Avatar: Mage of All Elements

Chapter 13

We had a long way to go, and it's not very reasonable to waste that time. So we have to teach them on the way, which is not very easy, especially since I have no experience in teaching. But before I teach them, I have to know their limits. In sparring you can see it pretty well. We walked for the rest of the day, and as the sun began to set, we took a break.

«So, let's get some details straight», I continued, seeing the questioning but frowning faces. «You have lived your entire life in affluence. Needing nothing and doing practically nothing, relying on servants for everything. So, as I understand it, asking you to make a fire is pointless, as is making tents. But I still hope that your parents hired good teachers to teach you at least the basics. And that's what I'm going to test them on.»

We found a nice clearing, about five meters across, clean and level. I dropped my stuff at the edge and walked away, then cleared another clearing of bushes and leveled the ground. The area was ready.

«Come out one at a time, I'll check everyone's level», I said, standing in the middle with my hands behind my back.

The man who shouted first stepped forward silently. He was a typical representative of the local aristocracy. Well-groomed, clean, almost no tan, smarmy, and looked to be about eighteen years old.


«Li Shen», he replied sullenly.


As if expecting this command, Li immediately went on the attack. A few swings, and from the ground beneath his feet, a boulder the size of my head flew at me. I ducked and the boulder flew over me. Another punch from Lee and a bigger boulder flew at me. Now it's to the left. Another punch and I go right. Another shot and another, another, another.

We played like this for about five minutes. I wasn't attacking him, but he was trying like his life depended on it. He did a pretty good job. But he clearly lacks strength, experience and imagination. But it's time to stop. A kick to the ground and the floor shifted an inch beneath Lee, throwing him off balance. A straight punch with his arm and a stone flew out, knocking Lee off his feet.

«Not bad. Who's next?»

«Ming Lun.»

It was the second guy who attack at me. What's most interesting is that he was inconspicuous. If you covered his mouth and put him in the shadows, you wouldn't notice him right away. He was still wearing the same expensive clothes and a snooty expression on his face. What kind of people are these aristocrats? Why can't they be normal? All in all, he was a bit weaker than Lee and didn't last much less than five minutes.



«Kam Chin.»

This guy didn't look like an aristocrat. Two meters tall, huge muscles, brown hair and tanned skin. But still the same arrogant face. Surprisingly, he was stronger than the previous two, and even though he couldn't catch me, I had to jump.



«Poppy Feng.»

She was the only girl in our team. Beautiful, nothing more to say. You can see the breed. Young, pretty, with a good figure and a mild temperament (I learned this later). Knowing that she was higher up the hierarchy than the others, of all my team, it affected her and her facial expression the least. And as it turned out, she was the weakest in earth magic. She didn't even last a minute.

«And how did you get here?»


«No need to talk about connections and money», I interrupted her. «You all got here that way. I'm talking about power. You don't have it. And I don't think there are any aristocrats stronger than you.»

«It was a gift from my future husband.»

«Ho-ho, funny. I assure you, you will appreciate this gift far more than any other. Don't expect any favors and get ready.»



«Kirito Sean», I raised an eyebrow in surprise. I knew a Japanese by that name. Not personally, of course.

«All right then. Show me what you can do.»

He was somehow in the middle of the ranking, out of five people. Not strong, but not weak. Average. And that's out of five aristocrats.

If one were to generalize, it would turn out that they were slightly stronger than the average earth magician, but that was only because of their lack of experience and strength. However, they've been taught by good teachers since childhood, so they just need to gain some strength and they'll become good mages.

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