Demon School

Chapter 62 - Post 《Science》 (Add)

“Ah! It’s finally done!”, Lu Qiujian stretched his waist and eased the discomfort caused by sitting for a long time in front of the computer. Now his body will not feel backache because of the three hours of sitting The back hurts. The movement just now is just a psychological habit. ≧

Scroll the mouse to re-view the paper. After confirming that it is correct, add it to the email and send it to Professor Thurston and Professor Nan. He finally divided the paper into two articles, a 22-page and a 39-page. Mathematics papers are getting longer and more complicated today. It’s like writing an article at the starting point. A novel with an average of over 20,000 words is as incredible as 200,000 words.

The school reopened the day after tomorrow. If they did not raise any objections after reading it today, they can submit their contributions in the name of Peking University! Just in time to catch up with the last time.

Lv Qiu established and dialed the phone calls of these two professors, and there was a hustle and bustle immediately over there. It seemed that they could not wait to see this paper for the first time.

Therefore, Lu Qiujian didn’t say much. After simply telling the e-mail that the message had been sent, he hung up, changed his clothes, and went to the basketball court with Patrice!

“Jason has completed the securities lending work, he has to achieve forty times the leverage, better than expected results!”, Patrice’s recent life can be described as very happy, in the Columbia Lions and Cornell red In the team’s game, because the opponent’s strength was too weak, Lv Qiujian did not come up with a real level, he became the main point of attack on the field, showing his way!

The game is proud, the team is now four wins and zero losses and the Pennsylvania Quakers are tied for the first in the Ivy League, and the stock market is about to usher in a large amount of money, which makes him the whole person to become excited.

“I have sent the calculation results and detailed procedures he needs to his mailbox! I have finished my work, you remember to keep an eye on him and let him hurry up to contact the tutor and the media!”, The authority of the professor at Harvard Business School But there is no doubt that if Jason can use his paper to impress a professor, then the work will be smoother.

“He is already doing it!”, Patrice’s expression of relief from my work, “I also used some personal relations to contact several media. Although it is not as influential as The Economist, but the starting point The role of cheering is no problem! “

The two of them talked all the way, and soon arrived in the basketball hall. Because the next game will be against the strongest team of the Ivy League, coach Thompson arranged targeted tactical training.

When they finished training, it was already 8pm. After eating, they returned to the dormitory. Lu Qiu set up the computer and turned on the computer. Dingdong Dingdong’s email prompt sounded immediately.

When I opened it, Professor Nan’s and Professor Thurston’s emails arrived at the same time. First, I opened Professor Nan’s email, and I saw a lot of words written on it. The general meaning is that although I don’t understand some of them, I feel very powerful. , If Professor Thurston has no problem, just post it! I’m still waiting for this to hit Professor Dyson’s face!

As far as Professor Thurston is concerned, it is even simpler. There are only three punctuation marks-“!!!”, it seems that only in this way can he express his appreciation for Lu Qiujian’s paper.

Ok! Since there is no problem, submit a paper! Lu Qiujian opened the mailbox, entered the “” magazine’s submission email, and sent his article to the past, which was naturally the name of Beijing Normal University; in order to avoid “” because the paper was too long and refused to publish, Lu Qiujian also attached A reduced version has been added.

Two days later, the editor of “Browwald” magazine returned to the office after a pleasant trip to Hawaii, humming the traditional Hawaiian song and opening the mailbox.

“This is a paper on biology, which should be reviewed by Harry; this is a paper on high-energy particles, which should be reviewed in Manhattan; this is … advertising mail, delete it directly! …” In the first round of work assignments, two hours later he finally saw Lu Qiujian’s paper, “Wow,” Proof of Using Streams to Poincaré Conjecture “! This is a remarkable achievement-if this paper If confirmed! “

After working in “” for so long, Blauwald has seen countless sensational papers with titles, and solving the Poincaré conjecture is not too exaggerated. He can see articles on unified field theory almost every week, so he has not She was forwarded to the editor who was in charge of the preliminary review of the mathematics thesis for a long time.

The review process of “” is to be screened out by editors, and then continue to be screened by the editorial board (2 ~ 3). After the screening by the editorial board, it will be reviewed by relevant professional reviewers (usually 2). After giving out the opinion, the person returns it to the editor.

The editor in charge of the preliminary review of mathematics papers, Spector and colleagues, after reading these two papers, sent them to the reviewers of the mathematics papers in “”, this time he chose Professor Yale University Ferrig and Professor Forsman of Harvard; of course, it was already a few days after Lv Qiujian submitted the paper when it was sent.

“Pour me a cup of coffee!” In the office of Yale University’s Mathematics Department, Professor Ferrig handed an empty cup to his favorite student, and then slowly waited for the download of the file sent by “” to be completed. These two The title of the paper aroused his curiosity. He decided to postpone the arrangement for the afternoon and finish the research on the two papers first.

“Someone solved Poincaré’s conjecture?”, When he returned to the coffee and saw Mr. Professor opening the file, the title immediately caught his attention, which happened to be the direction of his research with Professor Ferrig ~ www.mtlnovel .com ~ It ’s just that I have n’t found a breakthrough yet. I ca n’t help but feel nervous about seeing people have already achieved results.

“That’s what it was! I never thought of it!” Ferrig uttered an annoyed cry while browsing the article. The so-called scientific competition is so cruel. Lu Qiujian’s article made his research in the past five years Meaningless.

“Which professor’s achievement is this? Hamilton? Thurston? Or someone else?”, Asked reluctantly.

“I’m inquiring!”, The reviewer generally adopts double-blind system, the contributor does not know who the reviewer is, and the reviewer does not know which manuscript he is reviewing, of course, for those in the circle who can inquire. I can always inquire.

After a few hours, Ferrig looked strangely, “It looks very different from what we expected. It is neither Hamilton nor Thurston, it is a manuscript of the Beijing Normal University!”

“Hua Guo Jingshi University?”, Was also surprised. He had never heard of the genius mathematician who has the strength to solve this problem in recent years. Is there a loophole in this paper that he did not find? But if there is no loophole …

“Are you sure this paper will be published in” “?”, Asked strangely.

This is the Gagan of the four thousand collection, and owes the Gagan of eight thousand recommended.

In fact, it is not appropriate for the protagonist’s paper to be sent to a scientific journal, because science has never published such an article; but the protagonist chose this for his own consideration, so it caused trouble later.

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