Demon King Priest

Chapter 37: The Great White Shark's Counterattack (1)

"Bang!" With a loud noise, the entire hull of Titan Poseidon shook. Many nobles and merchants who were having a cocktail party in the banquet hall suddenly fell down.

"What, what's wrong, did the ship hit the reef?" The person who said this probably had a lot of sailing experience. For a giant steel ship like Titan Poseidon, only a large reef could cause it to shake so much.

"No, there is a pirate attack." The person who said this was probably a guy who was addicted to heroic novels. What pirate would dare to attack this steel giant ship, besides, this place was already a thousand away from the continent. There would be no other ships besides this Titan Poseidon.

"Anyway, let's go and have a look on the deck first!" This proposal was agreed by everyone, and a group of people began to rush to the deck.

"Aya, what's going on." Ulysses, who was chatting with Aya in the room, also fell from the sofa to the ground because of the shake. He couldn't figure it out and could only ask Aya.

"I don't know, this is beyond my detection range. Master, I suggest you go to the deck and have a look." After speaking, Aya immediately turned into a bracelet.

"Okay! I'm going to have a look." Ulysses was very concerned about the shake, and immediately stood up and planned to take a look on the deck. But when he opened the door of the room, he unexpectedly found that Cherie was already standing outside.

"Big Brother, Cherie, Cherie is so scared! What is happening, why is this ship shaking so badly?" Cherie grabbed Ulysses' hand tightly, tears already appeared in her big blue eyes .

"Bang!" Titan Poseidon's hull shook again, and Ulysses, who had already prepared in his heart, did not fall this time. He leaned tightly against the wall of the corridor, and embraced Cherie who was about to fall with one hand.

"Waah!" Cherie was terrified and couldn't help crying.

"Don't worry, everything will be okay. I'll take you to the deck to see what happened." Ulysses comforted Cherie while hugging her.

"Waah! Yes, Big Brother." Ulysses's embrace seemed to have some special magic energy to Cherie. After being held up by him, Cherie's cries immediately stopped, and the panic on her face disappeared a lot.

Seeing Cherie stop crying, Ulysses eased a lot. The most important thing now was to figure out what happened to Titan Poseidon. He hugged Cherie with his left hand and ran quickly to the deck.

"Big Brother, no matter what happens, you will definitely protect me, right?" Cherie, who was held in the arms by Ulysses, looked at Ulysses and said softly.

"Of course, no matter what happens, I will do my best to protect you." Ulysses answered her without hesitation.

"Thank you, Big Brother." Cherie thanked Ulysses in a low voice.

"It's okay. Ah!!! This, what's going on! This, how could this hell happen!!" When Ulysses answered Cherie's words, they had already reached the deck. What appeared in front of them was an unbelievable sight.

Great white shark! Great white shark! Great white shark! There were great white sharks everywhere around Titan Poseidon. Each great white shark was five or six meters long, and there were also super large white sharks that were more than ten meters long.

"How could this be possible! The great white sharks are not gregarious fishes at all, and it is impossible for so many of them to gather together." Looking at these thousands of great white sharks, Ulysses was shocked.

"Bang!" Titan Poseidon shook again. It turned out that several super-large white sharks more than ten meters long collided with Titan Poseidon's hull. What was puzzling was that these super large white sharks seemed to be commanded by someone, and their attacks on Titan Poseidon were all launched at the same time. Not only that, they also formed several rows and took turns to attack Titan Poseidon.

"Big Brother! Cherie, Cherie is so scared! Will our ship be knocked over by them? They must have come to avenge the great white sharks we killed. Ooo! Ooo! Cherie will never eat shark fins anymore." Cherie, who was held in the arms by Ulysses, was frightened by the horrible scene in front of her, and hugged Ulysses' neck tightly.

"No, their strength should not be able to destroy this steel giant ship, and the guards on the ship will not let them keep attacking the ship. You see, the mage and warriors on the ship are dispatched." Ulysses stroked Cherie's head and started to comfort her.

As Ulysses said, the guards on the ship would naturally not allow these great white sharks to attack Titan Poseidon. Under the cover of the warriors, the mage had already begun to chant.

"The dragon roaring above the nine heavens! Please come down on this earth and tear everything apart! Wind Dragon."

"The lightning of the sky! Let out your roar and wrath! Destroy all the creatures in this world! Lightning Storm."

"Monarch in the dark! Lord of death! Turn all the ignorant creatures in front of me to nothingness! Death Sigh!"

"Your might transcends everything! Your eyes will never change! The goddess who rules the far north! Lend me the power! Shiva's Tears!"

"No one can stop you! No one can obstruct you! The violent thunder spirit! Unleash your rage! Super, Lightning Strike!"

Many high-level magic were cast at the rampant great white sharks, and the light emitted by these high-level magic even turned night into day. Because the great white shark was in the sea, the earth and fire magic had little effect on them, and the attack power of the water magic was not strong enough, therefore, the magic used by mages was mostly high-level magic of wind, lightning, and ice. Because lightning magic had bonus damage to creatures in the water, most mages chose lightning magic. But what surprised Ulysses most was that among these mages, there was actually a mage who was proficient in dark high-level magic.

Under these overwhelming high-level magic's blow! Thousands of great white sharks were wiped out in an instant. About one tenth of the killed great white sharks were torn to pieces by wind magic, one tenth was frozen into ice by ice magic, and six tenths were electrocuted by lightning magic. The remaining two tenths were corroded by dark magic and turned into a mass of blood.

Judging from the results, the lightning magic was the most effective, but the power of dark magic was not weak either. After all, there were more than a dozen mages who used lightning magic, and only one mage used dark magic. From this point of view, the claim that dark magic was the most lethal of all magic was not groundless.

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