American comics: Enlightenment in Arkham, Ascension to Homelander

Chapter 50 The leader of the ghouls?


After Downton took two steps, he bent down and held his knees, taking a few deep breaths with difficulty.

“It hurts so much, it hurts indescribably, but I feel full of strength all over my body.

Adrenaline, right? Thanks to your efforts, I didn’t die again and became stronger. I really fucking thank you. "

While teasing himself, he straightened up and tore off all the tattered clothes that were barely hanging on his body.

Those clothes stuck to pieces of skin on his body, and he groaned in pain every time a large piece was torn off.

Especially when it was torn to the crotch, he was so painful that he almost laughed.

After finally getting rid of all his clothes, Downton turned aside and walked toward the last living soldier like a ghost.

Seeing the humanoid creature in front of him, which had most of its body without skin, but whose muscles and tendons were still beating, the soldier's defenses completely collapsed.


While screaming hysterically, he kept firing instinctively.


A bullet lodged in Downton's tooth.


A bullet lodged in Downton's arm.

Facing the rain of bullets, Downton stood in front of the soldiers and watched expressionlessly as the soldiers discharged all the bullets.

Then, he reached out and put his right hand on the soldier's head.



First there was the crisp sound of the skull breaking, and then the muffled sound of the brain exploding.

The white and yellow stuff slapped Downton's face, slightly blocking Downton's sight, so Downton raised his hand to wipe his face.

The blood was as moist as lubricant, but his face still hurt like burning needles, bayonets, hammers, and chisels.

Downton had to put down his hands. He inhaled and raised his head, looking at the parachute that was getting closer in the sky.

At this time, the master had descended to a height of about 200 meters, but he still did not open his umbrella. Instead, he met Downton's gaze while descending rapidly.

More than half of Downton's scalp was lifted, and only a little bit of facial skin remained near the left eye socket. The master could see Downton's muscle texture at a glance.


He swallowed lightly, then nodded with satisfaction.

An immortal person should have a strong will to face such evil situations!

Looking at Downton at this moment, the master seemed to see himself in the past.

He is also not afraid of death. He has killed several guards alone more than once, and appears like Downton in front of the luxurious bed of the damned man!

Yesterday, when he heard the news from Jonathan, he had doubts and worries. He even thought that he would be disappointed.

But now...

He felt that he couldn't be more satisfied!

The person in front of me is clearly another person whose potential far exceeds his own!

Satisfied, the master changed his position in the air, slightly shifting the angle of the descent.

He raised his arms, and a hollow omentum like a flying squirrel popped out from between his wingspan, and then glided over Downton's head like a swallow.

Looking at the master passing over his head, Downton was slightly startled.

"A third party dressed like this, the League of Assassins?"

After asking himself, Downton smiled and rubbed his scalp.


After taking a deep breath in pain, Downton looked at the large piece of scalp he had pulled off, rolled his eyes thoughtfully, and smiled.

"Ah, I can't. It's so difficult for me to walk. I don't feel free at all!"

After finishing his words, Downton threw aside the scalp with a large lock of hair, then threw his head back and fell backwards.

After a while.


The flames spontaneously ignited out of thin air, and Downton disappeared. Even the scalp and hair he threw turned into dust in the air and then dispersed.

Only a few bullets deformed by the impact fell from the air to the ground.

At the same time, near the Smallville Cafe, General Lane covered his face and said in pain.

"The more this guy dies, the stronger his physical fitness becomes. Which laboratory is he a product of?

Another team lost contact. In just forty minutes, he found and killed thirty-five of my people!

Am I really not suitable for work related to superhuman beings? Why did I not only suffer huge losses when I started, but I even lost my daughter?

If I could go back to the beginning... damn, I should have handed this mess over to that bitch Amanda Waller! "

Speaking of this, General Lane's eyes turned red.

But the development of the matter did not give him a chance to breathe. Just when he was feeling extremely frustrated, the adjutant beside him suddenly reminded him.

"General, an unknown third party has appeared, and dozens of people are parachuting from above us!"


General Lane responded expressionlessly, then looked over his head angrily.

His men wanted to fight back, but the ninjas started throwing shurikens at them from a distance of 180 meters.

The shurikens that fell to the ground jingled, and the bullets flying into the sky burst into blooming blood flowers from time to time.

The most terrible thing is that just as Ryan and his men focused on the enemies descending from the sky, hundreds of ninjas actually emerged from the shadows on various street corners in Smallville.

Before Ryan could react, his command vehicle parked on the roadside was invaded by ninjas!

Looking at the actions of the ninjas, Ryan was anxious but also felt clear in his heart.

All the cutting-edge equipment provided by Lex Group was placed in the command vehicle. These bastards really came for those advanced equipment!

"Everyone, reinforcements from the National Guard will arrive in less than ten minutes. We must hold the command vehicle!

Let's put Downton aside for now. We don't have the ability to deal with him. Now the only target is those sneaky ninjas!"

General Ryan yelled in the communication channel, and his words also made the remaining soldiers feel relieved.

In the past forty minutes, as more and more comrades died tragically, the soldiers had long been timid about Downton.

No soldier would like to fight against an enemy who can't die.

Especially, that guy will continue to get stronger!

As for this group of ninjas now?

Compared with the devil who can't die, the soldiers are more willing to fight with the ninjas!

In this way, General Ryan's men shrank rapidly, and within a few minutes they gathered near the cafe and fought a defensive battle with the ninjas.

And the ninja master at this time.

After gliding for a while after opening the flight component, he quickly opened the small parachute.

At the moment when he felt the slowdown, he threw out the rope dart on his wrist, fastened it to the lamppost, and dragged himself to climb up the lamppost.

He took off his equipment casually, kicked the lamppost lightly, flipped twice in the air, and landed lightly on the ground.

Holding the hilt of the straight sword at his waist with one hand, the ninja master listened to the prompts in the headset.

"Master, your target is reborn in the fire and is currently at the crossroads less than 400 meters away from you."

"Very good."

The ninja master smiled expectantly, and then rushed to Donton in less than half a minute, much faster than Bolt.

When he stopped, Donton was grabbing pants in a clothing store on the street.

Noticing his arrival, Donton knocked the female salesperson unconscious and stuffed her into the backstage, while tucking his legs into his trouser legs, and turned around and grinned at the master.

"You're well dressed, man. What's your name?"

"Rars al Ghul."

"What? The leader of the ghouls?"

"The leader of the demons, young man!"

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