Dungeon Delving is Damn HARD (danmachi / kinda SI)

Chapter 7.1

Chapter 7


               “I think you killed him Bete” Said a highly amused female voice somewhere above me.


               “Yep, wonder what punishment the guild is going to give you?” said a second women, this one seemed to be a little too cheerful for the situation.


               “Damnit, it’s not my problem he was such pathetic weakling!”


               Bastard, it’s not like he started life as a level 6 for fuck’s sake, damn asshole.


               I tried to push myself up and tell him just that but even my lips weren’t working right, I only managed to squirm on the soft bed and mumble a little.


               “Hey! I think he’s alive!” Said the first voice and I felt someone bending over my body to check “Yep, seems pretty alive to me, you guys think his god is gonna want to cause trouble for this?”


               “Che… not likely, he’s probably from some two bit familia anyway” said Bete with disdain and I heard him stomp away from me.


               “Pity, everything’s been so boring nowadays I could use a war game”


               “Loki-sama, even if he did die I don’t think anyone would challenge us to a war game in Orario” said yet a third female voice.


               “Ahhhh Line-chan, so respectful!” Loki herself shouted and jumped out of the bed sending a jolt of pain running through my body.


               Shit, how the hell did I end up in the same room as Loki himself? For fuck’s sake if I knew it would turn out this way I’d have stayed in the dungeon a while longer, at least monsters are open about their intentions.


               Unable to move my body I started to panic, what if I was inside his secret dungeon? What if he found out I wasn’t from this world? What kind of powers did the gods of this world even have?


               When I started to hear chanting coming from beside me I finally managed to open my tired eyes.


Standing there and carefully chanting some kind of spell was a young human with straight black hair and glasses, one of her hands was open and pointing at me while her other tried to fend off a very petite Loki who was trying to push his face against her breasts.


At the door was one of the amazoness sisters and a perfectly average guy about my age fidgeting with a sword at his waist.


In desperation I tried to push myself away from whatever spell they were trying to cast but my limbs didn’t want to move and I couldn’t even feel my legs, then a green light washed over me making me fell warm all over, the last thing I saw was Loki’s pensive gaze as she stared at my face.






I woke up feeling much better, taking stock of the situation I saw that I was still laying on the same bed but my clothes had been changed, there were no metal bars around the windows and door or any chains locking my limbs, even better, my arm seemed to be healed.


Just how long had they kept me sleeping in here?


Pushing myself into a sitting position I touched my face to see they had also healed my eye somehow, pushing a little bit of magic I felt I could even activate the mangekyou from both eyes again thought using Kotoamatsukami from the one that had been wounded was still decades beyond me.


I was utterly confused, with my mind clear once again I could admit I had massively overreacted by attacking Bete, I wouldn’t be surprised if they left me to my own luck or even finished me off, so why heal me?


Well I suppose Loki had to appear benevolent to convince everyone he was a good guy until his sudden and inevitable betrayal.


Opening the door the same human girl walked inside carrying a tray of food, “Ah, you’re awake” laying the tray besides my bed the girl bowed at the waist until she reached a 90º angle “I’m really sorry!”




“I know Bete-sama acts rude but he was really worried about having hurt you”


Riiiiiiight, the asshole brutal werewolf who threw me into a wall was worried about hurting me sure, let’s pretend I believe that.


“Ugh, where am I?”


“Well, at first Finn-sama was just going to pay for a room at the Dian Cecht familia’s pharmacy but, once Ramilia told us you were one of the guys who saved her, Loki decided to bring you into the house” she fidgeted with her dress “She wanted to apologize personally”


My eyes briefly glanced at the windows and I wondered if we were on the ground floor and how much I’d hurt if it turned out we weren’t but sighed and accepted my fate, it seems like I’d be meeting Loki himself despite everything.


Why the hell did the god of a major familia want to meet with a level 1 adventurer anyway, was he just that bored?


“How long was I out of it? I was told it’d take at least a week to heal my arm?” I asked and waved my perfectly healthy arm for her to see.


“Ah don’t worry, you didn’t lose that much time!” she hurried to say and blushed “It’s only been two days but, since it had been Bete-sama who hurt you I have been casting a healing spell at least three times a day on your body, you should be perfectly fine”


Well, at least it seems I had gotten free healing out of the entire thing, it only took getting thrown into a wall by an angry werewolf and being forced to meet one of the worst gods I had ever read about… yay.


“Can’t I just… leave without meeting Loki? I’m sure your god is a busy person there’s no need for him to bother with such lowly adventurer” I knew it was a thin hope but I had to try anyway “I didn’t even do that much after all”


“Well… ah, you see…” she fidgeted once again before bowing once again and finally answering “I’m sorry but Loki-sama insists on meeting you”


“Fuck” I mumbled causing the girl to look up 


“I’m sorry what?”


“I said, when can I meet him anyway?”


“I’m going to tell her you’re awake right away!” turning around the girl almost ran out of the room before stopping by the door “Once again, sorry for Bete’s actions”


She left me alone on the room and I once again considered just getting up and running, there wasn’t anyone guarding the door and, looking from the windows, the courtyard seemed empty.


Ugh, from what I remembered the familia was filled with level 6 and 5’s, I wouldn’t make it two blocks away from the mansion before they caught me anyway, plus there was still the chance that they really just wanted to apologize.


               From what I remember Loki did have a good reputation in Orario, it was possible this was all just an act to make them look even better for the rest of the city.


Looking at the tray of food left besides my bed I picked a croissant from it and gave it a sniff, it was unlikely they’d poison it but you never know.


Ugh, since when had I become this paranoid, next thing I knew I’d only drink from my own flask and start yelling CONSTANT VIGILANCE at random people.


I mean it was a good motto live by but I didn’t want to look too crazy.


Deciding to take a risk I ate the damn croissant and then proceeded to devour the rest of the food, poison be dammed I was starving again and it tasted good, if I was going to die I’d do it on a full stomach.


I had finished everything and was putting all my gear on when the girl came to get me and lead me into Loki’s study itself, just before we entered she laid a hand on my shoulder and whispered.


“Just a warning, Loki-sama has a little problem with her lack of… chest but she’s very much a woman alright?” the girl warned me with a very serious voice “please don’t call her a him to her face”


I nodded, I briefly wondered if Loki was really female here or if it was just a phase for the shapeshifting god of lies, well if she wanted to be treated as a woman I could oblige no matter the truth.


Taking a deep breath, I nodded and the door opened.


A shout to Xhaustedhero, AkumaSmaG and Iori Daemona Angel for supporting my work!

If you like my work take a look at my other novels Reincarnated into a H World A NSFW fanfic thats not just smut. Reincarnated as supergirl is a DC/YJ fanfic and Welcome to the system is my only original novel which I am getting back into writing. they are getting updated at least once every two days at the moment

Also, think about giving me a tip if you have some spare valis and like my work, the Patreon button is right there at the end of the chapter.

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