Daily Life of A Caretaker

Arc 2: Learn, Adapt, Kill – Chapter 8

Disclaimer: I own nothing, this is purely a fanfic for enjoyment.

Cross-over from various games, books, anime, manga, and movies.

The familiar characters you see here belong to their respected authors and owners.


Arc 2: Learn, Adapt, Kill - Chapter 8

I break a rapist's neck with a swift kick, then kick the body out the window, where we're on the second floor, like garbage—something I've been doing all morning.

Damn, Ruby's sexy body attracts all the lecherous people, but I can't blame them. Not when I'm lusting after Ruby too, but luckily I can shift it to Weiss, and my theory about why I wasn't attracted to Yang was correct. One of the conditions is to be under my care. As fucked up as that sounds, I have to get used to it. It also helped that Weiss didn't have the same body type as her canon. But bad at the same time, because instead of attracting all kinds of sexual predators.

Weiss instead attracts all the gang bangers. Unlike like every single fucked up type of person Ruby attracts.

"Come on, give me something good!" Ruby yelled in frustration as she sacrificed another dead rapist for something. Meanwhile, Weiss has become numb to all of this and is now only interested in what Ruby would summon each time she does her summoning.

"Don't you think it would be better to sacrifice something other than the dead body of a rapist?" Weiss couldn't help but ask.

"We have nothing else to sacrifice right now but these guys' bodies." Ruby replied, then screamed angrily as she threw what looked like a butt plug from the summoning out the window. "THAT'S THE TENTH ONE!"

"Better than a dildo." Weiss made a face of disgust. "I feel like something is trying to tell you something with all the dildo you summoned."

"Nah, it's because that's what their bodies are worth." Ruby replied as she dragged another body from the pile at the side into the summoning circle. She made another path to the carpet, which was stained with so much blood that it turned an ugly brownish red.

"Hey, Jin. I need to ask you something." Weiss called my attention to where I was dealing with another rapist trying to climb in the window from the outside.

"What is it?" I spun around on the back of my right heel and delivered a powerful spin kick to the rapist's face, splitting his head from the sheer force of the kick and sending the headless body falling back from the momentum.

"Are we going to stay in this hotel forever? Or are we going somewhere else?" Weiss picks up a golf club next to her and swings it at the head of the rapist, who nearly climbed through the window next to her, breaking the man's face and sending him out the window. "Because so far, more and more people are trying to get into the hotel to rape Ruby and me. I don't know about you, Jin. Everybody seems to ignore you. But I don't want to sleep in a hotel where there's a high chance that a rapist will rape me while I'm sleeping."

"If I remember correctly, you slept very peacefully. Especially when you sneak into my bed in the middle of the night and hug me all night, I can understand Ruby's need to be near me. But what about yours, Weiss?" I grab the rapist's throat, crushing it with brute force, and push the body back out the window. "Besides, the only reason these rapists can get to us is because I let them, so Ruby can use their corpses for her summoning. Otherwise, none of them can get near us."

Weiss' face reddened, "That's because the blanket wasn't enough to keep me warm. And you happen to be the closest heat source I could use to keep me warm. Besides, I am technically like Ruby. So I need to be close to you. Didn't the contract say that I needed your protection? It would be foolish for me to be far from you."

Weiss paused momentarily to catch her breath, then took another swing in the other direction to hit a new rapist who had managed to enter the building through the window. The rapist fell to the ground in pain and let out a painful scream. That didn't last long, however, as Weiss performed an overhead swing that gave her enough force to crush his neck. She instantly silenced him, then made sure the rapist stayed down and dead. Weiss continued to swing until she was satisfied, barely breaking a sweat, thanks to Aura.

"Right." I roll my eyes. "I don't mind you sleeping in bed with Ruby and me. All we do is sleep. Nothing wrong with that."

"Yeah, Weiss. You can join us. It's not like we're having sex." Ruby grabbed ahold of the new corpse that Weiss had made for her and dragged it into the summoning circle.

"It's wrong for a boy and a girl to share the same bed." Weiss scowls, her cheeks regaining a pink hue. "Besides, why bring up sex?"

"Isn't that why you're making such a big deal about it? Jin won't have sex with us. Don't you remember that from my past?" Ruby points out.

Sorry, Ruby. It's not that I don't want to have sex with you. But you're just not legal. Weiss, on the other hand...

"It's because Jin is at least a gentleman, unlike most people we have met." Weiss argues. "Besides, you're 15, and I'm 17, who'll be 18 in a few months..." She mumbles at the end, giving me a sideways glance when she thinks I'm not looking.

Could you not look at me like that, Weiss? Otherwise, I won't be able to hold it in. It was bad enough last night when you and Ruby used me as a body pillow. This is like Nyarla all over again, but without the whole sitting on my lap while playing video games thing.

"Then it shouldn't be a problem for all three of us to sleep in the same bed from now on. Because I honestly don't think I can sleep alone for a very long time." Ruby told Weiss, then let out a cute war cry and shoved a dildo into the mouth of the shocked rapist who had just moved his head through the window next to Ruby. Then she stuck the stinger part of Suzumebachi into the rapist's left eye and straight into his brain, killing him instantly.

After that, Ruby quickly tries to pull the body through the window, but she's not strong enough and loses her grip. The body falls with Ruby's gift still in its mouth.

"And to answer your other questions, Weiss. We can leave and find another place to stay if you want. It's just that this hotel has plenty of rooms we can use without worrying about cleaning up." I jump and do a flying kick that sends another idiot, blinded by lust, out the window, then do a backflip before landing.

"Can we go soon?" Weiss broke her golf club over a shockingly fat rapist who got stuck climbing through the window. "I have a feeling they're going to use airships to get in through the roof and the higher floors above us."

"Yeah, it looks like it." With the help of Odin's Lost Eye, I look out the window and see people entering an airship. They are grown men of different sizes but have one thing in common. They have lust in their eyes and cruel grins. "We can leave in ten minutes."

It feels like I'm facing endless zombies, but these guys aren't zombies and can barely think with their upper brains for a moment. Fortunately, none of them have any advanced weapons to use against me, or a weapon to use, for that matter.

"But I still haven't summoned anything good yet!" Ruby looks at me with teary eyes.

"That can wait. Right now, we have to go." Weiss said firmly. "Jin can protect us while we sleep, but that doesn't mean it will be a peaceful sleep, and last night we only slept so soundly because we were too exhausted at the time."

"But! But!" Ruby looks ready to make a big deal out of it. Only to hunch over with a cute pout to show how sad she is. "Fine, but it better be a great place for us to stay and for me to get something else to sacrifice. Because all I get from these rapists is stupid-looking sex toys."

"All right, let's go." I unleash all the Divine Dogs on the rapists outside who are still looking for their deaths.

Honestly, this world is just damn stupid, and the natives, especially those who think with their lower brains, are stupid as rocks—not understanding that they are throwing their lives away for sex. I mean, with Ruby and Weiss' bodies, I don't blame them. In fact, if Nyarla and the others were in this world. I bet all the men on the planet would do their best to get their hands on them. Even the two Brother Gods might come back for them.

With a snap of my fingers, I use Boundary Manipulation to send us all close to the opposite area where most people live. From a fancy but bloody hotel room to a worn down, broken-down house missing a wall.

"Where are we?" Weiss frowns as she looks around before looking at me. "I almost want us to go back to the hotel."

"We should be at Mountain Glenn." I repeated the name of the place Ghost had given me. I wonder why Ghost didn't want to be seen by Ruby and Weiss.

"Mountain Glenn?" Weiss frowns in confusion. "Would you mind telling me about this place? I don't think I've read anything about it or found a book about it before I got kicked out of the library after hours."

I listen to Ghost's description of Mountain Glenn and can't help but wear a perplexed and strange expression on my face.

"Is it that bad?" Ruby looks at me with concern that is shared by Weiss as she looks around, now cautiously, holding up her broken golf club in preparation for a fight.

"Are there rapists living around here?" Weiss narrows her eyes, and her broken golf club is coated in her Aura to increase its durability and striking power.

"How should I put this...?" I scratch the back of my head in confusion. "Uh, Mountain Glenn was the Kingdom of Vale's first serious attempt at expansion. The kingdom developed an elaborate underground subway system that allowed settlers to travel back and forth between the main kingdom and the new territory, thus avoiding the danger of the Grimm while also setting up an aggressive perimeter defense that worked for a short period of time, keeping the thousands of townspeople safe in their new home. However, Mountain Glenn did not boast the natural barriers Vale did, and as such..." I stopped here because this part is so damn different from the canon.

"The Grimm attacks increased daily until they inevitably overwhelmed the city's defenses. Leading to the destruction of Vale's expansion plan for Mountain Glenn?" Weiss continued, unaware that she was saying the same results as the canon.

"Not exactly." I replied, leaving Weiss baffled that her answer wasn't correct.

"Instead of the Grimm attacking. It's more like the people sent to Mountain Glenn weren't the right people to handle something as important as building Mountain Glenn into an extension of Vale." I send my unspoken questions to Ghost to check if his information is correct, and it is. "There have been too many accidents due to neglect in keeping track of essential equipment and materials to be up to standard. If anything, the Grimm were confused about whether or not to come here due to the highly charged mix of positive and negative emotions generated by the residents."

"Huh?" Ruby stared at me blankly, not understanding what I had just said. This made Weiss roll her eyes. But she couldn't hide the confusion in her eyes from me. She is just as confused as Ruby.

I sighed, "60% of the people sent here are rapists, and 27% are those who they raped. 3% are the workers who are trying their best to make the expansion a success, but unfortunately, they are all low-level workers, so they cannot process plans that require their boss/managers to give the green light. Because these guys are too busy having sex to care about anything else."

Weiss takes a few steps to the side, with Ruby following, and they both look outside to see all kinds of buildings that have been built before coming back over.

"3% workers make these buildings?" Weiss stares at me with wide eyes.

"Yes, but they were overworked to death. I mean, did you see those buildings collapse? Not because of Grimm, but because they used cheap materials and were forced to build in a way that wasn't safe and wouldn't last. Just be glad the ground we're standing on didn't collapse on us. I point out, causing the girls to look at the ground with a hint of fear. "Anyway, let's find a building that hasn't collapsed yet and go from there."

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