Demon King Priest

Chapter 36: Leisure Time (3)

Today was the fifth day of Titan Poseidon's departure. According to the scheduled itinerary, it would return tomorrow. Titan Poseidon's voyage was only to test the performance of the ship, so there was no fixed destination. Since the various supplies on the ship were enough for all passengers to live a luxurious life for a month, it didn't go any place for re-supply. Passengers didn't even know where the Titan Poseidon was now. They only knew that it was about a thousand kilometers away from the continent, which already belonged to the area that had not been reached by any human ships in the past.

However, since no one was worried about the safety of Titan Poseidon, the people on board did not care about it. Because it was meaningless to watch the sea all the time, the nobles and merchants held various activities. For example, billiards games, dancing games, etc.

The bored Ulysses also participated in an event, but he didn't know anything about bridge, billiards, or dancing, so he participated in the fishing competition that he was good at.

"Ah! The Big Brother, you are amazing! You caught another one." Watching Ulysses expertly pull a half-meter-long fish from the water, Cherie exclaimed excitedly. This was already the fourth fish Ulysses caught in half an hour.

"It's nothing. Didn't you see the gentleman over there catch five fish in half an hour?" Ulysses smiled.

"But the fish he caught is not as big as Big Brother's! That's why Big Brother is the best." Cherie said seriously.

"Hehe. Maybe." Even though he said that, Ulysses was still a little proud. After all, being praised would always make people happy.

But why were there so many fish here? Seeing the big fish kept being caught by him, Ulysses also felt a little weird. It wasn't that he had never fished on a boat, but it was the first time that he could catch so many at once, perhaps because he was in the middle of the sea.

"Boom!" Suddenly, a huge water spout of seven or eight meters high spouted out on the sea behind Titan Poseidon.

"Is it starting? Cherie, let's go and see!" Seeing the water spout, Ulysses put down the fishing rod in his hand, and planned to take her to watch the most popular game on the ship - Killing the Great White Shark.

Speaking of this game, we must mention the great white shark that Ulysses and Cherie saw a few days ago. At that time, many people saw the great white shark on the deck. Some nobles and merchants planned to hunt this great white shark. But because Titan Poseidon didn't have the kind of fishing nets specially used to catch large fish, and there was no fishing rod that could bear the weight of great white sharks, they had to give up this idea.

But human wisdom was infinite, and some people soon thought of an idea of hunting great white sharks without fishing gear. That was to let those level six mages use magic to kill the great white shark, and then use ropes to cut the great white shark's sharp fins. Anyway, the best thing about great white sharks was that sharp wing. Although it was not impossible to eat other parts of sharks, these nobles and merchants who were accustomed to eating the delicacies all over the continents were not interested in eating other parts.

Those level six mages who were extremely distinguished did not bother to waste magic on such ordinary fish originally. But as the voyage continued, the mages who had nothing to do finally agreed to the proposals of the nobles and merchants. Thus, the most popular game on Titan Poseidon- Killing the Great White Shark game was established.

Since there were eleven mages in level six, there were only one or two great white sharks following the ship. In order to avoid the embarrassing situation of several mages blasting the great white shark to pieces, the nobles and merchants made three rules for this competition.

First: Only one mage can make one shot at a time.

Second: mages cannot use high level magic to kill great white sharks.

Third: the less time it takes, the higher the score it is.

In the past few days, ten mages had participated in the game. Among them, the best performance was an ice mage. It took him only three minutes to freeze a great white shark into a large piece of ice; the worst performance was a fire mage. When he attacked the great white shark with a fireball, he forgot to control his strength and turned the Great White Shark into a piece of coke.

Because this game was very interesting, almost all passengers liked it. Those nobles and merchants even began to bet on the performance of the mages. Of course, Ulysses was not interested in gambling. The reason why he liked watching this game was that he could see the magnificent magic of those level six mages. Cherie liked to watch this game for the same reason as Ulysses. After all, the magic of level six mages was not something they could see easily.

The last participant today seemed to be the last of the eleven level six mages. Since this mage almost never came to the deck, Ulysses had never seen him either.

"Hurry up! Big Brother, it's already started." Cherie took Ulysses's hand and ran all the way towards the back of the ship.

'Uh! It's her.' When Ulysses and Cherie squeezed to the back of the ship, he found something that surprised him. The person who was constantly bombarding the sea with small tornadoes was no one else other than the beautiful Mage Rasputin, who had just had "close" contact with Ulysses a few days ago.

Although she was still wearing the black cloak and the black veil, Ulysses, who had taken all her clothes off by himself, recognized her at a glance.

At this time, Rasputin's attack on the great white shark suddenly accelerated. After dozens of small tornadoes stunned the great white shark, her combo magic attack was cast out.

"In the name of Rasputin, Air Burst!"

"In the name of Rasputin, Wind Blade Dance!"

The poor great white shark was first blasted into the air by a jet of water more than ten meters high, and then turned into fresh sashimi by the countless wind blades of Wind Blade Dance. And the most important shark fin was thrown by the wind blade directly onto the ship's deck under Rasputin's superb magical control.

"Wow! That's amazing! This mage only took two minutes and thirty seconds to complete the task, and he also got the sharp wings of the great white shark directly on the ship. It seems that the champion of this game of killing the great white sharks belongs to him." A fat merchant praised Rasputin's performance non-stop.

"Yes, this mage has reached a superb level of control of magic, and I heard that he is no more than twenty-five years old. He is a young man who is likely to reach the seventh level! If I have a daughter, I will definitely consider letting him be my son-in-law." A nobleman next to him also felt that Rasputin's performance was perfect.

"What! He is not over twenty-five years old, is this news true!"

"Of course it is true. I personally heard it from mages in the mage guild..." For a while, all the people on the ship began to talk about Rasputin...

"Huh! My Big Brother is much better than him." After returning to the cabin, Cherie grumbled.

"No, she is indeed much better than me in magic. But some people say they want her to be their son-in-law, this is very funny! Hahaha!" Ulysses didn't think that his own magic level would be higher than Rasputin, but he couldn't help laughing when he thought that no one could see that Rasputin was a girl.

"Huh???" Looking at Ulysses who couldn't stop laughing, Cherie was confused.

One day passed, and night slowly fell. Because Titan Poseidon would turn around and sail back tomorrow, in the banquet hall on the ship, many nobles and merchants were holding a grand reception to celebrate the success of the voyage.

What no one knew was that a huge black shadow was slowly approaching the largest steel giant ship in human history.

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