Druid’s Marvel Travels

Chapter 24

Chapter 24: Oaks’ Attitude

“The black bald man sent someone.”

Gugu licked his mouth, and after eating his snacks, he was reporting to Oaks.

“Two people, this is what the man left behind.”

The communication between Oaks and Gugu is more of a spiritual level, so the small ball-shaped bug just recorded a series of meows.

“This is the loophole that you don’t check yourself.”

Oaks sighed, such a dishonest thing was actually done by those gang of agents.

But I can guess that, since the SHIELD group came for Gugu, it means that at least one agent noticed the existence of Gugu.

And this agent is not low-level, at least he can see Nick Fury directly, which will arouse the other party’s vigilance.

With the level of vigilance of Majafak, even just saying “That orange cat is called Gugu” is enough to make him want to investigate himself.

And all his information is not a secret in front of a behemoth like S.H.I.E.L.D.

Then it was logical to send two senior agents directly. The director of SHIELD should have thoroughly investigated himself.

However, now Oaks is also ready to face S.H.I.E.L.D.

That day will come eventually, and even if it wasn’t for Gugu’s attention, when the scale and efficacy of the restoration potion became known to the public, they would definitely take action.

So, is it Sharon Carter, or someone else?

“For finding such a regrettable little device in the home of a good citizen who abides by the law and operates with integrity, I reserve the right to pursue accountability through legal means.”

Oaks’ speech was not fast, but everyone could hear his implicit dissatisfaction:

“If you can’t give me a reasonable explanation, I believe that many top lawyers will be interested in this lawsuit. After all, the world will be interested in what I have here.”

He held the small spherical bug in his hand, and a cloud of emerald light shrouded it. After a while, a crackling sound sounded, and the flashing indicator light went out.

A bunch of cat grass seedlings grew out of the gap between the balls, making Gugu lick his mouth.

“Just play.”

Oaks returned the cat grass ball to Gugu, who nibbled happily.

Without letting Oaks wait for a long time, Zhang Gang drove away the next morning, and a white man with a trustworthy smile came straight to the store.

“Dr. Oaks Lin, I have long admired him.”

Coulson twitched the corners of his mouth and walked to the counter – Oakes ignored him at all.

“Phil Coulson, the seventh-level special agent of the Homeland Strategic Defense Attack and Logistics Support Bureau, Dr. Lin, met for the first time. The previous thing was a misunderstanding.”

Coulson regretted it a little. Originally, he wanted to take the opportunity of Oaks to visit again after his return to take back the bug so that he could collect as much information as possible.

But God knows what this thing actually records most of the time is “purring” rolling, cat meowing, cat eating, cat purring, and the noise of hitting various walls and furniture.

Coulson, who realized that the bug was discovered by Gugu, didn’t dare to come to the door to find a chance to recover it.

Yesterday, when Oaks’ voice came back to Coulson, he was rather relieved.

Because Oaks is obviously very rational, and he doesn’t seem to know who put the bug.


Oakes was reading the newspaper behind the counter. A week ago, the New York Times published Tony’s New York Environmental Protection Fund, and Zhang directly subscribed to the newspaper for a month.

This incident has been fermenting for a week, and Oaks, the mysterious “partner”, has been almost picked up by major media.

He made a bet with Tony Stark, and won, and gained the recognition of the other party, so he reached Stark’s top hot spot as a partner. Now Oakes is already a well-known environmentalist in New York and even the United States.

Or the kind with a particularly high gold content, both in terms of technology and economic impact.

Although I didn’t expect Tony to come directly with a wave of divine assists, the current situation undoubtedly makes S.H.I.E.L.D. no longer a low-key scientist, but a hot public figure.

“What do you mean, as a senior staff member of a senior official department, you accidentally dropped a wiretapping device in a shop that treated you well, and then listened to your daily life for a week without thinking of getting it back? go?”

Oaks narrowed his eyes and mocked:

“Although I’m not a law major, I’m a doctor anyway. I don’t think I look like a fool.”

“of course not.”

Coulson’s gentle smile has always blessed him with the success rate of the mission, but he found that in Oaks, it seemed to have little effect:

“Dr. Lin, we are not an ordinary government department. Well, in terms of terms of reference and the level of incidents we handle, we are higher than the FBI, the CIA, and the US military.”

“Well, the name is too long, but I remember it.”

Oakes raised his eyebrows, and the other party directly revealed his identity, which meant “you have a big deal.”

“A lot of people have said this about the name, and we’re already thinking about improving it.”

Coulson stretched out his right hand and handed out a business card:

“Dr. Lin, shall we go in and talk?”

“Don’t think about the coffee thing.”

Oakes stared at Coulson, until the latter’s identity as a seventh-level agent became a little unnatural, UU reading www.uukanshu.com took the business card, got up and hung a rest sign on the door of the store, and walked to the lounge:

“I hope you can give me a satisfactory answer, Mr. Agent.

After all, in this country that is the most vicious in the world for shouting about human rights, a little bit of necessary superficial work still needs to be done. ”

Human rights? The war in Afghanistan is not over yet.

Coulson thought silently, then followed Oaks to the lounge.

And when he saw Gugu jumping directly into Oaks’ arms to beg, he almost couldn’t control his expression.

Well, in front of the Primordial Devourer, human rights still have to be guaranteed. The difference is that this is one’s own human rights.

“Dr. Lin, I apologize to you again for the previous misunderstanding. Now that you have expressed your attitude, I will cut to the chase.”

Coulson considered for a moment before seriously speaking:

“Dr. Lin, I personally and even our Director have great admiration for your professional achievements and sense of social responsibility.

Because of some coincidences, we learned that you adopted this orange cat not long ago—and from some indications, this orange cat is a creature with a major threat. ”

“Not here with me.”

Oakes scratched Gugu’s chin and sneered when he heard the words:

“In my opinion, a drug addict with fans is more of a threat than Gugu. If you have this time, it’s more realistic for you to take down a few Mexican gangsters who sell fans.”

“It seems that you know very well that it is not an ordinary cat.”

Coulson was mentally prepared, he took out a document and handed it to Oaks:

“Although we don’t know how you know the particularity of Gugu, this document contains the truth we have. Please read it carefully.”

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