Creati Hero: All-Father[Completed]

Ch223- Planning

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Nods and murmurs of agreement filled the room. There was an understanding that they were going up against a dangerous enemy and the stakes were high. They knew the risks, but they also knew they had no other choice.

"Then let's start planning," Mokami concluded, his gaze sweeping the room.

"Which teams have you considered?" Sir Nighteye asked, cutting through the lingering tension in the room.

Momo brought out a tablet, and with a wave of her hand, a holographic screen revealed itself on the table in front of everyone. It displayed a list of names, profiles, and a map marked with potential locations.

"Fat Gum is one of the possibilities," Momo explained, highlighting one of the names on the screen. "Our classmate Kirishima and Nejire's classmate Tamaki are interning with him. He's a formidable hero with a unique quirk that could provide us with a valuable frontline defense."

"But we can't just rely on brute force," Sahar interjected, her gaze scrutinizing the information on the screen. "We'll need to incorporate stealth and strategic advantage as well. What about someone like Edgeshot?"

"His quirk allows him to manipulate his body to extreme thinness, which will be beneficial for infiltration," Momo agreed, highlighting Edgeshot's name on the screen. "We've also considered Yoroi Musha. His quirk could provide both offense and defense."

"And Best Jeanist?" Mirio asked, pointing towards the name on the screen.

"We've reached out to him," Momo answered, her gaze meeting Mirio's. "His Fiber Master quirk could control and manipulate textiles – that could give us an advantage in a close-quarter fight."

"What do we know about the League's involvement with the Yakuza?" Mirio asked, leaning forward with his eyes focused on the holographic screen.

Nejire, who had been silent until now, answered. "The League is gathering forces at an alarming rate. When they saved those children from the villain group Equity, they preached a message of freedom which many villains found enticing. Our informant hasn't been able to give us accurate numbers, but the key names are all dangerous. Shigaraki, Stain, Dabi.... each of them has proven to be a significant threat on their own, let alone when they're working together."

"And their ability to disappear anytime they want... thanks to Kurogiri," Sir Nighteye added, his expression grim. "We've been trying to capture him for his ability alone, but the League protects him fiercely."

Momo nodded, "That's true. Kurogiri's Warp Gate quirk allows him and the rest of the League to go in and out of any location they please. Even though we've developed technology to stabilize dimensions and prevent them from opening portals, it's difficult to use effectively. The stabilizers are massive; we can't simply place them without being noticed."

"So we can't entirely lock down the enemy base," Sahar concluded, her gaze thoughtful. "We can set up a perimeter close to their headquarters, but if we go beyond that, they're bound to notice and evacuate before we can breach."

"Exactly," Momo affirmed, her expression serious. "It's a delicate situation. We have the tools, but using them effectively is a strategic challenge."

There was a moment of silence as everyone absorbed the information. Mokami, who had remained mostly silent throughout the meeting, finally spoke up, his voice calm yet firm. "What we need is a balance. A balance of brute strength, stealth, strategy, and most importantly, teamwork. Each of us has a role to play in this operation. The success of this mission relies on how well we can work together and adapt to the situation."

He was met with nods of agreement. They all knew the gravity of the situation, the high stakes, and the dangerous enemy they were up against. They also understood the need for careful planning and cooperation.

"Then, let's get to work," Sir Nighteye said, his gaze sweeping across the room. "We'll need to coordinate with the other heroes, work out an infiltration strategy, assign teams, and prepare for any possible complications."

"We should also arrange a meeting with our informant," Momo added. "Getting the latest information could be crucial."

"And we should start training, too," Nejire suggested. "This mission could potentially involve high-intensity fights. We need to be at our best, both physically and mentally."

Mokami cleared his throat, capturing everyone's attention once again. "Before we proceed with the planning, there's something I've been working on that might aid us in our preparations," he revealed, a hint of excitement in his voice. "Based on the intel I've gathered on the Eight Bullets of the Shie Hassaikai, I've created simulation rooms that replicate their abilities and fighting styles."

The room fell into a hushed silence as the significance of Mokami's statement sunk in. The simulation rooms could provide valuable training opportunities, allowing them to familiarize themselves with their enemies' tactics and develop counterstrategies.

However, Mokami quickly added a word of caution, "I must emphasize that these simulations are based on the information we currently have. The real battles might differ significantly, but it will still give us a starting point to understand their strengths and weaknesses."

Sir Nighteye nodded, appreciating the resourcefulness of Mokami's efforts. "That's an excellent initiative, Mokami. It will undoubtedly help us prepare for what's to come. We must remember that adaptability will be key, but having a foundation to build upon is invaluable."

Momo raised her hand, her expression thoughtful. "While the simulations can provide us with valuable insights, we must remember that they are just that—simulations. In the heat of the moment, everyone can act unpredictably, and real battles often deviate from what we expect. We shouldn't take these simulations at face value."

With this, they all left the planning room and made their way to the training room. The atmosphere was charged with a mix of anticipation and determination. They understood the gravity of the situation and the need to be prepared for the challenges that lay ahead.

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