Amazonian and her captive

Chapter 14 – Names

Kenyanire and Yantraki stood awkwardly at the entrance of the room, their eyes locked on Liam. His hands fidgeted on his lap as he glanced around for a place to try and stare so he wasn’t looking at the scantily clad Boruma. No matter where he looked though he found himself looking directly into the unintentionally seductive glance of one of the Boruma. Sac put her hand out and gently caressed Liam’s face. She turned to the brown-haired girl and muttered a few words. Liam blushed as she moved her face close to his.

Yantraki jumped over the crowd and landed next to Liam. Her eyes narrowed down at the Boruma, causing them to move back. Their eyes widened, but they weren’t shaken as they stayed at arm’s reach away from Liam. Yantraki barked something at them in Amazonian towards the group. The brown-haired girl and Sac both looked at each other. They muttered a few words before turning to look at her. The brown-haired girl declared something in Amazonian to Yantraki. Yantraki screwed up her face. She glanced to Liam, then back to the Boruma, then back to Liam then to the Boruma again.

“What is it?” Liam asked, feeling a shiver run down his spine as a Boruma ran her fingers down his back.

“They say that they are here to help you with your plan?” Yantraki said, stepping behind Liam and pushing the Boruma’s hand away. But as she did this another girl immediately took her place by grabbing his leg. While Yantraki was busy trying to swat away the hands of the Boruma, Kenyanire started to think. Her eyes widened, and her lips curled up into a sly smile.

“I believe they had caught word on us starting your plan today.” Kenyanire giggled. Yantraki sat down and placed Liam onto her lap, growling at any Boruma that got too close.

“I see…” Liam said, being the only person paying attention to her.

“So why did they drag me out of bed?” Liam asked, gently using his feet to push away any Boruma that got too confident and went to grab at him. Kenyanire repeated the question to the group. The group murmured; little chuckles being given out as the brown-haired girl smiled. She spoke a few words to Kenyanire, getting the Amazon to clasp her hand over her mouth to stop herself from bursting out with laughter.

“They…ha…They said they wanted to hang out with you because you’re their friend!” Kenyanire chuckled.

“Dumb Boruma, thinking they could be friends with the man married to the princess of a war chief.” Kenyanire continued, as if this idea of them be friends with him was the most observed thing she had ever heard. Yantraki laughed as well, joining her mother in mocking the now frowning and miserable looking Boruma. Liam looked down into the now sunken and watery eyes of the brown-haired girl. He leapt of Yantraki’s lap and moved over to the Boruma. She jumped slightly as a soft hand was placed on her head. trembling slightly, she looked up.

“Don’t worry, we can be friends,” Liam said, knowing she didn’t understand him, but he hoped that his smile would show her his friendly intentions.

“Just please don’t drag me out of bed next time.” He whispered, still knowing she didn’t understand him. The brown-haired girl alongside the other Boruma and Amazons sat with their eyes wide, speechless at how kind Liam was. The Boruma was used to having to make the first move, so to see such a human being so forwards stunned them.

“Can someone translate what I just said?” Liam said, standing up. He walked through the crowd and back towards the stairs.

“If you don’t mind me, I’m going to go and get dressed,” Liam said, walking back up the stairs. Once Liam was out of site the girls all started to chatter about everything that had just unfolded. Kenyanire translated what Liam had said to the group. The girls all started to chatter excitedly as Yantraki stormed up the stairs after him.

She charged carelessly into their room. Her eyes scanned around until they found Liam, who was in the middle of getting dressed in his regular clothes.

“What was that?” She yelled, storming over to him. Her face was red, her voice strained, and her eyes were fixed on his. Liam shivered as he stared into the eyes of the furious creature.

“What was what?” Liam asked, not understanding what he did to place her in such a state of anger.

“Did what? You talked said you were friends with a slave! Now they think you are on their side!” Yantraki yelled picking up Liam and placing him onto the bed roughly. She slammed his head against one of the pillows. She slowly moved her head in towards him, sniffing him to make sure he wasn’t somehow drunk. Yantraki snarled slightly as she couldn’t smell alcohol, but she still refused to acknowledge that he was willing to say he wanted to be… Yantraki screwed her face slightly, she could even think of the word friend and associate it with the Boruma. Yantraki wrapped her arms around Liam and held him tightly to her chest. The side of his face against her breasts.

“You are mine…” She muttered, like an angry child not wanting to share her toys. Liam blushed as her warmth embraced him, a relaxing feeling coming over him. Embarrassment soon overtook him though as he noticed the Boruma and Kenyanire watching them from around the corner.

Liam shot out of Yantraki’s arms and straightened out his shirt and trousers to make himself look presentable. Not wanting to give Yantraki the chance to grab at him, he scampered over to Kenyanire.

“So, you said last night about starting my plan for the sustainable food source today?” Liam said a bright smile on his face. Kenyanire returned the smile and nodded.

“First let’s get food, then we will meet Thormoenia and go from there,” Kenyanire said, gesturing for Liam to lead the way. As he passed her Kenyanire leaned in towards his face.

“Yantraki and the two Boruma will also be following us,” Kenyanire said as she hurried off down the stair, the two girls in tow. Yantraki quickly got dressed in her war paints, corded grass top and grass skirt before lastly putting on her headdress and following after the group; making sure to keep Liam close to her side.

The group walked out of the hut, deciding to leave the small horde of Boruma alone and hope they still had a hut at the end of the day. Sruna and Takire were waiting for them just outside of the hut. Takire had bags under her eyes from doing the night shift, and Sruna was slumping over as she hadn’t had anything to eat in 16 hours. Their hair blew slightly in the wind as they both stood to attention when they noticed the approaching group.

They exchanged greetings and Kenyanire explained that the two Boruma would be following them for the day before then walking with the two warriors towards the feasting hut.

Fresh air gently caressed the hair of the group as they walked the dirty, dry jungle path. Liam kept his eyes forward so he wouldn’t have to look at the mangled bodies tied to the trees. Yantraki and Kenyanire assisted with this by standing on either side of him to guard him against the site. The chattering of delighted Amazons soon came into earshot as the group came out into a clearing. The clearing was covered by a large tarp of leaves that protruded from the trees. Lines of roughly crafted wooden tables and benches sat under the tarp. Amazons lined the benches, happily eating away at what was probably the last of the human meat. He also spotted them eating plants he had seen dotted around the jungle. This didn’t surprise him as he heard from people in the army Amazons could eat and survive off almost any plant.

The group moved with Liam between the bustling tables and towards a larger more decorated table that looked over the other crowd. Thormoenia sat at the table, her head leaning on her hand and a wide frown on her face. Her eyes lit up though as the group took their seats at the table, laughing slightly at the infamously cold-hearted Yantraki holding the timid looking Liam to her side.

“He looks tired, you think he is good for work today?” Thormoenia leaned towards Kenyanire and whispered to her as she took her seat next to her.

“He will have to be, the food around here will only last for another week and from the small snips of his plan, he talks about in his sleep… The plan will take at least 5 days just to set up.” Kenyanire said slightly worried at Liam’s state. She was even considering taking him away from Yantraki and the Boruma at night to make sure he got good sleep.

Yantraki went to wave a hand to get the attention of some Boruma to serve them food, but the brown-haired girl and Sac were already at work gathering food for the table. They laid the food out over the table, offering large bits of meat to Liam as a further sign of their friendship. Yantraki snarled slightly as she realised that she was the only one that wasn’t being served. Yantraki snarled again as she saw a brown-haired girl giving her a sly look out of the side of her eye.

Annoyed Yantraki went to get Liam’s attention, just to see him talking to the two girls through the help of Kenyanire’s translation.

“Can I ask your name?” Liam said to the two girls with the help of Kenyanire’s translation. There was a moment of silence as the girls looked at him as if he was stupid. Liam started to sweat as it seemed he had touched on a bad subject.

“Boruma loses their names once they are disowned by their families after they fail the ritual of initiation,” Kenyanire said.

She could feel her heart cramping, it was as if she felt sad. But she couldn’t understand why. Kenyanire started to think of ideas on her sorrow as she glared at the sorrowful look in Liam’s eyes. She wasn’t sympathising with his sadness towards the Boruma not having a name now, was she?

Kenyanire shook the thought out of her mind, not wanting to start thinking of the potential livestock as people. The brown-haired girl’s eyes lit up as she dove towards Liam, her hands leaning on his legs as she pushed her face towards his. Quickly she spurted out something in the Amazonian that made Kenyanire grin. Sac jumped forward onto Liam, an equally as bright look on in her eyes as the brown-haired girl.

Holding the table tightly to the point it started to crack, Yantraki tried to stop herself from killing the two girls that were now basically climbing on Liam. Yantraki took in a deep breath as she prepared herself to translate what the brown-haired girl had said. Annoyed she was taking the burden upon herself, Yantraki looked to her mother who was too distracted enjoying the scene in front of herself to translate what the girl had said.

“She wants you to name her, and from the looks of it the other does as well” Yantraki grimaced. Despising the new level of friendship that the girls now seemed to have with her Liam. She quickly tried to steer the conversation away from the Boruma and towards any other subject that would place Liam’s attention on her. But it was no use as Liam started to blush as the excited girls waited to be named by their friend.

Yantraki went to grab the brown-haired girl and Sac but their heads both turned and snarled at her like wild animals as they tightened their bear hug around Liam’s body and face.

“Bugs… fine, I’ll let you name him.” Yantraki relented as she sat back in her seat. Liam looked at the two patient girls. The looks of joy in their eyes reminded him of when he named a small dog that used to run around the village. Liam thought for a few seconds for any good Amazonian names when he then remembered what Kenyanire said about them once having names.

“Wouldn’t they like their original name?” Liam said, trying to get an easy way out of the awkward situation. Kenyanire’s smirked grew ever wider as she translated what Liam said. The two girls flared their nostrils like hungry animals as they pushed him down off his chair and onto the floor. Pinning Liam down they quickly spoke in Amazonian to Kenyanire.

“They say they won’t let you up until YOU give them a name.” Kenyanire laughed. Yantraki snarled as she usually did when angry and jumped down. She started to wrestle with the Boruma. But it seemed that for every girl she pushed off him, two more would see them pinning Liam and would sprint over to join in with the fun.

Thormoenia started towards the group that was now smothering Liam. She leaned over to Kenyanire; one side of her mouth slightly open as she couldn’t find the right words to say.

“Is this?” Thormoenia said, gesturing towards the group.

“Normal? I hope it doesn’t become that.” Kenyanire sighed, secretly wanting this new joy and excitement that the human had brought to the tribe continued.

“Fuck it! Fine, I’ll Fucking name you!” Liam yelled as several of the girls got too excited as they started to try to pull down his trousers. He knew the Amazons were weird people, but he still couldn’t get his head around the weird obsession the Boruma had with trying to strip him at any chance they had.

Kenyanire translated Liam’s confession to the Boruma. The brown-haired girl and Sac’s eyes widened as they dove onto him, smothering him in kisses and words of thanks. Kenyanire giggled like a child as Yantraki dragged the girls off the now exhausted and pissed off Liam. Liam sat back on his chair and the now probably 20 Boruma all lined up in front of him. Liam sighed as he looked at the line.

“I thought I was only naming 2?” Liam said to Kenyanire.

“You were, but then you chose not to and now the rest want names,” Kenyanire said, still laughing at his annoyance.

“I hate all of you.” He muttered under his breath as he started to brainstorm ideas for names. Yantraki noticed the look of stress on Liam’s face, in his eyes and his fidgeting hands. Usually, she wouldn’t help him in this kind of situation as she found this side to him adorable, but united by a common enemy being her devious mother and the Boruma she decided to make an exception.

“Liam is very hungry, we should eat then decide the name,” Yantraki said, Liam, shooting her a smile of gratitude. The Boruma sighed with annoyance as Kenyanire translated what Yantraki had said to them. Reluctantly the Boruma either went back to whatever they were going before or decided to sit around the legs of the Amazons and Liam to wait until he was finished.

“They’re not moving” Liam whispered to Yantraki as he slowly ate the cooked bit of Tatnak meat that had been brought to him by the Boruma.

“It is because they still want you to name them. I wish you didn’t speak sometimes my love” Yantraki said as she ate her piece of Tatnak meat.

Liam sat in morbid silence as he ate the meat, hoping he could buy enough time until everyone else had finished and he could slip away with them to start his plan. Much to Liam’s disappointment though Kenyanire and Thormoenia were deep in conversation. He looked to Yantraki to hope she was eating so he could at least get out of his situation a bit quicker with her help. Again, though Yantraki was distracted as well as she fended off the Boruma who were trying to get to Liam. She was probably too distracted to even notice if one of the Boruma got to him, despite the slave seal.

Pain shot through Liam’s leg, making him kick out his leg slightly as something bit down on his knee cap. Looking down Liam narrowed his eyes out of curiosity. He was greeted by the face of the brown-haired girl’s smug, smirking face staring up at him from between his legs. Her gleaming, mischievous eyes almost told him that she had seen through his plan to eat slowly and was doing this on purpose.

The brown-haired girl’s eyes narrowed at him as she raised her hands to his crotch. Carefully her hands held him still as she placed her sharp teeth at his crouch. Despite having trousers on Liam could still feel the sharp fangs. He got the message and started to eat quickly, making the brown-haired girl smile as she held his balls hostage. Mocking laughing filled Liam’s ears. He turned to look for the source of the laughter, and his eyes landed on Sruna and Takire giggling on the far side of the table.

“When I fucking get out of this situation…” Liam muttered, just to feel the brown-haired bite his knee cap. Understanding her threat he went back to eating his food, cursing her between every mouth full.

Before Liam knew it, he had consumed all the food and the brown-haired girl now sat even more excitedly between his legs. Once she had figured out, he was now fully finished, she leapt up and jumped onto his lap.

A shadow of a person fell across Liam, causing the brown-haired girl to reluctantly get off his lap. Turning, Liam’s eyes widened to see the unfamiliar face of a tall woman. She had long black hair, deep green eyes, and a gentle yet somehow still stern look on her face.

“You must be Mr Liam?” The woman said, putting a hand out to him. Liam looked at her for a few seconds before putting out his hand.

“Yes? Can I help you?” Liam said shaking her hand. Slightly scared that both Kenyanire and Thormoenia were watching carefully.

“I am the high priestess of our tribe; I am here to collect you so we can start your plan.” She said cheerfully. Gripping Liam’s hand, she dragged him out of his seat. He took a large sigh of relief as he got to delay his dilemma of having to name the girls until later.

Standing out of his seat Liam watched as the rest of the Amazons on the table quickly hurried to finish their food. Once finished they also shot out their seats. The high priestess gestured for Liam to follow her as she began to walk. Sruna, Takire, Kenyanire and Thormoenia all started to follow the high priestess. Not wanting to be left behind Liam went running after the group but stopped as he felt a sense of guilt. Turning around he stared at the two depressed-looking Boruma who now sat around his seat, mournfully looking at his seat.

“Fuck, I’m going to regret this,” Liam said as he walked over to the two girls. Yantraki stopped as she sensed Liam wasn’t following her. Her face scrunched as she watched Liam putting his hand out to the girls, inviting them to come with the group. The girls jumped at the chance to still get a name as they skipped along happily by his side. Liam’s face was already growing weary as he narrowed his eyes and gazed downward, his look only emphasised by him letting out a long-winded breath. It was obvious he was already regretting his decision.

Trudging through the grass Liam followed close behind the group. The two Boruma next to him happily chirped as they skipped alongside him. Liam let out long but quiet sighs as the girls attempted to communicate with him. This wouldn’t usually annoy him, in fact having such beauties talking to him would be welcomed. But the fact they were trying to talk to him well knowing he didn’t understand them made him want to hit them so they would finally shut up and stop chattering constantly in their complex language.

Little sound came out of the thick jungle as they walked. The only sound that was heard was the odd bird chirp here and there, but besides that, the only sounds were that of the group as they talked. Yantraki was keeping Liam close to her side so he wouldn’t have to talk to the Boruma who were stalking him closely from behind. Liam felt like a child in the store with his mother from how Yantraki was holding him so close to her side. He couldn’t help but cough slightly as a way of subtly asking her to let go whenever she pulled him so close the right side of his face was pressed against the side of her left breast.

“You’re doing it again” Liam croaked out as he gently pushed himself away from the Amazon. Yantraki’s eyes widened as she sucked in her bottom lip slightly.

“Sorry, I forget you are much weaker,” Yantraki said, sucking in both her cheeks like a pouting child.

“I just do it because I want you to be safe…” She muttered. Liam smiled, he had to admit he found when she was like this to be adorable. Feeling a little guilty Liam sighed. Yantraki jumped a little as Liam grabbed her hand, holding it loosely.

“Don’t take this as anything but me not wanting you to be in a bad mood all day,” Liam said, holding the soft hand of the now squealing Amazon. Yantraki coughed as she straightened her posture. She held a blank expression across her face. Taking in another deep breath she did her best to act as if Liam touching her didn’t affect her in any way. But in reality, she could feel her heart racing with excitement as she smothered her natural Amazonian urge to pin him there and then with the intention of mating.

Liam looked up to the heavily blushing Yantraki. She could try all she liked to hide the fact she was enjoying this a bit more than she should have, but Liam could see through her charade. As the group walked Takire kept yelling back to the two Boruma, egging them on to try and get Liam so he could give them a name. Yantraki cursed at them as she hugged Liam to her side, suffocating him against her large breasts.

Glancing back at the group with a large grin on her face, Kenyanire couldn’t help but think about how calm everything was for the time being. She wished it could be like this forever, but the threat of her daughter Rhexdice and the others was constantly on the rise. Thormoenia noticed the weird look on her friend’s face. it was a mix of a frown and a smile like she was reminiscing something.

“When do you think she plans to breed him?” Thormoenia said, prodding her friend in the side to try to cheer her up.

“If I had to guess…” Yantraki said, smiling as she narrowed her eyes.

“I would say about 2 months if Yantraki got her way. But Liam is very stubborn so he would probably wait a few years.” Thormoenia laughed at Kenyanire saying this.

“You think that? Or are you planning to claim him before that?” Thormoenia laughed. Kenyanire smirked, she had to admit Liam would be lucky if his pelvis was even intact in a few months. She was even more amazed he had survived up until this point. After all the noises she could hear from their room every few nights told her of how little mercy her daughter gave to him when she was in heat.

Walking for a while further the group passed out of the huntresses’ jungle, past the main village and soon reached the field that Kenyanire had secured for Liam’s project. The same field where he had encountered Rhexdice. The vine wall that surrounded the field. Liam looked down to the fresh green grass. If he was to farm the Chillcali he would need to find a way to feed them.

“Can I ask a question?” Liam said, looking to Thormoenia. She was the head-huntress meaning she would probably know much more about the animals on the island than him. Thormoenia nodded to Liam, signalling for him to start his questioning.

“What do Chillcali eat?” Liam asked, looking up towards the Amazon. Thormoenia thought for a few seconds about the answer, then about why he would ask this question.

“They eat grass?” Thormoenia said.

“Do they not have Chillcali on the mainland?” Thormoenia added, in a condescending tone.

“No, we don’t. Well, at least not at the foot head part where I’m from.” Liam said as he glanced over the field. Thormoenia wasn’t sure what a foot head was in terms of geography or land, but she shrugged it off as she wanted to simply get to the fun part of the task. Liam turned and looked at the group.

“Can I ask where the nearest source of water is?” Liam asked, getting a mix of confused looks from the Amazons.

“Does this have anything to do with me hunting?” Thormoenia asked, raising her hand slightly to get his attention.

“No, I just want to get a good source of water so we can put a pool in the field for the Chillcali to drink and wash in,” Liam said. Now understanding his intentions, the Amazons turned and lead him into the jungle. After yet more walking the group soon emerged out into the sunlight of the day.

Liam squinted his eyes as they adapted to the bright light of day. He was so used to walking through dark, dimly lit jungle that when he was in open areas like the field or main village, he always remembered how different this island was from his homeland.

Glimmering blue water stroked against the golden sand. But after that, the water stretched for as far as the eye could see until it blended into the horizon. Sand melted away under his feet as Liam walked out onto the sand. Smiling he looked out at the ocean, this was almost too perfect for his idea. Considering there was also a large about of land as well the sat between the water, sand and tree line meant it was ideal for making his plan come to light.

He turned and looked to Sruna and Takire. Putting out a hand he called them over. He then went over to the trees and pulled down a few large leaves. Crumpling up a few of the leaves he then looked to Yantraki.

“Can any of you using fire magic?” He asked, hoping fire magic was an actual thing. The high priestess stepped forward and summoned a flame into her hands.

The high priestess turned the handful of leaves to ash for Liam. Liam then took a small stick off the ground and dipped it in the charcoal. Taking one of the remaining leaves he quickly sketched out a large cooking pot with a lid over its top. Continuing his sketch he drew a small door on the side of the pot, using arrows to show how it was meant to be opened. Moving on he then drew a long wide from the top of the first that then connected to an identical pot next to it. Lastly, he drew a few rough measurements using the rough drawings of Amazons as hight measurements.

“Do you mind taking these to the blacksmiths and asking this to make these for me,” Liam said, passing the drawing to Sruna and Takire. The girls looked to Kenyanire who gave them a nod of approval for them to use her name to get the blacksmiths to work for them, the girls disappeared off into the jungle and back towards the direction of the main village.

The gaze of the conniving boy fell onto Kenyanire next. She matched his gaze, even adding an excited smile.

“Next I need you,” Liam said pointing casually to Kenyanire. She smiled and stepped forward.

“What do you need?” Kenyanire asked as she stepped forward.

“I will need you to go back to the field and open up a large hole at the centre of the field. I then need Thormoenia and Yantraki to go and get the huntresses ready, once you have done that return to meet me here.” Liam said as Thormoenia picked the reluctant Yantraki up and slung her over her shoulder. Liam waved to Yantraki as he finally got rid of one of the distractions.

The remaining Amazons and Liam watched them leave. Once they were out of sight and mind Liam walked towards the sand and took in the warm grains. The energetic Boruma rolled around in the sand as the high priestess stepped over them and walked over to Liam.

“So, your plan now is to just wait for the huntresses to arrive, while Sruna and Takire get the blacksmiths to work, and Kenyanire makes your little lake?” the high priestess giggled as she took a seat next to Liam as he scribbled on a large leaf with the makeshift pencil. When Liam didn’t respond she looked over his shoulder to see what had him so in-depth in focus. Her eyes widened as she reconsidered the contraption he was drawing.

“That is a water wheel, and a… aqueduct is the right name, right?” She said, pointing to the drawings. Liam’s ears pricked up as he looked towards the high priestess, an excited grin on his face.

“You know what this is right? Do you have any insight on how you think we can make them here on the island?” Liam said, moving forward, staring at the Amazon with a bright twinkle in his eyes. Realising how close he was he quickly retreated out of fear of the slave seal telling Yantraki what he was doing. Quickly regaining his composure Liam sat up straight and looked at the high priestess, her warm smile relaxing him.

“Can I ask where you learnt about water mills and aqueducts?” Liam said, wanting to know more about the Amazon’s unusual knowledge. Most Amazons didn’t know English, let alone anything about the outside world except the fact there were humans to eat. So, the fact she knew so much was probably something interesting.

The high priestess’ smile faded at his question. Her head moved as her gaze turned towards the ocean.

“I…learnt it from the same place I learnt English many hundreds if not thousands of years ago now.” And with those words, she began her story. Her mixture of red, blue, and white paint patterns that were smothered on her body shone in the sunlight as she stared into the distance as if reliving an old memory.

“It started when my name was only Huchoece about 700 years ago.” Liam chuckled a little at her words, how fucking old was she?


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