American comics: Enlightenment in Arkham, Ascension to Homelander

Chapter 49 Extraordinary Downton!

In a barbershop in Smallville, Downton suddenly appeared from the void.

After landing, he looked at his chest absentmindedly, and then couldn't help pursing his lips.

"It wasn't an illusion just now. My physique is indeed beyond the limit of human beings. Not only will basic actions such as sprinting not make me tired, but even rifle bullets can't penetrate my bones!"

After muttering to himself, Downton looked up at the confused barber and several customers.

Facing Downton's eyes, the barber swallowed hard, and then rushed out of his shop like crazy.

The customers followed the barber and swarmed to the residential building across the street to hide. Only the woman who was getting her hair permed remained in the barbershop.

While she tried desperately to get her head out of the machine, she looked at Downton trembling all over and kept repeating in her mouth.

"What's going on... What's going on... Eh!?"

The woman fainted without Downton doing anything, so Downton walked past her with a smile and patted the hair curler on her head.

"You're pretending, even a fool can tell whether the fainting is real or not. How can a fainted person lean back so exaggeratedly? People who don't know would think you're high nest!"

Also, if this thing is used for a long time, won't your scalp be burned? Are you stupid?"

While joking, Downton found the plug of the hair curler and unplugged it before leaving the barber shop.

Along the street, Downton strode with a broken rifle. Since General Ryan had mastered the surveillance of all Smallville, he could meet the general's men on almost every street.

Today, the residents of Smallville felt the charm of war for the first time. The sound of gunfire from time to time in various parts of the town made them dream back to 1942.

Although Downton was no match for the established military squad at the beginning, , but Downton was too reckless, and his physical fitness continued to grow stronger with each explosion.

Only forty minutes later, when Downton died eight times in a row, Smallwell's situation was completely reversed!

In the sky, the cold and solemn man was originally looking at the pictures from the tablet with great interest.

In the monitoring picture of the tablet, Downton was rushing towards five soldiers at a very fast speed!

Suddenly, the cold and solemn man frowned slightly.

In his eyes, Downton's head suddenly tilted!

"Hiss! "

Leng Sunan took a deep breath, then switched the tablet screen to the large screen next to him. As he operated, the center of the large screen quickly focused on Donton's head.

Leng Sunan clearly saw that a large-caliber sniper bullet accurately hit the back of Donton's head, but Donton only lost a piece of hair!

The next moment, Leng Sunan turned on the playback and trajectory analysis, and found the rooftop where the sniper was hiding along the trajectory.

After confirming the type of gun used by the sniper, Leng Sunan couldn't help but pursed his lips.

"That's indeed the M24...but the bullet was blocked by the scalp?"

A moment later, Leng Sunan said coldly.

"Donton's power is getting stronger with the passage of time, or perhaps this enhancement is related to the number of times he has died!

I wanted to analyze his code of conduct in difficult situations, but I can't stay out of it anymore! "

After the words fell, Leng Sunan walked to the side and took the parachute bag from the shelf.

While carrying the parachute bag, he instructed his waiting men.

"Start the action in advance to distract the attention of the military and General Ryan. It's time for General Ryan's stupid daughter to be useful.

The vulgar people in this world are always like this. The more they think they are smart, the more they think that they must have a suitable purpose for doing anything.

They need a purpose, so I will give them a purpose and start the action!"

"Yes, Master! "

Accompanied by the master's words, the cabin door slowly opened. In the cabin that seemed to have only a few people just now, there were inexplicably dozens of ninjas ready to land at any time.

Mixed in the crowd, the man called the master gently raised his right hand and then clenched his fist.

Swish, swish, swish!

The ninjas immediately rushed out of the cabin like dumplings.

At the same time, in the town of Smallwell, Donton's head tilted violently, and then he shook his head dizzily in place.

"Damn, sniper, it hurts my head so much."

After cursing, Donton shook his head again, and then turned around to find the direction of the bullet.

Seeing that Donton was not dead yet, the sniper gritted his teeth and made another shot.


The moment the gunshot sounded, Donton directly raised his right hand and blocked his face with his palm.

The next moment, the bullet was nailed hard in Donton's palm.

"Uh! "

After a muffled groan, Donton threw the hot bullet to the ground with his bloody palm.

Looking at the palm, only the skin was broken, just like an ordinary person accidentally fell and hit the palm on a big stone.

Although Donton's reaction has improved a lot, he has not yet reached the level of seeing the sniper bullet clearly.

He just thinks that since this sniper chose to shoot the head the first time, he may do the same the second time.

While shaking his hands, Donton spit out blood and continued to chase the soldiers who changed their tactical positions.

The soldiers chased by Donton no longer had the composure they had half an hour ago. They ran away while shouting loudly in the communication channel.

"The general's guess is probably true. The target's strength has definitely increased, and it has increased to a level that...mortals can never reach!"

"The rifle can no longer effectively injure the target. Ordinary bullets can only leave a bruise on the target, and the bruise is not even clear!"

"We can't continue to bomb him. The limit of humans is not his limit. He is like a beast!"

"He's caught up with me!"

With the last scream, Donton jumped up more than ten meters and stepped on the back of a soldier to the ground!

Before the soldier had time to struggle, Donton raised his knee and nailed the soldier's head with a fierce kick!


The picture of a watermelon bursting appeared in front of Donton, and the other soldiers who witnessed this scene screamed hysterically.

"You are a devil!"

"Mad man!"

"He is a mad man!"


Facing the shouts of the soldiers, Donton jumped over a distance of more than ten meters with two jumps and pressed the soldier's gun muzzle with his left hand.

Bang, bang, bang!

The soldier had already pulled the trigger with all his strength, but those bullets were blocked by Donton's palm!

The rifle in the soldier's hand exploded in an instant, and countless parts flew onto the soldier's face.

Donton clenched his fist and punched at the fragments, forcibly letting his fist sink into the soldier's head!


Donton pulled his right fist out of the soldier's head, then turned his head and looked behind him.

Another soldier pulled the grenade on his body and rushed towards him with a scream.

"Go to hell, you damn monster!"

While yelling, the soldier opened his arms and wanted to hug Donton tightly.

Facing the soldier's arms, Donton grinned and then opened his arms to the soldier.

"I like the name of a monster, because I would rather be a monster than just an ordinary mortal.

As for you, even if my existence makes you feel desperate, I admire your courage.

So, I hope my hug can comfort your soul that is about to enter hell, man.

Good luck in your next life!"

As soon as the words fell...


Above the sky, under the parachute, watching the skinned and torn Donton walk out of the fire and explosion.

The master's brows also frowned more and more.

Reporting our real-time results to all the bosses, our Donton is ranked 74th on the new book list and 14th on the light novel category new book list!

Today, Bansi finally dares to muster up the courage to say that sentence! Dear bosses, what you are reading is a work worth watching, and Bansi will never let you down!

So, boss, I see that you are quite rich, how about lending us some monthly tickets?

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