But… It’s me! The real Spider-Man!

The White Rabbit is robbing! part 2

It seemed to end there, but a police siren howled in the distance. The sound was coming in fast.

"I warned you!" Bunny pointed the end of her umbrella at the face of the receptionist, who had obviously managed to press the panic button.

I felt my palms sweat with fear and prepared to shoot a webbing at the perpetrator's weapon.

"You're wasting your time," I said, feeling my voice give way to weakness. "Better run before the cops arrive."

The rabbit turns on his heels, looking at me intently.

"Another brave man! It's a miracle, isn't it?" And immediately turns to his accomplices. "Grab his girlfriend, will be our shield."

The rabbit walks briskly towards the exit. What a bitch!

One of the gangbangers immediately takes a step in our direction and jumps up with her shotgun, about to point it at M.J.

I grab Mary Jane by the shoulder and push her back against the far wall of the cafe with all my might. There's a clinking sound, the rumble of tables toppling over.

"What are you doing up there?" Dodson assesses the situation with a quick glance. "So take him, he asked for it!"

I let the gangsters have me unhindered. In a hurry, we load into the blue van parked outside the cafe. Bunny gets in the cab. Two benches, and I'm in the back of the van with three criminals. Deja vu. Only the bag on my head is missing.

Car's moving.

"Hey, you're going to break my arm," I say indignantly and pull my shoulder out of the grip of the criminal holding me.

"Don't move, kid!" Another female gangster shoves a gun in my face. Compared to these marginal elements, Archie and his companions were the standard of true ladies.

Pretending to rub the woman's bruised shoulder, I pressed the injector with the Lizard formula.

"Sit still!" The broad muzzle of the shotgun strikes my cheekbone, cutting my skin until it bleeds.

"Take it easy, or you'll kill the kid," the third delinquent lazily intervenes on my behalf.

I'll sit still, don't worry, bitches. I'll sit still for another ten minutes. But my plans are disrupted. A few minutes later, the most aggressive of Rabbit's sidekicks notices something's wrong:

"What the fuck?" She looks right at me, slowly raising her shotgun. "His wound is overgrown!"

Three stares are directed at me. Shit!

In the resulting silence, a light slap can be clearly heard, as if someone had landed softly on the roof of the car. Someone very light and nimble.

I jerk my body sideways and push the gun away from the distracted criminal for a moment, and there is a rumbling sound of gunfire. The bandit sitting to my left shrieks, and I, with my hands on the bench, kick the shooter in the stomach. She bulges her eyes and frantically tries to grab air with her mouth. But the third criminal doesn't doze off.

A powerful blow to the shoulder, as if a car had crashed in, throws me back against the back wall. Belatedly, the rumble of a gunshot reaches my ears. My left forearm is ripped to mush, my arm hanging by a flap of skin. Something gurgles in my left side chest, too.

The car rolls sideways to the creak of the brakes, dragging us on the ground for a while. Everything in the back is jumbled together: bodies, arms, weapons. Two of the criminals slowly regain consciousness, and the third, the one who caught the shotgun blast, is choking on blood. The whole chest is a bloody mess.

Meanwhile, I feel a fierce itching in my arm and side instead of pain. Regeneration was at full force.

The one who shot me stands up, leaning her arm against the walled floor of the van. The other one is on all fours, still struggling to regain her breath. I wait for them to walk toward the exit and level with me before I pounce on them with the fury of the beast.

A bloody veil covered my eyes. I realize that my anger is amplified by the serum, but I can still barely contain my rage. I throw the women around as if they didn't weigh anything. One of them bumps her head and loses consciousness, the other has to help with it.

Growling curses, I fumble for a hoop on my left shoulder. If the bandit had fired a little higher, all the vials would have been blown to pieces.

Replacing the vial with another batch of Connors serum, I inject the medicine into the dying woman. I wait a minute for the recovery process to begin, and then I administer the antiserum. That should be enough to keep her alive. I stash all the empty containers in my pants pocket and head for the exit. The lock is jammed, and I have to force the door open.

Outside, in front of a crowd of onlookers, many of whom are shooting video on their phones, the fight between Gwen and Bunny is in full swing. The criminal, it turns out, has jet-powered boots. She uses them to make powerful jumps. It's really cool. She's a virtuoso at braking with a jet stream in her boots... and using it in combat is pure aerobatics.

Swinging on the web, Gwen manages to knock Bunny down with a two-legged kick. The mugger falls ten feet, barely managing to slow down at the last moment to avoid hitting the pavement.

Gwen, meanwhile, tries to turn around in a jump, shooting a webbing at a nearby building, but that's when the cartridge runs out. She still manages to change her flight direction with another web-shooter, and then, running her feet along the wall of the building, she comes down to the ground a few meters away from Lorina, who is standing on her unsteady legs.

Gwen tries to tie up the culprit using the remnants of her webbing, but instead of a long thread, she only gets a short spit, she couldn't even get the muzzle of the umbrella with it.

"What an embarrassing confusion," Dodson gloated, brushing the sticky liquid off his weapon with the fingers of his left hand.

"I haven't had much practice yet, I'm sorry," Gwen picks up on the joke.

The rabbit suddenly shoots a new carrot from the umbrella, which Gwen dodges playfully. But Loreena didn't expect to hit, she immediately jumps, trying to escape before the cops arrive.

I decide to intervene: I shoot both web-shooters in the back of the criminal. One of the threads goes past, but the other one clings to her ass in white shorts. Except I forgot that I don't know how to stick to the floor like I used to.

I was jerked up and forward with force, causing me to fly a few feet after Dodson and crash into the wall of a one-story store, with Bunny falling on the roof. There's a ledge in my hand, which I use to climb up.

"You," Loreena hisses when she sees me. Her face is covered in abrasions.

"The one and only," I smirk.

The girl lunges at me with her fists, not even trying to pick up the umbrella dropped in the fall. I seem to be underestimated.

Bunny tries to push me off the edge of the roof, but I playfully stop her onslaught. She's so slow. I easily clasp her hands and force the culprit into a kneeling pose.

"Whoa, I see I'm out of time!" Gwen jumps onto the roof.

"Hey, let go of me, asshole!" Bunny tries unsuccessfully to break free.

I bind Dodson with a spider web, remembering to seal her filthy mouth as well. I wonder if I'll be accused of harassing the villain for a photo similar to last time in this world.

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