Desert’s Evening Star: The Rise of Lapis D. Hala
Potential/Guaranteed Harem Members
Guaranteed Lovers for Hala:
Luminous Valentine (I like the idea of her being the head of the MC's maids):
Rose (The MC's personal doctor. She has a black bunny):
Moon dragon goddess, Selene (Might use a different look):
Shion (Got caught up on season 3. Best girl. It was a sin to put her in the potential list):
Konan (She's too hot not to add her):
Potential Lovers Members:
Kuroka: (Sexy cat girl? Yes! Only problem is that I don't want to touch High School DXD. Issei is too much Gross. Rias is a nope too)
Boa Hancock (She'll be getting a different devil fruit, if I add her):
Yoruichi Shihouin (...kitty):
Give me more suggestions.
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