American Entertainment 1982

Chapter 283: before war

Chapter 283 Before the war

Before returning to Los Angeles to officially start the war with Fox, Tommy made a special trip to the KeyBank headquarters in the World Trade Center in New York to meet with Jim Manz. He said that he had not had a massage with Jim for a long time and he wanted to relax one last time before the vacation was over. .

 Jim thought about it again and again, and felt that Tommy probably didn't lie this time, because his preparations should be almost done, and there was no need to bother him with any questions.

We haven’t seen him for a long time, and Jim still looks like a naughty bitch. Tommy is lying on the massage table next to him, enjoying the oil massage from the masseuse girl, and scolds him: "You spend a lot of money on this in the name of business entertainment." The headquarters has a separate massage room with sauna, bathing and professional massage equipment? Jim, you have to know that the president only secretly uses a private phone to find a high-end girl to relax in the White House. You are here with such a big fanfare...oh~ lighten it up a little My waist is a little sore due to the strength, thank you, girl, this technique is so **** professional.”

Jim closed his eyes while enjoying the massage from his older confidante Julia: "Officials from a bunch of African countries or representatives from certain United Nations organizations came to our headquarters to inspect and visit. The flight is too long. I want to relax my sore body. I should How to do it? Arrange for them to go to Brooklyn to find a girl who costs 80 yuan a time, dye it with fresh plums from New York, and take it home as a gift to their families?"

After saying that, he reached back with his hand, grabbed the wrist of Julia who was massaging his back, and said in a pretentious manner: "Of course it is hypocritical to arrange a very formal relaxing massage, just like this. At the same time, it will also allow Julia’s small business to make more money, and for the sake of me helping to attract business, I guarantee that Julia will give me a free bill.”

"I can, but the employees who massage Mr. Hawke cannot be exempted from the bill, and remember that the tip must be generous enough." Julia smiled and pushed Jim's hand away and continued her work.

After the massage was over, Tommy stretched his limbs comfortably around the towel, sat down on a soft chair and lit a cigarette. After Jim paid a generous tip and received a farewell kiss from Julia on his cheek, he left. He came and sat down next to Tommy and said, "If Murdoch makes American money and hurts American feelings, won't the current Republican government let him do whatever he wants?"

"That's what Charles said." Tommy took a can of beer, opened it, and took a sip. The cold liquid went into his throat, making him take a breath of relief.

Jim picked up the phone next to him and gave some instructions to the secretary outside, postponing the arrangements he had made. After hanging up the phone, he continued: "It is impossible for Murdoch to do that. Without the support of the Republican Reagan administration, he would have He has been overthrown in the United States a long time ago and cannot stand at all. How could he be on the wrong team at this time and do stupid things that hurt the feelings of the United States? He himself has been sworn in and became an American citizen. This guy is really talented. First of all, Australian, then British, now American, wherever the money is, that's where he belongs."

"He will not hurt American sentiments in the future. It does not mean that he has not hurt them before, just like he did to deal with those politicians in Australia and the UK. We don't care whether Murdoch is a pure American in the future, but he must not have been before. Like you said, he's Australian, he's British," Tommy said.

Jim picked up the juice and bit the straw and took a big sip. Then he leaned his head back on the chair and gently stroked his somewhat bloated belly: "I have already thought about why you decided to find trouble with Murdoch in the first place. He was kicked out of America.”

“What else could be the reason? Of course it’s because Tommy Hawke loves the country of America.” Tommy said confidently.

“Yes, it’s because the land of America cannot accommodate two people who love it so much, so we can only drive away one of them.” Jim laughed loudly when he heard Tommy’s answer.

Tommy also laughed when he heard Jim's words.

In his spare time, Jim would occasionally think about why Tommy was causing trouble for Murdoch. For this reason, he also learned some information about Murdoch. The more he learned about it, the more interesting he found this question, because he felt The answer is what he said, the United States cannot have two Murdochs, or in other words, there cannot be two Tommys.

When he first saw information about Murdoch, he even doubted whether Tommy was Murdoch's illegitimate son, because the two people definitely had more similarities than Tommy and his father Colin.

For example, the most basic thing is that they both like to marry the same woman as their wife. Murdoch’s second wife and current wife Anne Tove has white skin, long blond hair, ocean blue eyes, perfect facial features, and innocent personality. Before She was just a happy, unknown little reporter. Most of the time, the news reports she wrote could not be published because they always included her innocent but ineffective comments that were characteristic of her as a young girl.

Until one day, the editor-in-chief of the newspaper suddenly discovered that she suddenly understood how to be a real journalist. The manuscripts she submitted were sharp and capable, and her comments were to the point. She repeatedly won multiple Australian journalism awards for the newspaper. When he was puzzled, Murdoch, who had become the king of the Australian media empire at the time, was 36 years old and had just divorced his ex-wife, and appeared in front of everyone holding the hand of a 19-year-old female reporter.

Only then did everyone in the newspaper realize that the two had been dating quietly for some time. During this period of time, every time Anne finished writing a report, she would hand it over to Murdoch for correction during the date, while Murdoch would silently wring his hands. Try your best to help your girlfriend modify the text that is worthless in the editor's eyes without changing her view of the news, and turn it into real news headlines. The most powerful thing about this is that the modification cannot affect the main body of the text. , after Murdoch revised it, Anne felt that there were not many obvious changes. The consequence was that Anne always believed that those awards were obtained because of her own abilities.

Look at Tommy in front of him again. This **** almost copied Murdoch's operation. He found his girlfriend Otilia. From an aesthetic point of view, her characteristics are similar to Anne. She is an innocent girl with blond hair, blue eyes and white skin. I believe it. You can change the world through your own efforts. Otilia used to work as an assistant in the Office of the Inspector General in a small city. After dating Tommy, she devoted herself to the great charity of KeyBank and received various humanitarian charity awards at home and abroad. She really felt that She has helped countless people and changed countless people, so when she attended those award ceremonies, it was as natural as Murdoch's wife Anne Tove.

In addition to their taste in marrying a wife, the two also have very similar business methods. They like to emphasize public opinion and are accustomed to siding with the public. Tommy entered the entrepreneurial battle in the computer industry and claimed that his fight against Lotus was to bring free information to the lower class people of the United States. OSS software promotes technological equality in the United States, which has won him the support of countless poor Americans, who call him Tommy the Rogue and Tommy the Righteous.

When Rupert Murdoch gained a foothold in the UK, he claimed that his "News of the World", which specializes in reporting all kinds of vulgar scandals, is more elegant than British politicians. They slandered my newspaper because I exposed them to the sun. What they want Newspapers are newspapers that ordinary people will not read. The newspapers I want are newspapers that everyone wants to read and only the people involved have no shame in reading them. There are many people at the bottom of the UK who live a very miserable and difficult life. Buy one. A newspaper, knowing the privacy of those big shots, seeing them make a fool of themselves, allowing them to gloat in the dust, is the only cheap pleasure in their lives. Murdoch's operations have greatly increased newspaper sales, and he has earned the nickname "The Cleaner of Politics" among the lower classes of the British public by frequently exposing scandals about politicians in newspapers.

When they expanded their business after becoming successful, their methods were exactly the same. When they tried to buy shares in a company, they would humbly declare that they would never seek control, would not participate in daily management, and would only enjoy dividends. However, once they got the shares, they would immediately fall out. ruthless.

The only difference may be that Murdoch likes gambling. Whether it is a hobby or a business, it has a strong gambling flavor, but Tommy is used to thinking about all possible problems alone before actually doing a certain work to ensure that You can think of solutions to all situations before ending up.

This was what Jim realized when Sophia chatted with Jim before. At that time, Jim had already started to take care of KeyBank's business. At a dinner party, Sophia talked to him about the lawsuit between Tommy's Actor and Lotus. Sophia said that as early as Lotus mailed Before the lawyer's letter, Tommy had locked himself in the library to study various copyright-related U.S. laws. Through SSD's influence in universities across the country, he had formed various female equal rights campus organizations and prepared for more than 170 courts. Friends are preparing to appear in court to file matters.

Every time Jim Manz thinks back to the memory that Sophia told him as a joke, he can't let himself be as relaxed as Sophia. He only feels a chill in his heart. That **** Tommy had just turned eighteen at the time. Years old, without even meeting the two founders of Lotus, or receiving a letter from a lawyer, they had already made plans to dig a hole in the court to bury Lotus.

Therefore, everyone including Jason and even Benjamin initially expressed their hope that Tommy would consider it carefully when Tommy tried to do something to Fox. Only Jim never thought of persuading Tommy from the beginning to the end. Thoughts, this guy who would never trust a person 100%, was able to perfect the devourment plan for Lotus at the age of eighteen. Jim did not think that such a rational madman was not qualified to fight Murdoch. Murdoch III At the age of sixteen, he unified Australia's newspapers, television and radio stations to form his media empire.

But when Jim analyzes from his own judgment and deduction, and follows the steps of Tommy, a crazy bastard, this guy might be able to become the eyes of the majority of the people of the United States, the most powerful country on earth, when he is thirty-six years old. Mouth and ears.

 What they want to see, hear, and say requires Tommy's consent.

Tommy finished smoking a cigarette, drank his beer, crushed the cigarette **** in the ashtray, stood up and walked towards the shower room: "Among the assets held by the shareholders behind Stephen, there are seventeen banks, holding Murdoch shares." KeyBank's short-term loan, I think the storm I caused and the potential income are enough for them to refuse to help Murdoch convert it to a long-term loan. I try not to let you and Benjamin use KeyBank's other hidden connections, but if the other party can really act like Austria Just like Tilia, when she went to bed with me, she accurately found my weakness and made me want to die..."

"I think Murdoch had better pray and don't resist too much on your bed and lead the investigation to me. After all, this is a deep water area. Not to mention strong swimmers, professional divers will drown. What's even more terrifying is that , the offended deep-sea monsters will chase into the shallow sea, and even go ashore to massacre humans." Jim yawned and said lazily: "Goodbye, that's it, I won't take you to the airport."

Tommy turned on the shower and rinsed his body. At the same time, he stuck his head out and asked Jim: "Jim, have you seen Martin, the driver and bodyguard beside me?"

 “I have an impression of that black man.” Jim said perfunctorily.

Tommy wiped the water stains on his face, showed a bright and even flattering smile and said to Jim: "Those politician friends of yours are not very good if they are capable, but they always like to be in the limelight and want to seek positions in the official circles of big cities in the United States. Friends or enemies, introduce him to Martin, and then he will do this kind of business in Los Angeles. I mean he can help black people lobby for some employment-based positions in Los Angeles, such as the fire brigade, police department, etc. "

"Can I say that I don't want to hear it, dear Tommy? You didn't come here just to enjoy a relaxing afternoon massage with me, and you're here to force me to pay for it, right? You're the most Tell me, "No!" Jim asked with his eyes widened and annoyance on his face.

Tommy smiled ashamedly, and then said: "Yes."

"Isn't that the third level of your **** game? Can't you wait until the second level is completed and receive the game rewards before proceeding? Can't you pity those niggas? You know, every time you force me, There are a lot of **** who need to transfer their resources at a cheaper price." Jim cursed depressingly.

Tommy smiled apologetically and had no dissatisfaction with Jim scolding him. After all, he had to have an attitude when he came out to beg for food. He could only explain reluctantly: "But I am also helping black people. I use the money to give it to Martin." , let him help black elites serve as city managers."

“The question is, will black Africans be happy that there is a black fire chief in Los Angeles?” Jim rubbed his face, feeling that his head was aching again.

"That's not what I'm thinking about. We are all black people. Why can't we be happy for our compatriots? We must be philanthropic and don't care about temporary losses." Tommy wiped his wet hair:

“Because the loss is permanent for them, just like what Murdoch is about to lose.”

 (End of this chapter)

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