Capture Target

Chapter 34 — Y2: Callisto Causes Trouble

Huge thanks to all my subscribers, especially TropicalPenguin, Teacher, Yuria, NippVanWrinkle, Nemesis01, Ilawen, User#e20fc711, User#5c472977, User#646966cb, and User#6c53ee46 !

If anybody wants a different name to be used, let me know!

You know what one of the best things about having a slutty body is?  Beyond the amazing sex and everything related to it?

A slutty body is fucking hot.

Okay, yes, you’re right, appearance is part of sex, but you’re missing my point!

Do you know how hard it is to look good normally?  You have to exercise, take care of your hair, watch your diet, master makeup, lather your skin in creams, and be lucky enough to have some prime genetic material.

And then you have to match whatever your society considers to be attractive!

Which generally means you typically want to look rich.  So if you’re in a place that’s lacking food, then you want to be fat.  If you’re in a place with plenty of food but most of it is greasy, you want to look thin, as only rich people can have healthy food.

This is a long way of saying that to look hot, you need to either be stupidly lucky, or you need to put in an unreasonable amount of effort and spend lots of money.  And if you’re able to do that is… also a matter of chance, bluntly.

Thankfully, the world of Alchemical Corruption isn’t one prone to being poor in food, or prone to having unhealthy food.

In one of the very few cases of wisdom from the chief god, ‘Looking unhealthy isn’t sexy’.

I mean, if you like the skeletal or obese look, then you do you!  Those are certainly valid kinks.  Just be sure to be safe and healthy about it.  But in Alchemical Corruption, ‘world hunger’ isn’t actually a problem.  Fruits and vegetables crop up all over the place.

…That said, if you just ate random fruits and vegetables you find lying around, chances are you’re going to drug yourself to the gills with aphrodisiacs.  Even wild apples make you a bit horny.

But all that said, that means to look ‘attractive’ in the world of Alchemical Corruption, you have to go to extremes.  Because only the rich, or the lucky, can get to extreme appearances without losing control over themselves.

Callisto was well aware of this, and while she wouldn’t completely warp my body… doing so could make me angry enough to rattle her control over it… she could change me in some minor ways.  And, more importantly, she had significantly fewer qualms about going to extremes with others.

Shimizu realized I was possessed the moment I left Callisto’s dilapidated manor.  If the makeup and subtly arrogant smirk on my face wasn’t enough, wearing an entirely different outfit was a pretty big tell.  While change blindness is a thing, this was a bit too drastic for her to ignore.

…And she was warned of the possibility earlier, so she was looking out for it.

I had told her all about Callisto on our trip to the Assemblage of Apparitions.  I was fairly worried that this exact thing would happen, so I wanted to be sure she knew what to do.

And what she had to do was… not much, really.

Ensure I didn’t do anything too stupid.

Make sure the agreement we made gets filled as soon as possible.

Don’t let possessed-me ruin my life… which primarily translated into ‘keep me the fuck away from Takeo’.

Basic stuff, there.  Of course, I made a small mistake.

Callisto may be vain, petty, single-minded, vapid, and almost childish in her desires, but that didn’t mean she couldn’t be clever when she wanted to.

See, I was used to Shimizu being in charge, by now.  Being the one that manipulated myself and others.  I was used to her being the one that was ‘in control’, ever since she got a handle on her cock.  So I didn’t really bother looking for cracks in her persona.

Callisto had no such biases in her thoughts.

…And what was even better -- worse, sorry, worse -- was that her plan was one that I couldn’t help but agree with.  I was salivating at the thought of her pulling it off, and if I had full control over my body it would have been obvious.  I would have been soaking wet with nipples as hard as diamonds, hip twitching out of a desire, a need, to have my lust satisfied.  Because while it wasn’t something I would do on my own initiative… the desire to have Callisto succeed was intense.

So if anything, I was helping her.  It was weird.  It was like -- the various desires I had, the wants and needs, were being filtered through somebody else’s agenda.  What was prioritized, and how it was prioritized, wasn’t from me.  So while I wasn’t in control of my body, or of my actions, it still felt on some level like it was me.  Just -- a me that was put through a Callisto-colored filter.

So,, after Shimizu called me out on being possessed, she started to walk towards her with a sway in her hips.  She, I, we, cooed out to her in a tone I knew made her stiffen her spin, made her cock twitch.  “Maybe so, Shimizu~  Maybe I am possessed~  Maybe I’m not in control of myself~  But if anything, you should be celebrating that fact!  Because right now, my self control is tanked.  And one thing that hasn’t changed… is how much I love your cock.”

That got Shimizu’s attention.

I had underestimated how much her cock had already influenced her thoughts.  She liked it.  A lot.  It was a sign, a signal, of how much she had improved herself.  Of her strength and control over her environment, over others.  So she felt temptation.  I had warned her about that.  I had told her that if she felt tempted by my words, to fuck my mouth until I was too high on her cum to remember how to speak.  Callisto is clever, and her tongue can drip venom.

But… she didn’t.  She didn’t stop her, stop me, from speaking.

She just stared at me, at us, and waited for us to continue.

She was giving us permission to talk.

So we did.

“See, I know you like what your cock does to women… but there’s one problem with it:  Your cum production.  Oh, sure, you have the refractory period removed, but that doesn’t help matters.  Your first spurt of cum is the most potent, the thickest, the strongest.  Everything else is… thin.  Isn’t it?  You know that’s the case.  It’s thin and weak.  The pleasure is still there, but the addiction it causes lessens.  You can’t pound your way through an orgy of girls and expect them all to dream of your cock like that.  And I happen to know a way to fix that.  Would you be interested…?”


…Wasn’t interested.

She instead used her worked up arousal to fuck me into an insensate puddle, rammed so thoroughly that I couldn’t feel or think of a single thing as she outright carried me back to the school dorms.

And that was that.

…For a while, at least.

The list of repairs we had to do in Ghost Town was long, and on top of that, we had to continue expanding.  We had no idea where the Parasitic Nucleus or the Memetic Mistress was, and with three usable people and one cow-slut scientist on my side in the Land Grab, we had no excuse to slack off.

That didn’t stop 'me' from doing so, however.

I really, really, really didn’t want to dirty the new dresses and outfits I was buying.

And why would I wear hiking shoes?!  Heels or no, they weren’t nearly as fashionable as I deserved!

And of course an entire time slot spent fixing up my makeup was more important than claiming a new slot of land.  What could possibly be worth more than that?

It aggravated everyone that I went from ‘working too much’ to ‘working too little’, and they didn’t have a way to fix it.

Shimizu tried bribing me with pleasure and her cum, but while I was addicted, Callisto was not.  Which drove me and my body up the wall when she managed to stop us from getting more of it!

Sumiko tried a weird ray beam that she claimed would fix the problem… but I frankly don’t remember what happened over the four time slots that followed her using it on me, and nobody will tell me what I did.  They just insisted that it didn’t work, they broke the device, and that they’d banned Sumiko from ever making one again.

Takeo, the ass, was just laughing about how funny this all was when on the outside and not part of the process.

Even Yuki tried to get me under control with her tentacles, but -- uh --

…She stopped doing that after a few attempts.

…No.  I don’t want to share.

It’s embarrassing!

…oh… that… fine.

With Callisto possessing me, I didn’t respond to her attempts in a way that ‘lit up her sadistic desires’.

In other words, she wasn’t enough of a sub to get Yuki worked up.  Which said things about me that I wasn’t going to contemplate, so let’s move on~!

Despite my recalcitrance, we managed to make good progress on Ghost Town in the following month.  The buildings were getting cleaned up, new utensils were created in the cauldron and handed out, and overall it was starting to look much less… uh… terrible.

However, over that entire time, Shimizu was thinking.  Thinking about what ‘I’ had offered her when ‘I’ first came out of Callisto’s manor, clearly possessed.  She was working over the pros and cons of it.  And she, to my subtle amazement, decided that… yes.  She wanted to see where this idea of ‘mine’ went.

So she approached me two months into the year, with ghost town a good third of the way to completion, about what 'I' had suggested to her.

I tried to warn Shimizu when she asked me about ‘my’ plan.  I really did!  I had a reflexive ‘no, bad idea!’ thought and tried to shout it out!

But Callisto shouted me down.  My body froze for a few moments, and that was all she needed.

My addiction to Shimizu’s cock was still strong, and all she had to do was bombard me with images and thoughts of what would happen if I just -- let this happen.  And soon my libido was on her side.

With my mind one side and my libido on the other, it’s roughly a seventy-thirty split as to which wins, favoring my mind.  At least it was at the time.  But with Callisto putting her weight on the scale?

My mind didn’t even have a chance.

I felt myself melting into a puddle of heat as Callisto took almost full control over my body, and happily led Shimizu into some of the more… parasitic… corners of the second landmass.

We reached a small, damp, muggy area near a tree.  The entire place stank with the smell of sex and heat.  The tree in question had a glossy sheen of moisture covering it, and what appeared to be hundreds of small orbs made of bark dotted up and down its body.

I could do little more than watch as my body moved, plucking one of the orbs, and handing it to Shimizu.

Shimizu held it for a long moment, face firm, and thinking through some last minute doubts… before she gave a firm nod.

She reached into her pants, into her underwear, and placed the orb right behind her ballsack.  She flinched with a moment of pain when it ‘bit’ into her, and sighed a moment later when the anesthetic it injected into her soothed her nerves.

And then we left, and headed back to the dorm.

I was ‘gifted’ back full control of my body by Callisto after that, and I could do little more than pace in my room and barely avoid masturbating.  I knew full well what that little orb had done to her… Callisto told me, showed me her memories of what it does to people… and I knew she’d be raring to go as soon as it kicked in.

Ironically, I worked myself up so much that I found myself getting exhausted before Shimizu showed up.

I was halfway asleep, convinced that she’d show up tomorrow, when I heard my door slam open -- before slamming shut moments later, anything hanging on my walls shaking a bit.

I was still groggy and tired, so it took me a few moments to process what was going on, before the first spurt of cum hit my face.

Something was different about it, that time.

It tasted even better.  In a strange, more primal way.  There was something in the taste that I didn’t understand at the time, but simply lit up the parasite in my skull.  I moaned at just the taste, my body jolting me awake with adrenaline as it prepared for sex, for mating, for getting fucked.

I needed to blink a few times to get the blur out of my eyes, and wipe a bit of cum off of them, before I saw Shimizu standing in front of me.  This was the first time I really noticed that she was taller than she used to be.  She looked like a mountain, her muscles more defined than before, her cock hard and throbbing, jutting out from her, and her four balls swaying beneath it.

Yes.  Her four balls.  Two were the normal, human pair.  Well, as ‘normal’ as it could be for a futa… The other pair was just as big, and pulsing with a purple skin tone.  Threads of purple and blue were reaching into the rest of Shimizu’s body from them.

Just by looking I could almost feel the heat from her balls as they worked overtime to make more of that tasty, delicious cum that my body craved.

I looked up at Shimizu’s face, still blinking away my sleep, rapidly, and I saw a familiar look in her eyes.  One I hadn’t seen for months.

It was the look of someone who had lost control, utterly and totally, to their lusts.

Reduced from a human to an animal.  A walking cock that needed to fuck.

I opened my mouth to try to say -- something, I’m not sure what -- only for Shimizu to almost leap towards me and slam her cock into my mouth.

It’s a good thing that the bodies of humans in this world are innately resistant to damage from sex, and are rather -- squishier -- than normal.  Otherwise, that would have hurt.  A lot.  Her cock was big and she didn’t even say anything but a feral growl as she pushed her cock into my mouth, down my throat.

My eyes widened as I got a taste of it.  It used to be potent, sure, but nothing like this.  It lit up the new pathways in my brain that the slug had created over the past two months, making my body shiver with heat and lust and need, as I felt my ability to focus start to simply -- fade.  It wasn’t important.

Nothing was important other than the cock in front of me.

I don’t remember much of that night.  I hadn’t gotten used to the effects her parasite-infected herm-cum had on my slut brain.  I remember worshiping it, though.

Not Shimizu, though she would get around to that eventually.  No, that night, there was too little in her that was ‘human’ to think through such complicated things as ‘obtaining worship’.

No, I worshiped her cock.  Her balls.  Her cum.

We fucked through two full time slots.  If we could have kept our wits about us, we might have been able to condense it into one, but neither of us had the head for that at the time.  We just fucked and fucked and fucked and fucked until we passed out.

The human body needs sleep, after all, and we fucked through the two ‘sleeping’ time slots.

And then we woke up, and her cock was already throbbing, pre drooling out of the tip.

And we got right back to it~

If you're wondering when Shimizu gets herself back under control, when she manages to resist the throbbing demands of her massive herm-cock, when she can avoid fucking the nearest willing hole when the urge takes her...

She doesn't~

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