Capture Target

Chapter 35 — Y2: Callisto Causes More Trouble

Huge thanks to all my subscribers, especially TropicalPenguin, Teacher, Yuria, Theslimeofyourdream, NippVanWrinkle, Nemesis01, Ilawen, User#e20fc711, User#5c472977, User#646966cb, and User#6c53ee46 !

If anybody wants a different name to be used, let me know!

Hmmm… I could… no, no.  Bad idea.  But I really want to… but… maybe just a bit - oh!

Uh, hi!  Didn’t realize you were here already.

Um, say, do you want me to augment your cock?

…Just a bit?

To make it better?


Oh come on, why not?!

That’s - okay, fuck, yes, that’s fair.  You’re right.

Ugh.  Even Shimizu had more and more trouble the better her cock got… most would just become a rape machine, and as hot as that is, it’s not what I’m after with you.

Stupid ‘morals’ getting in the way of great sex.


As for where we left off -- well, uh.

…Our progress came to a screaming halt after Callisto got Shimizu to gain a second pair of balls.

It was like a flat wall.  Before, record breaking pace.  After, absolutely nothing but sex and rutting.

Even when Callisto tried to gain control of my body and will, my strengthened addiction was more than enough to stop her.  …Well, she wasn’t alone there, because I, too, was basically captured by Shimizu’s mega-dong.

Before long Sumiko joined us in our never-ending orgy.  Yuki vanished the moment Shimizu wondered if she could be convinced to join.  Yuu managed to avoid getting trapped -- for, uh, six days.  On the seventh the smell and temptation was too much for her, and she dived into it with impressive gusto.

After a week of our bodies being abused by Shimizu’s never-ending, seeming inexhaustible lusts.

She finally managed to wrangle control over herself when Takeo got sick of our nonsense and started dumping buckets of ice cold water on the four of us whenever we started to have sex.

It still took half a day for it to sink in that he wouldn’t stop.

And once we slowed down and took stock of our bodies, all of us, Shimizu included, crashed.  We had to hire extra help from the school to clean out my bedroom from all the sex stains we made.  I didn’t even have the energy to blush when one of the temporary helpers audibly wondered how cum got on the ceiling.

We were simply exhausted.  And would be for a few days, before --

-- ah, wait, no.  That’s right.  That came up, and… yeah, I should probably cover that…

Sorry, talking to myself a bit.  To take a small step back, while we were resting, Shimizu asked a very rational question.  “If there are more continents on the planet, why don’t we ask them for help?”

Now, the response to this is very -- ugh.  If you’re not in the mood for the lore, then, hmm… feel free to zone out until I ask if you’re better.  I just feel a responsibility to share it with you, as it is relevant, but you’re not required to listen.

So, at Shimizu’s question, Takeo and I both shared a look of pure and utter exhaustion.  I was too tired to even order him out of the team room I was… uh… borrowing… from the clubs.

It’s a good question, don’t get me wrong, but the answer basically comes down to, like every other answer, ‘the head god is an asshole’.

There’s only so many times you can say that before it gets exhausting to even think about.  There’s nothing an average person could even do about it; I was starting to transition to thinking of him as a series of natural disasters.  Something that sucked, but you dealt with it as best you could, and you really didn’t like thinking about it.

I’m not sure if you remember, but this entire continent that we’re on is ruled by the Kingdom.

That’s its name.  Not the ‘Kingdom of Saint Whoever’ or the ‘Kingdom of Glorified Asshole the Thirty Seventh’, just the Kingdom.

That’s because the rest of the world is on or near one massive continent on the other side of the planet, and going across the oceans is an exercise in stupidity.  Except Atlantis, but I’ll get to that later.

The Kingdom is basically a playground for the chief god.  It’s an isolated space where he can just ‘have fun’ and ‘do whatever’, much to the detriment of the poor people who live there.  That’s why the land grab exists.  He creates some random landmarks, fills it with fetishes, plops it in the ocean and sends it on its journey to attach itself to The Kingdom.  That’s why the Land Grab exists, so he can watch one mortal gain a harem of sluts.  That’s also why it was so isolated; because if they talked to others, they might realize there are better options.

The exception is, or, was, Atlantis.  Back before Alchemical Corruption 7, its engines were on the fritz, and it was stuck operating underwater.  Fighting back against the horrors that lived under the sea with stupid amounts of firepower.  …Waterpower.  Whatever.  Back then, it used to travel, underwater, to and from the two continents, allowing some very limited trade of goods and information.  The Kingdom wasn’t even mentioned in any details back then, it was just referred to as ‘the other continent’.

The rifle I got on the first day of the second year was actually an old Atlantean prototype that the Kingdom got centuries ago… before the Chief God yoinked it right out of their armory vault.

See, while Atlanatis was underwater, the Chief God just kinda… forgot it existed.

That’s how it could even survive going to and from the two continents.  Horrors aside, Chief Asshole would have just smote them or teleported them away if he realized what they were doing.

Until, of course, Alchemical Corruption Seven, where you fix the engines at the base of Atlantis.

When Atlantis rose into the sky, the Chief God suddenly remembered that, oh, hey, it still existed, and quickly swiped any evidence of it from the Kingdom.  …Well, any obvious evidence.

He missed the vast majority of it and just got the cool toys, not the records in the ancient books.

But even knowing that it existed in theory, we still had no method of communicating with them.  But let’s say, for the sake of argument, that we could.

The earliest somebody could have started engaging in communication would be at the start of the first year.  Somebody, probably me or Takeo, would set up a method of sending signals to the other side of the world.  Actually, even better!  Let’s say we had a method already built, right in front of us.  Let’s say we were stupidly lucky and Atlantis not only got our message, they still remembered us.

At that point, we would then have to not only convince whoever we got in touch with that we were telling the truth, we’d also have to convince them to spend resources to help us.  And even if we managed that, we’d then have to convince the local royal family to accept help from a theoretical land of miracles that’s only found in legends and ancient history!

You try convincing somebody that an ancient legend of a moving underwater city is not only real, but can now fly.  You see how well that goes until you get the city right in front of them.

But let’s say we manage to convince all parties involved with ease.  Then we have five years to get them from that continent, to this continent.

Which the chief god wouldn’t allow.

Yes.  I’m aware.

I know.

I said -- haaaa.  Alright.  Just let it out.



Look.  I get it, okay?  The chief god is a moron, an asshole, and is completely blind to the consequences of his own actions.

It doesn’t matter that if he blocked help from arriving, his entire world might be cursed, or destroyed.

All that matters is that he said ‘no’ once, and some mortals ignored him.

And even if he didn’t?

Atlantis is strong, sure, but it has its own responsibilities that it can’t just abandon, that are of a similar level of threat.  Not the same, but similar.  And nobody else has the technology required to cross the ocean safely.  They might be able to build one ship, or two, to get here in time, but they don’t have the tools to make the tools they need to build the boat!

It is incredibly frustrating.

It’s the stupid ‘oh look, a new game in a new foreign land that is completely unrelated to any other game in the series!’ plot hook.  It’s dumb, but that was what we had to deal with, so deal with it we did.

Now, after a few days of recovering from the orgy, we could get back to work.  Well.  I say ‘we’.  I mean ‘everybody else’.  I was still stuck with Callisto shouting in my head about being pretty and wearing makeup.

…The worst part was that Yuki was starting to help me get out of work and sneak away.

Yuki doesn’t just ‘help’ out of the goodness of her heart.  Or, well, she does, but not to this degree and not in this way.  Which meant she had a plan.  A plan I tried to tell Shimizu about, but she had her own problems.

Her cock was constantly throbbing, distracting her.  She described it as, ‘If I go too long without emptying my balls, it’s like every heartbeat I can feel them churning up, making more and more cum, until there’s so much I start to leak.  My precum starts spilling from my penis, and my mind melts more and more until I need to fuck and rut and fuck and rut and fuck and -’

And then we had sex to help her calm down.

So, yeah, Shimizu wasn’t able to keep on top of Yuki as much as she’d been able to… which meant that Callisto was free to slip off to the market and purchase whatever goodies she could afford with whatever money I had on me at the time.

Now, mind, I could stop her from getting things that I really didn’t want.  Some of the outfits she wanted me to buy weren’t even attractive, just weird.

Who makes a dress that looks like a tree and calls it ‘high fashion’?  It looks like a tree!  Trees aren’t curvy babes or hot studs!  They’re trees!

It took a few days of us going to the market before she found something that she started to find things that she could purchase, that I couldn’t quite stop her from buying.

First, and least embarrassing or intrusive, was a clit piercing.  A vibrating clit piercing.  Which was apparently noble high fashion…?

I… I like looking hot, I think making outfits match is important, and color choice is critical, but I… I just don’t understand high fashion.  In any world.

It doesn’t make sense…

…Sorry, right, back to Callisto.

The clit piercing was fun, but compared to what I had been through so far, it was rather tame, all told.  Same with her upgrading my nipple piercings to a similar form.

It was when she started purchasing augments that I started to panic.

Augments are a waste of money in Alchemical Corruption Twelve.

There are other games where the cost/value is different, but in twelve?  They’re too expensive for effects you can easily get elsewhere.

Augments are the ‘divinely sanctioned short-cut to power’.  They were still expensive as fuck and all but impossible to make -- the recipes aren’t even available in Twelve, you can only buy them -- but they had real, genuine effects.

Take an enhancement of strength, you get stronger.  Enhancement of speed, you get faster.


The boost was strong, but it would last for a number of turns, not a number of battles or time slots.  For some reason, augments worked on real time instead of slot time!  There’s entire books on the experiments done to show the difference!

Due to their limited use, the money was almost always better spent on equipment that grants better boosts.  The exceptions for that rule could be listed on one hand, with four fingers remaining.

For the final fight with the Evil God of Chastity and Purity, if you have stupid amounts of money to spare, and you already purchased double of everything you needed, then augments were worth the cost.  And only then.  In all other cases, it was better to preserve the money for later, or to buy better gear.

But the temporary boosts weren’t why Callisto was purchasing them.

She was purchasing them because of their secondary effect.

In this world, what do you think a ‘divinely sanctioned short-cut’ would cost?  Because it would cost something.  Something that the gods want… so not money, because why would they care about money?

That’s right.

They make you hotter.

Or, well, to be more precise, sluttier.

Men can’t actually take them.  Augments are a woman's one advantage in this world that men don’t get… except they’re not actually an advantage, because the more you take, the sluttier your body gets, and the easier it is to become an obedient little harem slut for the next stud that crosses your path.

The only thing that saved me was that she couldn’t scrounge up enough money to afford too many of them.  They were expensive on the marketplace, and in the game were probably just included for those near the end that wanted an easy way to increase the bust size of their favorite girls.  We had regular income from our land, but without our entire team actively pushing for more money, she couldn’t buy hundreds of them at a drop of a hat.

But she could buy some.  And Callisto was using them on me.

On my body!  Not her body!

Yes I’m still annoyed about that!

Oh sure, the result was something I learned to appreciate, but it was my body!  She was just hijacking it for a bit, and my stupid slut brain couldn’t -- AAAAH!

That’s why she was so successful!


…Okay.  Okay.  I’m better now.

I’m better.

I just realized why Callisto had such an easy time getting me to do stupid, slutty actions.

It was the damn brain slug.

Callisto didn’t have a body.  Her ‘thoughts’ weren’t affected by a nervous system; even when possessing somebody, she pushed her thoughts against their soul, not their mind.  So the brain slug did very little to her, even when she was in control.  I think the most it did was make sex more tempting and feel better, which, uh, frankly probably went completely unnoticed by her.

Anyway, while she wasn’t affected by the slug, I was.  Because I had a squishy meat-body.  I had a soul, sure, a soul that could and would rebel against possession, but the beliefs of my soul became thoughts using my brain.  Those thoughts then became actions, which then fed the soul.

So this meant that unlike Callisto, my ‘thought to action’ throughline had a waystation in my mind.  A waystation infested with a slut-slug.

So when Callisto suggested getting my breasts bigger, making my ass jut out more, making my lips even softer and more kissable, my thoughts would go to my brain.  The damn slug would muddy my thoughts.  It would then feed back to my soul, and use that to fight against Callisto.

Normally it would go to my body, but, again, possession.  That changed the rules.

This is actually part of why ghosts are so static.  They don’t have a brain that can grow and develop neurons and new paths, so any change they make needs to start soul-deep, instead of becoming soul-deep over time.

Anyway.  Fuck.

I can’t believe I missed that until now.

Aaaargh… where were we…?  Right.  Right.  Thanks.

Callisto purchased the cheapest augments she could find, so long as they avoided side effects.  Or side effects she didn’t want.  Cheap augments might permanently reduce your capabilities, and leave you with some unfortunate stretch marks.

She would then, as per the instructions, carefully, and liberally, apply the application to the chosen surface.  The augment came as some form of body cream that needed to be fully rubbed into the body part one wanted to be… uh… ‘augmented’, before the magic took place.

…I got to say, while she had a really hard time getting me to buy the first one?

She had a much easier time with the ones after that.

Because it felt so good!

I don’t think I can easily describe in words just how good it felt.  Lying on the bed, rubbing this cream on my tits, ensuring to get every inch… Needing to move a bit to get in between the cleavage vally, feeling it slowly start to wake up the nerves that lay underneath the skin… Firmly applying more and more until the cup was empty, working myself up as my tits became more and more sensitive…

…And then, finally, the growth.

The amount my body grew was small.  Tiny, really, per application.  Maybe the difference between having half a breath in your lungs and having just breathed out, for how far my breasts jutted forward.

But it felt like so much more.  I could feel my nerves stretching, growing, right underneath the surface… and while instinct might say it should start itching, or start causing pain, all I felt was pleasure.

Callisto didn’t even need to convince me to start toying with my nipples when my breast started to grow.  I turned on their vibration after fumbling for the remote, and spent a full hour just groping myself.  Working myself into a greater and greater frenzy, the thought of touching any other body part simply vanishing from my mind.

It was like I was trying to get closer to the edge of a cliff for my relief… but no matter what, the closest I could get was halfway.

It was sixteen feet away -- then eight.  Then four.  Then two.  One.  One half.  One quarter.  One eighth.

Every step was getting me closer and closer, but I couldn’t reach it!

It was driving me insane!

I outright tugged my nipple piercings, tugging my nipples and breasts, out from my body in a desperate attempt for enough pleasure to cum, when I felt my tits settling into their new size.  I felt like I could feel the difference in weight as my nerves ‘calmed down’, and for one, terrible moment, I thought I wouldn’t get my relief.  I wouldn’t cum.

And then I did.

The magic of the augments gave me all the pleasure that I had been denied until that moment.  I screamed, arching my back, feeling my subtly-heaver, subtly-bigger tits move on my chest as I writhed on the ground.  It was so good!

Now, somebody who was smart and intelligent would probably use that sensation as a method of resisting getting more.  The pleasure was downright addictive, and once one starts the process of using an augment, they will be unable to avoid finishing it.  As they work themselves up into a greater and greater frenzy until the climax.

A smart person would use that as a source of will and determination.

I was a slut.

So I simply caved a bit sooner every time Callisto wanted to purchase another one~

It took weeks for Shimizu to notice and put a stop to it.  Haaaah… I almost wish she took longer to catch on… how big would my tits be now if she didn’t notice…?

Don't worry, Callisto gets what's coming to her next chapter.

Also, hey!  An answer as to why they don't ask other nations for help!

Not that anybody, uh.  Asked.  But still!


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