Daily Life of A Caretaker

Arc 3: Unknown Discovery – Chapter 31

Disclaimer: I own nothing, this is purely a fanfic for enjoyment.

Cross-over from various games, books, anime, manga, and movies.

The familiar characters you see here belong to their respected authors and owners.


Arc 3: Unknown Discovery - Chapter 31

So, it seems that not all students have contractors when they arrive, and they have the option to obtain contractors later on if they desire. Otherwise, attending the school alone is also a viable option. The high school offers specific benefits to students who choose to remain without contractors. One significant advantage is that these students receive double the resources compared to their peers who have contractors. This policy encourages self-reliance and provides a substantial incentive for those who prefer to work independently.

It felt like hours, but since Ghost had yet to inform us that it was time for class, I had no idea how long 'morning' was going to be in high school. Nonetheless, I find myself relaxing with the girls, enjoying their company and the peaceful moment in the courtyard. However, I can't help but notice Taejin's intense gazes, filled with the desire to fight me, as she instructs Weiss in the Renewal Taekwondo. 

"I'm bored. I forgot how high school tends to be boring when not in class and not hanging out with people." Bayonetta said to everyone as she sat down next to me on my right after finishing her yoga session, which she used to tease the people around us. She stretched lazily, drawing the attention of everyone nearby. "I think I might have to tag out like Alma did because I could be doing other things that are more fun." She looked at me intently, waiting for a response. "Really? Even after all the hints and even outright telling you I wanted to have sex with you, Jin. And still nothing? Do I have to strip naked and throw myself at you to get you to fuck me?" Her voice was a mix of frustration and playful challenge, her eyes never leaving mine.

"Must you keep on asking Jin here to go to have sex with you while I'm trying to concentrate?" Namine said to Bayonetta as she continued sketching in her sketchbook. "It's quite hard for me to plan a way to fix Jin's unstable mind when you're distracting me with all these sex requests." She glanced up briefly, her expression still blank. "Also, we've barely been here for a day, and wanting to leave would surely make the Hell pantheon punish you for not putting in the effort to complete your job."

"Wouldn't be the first nor the last time the Hell pantheon punished me." Bayonetta rolled her eyes. "Besides, my job is literally just hanging around Jin and his little group until the next person switches over. Honestly, I think I would rather deal with the Hell pantheon's punishment than endure this boredom any longer. Later, people~!" With a flick of her hand, she conjured a swirling purple magic circle beneath her feet, and in an instant, she vanished from sight.

"I feel like she just left because you didn't want to go to fuck her, Jin," Ruby said to me, settling comfortably on my lap. She looked at me with a playful smirk, her tone teasing yet curious. "Either way, I'm surprised she gave up so easily and left. I mean, even Alma lasted longer than a day."

"Well, Bayonetta isn't well-known for her patience. If anything, she prefers constant motion over staying still for too long. There have been incidents where she encountered alternate versions of herself, each encounter leaving a lasting impact on her life and fueling her eagerness to face new challenges." Namine explained, her voice calm as she resumed sketching in her sketchbook. "If I recall correctly, she's actively trying to provoke the Hell pantheon into assigning her difficult missions, hoping that it will bring some thrill and excitement back into her life."

"I bet she was hoping something would happen the moment you fuck her, Jin, would cause the Hell pantheon's attention to focus on her more." Ruby grins, readjusting herself comfortably on my lap. "By the way, now that Bayonetta's gone, does that mean you have to leave too, Namine?" Ruby fixed her curious gaze on Namine.

"No, I'll stick around and complete the task given to me by the Heaven pantheon." Namine replied firmly, and she adjusted her sketchbook on her lap. "I do not wish to leave my work unfinished after starting. It would bother me immensely, to the point where I would be driven to find a way to travel back in time and prevent myself from leaving before completing the job."

"Is that an expression or have you actually gone to such lengths in the past?" I ask Namine, feeling somewhat surprised upon hearing this. 

"I have done this before. In most cases, I see memories where many future versions of myself cry and plead for me not to leave and to complete the task at hand. It's a haunting reminder of the paths I've chosen, where numerous counterparts of myself either envy me for taking this path or pity me for not experiencing life beyond the duties assigned to me." Namine said in a monotone voice, her gaze distant as she recalled these memories.

"Huh." I am speechless. 

"Are... Are you okay?" Ruby asked Namine, her brows furrowed with concern as she leaned closer. 

"Of course. Why wouldn't I be?" Namine tilted her head slightly, her gaze thoughtful as she looked back at Ruby. 

I shared a concerned look with Ruby, and both of us silently acknowledged that what Namine was going through seemed unhealthy. It makes me wonder if perhaps Namine was actually part of the Eldritch pantheon before becoming a member of the Heaven pantheon.


Suddenly, I cut myself off before I could say another word and quickly turned my attention towards Weiss and Taejin. They're no longer alone; a group of random people has surrounded them. The group of random students and contractors appear uneasy, with expressions of fear and wariness. If it hadn't been for that, I would have misunderstood that this turned into one of those cliché scenes where the bad guys show up to confront the good guys for petty reasons. 

"Ex-Excuse us, but would it be possible for you to train us as well? If that isn't too much of a problem, that is?!" The group's spokesperson shouted nervously, their voice trembling near the end. They looked like they were about to run away in fear, glancing back at their companions for comfort.

"What would I get from training you guys?" Taejin raised an eyebrow, her expression of curiosity. "I'm not saying no just yet, but if you don't have anything worth paying me to train you, then you lots are better off waiting for the class to start or finding someone else for training."

"We could offer our badges in exchange for the training?" The group's spokesperson suggested hesitantly, taking out a badge and revealing it to everyone. It was the Minor Lucky Warrior Badge, gleaming slightly in the light. Then, the others began showing their badges as well. Interestingly, all of them had 'Minor Lucky' attached to their badges, with just the last word being different. Some were Minor Lucky Mage Badges, while others were Minor Lucky Rogue Badges.

Crazy voices; I got the feeling these guys were either from the same world and had formed the classic adventuring party, or there were a whole lot more of these 'Minor Lucky' badges among everyone. The sight of so many similar badges made me wonder just how common they were and wonder if they are better than other badges similar to the ones my group have. Like the Sniper Badge. 

"Hm. Are you sure you want me to train you guys? I mean, wouldn't it be better to ask these two for training?" Taejin raised an eyebrow skeptically, pointing at Ruby and Weiss. "These two even managed to defeat me with everyone else's help."

"I don't think we'll survive if we have those two train us..." Someone else in the group murmured softly, yet everyone heard their words clearly as if they had shouted.

Weiss raised an eyebrow quizzically as she confidently advanced a few steps toward the group of random people. Their collective response was immediate—they instinctively took a few steps back, their unease obvious in their wary expressions. This reaction cued Weiss to narrow her eyes slightly.

"Alright, spill it. Why would you die if trained by either Ruby or me?" Weiss demanded, her voice sharp with a hint of disbelief. She pointed her right index finger at the group, and as she did, the fingertip glowed slightly before a massive fireball appeared in her hand, casting a threatening hot light around them. "Lie, and this fireball won't just burn you people. I'll make sure to shove it down your throat and make you live through the experience of a fireball going down your throat and into your stomach. Don't think I can't make this happen."

"Jin, I feel like Weiss is becoming more ruthless each time she encounters someone she doesn't like and is willing to fight them if she has the strength to back up her threats." Ruby whispered to me, still sitting on my lap as we continued to watch. "Not that it's a bad thing, far from it, given the life we lead. But where does she get these ideas from?"

"Most likely, she skipped over many of the guidebooks I gave you two to study." I replied to Ruby's question, leaning closer to whisper. "Weiss must have stumbled upon the one about being ruthless and mastering ways to drive her point home, especially dealing with stubborn folks."

Honestly, knowing that Weiss doesn't like to study doesn't change the fact that she will and has studied things she's interested in. Plus, given her history before becoming who she is today, I can understand why she would feel the need to become more ruthless.

"It's because we found out from someone that those with the Protagonist Badge are bound to have a high-risk factor of death for others that dare to be around them too long!" The group's spokesperson shouted in fear, their voice trembling with desperation. "Please! We don't want to die!"

Yeah, that sounds about right...

"Oh, give me a break. Everyone here has risked their life more than once. Why would you expect this to change anything? You guys may as well just leave if you fear for your life just by being around these two." Taejin retorted. She gestured emphatically towards Namine and me. "I mean, look at their contractors. They haven't died."

"I'm not their contractor. However, Jin here is." Namine responded calmly, focusing on sketching in her book as she spoke.

"My point still stands." Taejin continued, her tone firm and unwavering despite Namine's response. She glanced pointedly at the badges the group held. "Those badges of yours aren't enough, and I don't feel like training those who don't have the will to fight."

"We do have the will to fight. However, that doesn't mean we are willing to throw our lives away like nothing!" Someone else, a woman with long, flowing white hair, pointed ears, and piercing red eyes among the group, shouted angrily.

However, that seems to be the wrong response. Both Weiss and Taejin look ready to throw hands, their expressions tightening with readiness to confront the group, particularly focusing on the woman who just shouted.

Suddenly, a purple magic circle reappeared beneath the spot on the bench where Bayonetta was sitting and had disappeared not too long ago, and now she returned with a frown. It was clear she had hoped for punishment from the Hell pantheon or to swap out with someone else to avoid being around me.

"Oh? Are we going to watch a school fight?" Bayonetta asks with a hint of excitement.

I may need to either fuck Bayonetta later or fight her later to keep her from being bored. I don't want to find out what the Hell pantheon had to do to make her come back. 

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