Dungeon Delving is Damn HARD (danmachi / kinda SI)

Chapter 7.2

The room was huge with a planning table behind which sat Finn and Loki, with Gareth and Riveria behind them. Despite the hopeless situation my eyes still glanced around trying to find escape routes before they settled on a map spread in front of the four of them.


“You’re here, good” said Finn as he got up from his chair, it didn’t make a huge difference in his height


Glancing from the map to his face once again I said “I’m sorry, if I’m interrupting something I can go?” then I saw Loki’s face, she had her crimson eyes open and I could glimpse the intelligence and cunning behind her façade for a moment.


It sent a shiver down my spine but then it was gone leaving me to wonder if I had even seen it after all.


“Nonsense!” said the norse god as she slammed her hands down on the table and smiled “You’re the one who saved dear Remilia’s breasts of course we can make some time for you!”


“Ahem… despite Loki’s outburst we really wanted to apologize personally” said Finn before he slightly bowed his head “Despite the help you provided for a member of our familia Bete Loga still hurt you, I apologize, is there anything we can do for you to make up for it?”


Finn only bowed his head for a second but it was still an apology from a level 6 adventurer, I really doubt I’d receive another in my stay in this world unless I reach level 7 myself.


“Ah, there’s really no need, I did overreact when he hit me at the hostess of fertility so it’s kind of my fault”


“I insist” said Loki as she walked around the table and aproached me, I tried not to flinch when she stared at my face.


She walked around me and almost touched me once or twice causing a drop of sweat to run down my stiff face before nodding to herself as if coming to a decision


“Yep, as I thought you’re not my type” Oh thank the gods “Pity or I’d offer you a spot on my familia, still you deserve a compensation”


Looking at Loki’s top executives I saw both Riveria and Finn covering their faces in shame at their god’s actions but Gareth seemed to agree with her.


“Yep you’re still a little too green to join the Loki familia, too little muscles, too much fat” he nodded while caressing his beard.


Damn I didn’t want to be anywhere near Loki and having them be indebted to me was better than the other way around it was still an unwanted connection, taking a moment to think about it I caught sight of my missing fingers and decided to try my luck.


“Would asking for help with my hand be too much?” I asked hoping they’d think it was enough to even the scores.


All three turned to Riveria while the tall elf thought about it and nodded.


“Any potion capable of regrowing pieces of a body, even just the fingers, is too expensive but, if you’re willing to accept a prosthetic from Dian Cecht… something for just your fingers wouldn’t be above what we’re willing to finance”


“There you have it!” Loki shouted and suddenly grabbed my hand almost causing me to strike out, she looked at my missing fingers and gave an exaggerated sigh “It pains me to say Remilia’s breasts are only worth two fingers but that old bastard’s prosthetics really are expensive”


“Good, we’ll make an order to Dian Cecht tomorrow” Finn said as he made a note on some document “you’ll just have to go to their pharmacy for a fitting then”


“I also imagin Remilia and Kalos will want to thank you themselves some time later but Remilia is out and Reataching his legs has left Kalos extremely tired” Gareth told me “then again they’re elves so what do I know”


Riveria gave him a glare but even I could see there was no anger there.


That settled Finn waved me away and they returned to discussing the map spread over the table, as the doors to the studio were about to fully close I swear I saw Loki open her eyes again and smirk as she starred at me from inside.


Fuck that gave me the creeps.


Line helped me navigate through Loki’s twilight manor and even gave me some tips for where to find an inn, of course I wouldn’t follow then, no need to let anyone know where I’d be staying, but it was nice of her to make small talk.


A few moments later I was finally back into the streets of Orario and feeling like I had just dodged a bullet, I couldn’t decide if Loki had really just been doing a publicity stunt or had some sinister plan but, for the moment I was out of her sights and free, that had to be enough.


I hurried away from the house, walking as fast as I could without appearing to run away and only stopping when I was almost back inside the tower and couldn't even see the building


Finding an inn inside the city turned out to be much easier than I thought, Orario was filled with travelers, merchants and other wandering adventurers and every there was an Inn for every single one of them.


From a flea filled hospital full of comunal rooms for those with nothing to their names to luxurious rooms inside the tower itself and anything in between.


I choose a small house just beside the city's walls, it looked clean and had reasonable rooms, each one big enough for a single bed, a footlocker to keep clothes and other equipments on, a table with two chairs and there was even a small fireplace where I could heat up some tea.


It worked by consuming a magic stone, what they called the monster cores outside of the dungeon, so there was no chance of burning down the building.


The owner, a tall woman who was missing a leg, wanted 800 valis a day but I managed to get her down to 500 for the entire month by paying in advance. It would be a pain in the ass if I had to ditch the place before the month was over but I could afford it.


Especially after getting free healing and a replacement for my fingers from Loki’s familia.


Looking at my hand I briefly considered not going to the Dian Cecht pharmacy for the damn fitting but decided it would be far too suspicious… plus I really couldn’t resist the chance to regain full use of the hand.


Just finding the right place had taken me most of the day so I just spent some time checking the room, making sure the door was locked and spent some time perfecting my illusions. I couldn’t actually practice them without a target but I could start building new ones while trying to remember some from Naruto.



Taking off most of my clothes I made sure I kept a dagger easily accessible bellow my pillow and some pants on, it wouldn’t do to have to fight naked if I was attacked while sleeping, then I laid down on the unexpectedly soft bed and started thinking about my new life.


               How the hell would I register at the guild without a proper god to sign those papers? I could certainly forge them but would that even work? Didn’t the gods of Orario have to participate in some kind of meeting from time to time?


               Plus Gods could tell if someone was lying it would only take a single one asking me about it and I was fucked.


               I could use my last Kotoamatsukami to convince a god he had taken me in but… would that even work? The anime never made it clear just how powerful the Gods were or how limited they became when down here in the mortal world.


               Were they just playing around and the only reason they didn’t start using their divine might was because it would make things boring or were their powers actually sealed and they were little better than mortals?


               Letting my head rest against the pillow I sighed, I just didn’t know enough, I suppose I didn’t really need to register to be an adventurer, the guild may have a monopoly on magic stones but I could live just by selling the monster drops.


               Looking over my own body I pinched my belly and sighed, I wasn’t fat but I had been a little out of shape when I died and the creature hadn’t changed that when it reincarnated me, my new Falna made me far stronger than an average man but it wouldn’t hurt to get back into shape before finally starting to dungeon delve again.


               Plus it would give me time to create more illusions and copy the fighting stiles of adventurers with the sharingan.


               Yes I’d take my time and prepare, there was no hurry after all, the world wasn’t about to end tomorrow and I hadn’t made any enemies that wanted to kill me yet. Closing my eyes I went to sleep.


               Waking up the next morning I made sure to start a new routine, I had never been to an academy before but I figured it wouldn’t hurt to start by emulating Saitama himself.


Even with my Falna I couldn’t immediately do one hundred sit-ups, push-ups and squats but I managed to do half that and a 10 kilometer jog in the first day before going to Dian Cecht for a fitting, it seems Loki was true to her word and they informed me my prosthetics would be ready in a little over a month.


On a whim I asked how much it would cost for a personal health consultation with the god and they informed me the old man wouldn’t move for anything less than 200 thousand valis but I could get half an hour of Airmid’s for only 20 thousand if I was willing to get into a waiting list.


Bernadette, the nurse who was taking my hand’s measurements, warned me that her Captain got very angry when someone wasted her time with nothing to treat but I figured it was worth a shot and got myself a consultation in three weeks.


Who knows how magic granted by the gods would affect the damage done by the use of the sharingan, maybe with enough money I wouldn’t even have to worry about going blind.


In the afternoon I went to the coliseum to watch the adventurers sparing with each other, most of the place was filled with Ganesha Falimia members preparing everything for the monsterphilia but there were still two or three pairs working out on the sand and I eagerly copied their every move.


I still needed to practice the moves if I wanted to make them my own but, one of the advantages of being in Orario is that nobody looked at me oddly if I started waving my sword around as long as I didn’t threaten anyone while doing so.


Without a TV or computer to grab my attention I spent the entire day working hard arriving at the Inn soaked in sweat, took a quick shower and spent a few hours working on the visualization of my illusions.


I still didn’t feel all that safe inside my room, always keeping at least a dagger close by and always felt like there was someone watching me, I even activated the mangekyou every once in a while but never caught anyone following me.


From time to time I meet up with Mord or Scott as I ran in the morning but they were always busy trying to raise money and didn’t have time to talk, they too had asked the Loki familia for help buying a new arm for Scott.


Unfortunately, turns out an entire working arm was FAR more complex and thus expensive than just a few fingers so they still had to make up the difference with their own money.


As the days went by my body improved, I quickly managed to hit and overcome my goal of a hundred repetitions on the exercises and found my ability with the sword increasing at an impressive speed but the odd sense of something observing me never really left making me constantly on edge.


 Barely two weeks later I let a drop of blood run down my back and checked the state of my falna.


Roland Synclair  – level 1

Strength –        H - 107

Endurance –    H - 114

Dexterity –       I - 98

Agility –            I - 92

Magic –            G - 205


- Chosen of an Outer God. 

- Mangekyou Sharingan (Shisui).


               It was far from Bell’s level of growth but I felt it was good enough for someone who hadn’t killed a single monster for two weeks.


               Taking the time to sharpen my sword with a newly bought whetstone I tested the edge against the hairs on my arm and nodded when it shaved them better than any razor I had ever used.


               I knew I should really wait for my prosthetic to be ready or at least for my consult with Airmid but I really needed to let out some steam and, after two weeks of training, my missing fingers barely affected my fighting.


               Sheathing my sword I smiled, ready or not I would be going back into the dungeon today.



If you like my work take a look at my other novels Reincarnated into a H World A NSFW fanfic thats not just smut. Reincarnated as supergirl is a DC/YJ fanfic and Welcome to the system is my only original novel which I am getting back into writing. they are getting updated at least once every two days at the moment

Also, think about giving me a tip if you have some spare valis and like my work, the Patreon button is right there at the end of the chapter.

A shout to Xhaustedhero, AkumaSmaG, Iori Daemona Angel, Carlos Barba, Comics, Icewing and Eric Faust for supporting my work!

Wow, did getting into trending help out a lot.

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