Daily Life of A Caretaker

Arc 2: Learn, Adapt, Kill – Chapter 7

Disclaimer: I own nothing, this is purely a fanfic for enjoyment.

Cross-over from various games, books, anime, manga, and movies.

The familiar characters you see here belong to their respected authors and owners.


Arc 2: Learn, Adapt, Kill - Chapter 7

Well, after saving Weiss from a near gang rape last night, which would lead to a series of other miserable sexual events until she could return to her father completely broken, along with all the staff and customers killed by the Divine Dogs for trying to rape Ruby. This makes the hotel somewhat ours now because, thanks to Perfect Timing, I found the deed to the hotel this morning in one of the ground floor rooms near the entrance, mostly belonging to the former owner. Dead owner.

Anyway, I'd already told Weiss about the contract, so I had to take care of her. She didn't like the contract's price when she found out about it. On the other hand, what do you expect when you learn that one of your ancestors sacrificed the fortune of at least ten generations of future generations in order to give them a fixed Semblance that can be inherited through the bloodline? Worst of all, the Eldritch Pantheon made the contract, so you're screwed either way.

I would know since I signed one early to become Nyarla's caretaker. But with different prices and benefits.

So, going back to the topic of the Schnee family's hidden secret of their Semblance. There are many conditions that would offset the newfound misfortune of the Schnee family, which would increase with each new generation. One of them is to find a member of the Eldritch pantheon and gain their protection. However, they would have to pay their own personal price chosen by the Eldritch pantheon.

And no, I don't get Weiss' virginity, which would have been fine since Weiss is of legal age. But what Weiss has to pay for personally is the loss of her freedom, not being able to control her life. Yeah, fucking dark, but I didn't know that until recently after Boss decided to inform me of this in the morning, and that makes a fucking of a lot more sense as to why Weiss didn't show how unstable she is. The contract keeps her out of trouble in general and the subconscious desire to always be by my side—again, dark, somewhat mind-controlling shit.

So, with the recap over. I'm having a slight problem at hand right now.

"What do you mean you can't save my mother and sister?" Weiss furrows her eyebrows and stares at me in confusion and frustration.

I rub the back of my head in frustration, "That's exactly what I said. I CAN'T save them. I'm not saying I WON'T, but I really can't."

"Why not?" Weiss looks ready to storm out of the room, but that would be impossible under the influence of the contract.

"I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but..." I am seriously starting to see that this hentai world of RWBY is taking a much darker turn for everything the longer I stay in this world. "They're... dead."

I have mixed feelings about all this and I wouldn't mind bringing Weiss' mother and sister back to life with Boundary Manipulation. However, their souls are already claimed by the Eldritch pantheon through the Schnee family's contract. Going by what Ghost told me when I checked to see if I could grab Willow and Winter from wherever they were and give Weiss a happy family reunion. Too bad it's too late. They've been dead for a week now.

And I certainly did not want to try my luck at getting their souls. Who knows what Eldritch entity has them? For all I know, I could accidentally offend said Eldritch entity and lose my life.

"Is it not possible to revive them?" Ruby asks from the side, where she is twirling her handcuff. "Or is it possible for me to summon them back to life?"

Weiss gives us a hopeful look. Damn, it will be even sadder when she gets the answers.

"It is possible to revive her." Weiss' face lit up with pure joy. "Unfortunately, their souls belong to an entity I don't know, and I don't want to find out who it is. Because trying to find a specific Eldritch entity is more like a death sentence being as a mercy." I resist the urge to give Weiss false hope. "As for Ruby's summoning. She will have to sacrifice a lot. Other people's souls in general."

And just like that, Weiss gave up on life and fell back onto her bed with an empty look on her face. Honestly, that face was going to happen one way or another. With or without me in her life. Or at least the Weiss of this fucked up world.

"How many souls would I need?" Ruby asks me, causing Weiss to sit up with horrified eyes immediately. "What? Jin said I just need to sacrifice a lot of souls and I can bring your mother and sister back to life. It shouldn't take too long." Ruby gives Weiss a cheerful smile. "Besides, I can bring my mom back too!"

"But! But! Huh?!" Weiss is stunned by what Ruby just said to her. Then she turns to me. "Wait, is she serious right now?!"

Ruby puffs her cheeks, "Of course I'm serious! Why would you think I'm not?!"

"The parts where you're willing to sacrifice other people's souls!" Weiss shouts back in shock. "Shouldn't you be asking if there are other methods or something besides souls?! Why would you go straight to sacrificing souls after he said that?"

"People we don't have to worry about!" Ruby shouted coldly, her eyes dull and her fist clenched. "Do you see any other people who care about us?! If it weren't for Jin, I would still be tortured in that prison I lived for almost all my life until I died! Even you had it bad, Weiss! Have you forgotten that there were others in that cold mansion?! Have you forgotten how your mother helped you and your sister?! No one else! At least with Jin here, he will help us because of the contract! That alone will always make it so that we can trust him no matter what! Because he will do what is best for us!"

Wow, I didn't think Ruby would blow up like that, and to Weiss so quickly, since they know each other. Then again, she almost got jumped by a crowd last night if I hadn't been paranoid and left numerous Divine Dogs for protection.

"All right, calm down." I pat Ruby's head, causing her to snap out of it. "But there are no other materials that Ruby can use. Not if you're willing to let her sacrifice a few mountains of unmined Dust." I pointed out, not revealing that I had just remembered that Dust is still a thing in this world.

"I guess I'll never see my mother and sister again." Weiss slumped on her bed in depression.

"Is it so hard to find a few mountains of unmined Dust?" Ruby blinked, showing a puzzled face. "We have two choices. Either I sacrifice a lot of souls or a few mountains of unmined Dust. I may not have gone out that much. But I'm pretty sure it's already rare that we have a way to revive the dead, let alone two options of materials to make it work."

"And here I thought I had questionable, unstable morals." Weiss sighed tiredly. Then she looked at me without changing her position. "Tell us exactly how many souls Ruby has to sacrifice to bring three people back to life."

"Wow, are unmined mountains that rare?" Ruby stares at Weiss in shock.

I raise an eyebrow, then remember what kind of world this is, and I can see why Weiss would say that. Barely enough Dust to keep things running semi-normally. Now that I think about it. The quality of almost everything is downgraded, not exactly to the canon level of technology when using Dust.

"More than rare. It's almost impossible to find outside the Four Kingdoms. I don't know much, but I've overheard some conversations and checked the local library to find some information. I found a few books that mention that each kingdom has a few mountains of mined Dust, but they are slowly running out." Weiss explained, then let out a bitter laugh that sounded even more broken to my ears. "Worst of all, my family has a hidden source of Dust that exceeds all of the kingdoms' mines combined."

Before Ruby had a chance to say anything, I spoke up first.

"The amount of Dust the Schnee family has in stock before it is shipped to the buyers. It's not enough for the sacrifice."

"I had a feeling that would be the case." Weiss let out a loud unladylike sigh. "So, how many souls are we talking about, Jin?"

"About a kingdom's worth per person." I repeated what Ghost had told me in secret via thoughts. "And that means we must create a massive summoning circle covering the kingdom to make it work." An easy task for me, but not for Ruby and Weiss.

"Hm. That's a hard task." Ruby rubbed her chin, thinking about how she could make this possible.

"Ruby, it's an impossible task. I know this is technically your second day outside. But I've been out longer and I've seen how big the world is. Trust me; it's impossible to do. Not to forget, even if I'm saying a huge if, we somehow make it possible. Many people will stop us from completing the summoning circle. So we might as well give up on this impossible quest to resurrect our loved ones." Weiss rolls to the side, trying to hide the tears streaming down her cheeks.

Ruby crawled onto the bed, then poked Weiss in the back, causing her to yelp at the sudden poke.

"Why did you poke me?!" Weiss stares at Ruby with teary eyes. Which she quickly wipes away.

"Weiss, you forgot Jin!" Ruby ignores the question.

"What about Jin?" Weiss frown.

"Ugh!" Ruby rolls her eyes. "Did you forget that it might be possible, which I believe he can, to make the summoning circle for us?!"

Weiss stares blankly at Ruby before slowly turning her head in my direction, silently asking me if I can create a massive summoning circle that covers an entire kingdom.

"I can." I nod, causing Weiss to break into a genuine smile, something I bet she hasn't done in a long time. And Ruby, on the side, lets out a happy giggle.

Crazy voices, even without being with Nyarla and the others. It seems I am still in a world that is about to end. Time to fix that.

"But I won't." They both stared at me in shock. "Remember, I'm here to teach you to be better." I poked Ruby in the nose, causing her to utter an "ah!" that she had forgotten this important fact. "As for you, Weiss. You're under my protection. That doesn't mean I'm going to help you with all your problems. I'm willing to teach you, just like I am doing with Ruby."

"So does this mean that I can eventually create a summoning circle large enough to cover an entire kingdom all by myself?" Ruby jumps to her feet, her large breasts bouncing.

Fuck... Jin remember you're not a lolicon. Remember that. Remember, damn it!

"Yup." I look at Weiss, who is of age and relax a bit. "But you'll have to train a lot to get there."

"Did you hear that, Weiss?! I can do it!" Ruby jumps over to hug Weiss.

Too bad Ruby didn't think ahead and instead landed on top of Weiss, forcing Weiss' face into her breasts.

Weiss let out a muffled scream as she tried to get Ruby off of her.

Welp, my boner got even harder seeing this now. Great.

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