Demon School

Chapter 63 - Key battle

“Hey, Lu, how is your holiday? This is the gift I brought you from Montana! I will definitely go to the scene to cheer for you in the next game!” As soon as I reached the teaching building, I met Alfoss. , Without saying a word, he first stuffed a huge package!

“Thank you!”, Lv Qiujian sweated a little, but did not prepare any gifts for him. He quickly said, “Sorry, the holiday has been busy with papers and competitions, I forgot to prepare gifts for you!”

“Haha, don’t worry about this!”, Alfors patted his shoulder. “Wait for me to sign your jersey after the game. There is no better gift!”

“Ok! That’s it!”, Lu Qiujian promised as he went up the stairs, “You can rest assured that the Quakers will not be the opponent of the Tiger!”

“Ah! It was a shame last year. We and Penn University were 11 wins and 3 losses. Unfortunately, because of the win-loss relationship between each other, we were blocked from the championship!” It was extremely frustrating, “We were one win ahead of Penn University before the last game, but unfortunately we lost to Penn in that key game, and you must avenge us this year!”

Lv Qiujian echoed into the classroom and opened the package. It turned out to be Montana’s specialty lingonberry jam; there are delicious nature to share with everyone, and enjoy this unique cuisine with Samuelson and others After that, the new semester began.

Coincidentally, the teacher in the first class was Professor Thurston. He didn’t wait for Lu Qiujian to go up during the break, and he took the initiative to come to Lu Qiujian’s seat. “Your paper is great! I imagine Is basically the same, has it been submitted? “

Is this so-called agreement short? Lu Qiujian secretly vomited, but it did save himself a lot of time. If Prof. Wiles proved that Fermat’s theorem was completely impossible to complete before the end of the holiday, “Yes, after receiving your email, I Contribute immediately! “

“If the review editor of” “has a little bit of common sense in mathematics, your article will definitely appear in the next issue!”, Thurston encouraged. 【】

You said that the standard of mathematics knowledge is not low! Lv Qiujian smiled and echoed a few words. Hearing the professor said Alfus and Samuelson and others immediately squeezed over, “Lv, what paper did you complete?”

“Haha! Which one is a big project!” Professor Thurston is more proud than finishing a thesis himself, “As for the specific topic, please ask Lu!”

“Oh, I still haven’t determined whether I can pass the review! Wait until I receive the confirmation letter and tell you!” Lu Qiujian said shyly.

“Since it is” “, it must be a great breakthrough?” If it is a general professional mathematical paper, then it is enough to submit to the four major journals. Since Lu Qiujian did not choose them but transferred to “”, then This shows that this article must have epoch-making significance! The curiosity of the students present was quickly mobilized.

But everyone knows how difficult it is to publish a paper. If you proudly say the name of the paper and take it but not publish it, how embarrassing it should be! So they tacitly restrained curiosity, but secretly calculated the time when the next issue of “” was released; um, when the time comes, they must first look for it.

“Do you remember the last game last year?” In the locker room, coach Thompson shouted at the old students, “Do you still remember the cry of the audience after that game?”

“Remember! I haven’t forgotten for a whole year!”, Players such as Patrice who experienced the tragedy responded with a louder voice.

“What are we doing now!” Coach Thompson was very satisfied with their response.

“Revenge! Revenge! Revenge!” If the Tigers won the Quakers in the last game last year, they could break through the Ivy League to enter the championship, but unfortunately they lost as much as 16 points The arched hand was given to the opponent; this depressed full savings for a year, and now finally wait for the time of revenge!

“What are you waiting for?” He kicked the locker door open and the players screamed and rushed out like a hungry wolf.

At the time of each player’s appearance, the dj at Princeton’s home stadium at Vladivostus used their exaggerated tone to report their name, height and position. When the last Lu Qiujian played, the atmosphere on the scene reached the most climax.

“-, -One, at-guard, lv-!”, The audience stood up together with warm applause and cheers about to lift the roof. From the game with Duke, Lu Qiu built a The victory in the field quickly made him the most popular person in this stadium!

“I hope the opponent in this game will cause him a little trouble,” Kevin Spurs scout Kevin Pritchard looked at Lv Qiujian in a mixed mood. He hoped that he would find a good seedling and he was worried Qiu Jian’s exposed strength was too strong and was snatched away. According to the Spurs’ record this year, they have little chance of winning a good sign.

As for picking up leaks, don’t make a fuss, count how many other teams’ scouts are in this arena? I couldn’t count the one hand that greeted him.

“Don’t think you won a few junk teams this year! As long as we are here! You can only compete with other teams for the second place ~ ~ Quakers just started the game The team’s guard, Andy Tour, tried to use **** to interfere with Lu Qiujian’s dribble.

I haven’t even started yet, but you came first! Lu Qiujian rolled his eyes, “What do you think of the application of Capra’s equation in quantum chemistry?”

Ok? Upon hearing this, Andy Tour replied like a conditioned reflex, “Professional software developed by Professor Capras can simulate chemical reactions with the help of quantum physics. This method is relative to traditional chemical experiments … … “

Just when he was in a trance, Lv Qiujian had successfully broken through the shots and came back to give him a thumbs up, “Good answer! If I were your tutor, I would give you an a!”

Lying trough, was fooled! Andy Tour remembers that he is now in the indoor basketball court in Princeton, not the chemical laboratory of the University of Pennsylvania!

Although he made up his mind to never listen to Lv Qiujian’s rubbish, he seemed to be able to touch the most confusing part of his class in every sentence. It was like the singing of the Siren Siren.

Five minutes later, the unbearable Penn coach replaced Andy!

Thanks to Pegasus Chunqiu ~. Meow a lonely night, lonely night, Kechen, evil taste Vatican ,, dragonfly wings, Ke Aihuan, shepherd 818, sjdsunyan, sun and moon Xi Tongguang, soldiers of the world, ever cold eyes and book friends 140921160248419 reward . I finally got off the list of new books. Thank you for your support. I had an addiction.

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