Bix Magic Cube Game World

Chapter 45 - Part 45

Pei Sen’s mood was a little complicated, and he felt that he was too careless and never considered this issue at all.

If you want to take out this thing hidden in the cover, you must destroy this magic book.

However, the magic book is not the same as the general book. For example, this magic book is actually enveloped by a thin layer of magic energy. Once this book is destroyed, some spell models may be destroyed. Know that, general magic Books When you look at a magic, the recorded spell model is actually not like a normal book. The reason why the magic book is a magic book is not only to explain magic, but also a container for recording magic.

It should be said that every magic book is essentially a magic item.

“I’m afraid that when Xuo gave me this book, I hit it even if I found something on the back cover, and I didn’t want to ruin the idea of ​​this book for a while.” Pei Sen was not stupid, and thought of this in a flash problem.

He did not believe that Ke Suo was out of good intentions, and left him with clues, which was not in line with Ke Suo’s usual character.

Moreover, Pei Sen asked himself that he was just a “civilian” who had not been to the manor for a long time.

Xorxe probably wanted to put this book here temporarily, or just wanted to store it in the manor, maybe he thought it would be safer.

Hiding a thing in the magic book, and then handing the magic book to the hand of Pei Sen, as a civilian of Pei Sen, a magic book must be extremely precious to him.

He didn’t find that the back cover was hiding something. It was naturally very good. Even if it was found, there was a high probability that Mr. Peisen would not destroy a magic book.

I thought it was pretty, and the things were well hidden. The bump was very inconspicuous, and it was not visible at all. It could only be felt by touching it carefully.

“This Xuo, did you realize that you might be in danger?” Pei Sen narrowed his eyes and read the magic book.

Whether it was right or not, he had no hesitation at all. He directly took out a knife and cut the back cover. The energy enveloped in the magic book was broken, and the magic book became stale to the naked eye.

“There is nothing reluctant, anyway, the magic above has almost become my skill.” Peisen sneered. As for the spells that only a few intermediate wizards can master, he also forcibly wrote down the spell model and waited to reach level 40. After that, he can ensure that he can engrave the spell model into the system to master these skills.

The magic book given by Xuo has little meaning for him, and the only use now is to learn magic for Eagle.

The back cover of this book is actually very thick. Books in this world are basically like this. The cover is very thick and hard, and the whole book is heavy.

I didn’t think it was before, and now looking at this magic book, it will find that its front and back covers are thicker than normal books.

“Is it easy to hide things?” Pei Sen dug a hole in the back cover, and finally saw what the protrusions he had felt before.

This is a dark gold ring, and Pei Sen took it out and looked closely.

The ring looks very old, maybe it was originally a gold ring, but because of the dark color of the years, to be honest, this ring is not good-looking.

It’s just a simple ring, which should look like a male ring, more simple than the one that Pei Sen gave to Eagle, without any patterns and pendants.

“Since it is hidden in the book, it should be a very important thing …” Peisen turned the ring over and over again, but found nothing. Suddenly, as if he found something on the inside of the ring, he looked carefully. The inner circle should have been carved, but it has been worn out almost. You need to look carefully to find that there is indeed a string of characters.

After recognizing it, Pei Sen wrote down the characters, “Berfield? Who is this …” Never heard of this one.

But you can be sure that this is definitely not the name of Xorso, so is this ring not Xorex? But he hid it in the book, and he always felt that it was stupid.

When Pei Sen sat on the recliner and opened the forum, he realized that the focus of today’s players’ discussion was actually “It’s raining today.”

The basic climate of Lanno collar is still quite dry. It is now autumn, especially when there is little rain.

This is the first time it has rained since the players have entered the game, and it is raining heavily.

It ’s raining in reality. Everyone sees it more, but it ’s the first time it ’s raining in a holographic game.

Many players are standing on the street, letting the rain water pour on their bodies, anyway, this is the game, neither worrying about rain nor baldness, the rain feels pretty good.

“Is the rain in the game hitting you, can you feel so real?” The players looked up at the gray sky and felt the rain falling into their eyes. The eyes were really sour.

“However, in the game, you don’t have to worry about the rain or anything, it’s good.”

“Meditating in the rain, very stylish.” A player made a meditation.

The player next to him grinned, “It’s better to walk in the rain to be more romantic!”

“Unfortunately, a single dog walks in the rain.”

Players are happy, but today’s rain is getting bigger and bigger until it develops into a torrential rain.

Unlike the modern world, in the Asian continent, basically civilians do not have such things as umbrellas. In fact, the umbrellas of nobility are not the same as those of modern society.

So, after the rain was getting bigger and bigger, almost all the aborigines of this world hid in the house, and no one went out at this time.

Civilians often have the experience of working under rainy days, but it is also a well-known thing that people will get sick if there is more rain.

In this era, most of the illness means death, civilians can’t afford the priests to come for treatment, and they can’t afford those treatment potions.

Therefore, under such heavy rain, they will definitely not go out to find something.

Then, they saw that the group of Bixians were dancing like crazy in the heavy rain, which was incredible.

Players are almost going to have a party in the heavy rain. They meet on the street under the heavy rain. They take screenshots and take small videos together, laughing and laughing. This is the first collective carnival since the game opened.

Peisen also looked very interesting, “If you die in the game, you won’t really die. It’s better than this in reality.”

Others just stand quietly in the heavy rain, raise their eyes and close their eyes to allow the rain to wash themselves, no matter whether they are acting or doing anything, gradually many people are following, and there are hundreds of thousands of people. Standing quietly, all the pictures that were cut out really looked strange.

A player seriously replied below, “The game is too real everywhere. Recall that I have been in the game for more than two months and I didn’t take a bath. It’s terrible.”

“So take a shower today under heavy rain?”


Payson: “…”

He was very happy to see. At this time, a group of people wore a long black cloak, thinking that no one should be walking through Casey City during the heavy rain, but they were surprised to see that the streets of Casey City were standing together. With many Bix people, motionless and weird, and moving forward, I saw the Bix people who laughed like fools in the rain. They danced and were crazy.

With just a glance, it felt cold and upright.

Looking up at the heavy rain, and then at the civilians shrinking in the room, a young white-haired young man frowned, “These people …”

The man standing at the front showed his face under the cloak, turned out to have been missing for many days. He said quietly, “These are the Bixites I said.”

The middle-aged man standing next to Xuo had some emotion, “It’s completely crazy like you said.”

Xuo nodded, “Don’t care about them, and don’t disturb them. If this group of people is disturbed, they are likely to rush up regardless. Remember, this group of people is dead.”

“In case they come to stop us …”

Quesso said calmly, “Their individual strength is not strong. If they really want to stop it, we can’t stop us. Today we still need to pay attention to Sardinian.”

“To be honest, if it’s not that you’re paid high enough, I don’t want to match the well-known great swordsman at all, he is only one step away from the sword saint.”

Above the high-level mages, there is the legendary mage, and the big swordsman is promoted again, is the sword saint. This belongs to the extremely powerful and rare Xeon. In the entire Esmea, there is only one legendary mage, Mebrak, as for the sword. There are a little more saints, but there are more than this, and it will not exceed the number of hands. There are only three saints in Esmea on the bright side.

Sardin was able to hang the senior mage, because he was not an ordinary great swordsman. If the eighth-level swordsman went further, it was the sword saint, and Sardin was very close to that step.

“Relax, you just need to haunt him and Ikabod for a while,” Xor said, “I just have something to find the little master, as long as he doesn’t really hurt him, Sardin will not die.”

As the deputy director of Golden Rose Manor, Xuo and Sardin have always been out of alignment, but the two are after all “colleagues” for many years. Xuo still knows Sardinian’s character very well. Although his strength is strong, as long as he doesn’t really provoke To anger him, the number of murders is not too much.

In his early years, Sardin also had a great temper and was very murderous, but since loyalty to Burke Angel, he has become quite gentle and convergent.

A group of people tried hard to avoid this ubiquitous group of Bix, and it was clear that it was the best place to cover up the whereabouts of the rainy day, but this group of people completely occupied the street when it was raining, so they could not avoid all Bix. The tribe passes through Casey City.

In desperation, they could only enter the Casey City with a scalp, and in order to leave this strange place as soon as possible, their pace accelerated a lot.

However, the player ’s behavior cannot be justified at all. The average person sees a group of guys in black cloaks still exuding dangerous atmosphere. Even if they are curious, they will not hurry up. , The first reaction is-

“Special npc = special mission = special reward!”

As a result, the carnival in the rain immediately ended, and the players all looked at these people with excitement in their eyes.

Obviously his own strength is much stronger, even if this group of Bix tribes swarmed in, they could not stop them, but even Xorxo, who relatively understands the Bix tribe, does not know why in this view The heartbeat accelerated in an instant.

I really ca n’t describe that feeling. The people who just laughed and stopped just now, stood quietly and stared at them in the rain. The kind of gaze made them feel like something cold had climbed up. The same skin, coupled with the cold rain tonight, made them chill.

Xuo tried hard to ignore the Bixians, he did not want to provoke them at all, nor did he want to expose his whereabouts early, but it was too late and a large number of Bixians were gathering here.

“Let’s go, break through!” Xuo’s temples began to jump suddenly, he suddenly had a very ominous hunch.

At this time, a player had already rushed in front of him. The cloak of Xor was not the kind of cloak with special effects that Pei Sen could hide, but just the ordinary black cloak, which was too close to hide his face. Several players saw him at a glance.

Xor was originally not too worried, even if he had besieged the main mansion of Casey City with about two thousand Bixes, but the group of people died almost, even if this racial special inherited the memory, it was really There are probably not many people who remembered his appearance closer to him. Now the Bix family has already surpassed 10,000 people. Where did he happen to know him like this-

“Lying trough, it’s Xuo!”

The next moment, he heard a Bix clan yell.

… Xor did n’t know that the player had the forum. The mission of the city ’s main palace, he had been placed on the forum with a 360-degree screenshot, and because of the task of searching for Xor released by Peisen this time, all Players remember his face firmly.

What if it hits? First of all, you have to remember what he looks like, and what to do if you do n’t recognize it.

All players think so.

Therefore, Xuo was recognized in an instant.

And because of that exclamation, countless players rushed towards here, mixed with countless excited shouts.

“It’s Xor, it’s him!”

“Yes, it’s him!”

“It’s mine, don’t rob me.”

“Does Nima’s mission require internal strife?”

“There is only one Xor, he must be mine!”

“Get away, get away, mine!”


Xorx: “…”

Can anyone tell him what is going on?

At the beginning, the player who was closest to Xorxe had already moved towards Xorxe. Anyway, grab him one arm first and then say, even if he only grabs one arm at the end, maybe he can get a little reward?

Xuo Hanmao found all the Bix tribes around him, looking at his eyes like he was a rare treasure. They frantically approached themselves while pushing their clan down and even killing them.

That’s right, even kill!

Several people who came with Xuo also saw this group of inexplicable races squeezed towards Xuoxue, during which they violently killed and killed the people around them.

For a time, this group of extremely high-priced mercenaries couldn’t help but take a few steps back, unable to understand the madness and fierceness at all.

Are they fighting for Xorx? But why do you want to **** it?

The players really started killing each other in order to grab the mission characters. Until Xuo raised his staff, they suddenly remembered that Xuo Su was a senior mage! The kind they can’t beat now.

“Brothers, don’t grab it first, let’s catch him first!”

“That’s right, he must be run away if he fights like this.”

“How many companions beside him, kill first?”

“Let’s see if we can kill it first. I feel these people are very strong.”

“It’s Huang Ming, you’ll be red when you do it, you can kill it, but it feels stronger than the last world boss …”

“The mission really has a follow-up, and it’s not easy to do.”

“Don’t worry about it first, killing people. It’s closer to the resurrection point. Don’t let them break through and block them here.”

“Everyone wants to do the task of Xuo. Now let’s put the team together, and no one can catch any tasks!”

“Yes, stop hands first! Stop hands!”

The Xorox group listened to what the group of Bix cries shouted vaguely, many words could not be heard clearly, and then, the group of Bix clan who had just been in chaos and killed each other suddenly united again. , Circled around several of them in the center!

“This is what you forced me to do.” Xuo originally didn’t want to offend Eagle and Sardinian too much, just wanted to come quietly and walk quietly. , Because this may cause great trouble, so he did not want to kill these Bixks at first, but now, he has been angered by these Bixks who regard him as a bag!

Just now a Bix tribe grabbed his arm and almost pulled his arm off!

“It’s too much …” Xuo’s lips tremble slightly in the heavy rain. “I’m a noble mage.”

A senior mage should be respected wherever he goes, not as he is now!

At this point, I am afraid that the two senior mages Royce and Jona who came and were ousted before have very common language with him.

Several of the people who came with Ke Suo also helplessly took out their weapons. “Xuo Suo, the previously negotiated price must be increased by half.”

“Yes!” Xuo said neatly.

“It’s troublesome, I didn’t accept this order if I knew it …” The white-haired young man vaguely began to regret it.

The players immediately posted this matter to the forum. Many players who are now in other places or have been offline, immediately came here. At the beginning, they felt that this group of Bixis is actually very weak. Clear a path, they can quickly break through.

However, gradually they found out that this group of Bickers was fighting more and more.

That’s right, the other person is playing more and more and more and more!

Obviously, so many bones have been killed, and the bones are all piled up into a hill. This group of Bixis is still charging fearlessly, gathering their group of people firmly in the center.

Xorx wanted to escape with teleport, and was often interrupted by countless swords he had cut.

When he took the group of Bixians to siege the city’s main palace, he felt that this group of aliens was very useful. When he faced them, he realized how tricky it was.

Obviously their individual strength is so weak, but once the weakest people are tens of thousands densely packed, they are not afraid of death, and they will become terrible for no reason.

At this time, Pei Sen had already seen the player’s post on the forum, and he was a little puzzled, “Xor appeared in Casey City … and brought a few masters? What the **** did he want to do!”

Then he looked at the magic book that had been dismantled by him on the table, and the weird ring. Maybe he wanted to get it back.

However, just to get it back, you should not need such a big battle.

Thinking about it, Pei Sen took the old ring and ran to the next door to find Eagle.

Eagle has always had a good living habit, and it is very regular to go to bed early and get up early. At this time, he has fallen asleep, but he woke up when Pei Sen quietly pushed open the door.

Because of some things he experienced as a child, Eagle’s sleep was very shallow, and a little movement could wake him up.

He was clearly awake. He blinked and heard that this was the footsteps of Pei Sen.

His heart was beating pounding, and in the dark, he actually laughed, and then quickly smiled.

Then he closed his eyes again, pretending not to wake up.

Pecks, who was lying on a cushion not far away, slept soundly, and Eagle was woken up, and he didn’t wake up.

As a cat, it sleeps deeper than humans.

Mr. Peisen did n’t know that Eagle ’s sleep was light. After seeing Eagle falling asleep, he would return to his room. All he knew was that the young master had a very regular rest.

Suddenly, Peisen walked into Eagle’s bedroom cautiously, but hesitated to wake up the sleeping Eagle.

The matter of Xor is very important, and Eagle personally ordered him to let the players go, and now people have found …

Uh, in fact, it can’t be found, it’s just that Cusso ran into it?

But now the situation is very chaotic again, and Pei Sen thinks it is better to tell Eagle.

For example, now that Casso is surrounded by players, the players have no importance in their actions. In case it is not good to kill Casso … Although this possibility is not high, after all, Casso is also a senior mage.

However, it was different from fighting with the six mages before. At that time, there were only hundreds of players, and they did not cause any damage to those mages. They could stop the players with a large defense shield.

But today, more than 10,000 players in Casey City are gathered there, and they are surrounded by the resurrection point of Casey City.

Even Pessen could not be sure what it would become.

Peisen quietly walked to the bed of Eagle, Eagle’s ability to pretend to sleep was very superb, the hand under the quilt gently moved, but his facial expression was like a deep sleep, even the eyelashes would not tremble.

He was waiting nervously, but he didn’t understand what he was waiting for.

“Master, Master.” Pei Sen still decided to wake him up so that the players wouldn’t break things, and now he has time to stop them from causing more serious consequences, and he needs to discuss with the master whether to tell Sardin.

It was pouring heavy rain tonight, and it was already night. Even with such a big accident in Casey City, it would take some time for Sardin to get the news.

However, the young master asked the Bix family to find Xor, may not want Sardin to participate?

In any case, Pessen felt he could not decide what to do by himself at this moment, so he always asked Eagle ’s opinion.

Eagle didn’t seem to think that Pei Sen would call him directly. He was hesitating whether to continue pretending. Pei Sen had already bent down, pushed him gently, and called, “Master, wake up!”

At this time, Eagle had realized that Mr. Peisen was in a hurry to find him, and he didn’t want to do anything else, but really wanted to wake him up.

For a time, Eagle’s heart was very disappointed.

But I don’t know what is disappointing.

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