Druid’s Marvel Travels

Chapter 25

Chapter 25: Subject Of Value

‘so what?”

After reading the assessment report that Coulson handed over, Oakes placed it on the table nonchalantly:

“Gugu has been missing for more than ten years without causing confusion, but now that someone is watching it, you are getting nervous?”

“So, what do you mean?”

Coulson breathed a sigh of relief, at least the other party’s attitude was still willing to communicate.

However, he still secretly wondered whether he had such a big heart for science.

“That’s right, Dr. Lin, the Primordial Beast… Gugu’s threat is actually closely related to your current master.

In our investigation, of course there is no problem with you, but how much control you have over Gugu… this is the key point that we need to meet with you to understand. ”

Oakes raised his eyebrows, S.H.I.E.L.D. completely got the point wrong…

But that’s fine, at least he can clean himself up for a while and save more trump cards.

But if you are only relying on the identity of “the owner of the Origin-devouring Beast” in front of a powerful organization like S.H.I.E.L.D., you may be very passive.

Does the Primordial Beast listen to you? That’s great. If there’s something the agents can’t handle, do you a favor?

not going? Origin-devouring beast, we are just no better, are you just a harmless scientist?

It has a background and a background, do you have it?

Don’t look at how fierce the Primordial Beast is. After all, there is a Majafak in S.H.I.E.L.D. who is an acquaintance.

The Primordial Eater with the muzzle on is really an ordinary cat.

The big deal is to call its original owner back and take it away, but as a little scientist, even if your research results are environmentally friendly, you will offend S.H.I.E.L.D., is environmental protection a piece of shit?

If you are charged with any crime, your research results will be taken away, and people will also take it away.

Don’t think that an organization like S.H.I.E.L.D. can’t do it. You must know that in terms of behavior, they and Hydra are really two sides of the same coin, which is no exaggeration.

“Let’s put it this way, as a biologist, I have such a special… research result.”

A smile appeared on Oakes’ face, which made Coulson feel a little bad.

“Do you all know my accomplishments in plant research?”

Coulson looked back at the green plants on the shelf and nodded cautiously:

“Yes, very great research results, but unfortunately there is no Nobel Prize for biology.”

“Plant improvement is my research direction, but I am a biologist, and I also have some results in animal research.”

Oaks put Gugu on the table between him and Coulson:

“Cuckoo, lie down.”

Gugu licked his mouth and lay down.

“Oh? Are you still a clever animal trainer?”

Coulson was a little disapproving. His own dog can do it too:

“Is it research on animal training?”

“Gugu, who put the bug here last time?”

Coulson’s eyes widened because Gugu raised his paw and pointed at himself!

“Where is that bug placed?”

Gugu jumped off the table, came to the sofa, and scratched the bottom edge with his claws—that’s where Coulson placed the bug last time!

“Is there anything that is not environmentally friendly in this Mr. Agent?”

Gugu jumped onto the sofa and got into Coulson’s lower back, the latter grabbed his back…

“Okay okay, Dr. Lin, I believe Gugu can understand you!”

Sighing, he took off a gun **** from his waist:

“Little thing, you can’t touch this.”

In Coulson’s capacity, having a gun is simply normal.

“But the IQ of the Primordial Devourer is already very high.”

“Well, that’s true, Gugu can even read the news recently, so that’s it.”

Oakes shrugged:

“You show Gugu some information, whatever, I won’t read it.”

He turned away, and Coulson blinked, if that’s the case…

Taking out his mobile phone, Coulson showed Gugu a message.

“Okay,” he said.

Oaks turned around and made a “meow” at him.

“Dear Mr. Philip, your good credit record allows you to use this $5,000 credit line. Please click the following URL to verify your credit card number and ID within 24 hours. Overdue will affect your credit record.”

“Wow, I didn’t know your name was Philip, should you be a senior agent?

Besides, you still need a loan for a mere five thousand dollars? Your treatment is too low! ”

“Uh… I’m not called Philip, I don’t know this person, it’s just a scam text message.”

Coulson subconsciously argued, and the next moment he reacted:

“Can you really understand Gugu?!”

“Other animals can also, but only animals. Although humans are also animals, humans are too complicated.”

“Sorry, Dr. Lin, I need to be careful about this.”

Coulson made a serious phone call:

“That’s right, Mei, find a few animals, anything is fine, no, no, fish.”

Hanging up the phone, Coulson knew that it was time to re-evaluate the young man in front of him:

“Dr. Lin, you should be clear about the importance of your research results.”

“Actually, I think it’s more appropriate for you to call it ‘ability’.”

Oakes shook his head and denied Coulson’s statement:

“This is an experimental accident, an irreproducible scientific miracle.”


Coulson’s expression became more serious, that is to say, the value of this “ability” has changed from the research results that can be obtained to the Dr. Lin in front of him!

What does it mean to be able to communicate complexly with animals?

Tamer? Circus master? Pet rescue master? Top veterinarian?

No, as a senior agent of S.H.I.E.L.D., he knows very well that the greatest value of this ability is intelligence!

Even now that technology has been very developed, there are still large areas of intelligence blind spots that cannot be solved by technology.

Since ancient times, humans have never given up on training animals for various purposes.

But those were just some actions that cost a lot and achieved little, and could not be called a success.

And S.H.I.E.L.D. has seen how powerful real animal spies are.

A former member of SHIELD, a genius physicist who once held the title of “Ant-Man”, Dr. Hank Pym, once invented a helmet that can command ants through brain waves.

Relying on this unique device, even without Pym particles, Dr. Pym can provide extremely strong intelligence support during the mission.

But as the other party broke up with S.H.I.E.L.D. and withdrew from S.H.I.E.L.D., neither the magical Pym particle nor this kind of brain wave helmet was controlled by S.H.I.E.L.D.

This helmet is only capable of commanding ants.

And now this Dr. Oaks Lin can communicate with animals and even carry out complex information transmission!

Think about it, most mission targets will have anti-detection awareness to guard against electronic instruments and human spies.

But how would you react to a stray cat and dog who fights and sleeps at the door all day?

Maybe they will see the other party’s cuteness and give them some relief food!

Coulson closed his eyes slightly and let out a long sigh, when someone knocked on the door of the store.

The seventh-level agent, Melinda May, came with an experiment.

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