Capture Target

Chapter 60 — Y3: An Egg-celent Day

Huge thanks to all of my subscribers!  Especially those with the [Subscriber - A] talent -- Bol, regret, Nemesis01, Teacher, Ilawen, Yuria, Theslimeofyourdream, User#e20fc711, User#6c53ee46, User#646966cb !

If anybody wants a different name to be used, let me know!

Hrmph… I still don’t -- oh, hey!  Sorry, one moment -- aaargh, where’s the TV remote…

No, not there… not under the cushions… oh!  Duh.

There!  It was in my cleavage the whole time.  And -- off!

Sorry about that, I was just watching one of those magical girl shows, and I was wondering why their skirts are always so short.

I mean, yeah, merchandising, and don’t get me wrong, I approve, but isn’t their goal to defeat monsters and save the world?  What do miniskirts have to do with that?

Ugh.  Whatever.

Storytime, right?

So!  After I got fucked into a gooey little puddle by Kaiser, Shimizu had to carry me back to our place.

I was exhausted.  I felt like a wet noodle, barely able to even stay awake, and completely unable to say anything beyond tired giggling.

The next day I gathered those that I personally trusted -- So Shimizu, Sumiko, and Takeo -- and then we –

Eh?  What?  No!  Fuck no!  I didn’t and don’t trust Yuki!

She was out to turn me into her sex slave, and unlike Shimizu, she wasn’t even polite about it!  And she’d toss me aside if she got bored with me!  Shimizu, I knew she would keep me and value me and ensure that I was always well fucked and – and, uh –

-- it's n-not like I’ve -- thought about this.  Before.  Or compared people.  Or anything.


I trusted Sumiko so long as her subby desires were sated, and Takeo -- ugh.  I kind of trusted him.  At the very least, I couldn’t come up with a good reason to not trust him.

…I still demanded that he attend as a dog-girl, though.

No way was I dealing with his [True God’s Blessing] aura if I could avoid it.

So, I gathered them up, and then we talked about what happened in Kaiser’s lake.  Shimizu was both amused and disappointed that I didn’t go after Kaiser as I did purely on my own initiative, and Sumiko was super jealous.

Takeo just had a flat look on his face.  Well, her face, at the time, but still.

Naturally, I asked him why he wasn’t even surprised.  His response -- well, his response was to demand that I hand over the Atlantean Key first.  Which I narrowed my eyes at, but I did hand it over.

Then he said, “I’ve known for around thirty or forty loops that this Land Grab is a farce.  It was obvious once I started looking at it the right way -- the gods don’t pay attention to me, they pay attention to you.  I’m just their tool to keep things running smoothly.”

I was about to question him, when he held up a hand and told me to stop.  See, it turns out that whatever Atlantis did to make it so that the gods couldn’t see them applied to every piece of metal that Atlantis created -- Specifically, their Atlantean Alloy.  So long as one holds it, the gods can’t see them.

…I should be clear here, for a moment.  They could tell, if they scanned very closely, that there is a ‘gap’ where there should be a person.  But the gods don’t do that.  What they do is they set up some surprisingly complicated automated recognition systems that alert them whenever they need to do something.

It recognizes things like prayers, blasphemy, when somebody earns a blessing, things like that.  And Atlantean Alloy creates a gap where somebody is completely invisible to their automated systems -- so long as they are touching it with skin, or are surrounded by it.

So in the following conversation, there was a lot of very annoying ‘pass the key around’.  But we did it, and I learned what, exactly, Takeo meant.

He didn’t know why, but he learned that the goddesses seemed to be split into roughly three factions.  There were led by Roberta, the goddess of technology, Modesty, the goddess of rape, and Argenta, the goddess of alchemy.  

From what he could tell, Roberta was on the side of the chief god, and Modesty and Argenta were both against him -- and for some reason against each other, as well.

As for the chief god?

He wasn’t a player in this game of politics.  In fact, from what Takeo could determine, all three sides were almost desperate to keep him out of it.

Naturally, things were, in truth, both more complicated and simpler than that.  But for the time being, it’s best to think of them as three different factions -- because all three take independent action.  Bernette interfering with my sex with Kaiser was due to Modesty’s faction wanting to interfere with the predictions of Argenta and Roberta factions.

Of course, I didn’t have any sway with any of this, at least not at the time.  I had my plan, sure, and my plan would grant me the right to influence divine politics… but at the time, I had nothing.

No, that came later.  Near the end of the third year, actually.

Until then, I just had to be a good puppet for the gods, and hope to get out with my own plans intact.

Ah, right, the potions!

So, after Shimizu managed to grab forty-seven Pure Lotus flowers, Sumiko and I got to crafting.  Sumiko helped me check and double-check my math and plans, but because I had [Alchemist’s Fortune], I had to be the one to craft them.

Compared to the Golden Apple, the Pure Lotus was a hellish ingredient to work with.  The final recipe had something like fifty steps and fourteen separate ingredients, and it took a lot of time and effort to create the Potential Freeing Elixirs.

I ended up with seventeen [B] rank elixirs, eleven [A] rank elixirs, seven [S] rank elixirs, and one sweet sweet [SS] rank elixir.

And yes, that adds up to thirty five.

I failed with the other twelve.  Just got garbage out of the attempts.

Instead of selling them on the market, we sold them to the crown 'at market prices'.  Which is to say, they gave us as much money as they had room in the budget for it, laundering it as purchasing the elixirs to keep up the legal fiction of the Land Grab against any divine attention.

…My friends needed to keep poking me to think of the Two Kings as 'allies that want to help me and I should talk to' and not as 'oversight that wants to take my stuff'.  Which I was equal parts frustrated by and grateful for.  I've never quite gotten past my tunnel vision tendencies…

Anyway, we sold them everything below [S] rank; at the insistence of Takeo, Shimizu, and both kings, I took the [SS] rank, and the rest of my group each drank an [S] rank potion.  In total, Takeo, Shimizu, Sumiko, Yuki and Omori each got an [S] rank potion.  Omori seemed shocked at being given such a valuable potion.

This left us with two [S] rank Potential-Freeing Elixirs that we opted to save in case our group grew any larger.  If we hadn't gotten any special information, we would have saved two [A] rank potions instead, and given the two kings the [S] rank potions for themselves… but according to Takeo, up to three or four more people could join me before the Evil God of Chastity and Purity shows up.  Two was about average, so that’s how many we kept in reserve.

The money from the potions was well-spent on valuable ingredients that we couldn’t gather ourselves, as well as a few useful toys.  Like a cauldron that burns money in order to enhance the results of alchemy.  As in, you literally set fire to money underneath the cauldron instead of using wood.

And just like that, one-and-a-half months of the third year had passed by.

And I was still only on the first step of my eight-step plan!  Keeping in mind that I needed to get this all done by the end of the eleventh month, I suddenly realized that I was behind schedule.

I wasn’t literally behind schedule, mind -- some of the stages were timed to be pretty packed -- but it started to feel like it.  So I met up with my group, and refocused on my next goal:

Becoming a perfect farm animal for Big Bull.

Omori was starting to get a bit too used to farm life.

I say that for a couple of reasons.  In part because when I next saw her, her breasts had become -- impressive.  Not nearly as impressive as mine were, even back then, but bigger than average for certain.  Her body was also developing some nice curves, with her hips slowly pushing out and her rump getting some nice jiggle going.  

The Farmland people were treating her differently too.  They were casually flirting with her, or complimenting how milky and sexy she was, or even groping her, and she just blushed and shivered and smiled whenever it happened.

But the biggest reason was that her [Angelic Womb Tattoo] was about four-tenths of the way filled.

Which was significant progress on turning it into the [Fallen Angel Womb Tattoo].

Instead of being pure white, with fancy patterns surrounding an empty heart in the center, the heart was filling up with a dark pinkish light that represented her corruption… and the white of the tattoo as a whole was shifting more towards purple, as if it was being ‘stained’.

I asked her about it, and she reflexively waved me off as usual, so I just let the topic drop, we swapped the latest news in both directions, and then I went off to the harpies. 

Milk production was much more rapid than egg production.  Milk could happen in a set number of timeslots; eggs required a few days.  And I needed to hurry and get the [Human Cattle] blessing.

So I went to the harpies -- sorry, to the chicken and rooster harpies, to be precise -- and I asked about the requirements for producing eggs.

They didn’t really believe that I was interested at first, so I had to insist.

…And when they said that I needed to get fucked, and that was it, I asked them to fuck me.  And when they still didn’t believe that I meant it?

At that point, I was fed up.

I went over to a nearby barrel -- it was probably holding food or hay -- and bent over it.  I lifted up my skirt and lowered my panties, right there, on the farm, surrounded by harpies.  And I said in my most seductive tone -- or, well, the most seductive tone I could intentionally manage, which was leagues less effective than what I could manage when cum drunk -- I said, “Please, breed my empty womb!”

…Yeah, I kinda cringe at the memory.

I was just so frustrated!  I was on a time limit, and they wouldn’t believe me!  Me!  As if I’m not slutty enough to be willing to carry eggs!


It was infuriating!

At least they finally got the message.  They filled my womb with cum in a lovely small orgy.  Their -- thankfully human-like -- cocks were stuffed in my holes, and I buzzed with a growing anticipation every time a cock in my pussy added to the cum in my womb.  

I could feel it when the magic in my egg activated.  It's like – like – a spark? An ignition?  There's this hot jolt, intense but compacted into a pinprick, that every woman in MISSY is biologically programmed to instinctively and immediately recognize as meaning they were pregnant.

The orgy continued for a while.  The rooster harpies fucking me chatted merrily above me, setting up a betting pool for how many eggs would be in my first clutch.  And after it wound down, I thanked them with a blush, and then walked home to sleep for the night.

I believe I've already explained some of how pregnancy with monsters works, but it's been a while, so I’ll give a quick refresher.  

Embryonic eggs are kept in a sort of magical, dehydrated state -- looking and feeling like tiny rocks.  When they meet compatible cum in the right conditions, the egg ‘wakes up’ due to, again.  Magic.

There’s a ‘human egg’ and a ‘monster egg’, and the latter is much more mutable than the former.  This is how, when I got filled with harpy cum, my monster embryo became not one egg -- but nearly a full dozen; ones that wouldn’t hatch into other harpies, at that.

Magic porn world!  It does have some conveniences.

Anyway, it took a few time slots for the pregnancy to start to kick in, and it was -- it’s --

…Pregnancy feels different in the world of MISSY.  There's a whole rainbow of different drugs and hormones that women's bodies gush, depending on what they're pregnant with.

For example, all pregnancies have a softly addictive feel to them, one that can induce cravings if you experience it often enough.  Some monster pregnancies impede concentration, to ensure that the mother remains pliable in the monster's nest as an obedient mate and sextoy for however long it takes to give birth, if not longer.  Other monster pregnancies are transformative, whether as mundane as just making them curvier or as exotic as chimerizing the mother from their womb into a monster-girl… though those are pretty rare.

And of course, this is all modified by the person getting pregnant.  And that follows a pretty simple rule:

The sluttier the woman is, or, in game terms, the higher their corruption stat, the more intense and blissful it feels.

And I was very, very, very slutty.

Now, harpy eggs are decently large, maybe a touch smaller than ostrich eggs, and they always conceive in clutches of eight at a minimum.  The shells are tough, because they push against each other in the womb, and the mother moving with that much mass in her is generally inadvisable.  Most of the nutrients and magic the mother obtains needs to go to the eggs, and it can heavily strain them if they try to move like normal.

There are a few cases where this isn’t the case, and they have a special enzyme in their blood -- but for those without it, their mental energy drops like a rock.  They feel themselves unable to focus, with only a kind of happy lethargy left in their mind, one focused on their precious eggs.

And with how slutty I was, that hit me hard.

By the midmorning next day, I could already barely focus.  I was in a lovely, happy haze.  My focus was absolutely shot.  It took Shimizu all but carrying me to the farm to get me to my milking session.

My belly was growing out, and I could feel the small bumps of eggs inside my womb, gently shifting throughout the day.  It didn’t feel painful, it felt good.  Chicken harpy pregnancies last between three and four days, so there was a constant faint, nagging sensation of growth, my womb overfilling and my belly slowly ballooning out.

It wasn’t until one of the bulls came by to check on all the dairy cows that I realized I hadn’t even attached the milking pumps -- I was just sitting there, my tits dripping with milk, touching and rubbing at my belly with a dumb smile on my face.

My entire body was producing goods for the farm; turned into a factory of sorts, and rewarding me for it with a flood of hormones so thick that I felt like my veins were filled with more maternity hormones than blood.

My thoughts were hazy and indistinct beyond how good I was feeling, and how good I was being.  How I was fulfilling my role as a cow and mother both by producing milk and eggs.  It was a simple sensation, but a blissful one.

Given long enough, I’d get bored of it, I know that.  The human mind -- or, well, the mind that is mostly human, or used to be human -- is too complicated to truly enjoy that for an eternity.

But at the moment, I thought that I wanted to be like this forever.

That this was my destiny, my proper place, the place I should be, what was right for me.  The hormones were so thick that my brain couldn’t string two thoughts and when Big Bull came down to the farm to ensure things were going well, he noticed.

And his approval made it all the better~

For those with a pregnancy kink:  Enjoy!

Same with milk.

And dehumanization.

And, uh, lots of other things, actually...


For those with or without any kink:  Enjoy!

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