Avatar: Mage of All Elements

Chapter 14

Because of Poppy, we all had to walk to the training ground. Everyone wasn't happy because now they had to do without servants. Heh, it was funny to see them wiping their asses with leaves from bushes or trees for the first week because they had no paper.

Then we went to town, and since everyone had money, they bought everything they needed. In their opinion. Poppy had done well here too, buying a whole backpack of stuff.

But I didn't bother them because I thought they needed a lesson in that as well. After all, there is a fairly large village near where we are going, and it is on an important road, so there is a lot to find there. During the trip, I was constantly organizing both individual and group training, where all my subordinates would try to hit me, and I would just dodge, sometimes defending myself.

I also told and showed them how to hunt and how to read tracks. They didn't understand it very well, and in training I had to restrain myself so as not to hit back or use earth magic. As it was, our journey went well.

After that city, I deliberately avoided all cities with shops. Let them save their money and spend it on things they really need that are already there.

However, I didn't tell them the reasons for this behavior, which made them incredibly angry, but they couldn't do anything about it. Then they used elaborate turns of phrase, hoping to catch me in a contradiction and get some information out of me.

Only I smiled and remained mysteriously silent. And judging by the angry and frowning faces, I did well. Our walk was interesting and cheerful.

As we walked, I found myself thinking. I've been studying Earth Magic for three years, and I've achieved great results, and if you take into account my huge power reserve, I'm one of the strongest Earth Mages in the world. But power isn't enough, you also need to know how to use it.

These battles with my disciples will help me improve my understanding of magic, but not by much. It follows that I must either go to war again and gain experience and skills, or do something else.

And I have only one idea. I must learn metal magic. I remember in the anime there was a blind girl who invented this magic, I don't remember her name. But I remember she could see with her feet. In order to achieve the former, i probably need to learn the latter.

But how? If you think logically, what do you get? She was blind. That's a fact. So I need to be blind, too. But not blind, but, say, blindfolded. Although it's not very comfortable to just walk around with no sight, so I'd have to speed it up. How? Meditation, of course.

I decided to stop there. At the stops, I was constantly meditating, trying to feel the slightest thread, and at the transitions, I walked completely barefoot and again, trying to feel something. My students even started to avoid me a bit, afraid that I would make them do the same. All in all, it was fun. It was just a shame that my training wasn't working.

While I was making unsuccessful attempts in my training, I was also training my subordinates. As it turned out, with closer communication, they turned out to be quite adequate people. Yes, there is no place without arrogance, but I gradually beat it out of them, and without realizing it, they begin to respect me as stronger.

And I don't tyrannize them, I treat everyone quite normally and fairly. Except Poppy. I burden her much more than the others. Well, what's wrong with that?

I made a promise and I keep my promises. Otherwise she's a bit weak. And if the guys are above average, she's way below average. So I'm trying to make up for it by training all the time. It's just a shame that she doesn't realize it and resents it a lot.

But nothing lasts forever, and in three months we got to the place where we plan to train. It was a large ledge on a rock. It was about fifty meters in diameter. From the looks of it, it looked more like a cut rock. Although it could be, I don't want to say for sure. But this place would be perfect.

«Well, as you've probably noticed by now, we're came», I immediately heard a sigh of relief. «It's been a long journey, so today is a day off. You can go down to the village», I nodded in their direction and saw five anticipatory looks. «Just don't spend all the money, tomorrow we'll all go there and buy everything you need to continue your education. You should also prepare a place where you will live», seeing the confused faces I decided to explain, «Do you see the rock behind me?» they nodded at me. «Make your homes there, and make them to your liking.»

I approached the rock and with an impulse cleared a space of seven by seven meters. That's enough for me alone, and if I need more, I can always make a floor higher or lower. So this shouldn't be a problem.

With a few more moves, I smoothed out all the irregularities, put in windows and doors, made a place for a bed, created a table and chairs, and at the end I compacted it all, greatly increasing the strength of everything. Basically, I made everything to my liking.

I was done in about ten minutes, so when I came out I could see my students' efforts. It was funny because they had never done this before and had no idea how to do it. I had to explain and help.

We did this until the evening. The students only had enough energy to eat and go to bed. It's also funny that no one went to the village. Well, tomorrow the real learning begins. At least I've got some ideas while we were walking, he-he.

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