Desert’s Evening Star: The Rise of Lapis D. Hala

Golems And Gargoyles

Before setting off on her journey to the Kingdom of Coleus, Hala knew she needed to ensure the Lazurite Kingdom would remain protected in her absence. While the pride beasts and the desert fae would continue to safeguard the kingdom, Hala wanted to create something more permanent guardians that would stand watch over her kingdom, day and night, without needing rest or food.

"Hey, Thoth," Hala greeted, her voice carrying a playful lilt as she pondered the horizon. "I've been mulling over something… could I use my crystal magic to create magic cores? I'm thinking of making golems and gargoyles, but they'll need a power source, right?"

The voice of Thoth echoed in her mind, ever calm and wise. "Answer. It is entirely possible. Your mastery over crystal magic can be used to create powerful magic cores—crystals that will serve as the heart of your constructs, allowing them to function autonomously. The golems and gargoyles will obey your will as long as their cores are active. They will need your magic to bring them to life, but once created, they can draw from the ambient magical energy of the kingdom for power."

Hala's face lit up with a grin, her excitement palpable. "This is perfect. Let's not waste a moment. Let's get started."


The first step was to create the magic cores—the hearts that would power her new creations. Hala began by gathering raw Lazurite crystals, the very material that lined the streets and buildings of her kingdom. These crystals, infused with cosmic magic, were the perfect base for her magic cores.

With a wave of her hand, Hala summoned her crystal manipulation powers, shaping the Lazurite into spherical orbs. As she worked, the crystals glowed softly, pulsing with magical energy. Once the crystals had been formed, Hala held her hand over them, her mismatched eyes glowing with power as she infused each core with a piece of her own magic.

"These will do the trick," Hala muttered to herself, watching as the magic cores pulsed with energy, their glow intensifying with each passing moment. "Now, let’s make some golems."

With the magic cores now crafted, Hala set to work on shaping the bodies of the golems. Standing in the heart of the desert just beyond the pyramid, she stretched out her hands, summoning the sands around her. The desert responded to her call, swirling and shifting as it rose up in massive columns. Hala used her sand manipulation powers to shape the sand into the forms of five towering female warriors.

Each golem stood over ten feet tall, their forms muscular and imposing, with fierce, angular faces. Their bodies were made of tightly compressed sand, their features sharp and well-defined. But to give them strength beyond the malleability of sand alone, Hala infused their bodies with Lazurite crystal, crafting their armor, weapons, and joints from the magical blue stone.

Once the bodies were complete, Hala carefully placed one of the magic cores into each golem’s chest, embedding it deep within their forms. The golems stirred to life as soon as the cores connected with the sand and crystal.

"Rise," Hala commanded, her voice filled with power.

The five golems obeyed, their eyes glowing faintly with the magical energy of their cores. They stood tall, each wielding a spear made from Lazurite crystal, their expressions fierce and focused.

"You will protect this kingdom," Hala said, her voice echoing through the desert. "Stand guard over the key points of the lands. If any threats arise, you will defend our people without hesitation."

The golems bowed their heads in acknowledgment, then turned and marched toward their assigned posts, their massive forms moving with surprising grace for such large constructs.

With the golems complete, Hala turned her attention to the gargoyles. These creatures would be the sentinels of her kingdom, perched atop the highest points of the pyramid and other key structures, watching over the Lazurite Kingdom from above.

Her vision was for two types of gargoyles: sphinxes and griffons, symbols of both wisdom and power. The sphinxes, majestic and regal, would represent the protection of knowledge and mystery, while the griffons, fierce and noble, would symbolize strength and defense.

Hala began by shaping the bodies of the sphinxes. Using her crystal manipulation and sand magic, she formed their bodies from Lazurite crystal. Their forms were sleek and muscular, with the faces of proud women and the bodies of powerful lions. Their wings, made from a blend of crystal and sand, stretched wide behind them, giving them the appearance of mythical guardians.

Next, she created the griffons. These creatures were a blend of eagles and lions, their powerful bodies forged from the same Lazurite crystal as the sphinxes. Their wings were large and imposing, their beaks sharp and predatory, while their lion-like hindquarters gave them the strength to fight on the ground as well as in the air.

Once the gargoyles' bodies were complete, Hala placed the remaining magic cores into their chests, bringing them to life. The sphinxes and griffons stirred, their wings flexing as they rose to attention.

"You will watch over this kingdom," Hala instructed, her voice firm. "From the city's highest points, you will guard against any who would seek to harm us. If danger approaches, you will act swiftly to protect our people."

The gargoyles, their eyes glowing with magical energy, bowed their heads in acknowledgment. With a mighty leap, the sphinxes took their place atop the pyramid’s highest towers, their wings outstretched as they surveyed the desert below. The griffons, equally majestic, flew to their perches along the outer edges of the kingdom, their keen eyes scanning the horizon for any signs of danger.

With the creation of the sand, crystal golems, and gargoyles, the Lazurite Kingdom was now fully protected by magical constructs and living beings. The golems stood as silent sentinels, their spears ready to strike down any threat, while the gargoyles watched from above, ever vigilant.

Hala stood at the pyramid's base, looking up at her creations with a satisfied smile. "Well, that should keep things secure while I’m gone."

Nyra, standing beside her, let out a low rumble of approval. "The kingdom is well-protected, Empress. Nothing will approach without your sentinels knowing."

Hala grinned, stretching her arms above her head. "Good. Now we can head to the Kingdom of Coleus and start working on that magic tech I’ve been dreaming about."


The next day, the morning sun rose high in the sky as Hala and her companions set out from the Lazurite Kingdom. The golden sands stretched endlessly before them, but Hala rode confidently on Nyra’s back, her body relaxed and her mind buzzing with excitement for the journey ahead.

The group traveled swiftly, their path illuminated by the cosmic energy that pulsed from Hala’s presence. Nyra moved effortlessly across the sands, her massive paws leaving barely a trace behind. The other pride beasts flanked Hala, their glowing eyes constantly scanning the horizon for any potential threats.

Najma sat elegantly on a horse beside Faune and Pan, her violet eyes often drifting toward the desert sky, as if she were searching for something only she could see. Though weathered and wise, the elders moved with a grace and strength that belied their years.

As they journeyed more profoundly into the desert, the landscape began to change. The rolling dunes became more jagged, with rocky outcrops rising like ancient sentinels from the sands. The air grew hotter, and the wind carried with it a sense of anticipation—like the desert itself knew something was coming.

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