Capture Target

Chapter 59 — Y3: Kaiser’s Lake

Huge thanks to all of my subscribers!  Especially those with the [Subscriber - A] talent -- Bol, regret, Nemesis01, Teacher, Ilawen, Yuria, Theslimeofyourdream, User#e20fc711, User#6c53ee46, User#646966cb !

If anybody wants a different name to be used, let me know!

…Are they gone yet?


…Are… are they gone now…?

-- !


…Are you sure…?

… … …

Thank fuck, good goddesses, that was terrifying!  

I thought you said your family was going to be busy for another year!

Obviously plans changed!  Look, were they just here to pick something up, or are they actually going to be staying at your house?

…Okay.  Okay.  Good.

A few visits, I can manage.

Phew.  Okay.


So!  Shimizu and I were getting ready for our ‘date’ with Kaiser.

Well.  I say we were getting ready.

In reality, uh, she was fucking me every chance she got for the the full two weeks.

Her cock was becoming almost monstrous; with the symbiotic balls she had attached to herself, flushing it full of hormones, it had gradually grown every month, bit by bit.  By now, it was large enough that any sane girl wouldn’t risk having it enter their body.

…I stand by what I said.

Anyway, she claimed it was for ‘building our sexual endurance’, but I maintain that she just wanted to fuck me.

Which, uh, well.  Fair.

I wanted her to fuck me too, so it all worked out.

Omori was a bit jealous, and I think she doubled-down on her milking sessions because of it; every time I saw her, her breasts had grown just a bit. 

Shimizu had to show her strength to Kaiser, and I had to -- uh -- show my weakness.  

Which meant more of challenging, losing to, and  being raped by lizardmen.

I know I’m a slut, but those two weeks were debauched even for me.  If it wasn’t for [Manic Vanity] I would have been a mess!

Time passed in a sexual haze… and before we realized it, the night of the full moon was upon us.

Kaiser’s lake is a natural wonder.  Not literally, but it sure looks like it.  A perfectly pristine lake, surrounded by rocks that keep it contained, and with gorgeous bushes and trees coated in vines to give an illusion of privacy.  The sky was clear, and we could see the stars with perfect clarity.

The Pure Lotuses were floating atop the lake, and Kaiser was already there waiting for us.  He was standing bipedally at the moment, casually resting in the back of the lake.  His lips quirked into a smirk when he saw Shimizu and I slip into the area, already naked.  He leered at us, enjoying the sight.

While Shimizu just rolled her eyes and slipped into the lake, I actually found myself a bit bashful, and started to blush before I followed her.  Kaiser’s response of a deep chuckle vibrated through my chest; the water, somehow, seemed to make it worse.

Speaking of the water, it was actually a pleasant temperature.  Which means it was fairly hot, frankly, considering how much heat water can absorb.  It was naturally heated from somewhere underground.  Not so much as to become a hot tub, but enough to keep the lake warm despite the chilly night air.  I could feel myself getting energized just by resting in the lake.

This lake was part of Kaiser’s strength, which was why he protected it so ferociously.  It enhances his strength -- both temporarily, giving a strong boost for a few hours after leaving it, and permanently, helping him grow in power over time so long as he bathes regularly.

This was why the Pure Lotuses flowered here.  The flower required extraordinary precise conditions to bloom, and this lake just barely fit them.

Shimizu and I were swimming towards Kaizer, noting the location of the Pure Lotuses along the way, when things went… off the rails.

Okay, before I go on, I should explain a bit about the politics of gods.

Gods can, with almost perfect accuracy, detect and determine the physical state of their native reality at every moment -- along with predicting what exactly will happen, and when it will happen.

I’m sure you can tell why this kind of perfect knowledge becomes almost addicting, and is a difficult boon to abandon.

There are plenty of exceptions to it, mind.  The two most common ones are people with souls doing something unexpected -- which is why prophecies rarely work beyond a few years -- and the actions of the gods.  Or, more specifically, Divine Shards.

This means that a god can not track another god, and a god can not easily predict another god.  There are tricks to get close to a prediction, but nothing’s perfect.

This is why gods very rarely directly intervene with mortals.  They only through intermediaries, or vague messages -- because so long as a message is made in advance, they can predict the reactions to it.

Because they can’t predict themselves.  Not perfectly.

So one of them going in person to meet their worshiper?

They can’t predict what they themselves will do, and therefore might botch it up.

Sending a message to interact with them instead?

They know exactly how they will react, barring other divine interference and the rare fluke, and thus retain total control over the situation.  Sure, messages risk having their mail read by other gods that are nosy and lucky, but it maintains their predictions.

All of that has led to a weird situation where, as a community rule, all the goddesses don't interact personally with mortals out of politeness.  A god interacting with a mortal, directly, can lead to ruining countless plans and goals as the changes spread, and the other goddesses might not notice until it’s too late to fix it.  Or it might require more drastic action than they’re willing to take, out of a desire to avoid the chief god's attention.

I knew this, and that's why I was stunned when I saw, behind Kaiser, the goddess of hyper sizes silently waving at me with a bright smile.

Bernette is the goddess of truly massive T and A.  Tits and Ass.  As well as muscles.  And size.  Good goddesses, she was over seven feet tall, built like slutty Hercules, and her tits looked big enough to be a child’s bed.  All of her torso between her shoulders and her hips was hidden behind them, like she'd fine-tuned their size so they were as big as could be while still making sure people could admire her abs.

…Which might be exactly what she did, actually.  Hrm.  I should remember to ask her…

Anyway, I’m not going to pretend I didn’t start panicking when I saw her.  Because if she’s here in person, she’s here to ruin another goddess's predictions.  Predictions regarding specifically me.

And if she wasn’t there in person, and it was just a simulation -- what the fuck was she doing interacting with me there?!

Shimizu was at just the wrong angle to see her, and when Kaiser noticed my blank-eyed stare?

Bernette vanished before he finished turning to look.

Because of course she did.

It’s hard to express the sheer aggravation of a goddess making you come across as crazy to those you know.

…I made the mental resolution to just ignore her as I resumed my swim towards Kaiser.

That lasted for all of five minutes, before she appeared, again, in a place where only I could see her.  Again.

Bernette was holding a sign that looked to be made of a razor thin slice of pure marble, with the words written in sparkling gold-filled engravings.  The words said, ‘Hey!  Don’t panic, I’m friendly, and I’m here to help!’

I, naturally, doubted this.

I doubted this intensely.

Bernette flipped the sign around, and the back of it said, ‘I’ll prove it to you, don’t worry!  Don’t you want my blessing?’

This was rather frustrating.

Because yes.

I did want her blessing.

Very much so, in fact.

Hers was one of the ones that I was missing, and getting her blessing can be rather difficult.  You need to be at or near the most extreme limits of your proportions, and go through an event that would have dramatically increased all of them.  It was doable, but would require some fairly drastic actions in year 5, in the Hall of Mirrors.  This would save me the two or three weeks my plan blocked out for getting the blessing and recovering from what I'd need to do to earn it.

This actually includes height and fitness, which only made it harder!  Especially since I was rather lacking in both of them.

So when Bernette flipped the sign again -- now to the front, which said -- ‘Don’t worry, it’ll be fun!  Just do what I say for tonight, and I promise I’ll bless you!’

And then there was a smiley face.

In gold inlay.

In the marble sign.

…I’m pretty sure the smiley face winked at me, at one point.

She then flipped it to the back, which said -- and yes, I am aware the sign is switching what it says -- ‘Step one!  Ask Kaiser to fuck you.  Step two!  Beg Kaiser to fuck you.’

This was -- well.  

Okay.  So.

By that time, I was a slut eager to be corrupted even more.  But even then I initially considered that sequence of actions to be… problematic.

Kaiser is a predator.  You do not ask him to fuck you, and expect him to actually do so -- he’d make you prove you earned his cock before he used it.  It was much easier to tempt him, and then he’d take what he viewed as his.

The thing is, in the latter case, he was actually gentler than the former.

Because if he went at his pace, it satisfied his instincts.  The fact that he’s dictating everything calms him down.

But if you need to ‘earn’ it, then even though he’s demanding that action from you, you still initiated the interaction.

And, on top of that?

Debasing yourself for him gets him really, really horny.

So it’s a two-for-one of Kaiser’s horniness.

The initial plan was for Shimizu to fuck me a bit until Kaiser expressed an interest, but this plan that Bernette wanted me to do would very much throw a wrench into that.

I hesitated for a moment, and the sign flipped again.

It now read, ‘Come on, you know you want it~!’

And then there was a winking smiley face.

…And, uh, well.

She was right.

I realized with a start that I was already getting wet.  And -- to make things worse? -- the goddess was vanishing whenever Kaiser or Shimizu would see her.  So Shimizu would think that I was doing this of my own initiative.

…Which made me even wetter.

Well.  Metaphorically.  I was in a literal lake; lubricant being produced from my arousal wouldn’t actually increase how ‘wet’ I was.

But still!

Bernette seemed to realize that she got me, so she silently giggled and winked herself before flipping the sign.  ‘Obey my signs, and you’ll have my blessing before the night is out!’

And then she vanished.

I bit my lip and glanced to my side, where I saw Kaiser.  I squirmed a bit in the lake, needing to put in effort to keep my breathing even.

I softly spoke Kaiser’s name, and he opened one of his eyes to glance at me.  Which was my cue to say, “...Would you fuck me?  …Please?”

I heard Shimizu almost fall underwater in her surprise, followed by her choking back laughter as Kaiser rumbled a bit in his throat.  He looked interested, though, which was promising, and asked me, “...Why should I?”

I felt my heart pounding.  This was the part where I needed to beg.  Where I needed to debase myself.  A wobbly grin was trying to force its way onto my face, my arousal and adrenal combating my embarrassment and fear, all of them feeding into each other.

I realized that I was already worked up at the thought.  My pupils were dilated, and my thoughts were getting hazy.  I couldn’t quite recall why I was doing this, but I pushed through anyway.  I -- um, I don’t quite remember what I said, not exactly, but I remember the general gist.

I told him he should fuck me, because I was a slut.

Because I needed it.

Because I was so addicted to sex and pleasure that I craved his cum.

Because I was a desperate nymphomaniac.

Because I was so wet I couldn’t think.

Because I was craving to be nothing more than to be his.  His object.  His toy.  His tool he used for relief.  His sextoy.

I begged and I babbled and I started to grind into him, saying anything and everything I could think of with what words I could slip out while panting, and I was working myself into a greater and greater frenzy and fuuuuuck, it was so fucking hot!

Mmph!  S-sorry, got a bit worked up there.  I’m not -- I can’t -- would you be willing to accept an illusion to experience it yourself?

Fuck!  Fine!  I just -- I can’t do it justice!

His cock was bigger than Shimizu’s, and I could see it rising up between his legs.  The primal scent of his arousal and dominance flooded the lake's air, and made me glad I didn’t need to stand up.

My legs wouldn’t have supported me if I was.

It was like his presence was infecting my every sense.  I could hear the rumbling of his chest, I could smell his potent arousal so thickly I could almost taste it, my vision was alternating between his eyes and his cock and I had almost forgotten I was in a lake due to how much I was touching him.

I was very, very, very aroused.

Kaizer was, too.  I could see it in his eyes, as I was half straddling him, pushing my tits into his chest as I looked up at his face.  Begging all the while.  I saw the point where his self control cracked -- and then I saw when it broke.

His face took on a feral grin, like a predator staring down at their prey.  After a few seconds, I realized I had frozen -- and forgotten to breathe.  His grin only widened at that.

He said -- uh -- something.  Something about how ‘if I insist’ or ‘since I needed it’.  He reached down with his hands and, for the first time, touched me of his own initiative.  He grabbed my hips.  I realized I let loose a squeaking noise as I was lifted up.  He was strong enough to treat me like I was some kind of doll.  I instinctively flailed and kicked my legs, and Kaiser just chuckled.  He told me to ‘Spread your legs, slut’.

…And I did.

I had forgotten all about [Sub’s Fun], due to how rarely it actually triggers.  So my legs spread, the rest of my body stilled, and I stared up at Kaiser with wide eyes.

I was dripping with lake water and arousal both, and I saw him grin as he started to carefully place me above his cock.  Finding just the right angle for his comfort; I could feel the head tease my lower lips, and let loose a few whimpers of pleasure.

He grunted a bit, when he seemed to find what he wanted.  He gave a slight nod.

And then he slammed me down.

I screamed, I think, and then I started thanking him.  Thanking him and begging for more.

My libido had taken control of my mouth.  Pleasure wracked my body as I was pulled up and down, up and down, and I could feel his cock forcing its way inside of me.  I could almost feel like it was shaping me as it was doing so, forcing me into its shape.  My pleasure was only getting better with every pound.  I wasn’t in control of a single moment, and I was loving it.

Orgasm after orgasm rushed through my body, and I saw some signs from Bernette during the occasional -- and very short -- breaks we had.

They said -- and yes, this I do remember -- ‘I was going to tell you to thank him, but you’re already doing that, huh…’

‘Um -- he’s going at it harder than I thought he would -- you can stop now!’

'Wow, uh… you really are one of Modesty's sluts.'

‘You don’t mind if I just give you your blessing and leave, right?’

‘Right!  Okay!  Blessing granted, bye!’

The blessing in question?

[Flexible Body - Elizabeth Ambrosia Variant]
[Requires one to follow the goddess of size’s commands with an almost disturbing enthusiasm.]
[Increases one's size cap and ease of growth for all sexual characteristics.  Increases the body's abilities to take physical inserts.  Unlike the normal variant, these effects exclude height and musculature.]

Hehehe~  If only I had to have great sex for all the blessings.  It was a very productive night!

Eh?  Oh, right, that.  Yeah, Shimizu grabbed a good forty-seven lotuses.

…Why in all the worlds would the details of that matter?


The gods -- they AREN'T PERFECT!  And they MEDDLE!

What a surprise!

...Okay but more seriously, year 3 is when the gods start to meddle a bit more obviously than they have in the past.  The more they meddle, the more the 'plot' of the game goes off the rails.

Also, I'm genuinely curious -- what do you all think of how one of the default abilities that any god gets is 'near-perfect prescience'?  It can't predict other gods, and it can't predict when souls will suddenly shift, but the latter is very rare and the former isn't done by polite agreement.  Leading to the impression that the gods 'see and know all', when they really, really don't.

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