Ant King In MHA

Chapter 145: Coordination and Futility

_________ POV Narration_________

Yori was just about to start preparing for his first attack when he was interrupted by a voice coming from behind him.

"Try not to ruin my office. You're not Beru or All Might, so you don't get a pass, you pay what you break." Nezu was still lacking any semblance of fear.

This assassination attempt hadn't even registered as something terrific to him. It was nothing more than a game, all of it.

He knew that he wasn't in much danger, even if he had been alone in the room, he wouldn't have been helpless. He had certain defences in place prepared for most situations, he would've been able to live through the attacks of most people.

Still, now it was a bit too late to think about being assassinated. With Yori there, his chances of dying went down to a clean 0.

Yori just turned his head and looked at Nezu. 'Now that I think about it, I should likely not bother-' The scientist lost all of the wind in his sails. But he was a tad bit too late for that.

The assassins took the opportunity to all rush Yori, they were already in the room, Nezu's office was surprisingly spacious for someone his size, so they had enough room to manoeuvre around.

'I guess we're doing this anyway...' Yori thought to himself while he prepared to counter-attack.

He stood around for what felt like a few minutes until he realised that the assassins were moving far too slowly. It was actually pathetic.

'These people were supposed to kill someone like Beru? Well, I guess they were sent after Nezu, but they should've also had Beru as some sort of target... How exactly did they think this would play out?' Yori was left quite unimpressed by the strength of the assailants.

In truth, they were actually relatively quick, most were much faster than Geten could ever hope to be. But Yori now had High Spec, a quirk that made speed seem somewhat obsolete unless someone had either the same quirk or something similar.

Begrudgingly, Yori gave up on testing out whatever combination of moves he had been planing. He just raised both of his hands forwards and turned all of his fingers to black.

Glowing red veins covered them as they extended towards, pierced and wrapped around all of the assassins at once. The speed of those fingers was too much for all but one assassin to bear.

And the one that had somehow managed to dodge only did so due to his sharpened instincts as well as a speed-related quirk. He managed to tilt his body to the side slightly, the black finger only cutting his chest sightly as his eyes widened in horror.

He reacted a split second faster than his colleagues, but that didn't mean he was in a better situation.

Rather, he was a lot worse off, having dodged the initial blow, he got to see as all of his teammates were incapacitated in less than a second. They had gotten off easy, only getting slight injuries, some were impaled through less vital places and held into the ground.

But five fingers were now free. So, the still-standing assassin, who had yet to even recover from avoiding the previous attack, got to see how all of the blackened fingers closed in on him at the same time.

They wrapped him in a cocoon, this time, his instincts didn't save him, as his limbs were swiftly crushed and he was thrown on the ground.

Just like that, two attacks carried out in less than a second managed to dwarf any and all plans that the assassins could've hatched. It made all of their efforts seem futile.

"There. Only some blood stains on your carpet..." Yori said as he turned around to a slightly stunned Aizawa and a nonchalant Nezu.

"W-What?" Aizawa said while looking at the scientist weirdly. He was prepared to jump back in and aid the man, but there was not even anything left to do after he blinked once.

"Well, it's quite obvious that he'd be strong enough to help. Why would he show up alone otherwise?" Nezu was not surprised since he already knew a bit about Yori. But that much couldn't be said about Aizawa.

"Bit of a warning would've been nice... Had me stressing out for nothing." Still, Aizawa already knew enough powerful people. Beru managed to somewhat dull his expectations towards the strength of others.

"Figured speaking so much with them in front of us and still moving would be a bit odd. It's better to just take care of them." Yori just shrugged while looking at the group of assassins.

"There's nine of them... This felt a bit rushed for the plan made by a group of trained assassins." Nezu spoke while slowly standing up on his desk.

"There should be at least one more, Beru was also attacked by one man. They might've rushed this plan since that one failed, someone must've informed them of the other man's failure." Yori said while also leaning on Nezu's desk.

Aizawa was taking care of his injured leg when wincing, not due to the pain though. "Poor guy... What were they thinking anyway? Sending one guy for Beru?"

"... I'm starting to think that there wasn't much coordination in this attack... Well, this group seemed rather coordinated, and their timing was rather impeccable. But with the context of the other attack, this seems rather odd." Nezu was the first one to start speculating about the situation openly.

"Yeah, they weren't in the same group. Also pretty sure the guy that tried assassinating Beru was supposed to be some bigshot hitman. I've yet to figure out his identity." Yori shrugged while looking at Nezu and Aizawa.

"Did the interrogation lead to no results?" Aizawa asked. Yori just scratched the back of his head.

"Kinda hard to interrogate him. Corpses aren't really prone to speaking their minds... Let's just say Beru didn't feel like bargaining with him today."

"... Actually, that's not even surprising." Aizawa ended up just shrugging as well. Beru had a track record for being quite 'forgiving' of villains.

Well, the appropriate word would be 'ruthless' or something like that. Most of the teachers gave up on trying to convince him to spare villains randomly.

He already showed them that he was a true hero. He had saved countless people in the past. And many more at every point of the way.

"I think interrogating these 9 might help us though. We need to make sure they don't kill themselves though." Yori said while walking over to the men.

Nezu already called in the rest of the available staff. The assassins needed to be handed over to the appropriate authorities, but Yori managed to convince Nezu and Aizawa to at least let him keep two of them in custody.

Yori had enough authority to act like that, no one was going to put it against Nezu either. So the principal just agreed and hoped for the best.

'I guess I should try and find as much as possible from them... I feel like I'm getting closer and closer.' Yori thought while teleporting himself and the two assassins back to his laboratory.

'Still, there are a few pieces missing... But they should come out in time.' Yori cracked his neck as he prepared for what was to come. The assassins weren't going to have a fun time at all... Yori's methods of interrogation could hardly be called ethical after all.


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