Beastman Forcefully Raising a Wife

Chapter 76

Edited by Squid

“Hanyu~~ Little snakes…” Shu Jintian kept softly mumbling in his sleep as if trapped in a terrifying nightmare.

“Tiantian?” Shu Hanyu was startled awake, opening his eyes. His eyes were bloodshot from exhaustion.

“Is Tiantian dreaming? Wake up.” Shu Hanyu shook Shu Jintian.

Shu Jintian was wrapped around Shu Hanyu’s body like an octopus. Even his darling little snake Guoguo had been squeezed out to the top of their heads where he lay peacefully sleeping on the grass pile.

“Mn~~” Shu Jintian opened his eyes a slit, feeling that the light was especially dazzling.

Shu Jintian rubbed this eye and suddenly sensed the familiar scent. Abruptly pausing, he opened his eyes with a whoosh.

“Hanyu!” Shu Jintian was wide-eyed and he paused for a second before violently pouncing on Shu Hanyu’s body.

“Have you truly come? I’m not dreaming?” Shu Jintian tightly held Shu Hanyu and felt the other’s prominent bones before his memories of yesterday matched up. Shu Jintian planted a kiss against Shu Hanyu’s collarbone in distress and quietly said, “You’ve gotten much thinner.”

“Hehe~~ I’m fine, it doesn’t matter since I’ve found you.” Shu Hanyu was especially happy, sticking out his forked tongue to lick Shu Jintian’s forehead.

For Tiantian to regard him with such care, he’d be willing to become even thinner.

Guoguo who was deep asleep was awakened by the two of them and merely raised his eyelids to casually glance at them before closing his eyes and continuing to sleep.

Shu Jintian was too excited when seeing Shu Hanyu yesterday, and forgot to think about anything. He was now a little calmer than yesterday. Thinking about the beastman who slaughtered his little snakes, his eyes were dyed with intense hatred.

“Oh right, Hanyu, how did your fight with that beastman go? He was so despicable; did you get even more injuries?”

Shu Hanyu’s face cooled and he said with a deep voice, “He’s already dead.”

Shu Hanyu hugged Shu Jintian back and greedily breathed in Shu Jintian’s scent saying gladly, “I bit him to death then went to find you, but I didn’t know which direction you were in. I looked for three days before I met that red merman and then I fought with him once. Only after that did I find the small island that has both of your scents. At that time, I knew you were with him.”

“…And then?” Shu Jintian’s chest was stifled, and it felt painful.

Shu Jintian found it hard to imagine what Shu Hanyu had felt at that time. His sense of smell was sharp and he was probably able to sniff out every area he and Hong Zao were at. For Hanyu, who had such a strong desire to possess, how did he feel at that time? Shu Jintian now did not dare imagine.

“At that time I was injured again and truly couldn’t walk anymore, so I rested on the island for a few days and slowly calmed down. I was very happy because you’re still alive. No matter what, as long as you’re alive, I just have to find you,” Shu Hanyu gently said.

“Mn!” Shu Jintian’s nose soured. Seeing Shu Hanyu’s exhausted eyes, he knew he definitely didn’t rest much and thus warmly said, “You should sleep ba. I’ll go take a walk outside and find something to eat.”

Guoguo opened his eyes sleepily, then went back to sleep upon seeing that it was female father.

“That merman ne?” Shu Hanyu became angry upon thinking of the merman.

“He ah, I haven’t seen him even after a night, so he probably left ba.” Shu Jintian sighed helplessly then continued, “It’s fine. Even if I do see him, he won’t do anything. We haven’t reached the relationship you’re thinking of.”

Shu Hanyu now truly needed rest. Hearing Shu Jintian say this, he was a little hesitant, but then seeing Guoguo by his side, he set his heart at ease.

“Then okay ba. Leave and come back soon. Don’t be away from me for too long.”

“Mn!” Shu Jintian replied with a smile, lowering his head to kiss the tip of Shu Hanyu’s nose.

Shu Hanyu licked Shu Jintian’s throat in passing, then tiredly shut his eyes.

Shu Jintian hugged Guoguo and walked away, then Shu Hanyu returned to his Spiritual Snake form and entered a deep sleep.

Guoguo was still drowsy and lifted his head to place it on Shu Jintian’s shoulder. His small head tilted left and right asShu Jintian’s walked, his chubby little face occasionally squishing to changing shape and making him appear even more tender.

There wasn’t much food in the mountains, so Shu Jintian held Guoguo while walking along the shore. Because there weren’t many obstructions at the shore, their line of sight was clearer and it was easier to find food.

When Shu Jintian saw some promising-looking stones, he would pick them up to inspect. But unexpectedly, when he walked to the other side of the island, a few pure green, duck-egg-sized eggs were hiding under the stones.

“Eh? There are surprisingly eggs here. Who knows what kind of egg this is, but they’re probably edible ba.” Shu Jintian was incredibly surprised and happy, carrying Guoguo as he bent down to pick up an egg.

“Baba~” Guoguo had been jolted along during the whole journey and slowly woke up from dozing. Seeing so many eggs, he couldn’t help drooling.

“Let’s eat eggs this morning ba!” Shu Jintian stroked Guoguo’s head and realised that his hair had grown a lot, and the colour had grown a little darker. The meatiness on his body also turned firmer, and his limbs seemed longer.

“Guoguo sure grows fast. You’re changing from day to day. It’s only been so many days ah, and you’ve grown so much.” Shu Jintian didn’t know the speed of a human baby’s growth, but Guoguo was definitely growing faster than normal humans.

“Ss~”. Guoguo couldn’t resist raising his little chest upon hearing this, as if he would appear even bigger like this.

“Hehe…” Shu Jintian couldn’t help but burst into laughter, stroking Guoguo’s head dotingly. Putting him on the ground, he then picked up the remaining two eggs under the stone.

Guoguo’s saliva was flowing steadily, but all the eggs were picked by female father. As such, he crawled to the side of another stone and picked it up. Sure enough, there were eggs under it as well.

“Sss~ Awuu~” Guoguo greedily licked the eggshell, then opened his mouth and swallowed the egg.

“Guoguo, what are you eating?” hearing sounds, Shu Jintian hastily turned his head back just to see Guoguo swallowing something.

“Eggies~~ Many…” Guoguo said, then picked up another, opening his mouth and shoving it in.

Shu Jintian was stunned. He only saw Guoguo’s small baby body that was very cute. His mouth was clearly quite small but was unexpectedly even larger than the egg when he opened it, allowing him to swallow it easily. It was completely incompatible with a small baby’s image.

Shu Jintian saw that Guoguo seemed to still want to pick another egg and hastily went over to pick him up.

“Guoguo, are you okay? Hurry up and let papa see your throat.”

Guoguo obediently raised his head, blinking, and waited for his female father to examine him.

Seeing that Guoguo was unharmed, Shu Jintian sighed in relief.

“You’ve already turned into a human, so why are you still like a snake ne? What if you choked?” Shu Jintian said, his finger flicking Guoguo’s forehead, making a crisp snap sound.

Guoguo smacked his lips, softly and stickily saying, “Eggies~~ Tasty.”

“I really don’t know what to do with you. How about eating later?” Shu Jintian smiled helplessly. Picking up a pile of firewood, he lit a fire and wrapped the eggs up in leaves and roasted them. As he filled his own stomach, he placed some eggs aside to cool.

When the eggs were thoroughly cooled, Guoguo then ate the eggs that formed a lump with small bites.

Guoguo wasn’t used to eating cooked food at the very start, but every time female father personally fed him, he was unable to refuse. At the start, he would only eat a few bites every meal and secretly look for food himself when he was hungry. After twenty days, Guoguo was already used to the taste of cooked food and could fill his stomach by just eating it alone, but he still wasn’t able to like it.

The two ate their fill, and upon returning to the crevice, Shu Hanyu was still curled up inside and sleeping motionlessly. When Shu Hanyu heard their return, he only raised his translucent eyelids and looked at them before continuing to sleep.

Shu Jintian knew Shu Hanyu was very tired and didn’t bother him.

“Baba~ Sleep~~” Guoguo’s human form got sleepy very easily, so after crawling around outside and eating his fill, he was now tired again.

“Then Guoguo sleep ba.” Shu Jintian put Guoguo down close to Shu Hanyu and gently stroked Guoguo’s head.

Shu Hanyu rubbed against Shu Jintian’s arm with his eyes closed and slowly relaxed his body, encircling Guoguo.

“You guys sleep ba, I’ll be right beside you.” Shu Jintian stared blankly at this father and son’s sleeping faces, his heart overflowing.

Shu Jintian suddenly thought of the pearls Hanyu had tossed and felt a little like he had trampled on Hong Zao’s feelings. Seeing Shu Hanyu sleeping peacefully, Shu Jintian sneakily gathered those things up, wrapped them up in a large leaf, and hid them near the crevice they slept in, hoping that Hong Zao would be able to find it. He definitely spent a lot of care in finding such beautiful things, so they shouldn’t be wasted.

Shu Hanyu’s sleep went on for three days and three nights, and his haggard body rapidly recovered during the few days of rest.

There were several eggs at the shore, and they tasted good. During these days, Shu Jintian would go look for eggs to eat every day, and later, it unexpectedly led to him finding something similar to crabs.

These crabs were also found by Shu Jintian under stones. The crab’s shell was the size of a fully opened hand with two arrogantly large pincers waving vigorously and powerfully, it was then instantly caught by Guoguo.

“Hard~” Guoguo said in an unclear tone, about to throw the crab away.

“Don’t throw it, give the crab to me, Guoguo,” Shu Jintian said with pleasant surprise, and carefully took the crab. He was nearly pinched by that nimble and powerful large claw.

“This can be eaten.”

“Ah~?” When Guoguo heard that this could be eaten, its gaze towards the crab turned different.

Guoguo raised his expressionless face to look at female father, but the feeling of anticipation was hidden in the depths of his eyes.

Shu Jintian liked eating crab, and couldn’t help his saliva from overflowing upon seeing such a good grab. Immediately, he began searching the area nearby and found a few large crabs.

“Papa will show you a skill today. You watch the crabs, and I’ll gather some firewood.” Shu Jintian handed the crabs over to Guoguo, then ran into the shrubbery. He soon carried back a pile of firewood and brought along some green fruits and large leaves.

The crabs were cooked with a pot made with folded leaves, and Shu Jintian squeezed the juice from the green fruits into some leaves as well.

“Come, try and see, Guoguo.” Shu Jintian pried apart the crab shell and picked out the crab meat with chopsticks. After blowing it cool, he dipped it in green fruit juice and brought it to Guoguo’s mouth.

Guoguo opened his mouth and held it in his mouth, and his eyes instantly revealed wonder.

Wuwu~ Tassy~~” Guoguo kept nodding, smacking his lips as he ate up the meat, then immediately opened his mouth wide again.

“Slow down, there’s still a lot more ne.” Shu Jintian was amused by Guoguo’s gluttonous appearance, but his speed in picking out the crab meat couldn’t help quickening a little.

“Cracra~ Tassy~~” Guoguo said with unclear articulation. Every time he ate up what was in his mouth, he immediately opened it again, looking exactly like a small animal crying for food.

The father and son ate several crabs and finally even ate a few eggs before they both returned to their temporary home with satisfied faces.

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