, so our family can be joined in a family bond? Unless you truly dislike the idea....." Oh no what do I do? I want nothing more than to call Venelana my wife in public! And she has my child so its the right thing to do. If I say no then she may never agree to be married to me officially...... Wait, this is not what I should be considering right now! I should be thinking of Ravel!

     I see Ravel all red embarrassed with hope in her eyes. From a noble devils point of view this is good for pure-blood reasons and why Rias and Riser were to be married. This would also repair the visual embarrassment both House's suffered with the Rating Game. As far as Ravel's looks go, she is a girl that strikes my Loli zone and when she is fully matured she will look like her milf mother in the mature and well developed form. She is a noble devil like Grayfia, Sona, Rias, Serafall, and Venelana. The only downside I can even come up with is the fact she is a Tsundere.

     I stand up and say,"Before I make a decision, Ravel please follow me." Ravel comes around the corner with me and I ask her,"Not your house, Not your mother, not your family, and not the fact I am your King right now.... What do you want?" I watch her eyes and face to see if she is telling the truth.

     Ravel with a red face says,"I want to be your wife very much! You are the perfect devil I have always been dreaming of since I was a small child. You are a true hero in my heart. I will devote myself for your sake and make you very happy Lord Gremory, no Matsuda." I am not used to her calling me Matsuda. OK maybe I will tease her and see if she can handle it.

     I put on my punch-able face and tell her,"I will agree then but if you tell them you agree, then I will enter your bed often as your husband to be, ha-ha!" I won't of course but this is my hail-mary to get her to say 'no'! I then walk back into the room and sit next to my wife to be Venelana.

     Lady Phenex with elegance asks,"Lord Gremory, will you accept the House of Phenex daughter Ravel Phenex as a wife?" She sees my smiling face so she feels confident in it now.

     I squeeze Venelana's hand and say,"I Baron Matsuda Gremory, formally accept the betrothal of Lady Ravel Phenex, may our Houses prosper together!" I just smiled anticipating Ravel's negative response.

     Ravel has never looked so red and she stutters,"I-I Baronet Ravel Phenex, formally accept the betrothal of Matsuda Gremory, may our Houses prosper together!" Ah fuck she basically accepted my night-crawling threats!!!!! I think my smile froze and my eye was twitching.

     Lady Phenex smiles and holds her daughter's hands and announces,"Good please allow the House of Phenex to host your marriage and I will now call you son! Please just call me mother from now on. Lord Phenex has already given his blessings. Now that this has been settled I have many things to prepare so please take good care of Ravel!" We then had a few more words and she teleported away in red lights......

     Shortly after that Venelana and I covertly made our way to the civil affairs to make our marriage legal and I was mentally shocked at how I was tricked by my new wife! How did my awesome milf trick me you might ask? Well the clerk had told me that Venelana had all the paperwork filled out a week ago and she had scheduled this time for our marriage!

     This means I did not have to get engaged to Ravel, in the first place and she offered me something she was already going to do!!! Venelana is my hot devil who always tricks me... Sigh! I feel that Zeoticus really suffered under Venelana's rule and I accepted his punishments for the rest of my life. I don't regret it though!

     That night I pushed my new wife's body to its limits and did not heal her till the very end! I enjoyed her begging me to let her off. Well my gear said she was enjoying being punished this time. In the end I told her,"I love you my trickster wife!" And she just did her.. 'Ufufu' cuteness!




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