American Entertainment 1982

Chapter 284: victim

Chapter 284 Sacrifice

The U.S. government has always acted directly and equally. For example, after being treated as an idiot by Japan, the federal government's first reaction was to convince all citizens that the other side was treating all Americans as idiots, not just slow and cumbersome people. Federal officials are treated like idiots.

Therefore, almost overnight, domestic television networks quickly spread an atmosphere of hostility towards Asian countries, whether CBS, ABS, NBC, Murdoch's FOX, Turner's CNN, TNT, or Tommy's BT TV network. VOX News Network has cooperated with the federal government during this period to broadcast various programs that can have a negative impact on Asian countries, including dramas, movies, documentaries and even discriminatory talk shows. Even various newspapers have published hostile reports. and various discriminatory caricatures.

It’s not that the headstrong TV tycoon refuses to cooperate. For example, old Turner initially refused to do this kind of thing. He believes that the main reason for being teased is that the response of the Republican government is comparable to that of a sloth, and has nothing to do with other factors.

At this moment when awareness propaganda is needed, he stood up without fear of death. Everyone, including Tommy, could only support him mentally, and then watched the three TV networks owned by Old Turner being found out by the FCC for various problems. He said he was prepared to fine the three TV networks that Turner held a total of more than $7 million.

This made Old Turner immediately calm down, and he directly canceled the domestic environmental documentaries that had been broadcast before, and replaced them with documentaries about Pearl Harbor and the Pacific War, and the fight against Japanese fascism in World War II.

Of course, this kind of hostile propaganda is mainly concentrated in the two countries of China and Japan. As for South Korea, which also participated in some cooperation, it has not been greatly affected. According to the news that Tommy knows, South Korea will obey the slightest intimidation by the United States. He truthfully disclosed the content of the tripartite cooperation between China, Japan and South Korea to the United States and suspended the cooperation in exchange for American politicians admitting in front of the camera that South Korea has replaced Japan and become the most important ally of the United States in Asia.

After what happened in South Korea, the greatest pleasure for Tommy was to sit in front of the TV and watch Japanese news commentary programs from across the ocean. In those programs, the Japanese used almost all the vicious words they could think of. They are all used on South Korea. The general idea is that Japan is trying to get rid of the status of an economic colony of the United States and is working tirelessly to do so, while South Korea is proud to be a US colony and is not willing to harm or even betray other countries in Asia. Some Excited Japanese people visiting Japan even roared that South Korea will only understand how shameless and stupid its betrayal of China and Japan is at this moment when a US atomic bomb hits its territory in the future.

There is a reason why the Japanese are so angry. The United States responded very harshly to Japan for playing tricks on them. A week after learning the news about Sino-Japanese cooperation, the then Japanese Prime Minister Uno Sosuke was exposed to the scandal and stepped down. He was replaced by a man named After the new Prime Minister Toshiki Kaifu had a phone call with the United States as soon as he took office, the United States began to ask major television networks to reduce negative reports on Japan.

Uno Sosuke's scandal was not worth mentioning at first. It was just that he had an extramarital affair with a geisha, but after the breakup, he did not pay the geisha a hush money according to the rules. In fact, not paying the hush money was not because he wanted to default on the debt, but because This guy is too incorruptible to pay the money, so he can only default on it.

Because the geisha named Mitsuko Nakanishi is a national treasure-level courtesan, according to the rules, the hush money is a large amount of money, and Uno Sosuke cannot afford it at all. He can come to power mainly because of poverty.

Previously, the Japanese government had just revealed a large number of scandals involving high-level government officials collecting political black money. A large number of high-level officials were forced to resign. Suddenly, the Japanese people found that it was too difficult to find a politician with an innocent financial status. In the end, they carefully selected and screened many times. Only then did Uno Sosuke, who was not involved in the black gold scandal, had a clean account after numerous checks on his account, and did not have much in savings, was elected to replace the former Prime Minister who resigned due to the blame and became the 75th Prime Minister of Japan.

  It can be said that a large part of the reason why the Japanese elected him to power was that they felt that he was not that greedy.

Originally, his **** scandal had been reported in Japan long before he came to power. However, the Japanese people did not care at all and even felt that the newspapers were making a fuss. After all, compared with the astronomical amounts of black money collected by dozens of politicians, a poor politician and The love affairs of famous geishas are not worth mentioning.

The reason why it caused such a sensation is all thanks to the Washington Post and VOX News Network in the United States. The Tokyo office of the Washington Post in the United States got the opportunity to interview the geisha through certain channels. Based on the principle of not wasting, The Washington Post not only published an exclusive interview with the scandal heroine Mitsuko Nakanishi in its own newspaper, but also introduced it to VOX News Network, allowing the female geisha named Mitsuko Nakanishi to be exposed to people from all over the world. Face, two unscrupulous media successfully obtained a large amount of detailed information about their relationship from Mitsuko Nakanishi through words such as deception and seduction, and directly chose to make it public without any regard for each other's privacy.

The most important thing is that both the "Washington Post" and VOX News Network have replaced the term hush money with breakup payment. This is the most fatal blow to Uno Sosuke. If it is hush money, it means that the man has paid The money is in exchange for the other party, as a geisha, not to disclose their relationship with her, and the Japanese geisha industry has always had the tradition of paying hush money for breakups. Uno Sosuke did not pay the hush money, which is normal for most people. , after all, not everyone is a billionaire and can offer a large sum of money, especially geishas, ​​who also have high standards. The more famous the geisha, the higher the fees they receive.

However, both the Washington Post and the Vox TV network replaced the word with breakup fee, deliberately giving viewers and readers the illusion that Uno Sosuke, a man who had played with Japan's national treasure geisha for several months, was finished. After that nothing happened.

To Western people, this is simply unreasonable behavior. Originally, the American people did not reject ambiguous affairs between politicians and women. From Roosevelt, Al Howell, and Kennedy after World War II, which president did not have some tidbits? But no matter how many tidbits there are, there has never been a situation where a woman gets nothing free after playing with a woman. Therefore, Uno Sosuke's bad behavior shocked a large number of people in Western countries. The dignified head of state can be so shameless. The Japanese chose such A shameless **** to represent their country?

Subsequently, other well-known American newspapers and periodicals followed up the report, which in turn formed public opinion and became a trend in Japan. More and more Japanese people were dissatisfied and believed that Uno Sosuke had ruined the country's international image. In the end, Uno had no choice but to take the blame and resign. .

The so-called victim, the female geisha Mitsuko Nakanishi, actually kept trying to contact the Washington Post and VOX News Network after seeing the report, believing that there was something wrong with the wording of the news report and that the editing completely distorted the original intention of her voice. However, This time, neither the newspaper nor the TV station paid attention to her, and did not give her a chance to speak out. After all, they just wanted to teach Japan a parenting lesson about listening to daddy.

 In other words, she was already a victim from the moment the American media found her.

Why the **** do American newspapers and TV networks care if they distorted a Japanese woman's original intention? So the result is that the Japanese Prime Minister who played with the United States stepped down, and that unfortunate geisha was hated by the Japanese people and collectively boycotted by the geisha industry. She has embarrassed Japan internationally, and some extremists have even threatened her to commit suicide to apologize for her crimes. Even her children have published in newspapers announcing that they have severed ties with her.

"I heard your laughter outside the door. To be honest, I forgot the last time I laughed so heartily." Tommy was watching the Japanese news program on the TV in the conference room. As he laughed, a hearty voice came from the direction of the door.

Tommy turned back and looked over, then immediately stood up and walked towards the people who were introduced by Sophia. He leaned forward and extended his hand to the tall old German man who walked in first: "Your Excellency Shriver, what a surprise, because Bin Mr. En didn’t mention that you would be coming from New York.”

"Maria is about to give birth. She had been living with my wife and me in New York for a while. This time, she took Mr. Bean's private plane to take her back to Los Angeles for the pre-natal checkup she had scheduled. I just heard that our young man I’m going to do something. I think, as a shareholder, I should sit down and chat with young people occasionally, so as to prevent the brain from lack of exercise and atrophy early.” The old man, whom Tommy respectfully calls Mr. Shriver, said with a smile.

Sargent Shriver is the real California investor behind Tommy, or in other words, he is the recognized representative of the California millionaires who invested in Tommy. Yes, although Shriver has lived in New York, he is from California. Whether KeyBank, VOX, and many Internet projects can receive timely financial support due to a bunch of wealthy people talking about things basically comes from Shriver’s decision. Even KeyBank’s ability to do dirty little business in Africa, the French backyard, has not yet been confirmed. The French came to the door thanks to Shriver's influence in France.

The seventy-three-year-old is the former U.S. ambassador to France, former director of the White House Economic Office, current member of the board of directors of Banque de California, and current chairman of the board of directors of American Bank West, a subsidiary of Banco de California. He is a New York white-shoe law firm, Fried, Frank , a lifelong partner of the law firm of Harris, Shriver & Jacobson, the brother-in-law of President Kennedy, the founder of the largest international cultural infiltration and espionage organization in the United States, and the American Peace Corps.

Normally, he should have been the heir to the political legacy after the death of the Kennedy brothers, because he had enough influence between the two parties and was well-known internationally. He himself thought so, so he participated in the event in 1972. During the vice presidential campaign, he was preparing to run for president in 1976, but the matriarch of the Kennedy family, his mother-in-law, Rose Kennedy, insisted that her youngest son, Edward Kennedy, who became the majority whip of the U.S. Senate at the age of thirty-seven, inherit all this.

Even at that time, many peripheral members of the Kennedy family in the political arena told Mrs. Rose that Edward Kennedy had almost ruined his career as president due to the previous scandal of drunken driving that resulted in the death of a girl in the car. Shriver was the best choice for the Kennedy family. If we continue to insist that Edward inherit the huge political legacy of the Kennedy family, many politicians on the sidelines will be shaken and look for another trustworthy candidate to rely on.

It is a pity that the old-fashioned Irish matriarch did not listen to the advice of her retinues. As those loyal ministers expected, Edward Kennedy first lost the position of Senate whip, and then completely lost his job because he refused to accept the Democratic Party's call to run for vice president in 1972. Having lost the hearts and minds of the Democratic Party, the Democrats turned to Jimmy Carter, a replacement with a better image. In 1976, brother-in-law Sargent Shriver and brother-in-law Ted Kennedy became the primary candidates in the 1976 presidential election. This farce of opponents is less about Shriver wanting to run for president than it is about Sargent-Shriver completely drawing a clear line with the Kennedy family, which he has worked for for more than 40 years.

After the break, Shriver relied on his previous work experience and connections as ambassador to France to be hired as executive president when BNP Paribas established BNP Paribas in the United States, transferring his job to a bank that would never be associated with the Kennedy family. of West China, and later led the acquisition of Bank of the West and became the chairman of the board of directors of Bank of the West. Most of his investment businesses are now concentrated in California.

Well, by the way, Shriver’s daughter Maria Shriver is now working as a news anchor at Tommy’s VOX TV network and is currently on maternity leave. Her husband is Arnold Schwarzenegger.

Walking in after Shriver was Stephen's father, Peter Bean, who was Tommy's closest uncle in California. Tommy and Peter Bean gave him a warm hug: "Long time no see, dear Peter." Uncle, have you received the gifts I gave you and your wife? I promise, they are the best Cuban silk scarves and cigars you can buy in Miami."

Tommy is much closer and familiar with Stephen's father. In recent years, many of Tommy's businesses are in their infancy. On the surface, it seems that Stephen is busy, but in fact, behind the scenes, it is the old man who helps him network and find investments. Sargent - Shriver was introduced to Tommy by Pete Bean. Both of them worked in the Kennedy administration and later the Lyndon Johnson administration. One served as assistant secretary of health and the other served as director of the White House Economic Office. The two also worked together. He promoted the founding of the Special Olympics and has a profound friendship.

Peter Bean patted Tommy on the back and said with a smile: "How should I answer? The honest answer is that before I had a chance to taste it, my wife, who was worried that I was harmed by tobacco, gave it to someone else. The silk scarf It’s very beautiful, she likes it very much, so I must thank you, but she will also remember the cigar thing, so you should be careful.”

Walking at the end was Stephen Penn, who was as obedient as the little boy facing the priest. Tommy and him waited for the two old men to sit down before they sat down at the conference table together. After Shriver sat down, he looked at The Japanese news on the TV asked Tommy curiously: "You laughed just watching this? I thought your favorite rugby team won."

"No, what I am happy about is another piece of news. Roy Cohn, New York's number one litigator, has finally passed away. When I think about the combination of Roy Cohn and Rupert Murdoch, I feel horrified. Now the symptoms have completely disappeared. Yes." Tommy heard Shriver's question, picked up the remote control, muted the TV, and said with a smile.

Shriver pretended to be surprised and said: "Isn't Roy, that terrorist in the judicial field, dead for a long time? I remember Stephen telling me that you once told him that sooner or later you would find a group of people who like to have **** and are infected with AIDS." Men play games with that number 0."

The Roy Cohn in Tommy's mouth can be said to be famous or infamous. He inherited his father's career as a prosecutor at the age of 21. In the 1950s, he and Senator McCarthy set off the horrific McCarthyism and Lavender in the United States. Panic, after McCarthy lost power, Cohen returned to New York and worked as a lawyer until his death. Because he lost his political life, it can be said that Cohen gave up the polite pretense of a lawyer and perfectly played the role of a frenzied litigator. Over the years, in order to win the case, he used all means to win the case, instructing his investigators to steal evidence, extort clients, intimidate witnesses, commit fraud, create perjury, tamper with testimonies, and even bribe judges.

Even capable of driving a car in New York City and forcing the other party's witness to stop his car and threaten him.

The reason why he dares to be so unscrupulous is not only because he is a lawyer, but also because his father, Albert Cohen, is a judge of the New York State Supreme Court. This father-son combination is almost a perfect match, which also makes Cohen's winning rate in New York almost Nearly 100% of his clients range from the New York Senators and Representatives to the five major New York Mafia families. In addition, he also served as the personal legal advisor to Presidents Nixon and Reagan, which made him a prominent figure in the New York judiciary. The world is rampant and he is known as the King of New York.

The first thing Murdoch did when planning his business in the United States was to invite Cohen to serve as his personal legal advisor in the United States with a high profile and a high salary. In return, Cohen helped Murdoch quickly complete political and business negotiations with President Reagan, which made Murdoch's Business quickly expanded to the United States.

So Tommy was definitely not joking when he said that the pairing of Roy Cohn and Rupert Murdoch is creepy. Roy Cohn and Rupert Murdoch all died after multiple American newspapers were targeted by Murdoch. Cohen looked for problems in the newspaper group, and then excavated, expanded and detonated them. When the boss was in dire straits, Murdoch appeared again as a helpful and good Samaritan, and the two sides joined forces to swallow each other up.

 Fortunately, this guy contracted AIDS because he liked to have sex. Even if he tried all the HIV drugs on the market, he could not survive.

"Stephen! What did you say to Mr. Shriver? When the **** did I say I was looking for..." Tommy heard Shriver say that the other person's death was related to him, and immediately looked at Stephen angrily, and then helplessly Chao explained to the old man: "It has nothing to do with me. I can't ask Roy Cohn, that control freak, to do anything. I don't have the ability or the interest. I can only say that Roy Cohn was in a bad time, bad time. On certain occasions, I met a few **** guys who were in bad health. Everything was God’s arrangement.”

Shriver laughed when he heard Tommy's defense: "Of course, kid, everything is God's arrangement. Murdoch's personal legal advisor has now been replaced by Frank Untermeyer, who comes from an American judicial family. Compared with Cohen, , it really makes everyone breathe a sigh of relief. If you need legal support, my firm should not be too scared to accept the order now."

"Tommy, let's talk about what help you need." Compared to Shriver, Peter Bean, a Jew, is more serious and practical, and rarely wastes time on joking. Seeing Shriver and Tang The two German guys were about to continue talking about Roy Cohn's butt, so they took the initiative to interrupt their conversation.

Tommy did not speak in a hurry, but turned to look at the door first. Through the glass, he could see Page guarding the door of the conference room outside. Sophia had also left to busy with other work, and there was no one around:

"Next, I will use this wave of government promotion to launch an attack on Murdoch. I have made some preparations for this. We all know that if I attack Murdoch, there will definitely be people who accept Murdoch's checks. Politicians jumped out to speak for him. Regardless of the Republican or Democratic parties, there are a lot of politicians who received his checks. I have done surveys, from the president to the mayor, there are many, many, so if I don’t want to be affected by those When people are scolded to death, they must understand that shutting up and remaining silent is a wise choice. To this end, I prepared a medium-sized bait and prepared to throw it out for fishing, luring people to jump out and help Murdo. Politicians who speak out loudly to earn checks, and then select one of the politicians who jumped out and kill him with a thunderous blow, completely destroying him and ruining his reputation. Only in this way can other politicians who are ready to continue to support Murdoch learn to avoid the trap and learn Shut up."

“You mean, you want to talk to me about what kind of bait is easier for fish to bite?” Peter Bean nodded with satisfaction after hearing Tommy’s words, and then asked.

In fact, his son Stephen is already very good, at least much better than those guys in New York who have been reduced to relying on family trusts to receive monthly pocket money and still insist on calling themselves celebrities. The 600 million assets left by his father to Stephen have now grown to 9 Billion, and investments are concentrated in emerging industries such as computers and the Internet. Although Peter Binn is not a full-time businessman, he understands that if emerging industries break out, asset appreciation will be very scary. And the Internet era is coming, and his son’s investment will It is impossible to estimate how much money an hour can turn into, so most of the time, he is very pleased with his son.

Most of the time, it refers to the time when there is no Tommy for comparison. Once Tommy is present, Pete has the illusion that compared with Tommy, his son is as random and simple as a prize given by redeeming credit card points.

Listening to the business war tactics Tommy was talking about at this moment, you can tell that this is not an issue that an American in his twenties should consider at all. Before trying to start a war, he first wants to prevent Murdoch's backers from jumping out. He wants to pass this Therefore, even if those politicians continue to support Murdoch, they can only continue to do it behind the scenes and dare not jump to the stage.

"No, what I want to talk about is that the fish that bites the hook should preferably come from the Democratic Party." Tommy looked at Peter Bean: "Because at this time, we cannot anger the Republican Party and completely tie it to Murdoch. , we need to differentiate them, so we can only choose the one that is easier to control..."


Hearing Tommy's words, Stephen's expression changed, but the eyes of Peter Bean and Sargent Shriver lit up for an instant.

 (End of this chapter)

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