Bix Magic Cube Game World

Chapter 46 - Part 46

Eagle opened his eyes reluctantly, and he seemed to be in a bad mood.

But Peisen didn’t take it seriously. The young man’s temper was already bad. Isn’t it normal to get upset?

Anyone who has just been asleep and has been called by someone, will not be too happy.

Pei Sen said the current situation quickly and concisely, “Master, Xor is trapped in Casey City, what should I do now?”

“You mean how many people did he take with him?”

“Yes, it’s weird.” Pei Sen didn’t understand that Xuo was originally the deputy director of the Golden Rose Manor. He came back when he came back, sneaking in a black cloak and carrying a few unknown experts. what.

Eagle thought about it, “Show me that ring.”

Pesson was about to hand him the ring, but Eagle reached out and blocked it, got out of the bed and took a handkerchief from the side, motioned Pessen to put the ring on the handkerchief.

This guy has another cleanliness, and he doesn’t want to take it directly for an old ring that doesn’t know who it is.

When he looked at the ring, he was a little bit disgusted. If the Thousand Magic Rings that Pei Sen gave him, he wouldn’t be willing to wear them on his hands if they weren’t.

“It looks nothing special.” He looked closely and said.

Payson pointed to the inside of the ring. “Unsurprisingly, this should be someone named Berfield.”

Eagle frowned, “Berfield?”

“Master, do you know?”

Eagle said expressionlessly, “Of course I know that the Burfield family was still a great aristocrat decades ago, so the Miss Burfield family was able to marry Orrington as queen. That’s right, Lather and my mother Carolina The mother’s surname is Burfield. “

However, this family has long since been ruined. Because of this, the queen from the Burfield family died soon after giving birth to Lather and Carolina. Almost all other children of King Orrington were Born by his lovers, the new queen later did not have any children.

It was just that Eagle knew more. The death of the queen had nothing to do with the failure of the family. Orrington still had feelings for her.

Her death was essentially related to the “sickness” of Leather, which was inherited from the family and originated from the Berfield family. The Esmea family did not have such a curse-like inheritance. King Olinton’s body has always been very healthy. The death of the queen is due to a curse.

Eagle’s mother Carolina is the only person in the entire Berfield family who has not been inherited, although she also has the blood of the Berfield family.

“I think, I know what this is.” Eagle took the ring directly, without using a handkerchief to isolate it. “This is the mysterious ring of the family, the mysterious ring of the Berfield family.”

Pei Sen has never heard of a ring of secret patterns. Even as an old player of the Bix Cube, he asked himself very well about the Yali continent, but the degree of exploration of the Yali continent before the player crossed is really not very good. How about it, especially for the nobility, it is difficult for the players to get along with the noble’s car. Especially in the early days, everyone’s speech and communication were problems.

The system crab is still very powerful, and the players are very inattentive when speaking.

“What is the ring of mysterious lines?”

“You can understand that the nobles have a lot of precious things to worry about, and there are more things. Even if you build a treasure house, you can easily be secretly patronized by some guys,” Eagle said slowly. “You know, In this world, there are many guys with extraordinary strength. “

Especially those who are good at acting in the shadows, even shadow cats like Pex, sometimes cause unexpected damage.

This is not the scientific atheistic world where Mr. Peisen lived before, but a variety of transcendents.

No wonder those nobles are not at ease.

“So, the nobles used a special method to create a secret pattern ring, put all the important things into this ring, and at the same time, set the secret pattern, only those who are recorded in the secret pattern, Able to open the Ring of Mystery. “

Pei Sen suddenly realized, “Does it have to be the blood of this family in order to be recorded into the secret lines?”

“No,” Eagle looked at the ring. “It can be opened as long as it is recorded in the secret pattern. For example, the combination between nobles, even if the wife is not from this family, as long as it is recorded in the secret pattern, Can open the mysterious ring of this family. “

Peisen thought about it and understood the operation of this ring.

Eagle looked at the ring calmly, “Person, do you think Xor deliberately handed that magic book into your hand?”

“Yes, I was just a little bit aggressive that day, and he handed over the book to me. Now it’s a bit suspicious to think that his approach at that time was not consistent with his usual style.” Pei Sen frowned. “But why did he do this? I think if he wanted this ring, why did he have to hide it and give it to me.” And then come back to get the ring now? This is simply not understandable.

Eagle said slowly, “The first name recorded in the secret pattern on the secret pattern ring is the current owner of the ring. Once the owner dies or loses control of the ring, the second order will become the ring. The new owner. Every owner of the mysterious ring can sense the existence of the ring. So, this is why Xuo tried to find a way to hide the ring and give it to you. “

When he analyzes things like this, he is not like a 15-year-old boy. He is clear and well-founded.

“There are still people alive in the Berfield family. This one should be the original owner of the ring, and most of them want Xor to give me the ring,” Eagle also has the blood of the Berfield family, “And Xor thought To swallow the ring privately, he did n’t want to give it to me, but the other party could sense the position of the ring. He could n’t help but put the ring on the manor in such a vague and roundabout way. ”

Pessen understood at once that Xuo wanted to make people who could sense the ring think he had given it to Eagle, because the ring was in the manor.

But in fact, Xuo did not. He hid the ring and gave it to himself in a special way to deceive the man’s induction.

“So why is he coming back now … to take the ring?” On this rainy night, he quietly walked through Casey City, and Payson had to conspiracy to discuss that he was here to get the ring back.

Eagle chuckled, “About the ring’s previous owner is dead, so he wanted to get it back. I guess, the second name recorded in the secret pattern is probably me.”

Payson: “…”

Therefore, the other party asked Xor to send the ring to Iger in preparation for giving it to Leger. The reason why Xor dare to hide the ring is that he may die if he hits the other party. The idea of ​​cheating him first?

As long as the other party is dead, you can find a way to get the ring back.

It may be related to the matter that the people of the Magic Association arrived in the Lanno collar, maybe it has nothing to do with it, but most of them were really trying to avoid them, and they left. Now that they are gone, Xor ca n’t wait to come back and want to Get the ring back.

“So, Master, are you the master of this mysterious ring now?” Peisen was also interested. The legacy left by an ancient noble family, there must be a lot of good things to think about, so that senior masters like Xuo can be moved. Okay, so what is inside …

Eagle hummed, “It turns out that it was for this ring, I thought he could have a purpose.” He said disdainfully, “And just playing with these little means.”

Peisen thought silently, what about the small means, just useful, “If Xor really broke in and took the ring, how would he open the ring if it wasn’t on the secret pattern?”

“It’s very simple,” Eagle said casually, “grab me and force me the current owner of the ring to record his name in the secret pattern.”

Payson: “…”

Can such things be said lightly? ?

“Now that he knows what he wants to do, if your tribe can’t beat him, let Sardin go.” Iger Yixing said sullenly, as if he had lost interest in Xuo, “Catch him first, maybe You can also know more about this ring. “

Pei Sen wanted to know exactly what was in the ring, but he also knew that it was more important to deal with Xuo Suo. He nodded, “I’m going to Sardinia.”

Eagle yawned, “Then I will go to sleep first, and I will talk about something tomorrow.”

Pei Sen got up and left in a hurry.

In fact, Eagle did n’t have much drowsiness after he was woken up. He watched as Payson left, and then looked at the ring in his hand again, “Berfield …”

This family has indeed failed, and the entire family has almost disappeared, but why did the other party send the ring to his hand? You should know that Lether, who is now in the capital, is also the bloodline of the Burfield family. In terms of blood, he should be closer to Eagle, after all, the last owner of the Burfield family is Leather’s grandfather.

He did not rush to see what was in the ring. As an aristocrat, Iger knew the existence of the mysterious ring and how to open the mysterious ring. He threw this obscure ring aside Pex ’s On his body, the sleeping Pecks woke up with a “meow”.

“Peix, I have been talking to Pei Sen for so long, you haven’t woken up and can really sleep.”

Peix: “???

As a cat, Peques sensed the former owner’s very unattractive mood at this moment, and it carefully meowed again, not understanding why he was not happy.

Eagle snorted, “Give me the ring, don’t be taken away by anyone, give it to me tomorrow.”

The cat looks at the ring, and the cat is not a dog. Why should the cat look at things?

It was not willing, but did not dare to disobey the former owner who was in a bad mood. He could only leave the nest, looked around with the ring in his mouth, and finally threw the ring into its nest, and then lay on his back, because he was too fat, A round cat body completely hid the ring underneath it, no matter how frustrating it slept, it did not reveal the ring.

Pex stretched out with satisfaction and continued to sleep.

After Eagle threw the ring to Pex, he turned to look at the huge mercury mirror in the bedroom.

In the Asian continent, there are such high-definition mercury mirrors, but each side is valuable. Aristocrats like Eagle often have such a mirror in the bedroom to check whether they are dressed properly .

Eagle looked at himself in the mirror. The 15-year-old boy is already an adult in the Asian continent, and the people in this world are more inclined to the background of the Western world, so they are not as small as the Orientals in appearance. It was only fifteen years old, and Igle looked pretty young, only a little young.

His blond shawl and green eyes in the mirror looked deep and beautiful in the dim light of the magic crystal lamp. In this dim light and shadow, his porcelain white Junli’s face added a little temptation.

“I think I’ve grown up. Why does Pessen still look at a child every time he looks at me?” Eagle was very puzzled.

He is almost taller than Peisen. This is probably because the people of the Esmea family are all tall, and Leather is a lot taller than the normal person. Even the princess Carolina, obviously a female, but Almost almost the height of an adult male.

Eagle inherited the beauty of the Ranno family and also has the characteristics of the Esmea family. He is still growing taller now, and he will certainly be much higher than Pessen in the future.

The teenager’s figure is still slightly thin, with a slender posture unique to his youth. Anyway, at the age of fifteen, it seems to the Amisians that they are grown up. In fact, the body is still growing.

Looking at the loose and comfortable silk pajamas on his body, Eagle lipped his lips, even if he didn’t wear anything in his clothes, Peisen often accompanied him to take a bath.

As a personal housekeeper, this is indeed the duty of Mr. Peisen.

With a slight frustration, Eagle lay on the bed and could not fall asleep for a long time.

As for Xor? He didn’t care about it at all.

Mysterious ring? Well, it doesn’t matter so much in his opinion.

What he thinks now is only Pei Sen.

Pei Sen had no idea what his young master was thinking in his mind. He quickly went to Sardinia, lest he should be buried by players.

Senior mage … shouldn’t it be so useless?

It might be okay to put a few large defense shields.

However, Xorx, still trapped in the player’s encirclement, really feels no way.

He did release the ice barrier, but to maintain the ice barrier, he could not release other spells, and the ice barrier did not maintain a state of 360 degrees, and he could not completely block this incomparable ratio. Ox.

At first, Royce and Jona were “lucky”, and there were not enough Bixians in Adrian. Unlike Xuo, they almost fell into the vast ocean of Bixians.

“If you go on like this, you’re done,” Xuo’s face grew paler, soaked in cold rain, “I’m afraid my magic won’t last long.”

Large-scale magic needs more magical support, and no matter how much it is consumed, he will run out of magical power sooner or later, thus losing combat power.

The white-haired youth not far away has a gloomy expression, “We must find a way to break through, otherwise we will all die here.”

To be honest, he has been a mercenary for so many years, never thinking that one day he will be forced to such a degree by a group of low-level guys.

Too much quantity will really cause qualitative changes.

What he didn’t understand was, what kind of belief did this group of interracials have in order to survive like this.

He asked himself one of the most elite troops in the world. Among the soldiers who had experienced many battles, he had never seen such a fearless quality.

The mouth said to break through, but the dense surroundings are all Bix, do you mean that the breakout is the breakout?

Xorox was even more worried that if he continued this way, he would be too late to break through.

Perhaps, the Bix has already notified the Golden Rose Manor, and Sardin will appear in a second.

This is absolutely bad news.

The heavy rain poured down and swallowed many fighting sounds.

The civilians of Casey City shrank in their newly built house, and some people were quietly watching the battle covered by the rain not far away.

All they saw was that countless Bixians rushed up and were killed by each other.

These days, some people in Casey City actually have a good relationship with the Bix, who are very diligent in helping to build houses, never lazy, and do not pay.

Some civilians were originally afraid of these aliens, but during this time they felt that these aliens were not bad, and some even made these civilians feel gentle and enthusiastic.

Often face the smiling face of the Bickers, this group of aliens often looks pretty good, civilians gradually get along with them and become harmonious.

Casey City has become a settlement for most players. They and the people of Casey City also have some “feelings”. The civilians in other places may treat them or fear more than everything else. The people of Casey City are already in Gradually accept these special guys.

Although they are also somewhat afraid of these Bix, the civilians of Casey City are less afraid of them when they know that this group of people will not attack themselves for no reason. Most of them are still very good people.

For example, just now, the Bix tribes were standing in the rain like lunatics. The people of Casey City also felt that their brains were a little bit problematic, but their fear was not so high.

They usually get along much more often, and they already have certain immunity to the strange behavior of the Bix.

And now, a large number of Bixis are being mercilessly killed.

When these civilians started, they did not dare to move at all, but gradually they moved.

“These people in long cloaks are definitely not good people.”

“Yes, quietly entered our Casey City, maybe doing something bad.”

“Then they were discovered by the Bix tribes. They were very brave and immediately stopped this group of bad guys and then fought them.”

“Mom, are the Bix people protecting us?”


“No matter how evil and terrible people are, the Bix tribe will not be afraid, even if they give their lives, they will not take a step back.”

“I heard that the Bickers are the most loyal fighters to the lord. Are they actually not bad people?”

“The Bixis are not bad people, as long as you don’t do bad things, they won’t hurt you at all.”

“Yeah, there was a sister of the Bix family who gave me a wreath.”

“Well, an uncle gave me sweet candy and it was delicious.”

“Today, a big brother gave me a leg bone of a savage rabbit, and I will become a swordsman in the future!”


They are actually not bad. The civilians of Casey City looked at the increasingly fierce fighting outside, and inexplicably had other emotions in their hearts.

“Is the uncle who gave me candy killed by the bad guys?”

“I saw my sister who could make a wreath. When she rushed up, she was knocked down by a bad guy and never got up again.”

“The boy in armor is still building a roof for me during the day.”

“There is a person there that looks like the elder brother who gave me the leg bones, but I know that is not him, right?”

“Well, that’s just his brother.”

Civilians are unable to participate in this level of battle. They watched more and more Bickers fall down, and their bones were as white as jade under the heavy rain.

They gradually became silent and sad. This time the Bix battle was different from the previous times. Many of these dead people were their acquaintances.

And these people are being mercilessly killed.

This is the first time that the aborigines of this world are saddening the death of players.

In fact, since these days, players have really gathered in Casey City to participate in urban construction. After receiving the mission, it is their daily routine to use life skills to help civilians build houses. At the same time, they try to obtain missions from some “npc”, making them Most of them are very friendly and pay attention to the interaction with these civilians.

Even if I can’t receive the task for a while, is it good to brush up with it in case?

When the players are not so “crazy”, they are actually quite cute. In addition, they ca n’t pinch their faces when entering the game at this stage. Most people have chosen to increase their appearance. In the eyes of these civilians, the Bixis They all have pretty good looks, plus hard work and enthusiasm.

At first, they may not be too accustomed to their enthusiasm, but they are very helpful. No matter what you do, a group of Bixians will rush to do it.

Compared to their original relatives and neighbors, these Bickers are actually better. No matter how troublesome they are, they are willing to help.

Especially some children in the city, they have less fear than the Bix, and during this period, many children are very happy to play with the Bix.

Although they are not normal, they are not so dangerous.

As a result, some of the older people in the civilian population covered the innocent eyes of those children, lest they always ask whether the “big brother, big sister, uncle and aunt” who usually played with them were killed.

This scene is too cruel for children.

“It doesn’t matter, their siblings will return with their memories,” a civilian murmured.

But he was still very sad in his heart, because the Bix family who had helped him had actually become a pile of bones and would never come back.

Even if there is another person who looks the same, will it not be him?

“I have just become friends with you.” Someone sighed faintly.

An old lady clenched her skirt, “Is the young man who helped me sort beans during the day …”

Her eyes are not good, she can no longer see clearly, plus there is heavy rain outside.

There was even a girl crying quietly. She likes a tall and handsome Bix family. His sunny smile made her a lot of happiness.

But today, he is also dead.

This fierce battle continued until Sardinian appeared and Xor was arrested. Only two of the gangsters he brought barely broke through the Bixian clan, and he was seriously injured towards Balst. The direction escaped.

After the war, the players were still heartless and only excitedly discussing the rewards.

Then, they surprised to find the civilians of Casey City, walked onto the street under the heavy rain, and collected all the bones that had not disappeared.

They built a tomb for these war dead Bix, and many children gave beautiful flowers to this new grave.

“I don’t know why, I feel weird,” one player said softly.

That’s right, it just feels weird.

Why do they feel this strange emotion because of the sadness of the NPCs.

Is n’t this just a game?

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