Daily Life of A Caretaker

Arc 3: Unknown Discovery – Chapter 30

Disclaimer: I own nothing, this is purely a fanfic for enjoyment.

Cross-over from various games, books, anime, manga, and movies.

The familiar characters you see here belong to their respected authors and owners.


Arc 3: Unknown Discovery - Chapter 30

"The time in high school is still weird. It has been hours since we had breakfast, and class still hasn't started yet." Weiss said to everyone as we were relaxing outside on the sunlit campus grounds. The courtyard was bustling with activity, students chatting in groups and contractors working on various projects. A gentle breeze rustled the leaves of the nearby trees, adding a sense of calm to the otherwise lively scene.

"It's a good thing we have Ghost here to keep track of time for us and let us know when the next class starts, huh?" Ruby grinned at Weiss, who returned the grin with a nod. "By the way, why are we outside anyway? Not that it isn't nice relaxing out here; the air is much better than in the worlds we've been to. I feel like I'm inhaling fresh air that cleans my insides somehow." She takes a deep breath of the refreshing breeze that swept through the courtyard.

"That's because the air in the high school isn't normal. It's a blessing for many, but also a poison to those who are weak. If your body can't handle the spiritual air, then you're bound to die from breathing it in for too long." Namine explained calmly and steadily. She sat on a bench, her sketchbook open on her lap, pencil moving as she sketched nearly everyone in the courtyard.

"In addition, those who can't even breathe in the spiritual air wouldn't be invited to the high school at all, no matter how powerful they are." Bayonetta replied.

She was doing yoga just a few feet away from everyone. As she stretched her body in a seductive way, her form-fitting outfit highlighting every curve, she drew a lot of attention. The onlookers couldn't help but watch, captivated by her sexy poses.

"Spiritual air...? Where have I heard that term before?" Weiss wondered aloud, her brows furrowing in concentration. She put on a thoughtful look, tapping her chin as she tried to recall where she had encountered the concept of spiritual air. The gentle rustle of leaves and the distant chatter of students filled the air as Weiss thought deeper into her memories, searching for the reference.

"From one of the many guidebooks I gave you and Ruby to study," I said dryly, knowing how massive the multiverse is. Cultivation is a thing, not to mention there is a Cultivation pantheon out there. Spiritual air, also known as Qi, the natural energy of the world, and so on, should also be a thing. And sure enough, it is in the high school.

I glanced around the courtyard, watching as students engaged in various activities, seemingly unaffected by the unique atmosphere. The trees swayed gently in the breeze; the presence of the spiritual air is part of everyone's everyday lives here, or at least for those who survived the first day.

"Someone has been skipping their daily study~!" Ruby teased, poking Weiss' cheeks and grinning with a hint of sadism.

Weiss swatted Ruby's hand away, a faint blush coloring her cheeks as she tried to maintain her composure.

Ruby's playful grin widened as she enjoyed Weiss' reaction.

You know, crazy voices. I wonder if it's due to Weiss having bigger boobs and a larger butt compared to her canon version's body figure that made her not bother studying. But, including her tragic past, I guess that is another factor why she won't study. Yet, Ruby is eager to learn all the knowledge she can get after does her daily sacrifices.

Suddenly, someone covers my eyes with their hands, and I feel something soft yet large and heavy pressing against the back of my head.

"Guess who?"

A very familiar chill went down my spine as I heard the voice, unmistakably recognizable. However, En didn't detect her presence, which wasn't surprising; those who are truly powerful can often evade detection by methods employed by those weaker than them.

"Would it be Nyarla?" I swear to you guys. Crazy voices, I am by no means a super pervert who memorizes the feeling and weight of Nyarla's large breasts.

A super pervert would only watch and never touch. If you guys could guess who I'm talking about.

"You're correct~!" Nyarla cheered. In an instant, she appeared on my lap and grabbed the side of my head, then shoved my face into her large breasts. "Are you happy to see me again so soon, Jin?!"

"Nyarla!" Ruby cheerfully shouted, her smile brightening as she enthusiastically greeted Nyarla upon seeing her.

"Hello, Nyarla." Weiss greeted, grinning nervously.

"Greetings." Namine responded dully. Despite her attempt to appear unaffected, her body is shivering, betraying the impact of Nyarla's presence. She had set aside her sketchbook, the pencil now resting idly on its pages, a clear sign of how much her focus had shifted.

"Well, well, well. If it isn't The Crawling Chaos gracing us with her presence." Bayonetta remarked with a hint of playful sarcasm. "Shouldn't you be doing your job?" With a graceful flip, she landed on her feet. Walking over to stand before Nyarla, Bayonetta's grin widened with amused curiosity.

"Done with those jobs, and now I'm just here to visit Jin briefly before I do my next job soon." Nyarla replied casually, her tone dismissive of Bayonetta's sarcasm. She shrugged nonchalantly. "Honestly, I wasted so much time finding you guys. I didn't expect to stumble upon you in the Action Genre section."

"Where did you expect to find us?" Ruby asked out of curiosity as she leaned forward slightly, eager to hear Nyarla's answer.

"The Hentai Genre section," Nyarla replied without any hesitation. The casualness of her response left almost everyone momentarily stunned.

"Why would you expect us to be there, of all places?" Weiss asked in disbelief, her eyes wide with shock. She looked around at everyone else and noticed that only Ruby shared her expression of bewilderment.

Bayonetta just smirked, crossing her arms as she leaned back slightly. "If you haven't realized it by now, only the most messed up pantheons are bound to be in the Hentai Genre."

"Ah...?" I raised my index finger, preparing to say something, then slowly lowered it as I realized something both stupid and oddly sensible. A confused frown crossed my face as the pieces started to fit together in a bizarre way.

In a messed-up way, mankind literally creates countless pantheons or identities for these entities. Then, there are the truly messed-up individuals who desire to change these entities in a sexual way to suit their deepest desires, altering the entity's very beings to fit their twisted sexual fantasies.

"It's okay, Jin. I know you would never willingly join the Hentai Genre unless forced to." Nyarla began, her tone oddly comforting as she rubbed the back of my head. Despite her attempt at comfort, I couldn't help but tense up at her touch, a mix of discomfort and unease settling in. "After all, you were given to me and you're mine." Her words, though possessive, carried a hint of affection, though it only added to the strange complexity of the moment.

Crazy voices, I didn't check, but I think this is Nyarla's eldritch ego in control, not the alter ego.

"So, other than showing off your possessiveness over Jin, was there anything else you needed by coming here to the high school?" Bayonetta asked Nyarla with subtle amusement. "Because if you haven't noticed, many people here are affected by your presence."

I look through En, and wow, nearly 99% of the men are drooling over Nyarla, and some females are too. Yet, oddly enough, none of them dared take a step close to us—the difference compared to the early days when I had to fend off these horny individuals with force.

"It's fine. I've already made sure to adjust my existence so as not to cause long-term effects." Nyarla replied calmly. "Anyway, it's time for me to leave again. I'll be back for you soon, Jin. So make sure to stay away from the Hentai Genre until then. Otherwise, I'll punish you. Bye." With that, Nyarla gently pulled my face out from her large breasts, her touch surprisingly tender despite the playful threat. She leaned in and gave me a deep kiss on the lips for a few seconds, her eyes glowing faintly as she stared deeply into mine, leaving an intense gaze before finally pulling back.

I blink, and Nyarla disappears into thin air, leaving only a faint smell of her presence behind.

"Huh." I blinked a few times, trying to process Nyarla's unexpected appearance and then her departure.

"You can breathe again, Namine. She's gone." Bayonetta stated, her voice calm yet with a hint of amusement. She then turned to me with a gaze of interest, her lips subtly moistened by a flick of her tongue. "You know, Jin, I really want you more than ever, especially after seeing how affectionate Nyarla was with you."

"...Y-You should've seen how Nyarla shows her affection towards Jin during nighttime." Weiss said dryly, though I could tell she was putting up a front. Her brief pause and the slight quiver in her voice betrayed the impact Nyarla's presence had left on her. "I need a new pantie, Jin..."

Seriously, Weiss? And you're blushing, of course...

"Same here." Taejin poked her head out from behind the bench where Ruby, Weiss, Namine, and I sat. Her voice carried a hint of lingering unease. "I wasn't expecting to have someone like her appear next to me and give me such a death stare that made me question if I was alive for a few minutes. It felt like years... I couldn't move at all..."

"I was wondering where you went off to." I said to Taejin with an eyebrow raised. "I thought something important came up and you had to go somewhere. I didn't sense your presence until now after we came here."

"Well, you can blame... her for showing up right next to me and rendering me unable to do anything but stare." Taejin's voice trembled slightly, her already pale face growing even paler by the second. "I was hoping one of you guys would notice me having a life-and-death crisis. I don't know what I did to offend her, and I truly want to know so I don't make the same mistake again. Otherwise, I won't get off easy." Her eyes darted nervously around as if Nyarla would suddenly reappear.

"It's fine. I can ask Nyarla next time she appears." Ruby patted Taejin on the shoulder comfortingly, her smile warm and reassuring.

"I think Namine is unconscious." Weiss notified everyone, causing us all to turn our attention to Namine. She sat upright, staring blankly into space without blinking for a while now, her expression empty.

Then, Taejin followed Namine's lead, collapsing to the ground, her body going limp as she lost consciousness.

"And it looks like Taejin is out, too." Ruby said with a concerned expression, poking Taejin gently with a stick she found on the ground.

"So what now? Do we bring these two somewhere for them to rest, like our bedroom or...?" Weiss asked with a furrowed brow, looking around at everyone for suggestions. "Also, since Taejin here is a student, then where is her contractor?"

Crazy voices, this is just one weird morning. But oddly, felt normal to me. Is that weird? Nah, maybe not.

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