Conquering The Omni-Verse!

Omni-Man Strikes[2]


This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, and incidents are either the products of the author's imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.


[▪︎3rd April 2003▪︎]

[▪︎Guardians Of The Globe Secret Base, Utah▪︎]

Slowly and softly, Omni-man starts explaining the real truth about Viltrumites to his son.

He talks about how they engaged in a civil war that culled the weak ones out of their society, making it filled with the survivors who were deemed as the peak or strongest of their species.

How instead of being a peacekeeping race, they decided to become a totalitarian society hellbent on conquering other races and planets. 

He then continues about the glory the Viltrumites and he in particular felt and how because of this, he signed up for that division, aced their interviews and tests, and went on to help spread the glory throughout the galaxy.

He explains the mode of operation of his division.

They send one or two adult Viltrumites to planets to either soften them for eventual conquer and if they can do it themselves, outright conquer it for Empire and because of their strength, it was possible and effective.

Adding to that, he talks about how he got assigned to Earth for that purpose and how when he came here, he got overwhelmed and taken by the way of life of the people, settled down with his mother, and created a family.

He says he put the mission on the back of his mind and wanted to raise him—Mark— here but when he got his powers, he knew he couldn't wait any longer so he made the first step to weaken Earth's defenses—the Guardians Of The Globe.

|Are you listening to what they're saying? Oh, GOD, this is more serious than I thought.|

Cecil says, his voice and tone showing how nervous and distraught he is at what Omni-man's saying.

"Loud and clear, should I engage or I should still wait?"

I question, still listening and watching Omni-man and Invincible. Now, he's telling him that he should help him take over the planet as it's their duty and convincing him that it's the right course of action.

Sadly for him, it won't work...

|No, we still need more information and maybe Invincible can try to convin——|

"Don't touch me!"

Invincible yells angrily as he smacks Omni-man's hand away from him, making him frown.

"You better make up your mind, because this isn't looking pretty."

I comment, frowning, as Omni-man tries to calm Invincible down to no avail, making him clench his fist tightly.

|Shit, Prime get ready to——|


Suddenly, Omni-man punches Invincible with a force that tears the neighboring clouds asunder, sending Invincible flying so fast that his body disappears.

|Prime, move now!|

He commands anxiously as the feed switches to show Invincible's body bursting through numerous skyscrapers in Mid-West Chicago and falling on a busy road—cratering it—with a shockwave that levels the whole place.

As the destroyed buildings fall—killing, destroying a lot of people, and causing unparalleled destruction akin to an apocalypse—Omni-man whistles out of the sky at high speeds and slams on a standing Mark, sending them further into the ground.

Frowning, I create a portal and walk into it to appear inside the open lobby of the base. 

Robot and the rest are watching the live feed on the main screen with nervous and horrified faces, all of them suited up.

"Guardians! It's time for your debut. Robot, coordinate the team and help save the civilians in the city, do all you can and don't make mistakes. I'll be dealing with Omni-man."

I order loudly, catching their attention, as I swiftly create a portal near them.

"You heard the man, let's go, guys!"

Bulletproof adds seriously and immediately flies into the portal. The rest soon follow and after the last person—Robot—enters, I follow them.

I appear in the middle of a destroyed street—filled with lots of dust—surrounded by screaming and running pedestrians with tons of rubble all around, most of them on top of numerous mangled dead bodies.

"Eve, Dupli-Kate, Rex Splode, and Shrinking Ray, get the civilians to safety! Black Samson, Monster Girl, and Bulletproof, and I will remove the rubble and debris from the trapped civilians. Let's go!"

Robot dishes out his orders perfectly as Monster Girl and Bulletproof try not to puke. They all nod and move out in their groups to do their duties.

Seeing this, I spread my senses all over the city and detect Omni-man and Invincible in the middle of the destroyed underground train station.

Just as I'm about to move, the ground trembles wildly and in the next second, the father and son duo burst out of the ground and whistle through the air at blurry speeds into the distance.

I ascend and with a loud boom, blast away into the sky, chasing them.

I see Omni-man man punching Invincible away again, flying to grab his face, and then moving away at speeds that make them disappear with a loud boom.

Tsk, this guy is too fast.

Increasing my speed, my body blurs and whistles through the air—blasting everything in my path away—and after a few minutes, I stop a few meters away from a snow-capped mountain in Alaska that has Omni-man punching a bloody Invincible's face on its destroyed surface. 

The small town below it is destroyed and covered in heavy amounts of snow.

"What will you have after five hundred years?!"

Omni-man exclaims as he lands one heavy punch on Invincible's bloody face.

"I'd have you Dad."

Omni-man's fist pauses in the air upon hearing Invincible's strained whisper.

"Omni-man, it will be in your best interest to stop now and surrender."

I announce my presence, my face cold as the cold air kisses my face and streaks my long hair.

He stops, straightens up, and ascends into the air as he turns to face me with a heavy frown—his face, body, and fists glistening with crimson blood.

"Prime? Good, it seems I won't have to wait to eliminate you."

He says dangerously.

Now, then, let's see how I'll fare against an Elite Viltrumite. 


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