Amazonian and her captive

chapter 13 – Fu#king Boruma

The sun shone over the emerald waters on the coast. The air was sweet with sea salt as the warriors departed from their boats and made their way to shore. Golden sand going between their toes as they held their war spears tightly. Glancing up towards a large hill the amazons noticed a dark figure. Without wasting a second the warriors placed themselves into a spear wall, aimed towards the shadow. A tall around 8ft woman moved slowly out of the thick jungle. Her skin was smeared with fresh crimson blood and hideous patterns of green paint and mud. This demon-like woman narrowed her eyes at the warriors. Sweat started to pour down the sides of the warriors’ faces’ as they could feel their legs begging for them to run.

The Sun Sisters spear wall watched carefully as Thormoenia walked slowly towards them, her eyes scanning up and down their bodies. They could feel their bones quaking as the amazon was now only a few feet away from them. The air was thick. Every breath the amazons took in felt like their last. Their eyes widened as Thormoenia vanished. The warriors quickly placed themselves into a defensive circle.

“Such a beautiful face, I’ll keep it as a trophy…” Thormoenia whispered into the ear of a warrior. The warrior turned to fight, but it was too late, the spear had already found its way into her gut. The warriors scattered as the woman’s lifeless body fell to the floor. The warriors’ eyes all widened with shock as they stared at Thormoenia as she stood over the bloody body of their comrade. Three warriors grabbed their spears and charged at Thormoenia. She smiled and stepped to the side, swinging her war spear boldly. The heads of all three women were lying on the floor before their bodies had even realised what had happened.

Thormoenia giggled sadistically as the bodies collapsed to the floor. She ripped and tore through what remained of the scouts until there was only one left. She walked slowly over to the cowering warrior. Drenched in the blood of her friends Thormoenia crouched in front of the warrior. Leaning in towards the cowering warrior, she licked her bloody lips. Moving her face closer, she placed her lips against the ear of the warrior.

“Run” Was all she muttered. The warrior didn’t waste a heart beast as she sprinted in the opposite direction. Thormoenia picked up a war spear and watched as the amazon tried to escape. Placing her left foot forward and her right back, Thormoenia aimed the spear. With a crack of the wind, Thormoenia launched the spear into the air. Sunlight glistened off the iron rod as it started to fall towards the retreating amazon. Blood splattered on the golden sand as the spear cut off the arm of the amazon.

Screams cut through the air as the sand was painted with the woman’s blood. Thormoenia giggled childishly as she looked at the gore-stained beach. Happy with her work she turned around and walked back into the depths of the jungle, her bloody apatite now stated as the sun slowly sunk over the horizon.

The light of day slowly faded from the jungle as the last drops of the golden ray fell off the leaves, leaving only darkness. Thormoenia was tired, to say the least. For the past few days, she had simply been in a poor mood. First, she had God you should have to babysit human for a few weeks, next day she has to babysit said human and gets her ass kicked by some half-assed Sun Tribe Royal guard. She still felt a little swore from fighting those warriors earlier as she rubbed her neck. She wanted a good fight, and those small weaklings were no fun.

Arriving back at her village Thormoenia smiled as she looked at the happy huntresses. They danced around a large bonfire, the ambers of the fire simulating their dance. Over the fire, they roasted the meat of the monster they had killed. Warriors sat around on piles of furs discussing tales of battle.

Liam stood around trying his best to communicate with the huntresses Boruma. His face was screwed up with a mix of annoyance and fatigue. As she approached, she could hear him trying to explain to the Boruma that none of them was going to be eaten so they didn't have to keep acting so fidgety and scared. One of the huntresses Boruma was holding a bowl of a buttery substance in her hands. She kept pointing to a Boruma who was sitting on the table naked. Six other Boruma what's standing around her, they held large fruits, bowls of oil and butter as they started to stuff and prepare the girl like a pig for a luau.

“Look, we are cooking the leg of… that thing, whatever it’s called that we killed today. None of you are going to be eaten, none of you are going to be hurt.” Liam tried to plead as he tried yet failed to communicate to the Boruma. Yantraki, Sruna and Takire all sat around watching Liam’s attempt at negotiations. Yantraki and Takire were laughing their asses off while Sruna fidgeted in her seat. Standing up she went to help Liam, just for Yantraki to pull her back down and tell her not to interfere.

Thormoenia walked to Liam’s side. Getting the attention of the Boruma she quickly informed them that there was to be no sacrifice that night. The Boruma frowned and tilted their heads slightly like confused little children facing a maths problem for the first time. Rolling her eyes Thormoenia repeated that they weren’t going to sacrifice them, nor did they plan to in the future.

Twiddling his thumbs awkwardly as he stood on the sidelines, Liam watched as Thormoenia talked in Amazonian to the girls. Every now and then point to Liam and saying his name. Since he didn’t understand their language, Liam couldn’t help but look down at the ground nervously whenever they spoke his name.

The talking stopped and Liam looked up from the ground to see the Boruma staring at him as Thormoenia walked away, a sadistic grin on her face. shivers went down his spine as the Boruma surrounded him. All their hands gripped him and started to pull him towards a large hut. The six Boruma and even the girl that was about to be stuffed and sacrificed dragged Liam into the hut. Stopping the naked woman, Liam quickly wrapped his jacket around her, not wanting her to get cold.

Liam started to sweat nervously as he saw Yantraki’s eyes staring him down. The salve seal on his chest started to cramp. The girls sat him down into the folds of a pile of furs before they ran out of the hut. Liam watched as the girls chatted to other Boruma, Liam could guess they were informing them of the good news that they were no longer going to be used as food. Liam peered around the curtain that hung over the entrance to the hut. He immediately darted back out of view though as he met Yantraki’s cold eyes.

Sruna was wrapped around her waist holding her still as Takire laughed at the deadpan look of Yantraki. Watching as Boruma hurried into the hut with bowls of fruit. Her eyes narrowed as she took notice of several Boruma entering the hut with drums and other instruments. Snarling slightly Yantraki went to stand up as she noticed the girl that was to be sacrificed walking into the hut in a ceremonial tribal skirt.

“Please don’t kill anyone, tonight has been so nice. Just let them be, they are probably just thanking him for saving them.” Sruna pleaded as she cuddled into Yantraki’s waist. Knowing what Thormoenia had said to the Boruma about how Liam was the saviour of the Boruma, he had also come to give them a better life. Yantraki knew she had only said this to cause them some trouble for her own entertainment. With the knowledge that the Boruma probably thought they needed to repay Liam (especially the girl that was to be sacrificed), for convicting the warriors to no longer eat them. Yantraki wanted to swoop in and save Liam. But on the other hand, she didn’t want to risk making him angry for making the others feel awkward. Cursing herself she swore under her breath, she couldn't believe she was starting to care for her pets opinions or emotions. But watching his smiling face as he talked to the group of girls, she wished he didn’t like the Boruma as much as he did. Yantraki sat patiently, deciding to watch him and only interfere if she thought they were trying to seduce him in any way. Hopefully, they were only going to give him some food and dance for him as a sign of friendship between him and the huntresses Boruma.

About 30 Boruma sat around Liam. Each watching him curiously, wanting to learn more about the man that Thormoenia had said to have convinced her and the great Kenyanire to no longer sacrifice and eat Boruma as he now had a plan, they were going to place into action the next day to get a new source of sustainable as well as tasty food.

Chattering to one another the warriors prodded and poked at the strange-looking light-skinned male. Besides being a human, he looked a lot like one of them. Assuming this, Liam concluded that this was why they felt that they could be so casual around him. One thing he couldn’t get his mind around though was the starry-eyed expression all the girls had as they paid attention to every little action he made.

He felt like a rare animal in a zoo, and these girls were school children excited to look at him. Just in front of the exit of the hut, the girls set up a variety of instruments. Other Boruma handed out food alongside drink to the crowd and Liam, while music started to fill the air. Serval excited women dressed in long ceremonial skirts jumped in between the musicians and the crowd. Liam’s eyes met with the lead dancer who he had noticed was wearing his jacket around her waist as a part of her costume. He smiled as he realised, she was the girl that was to be sacrificed.

Knowing from his books he learnt that despite their religions and rituals the amazons were famously very noble. Thus, why he was now placed in this room with them all, they probably wished to thank him for arranging a better life for them. But he wished he could tell them to hold off the festivities as unless he actually got his plan to work these girls around him were all still candidates for the chopping block.

The performers started their Polanyian-esc dance to the frantic beat of the drums. The drums were almost overshadowed by the noise of the cheering and whooping crowd. Liam soon found his eyes locked on the shaking hips of the girl that was originally going to be sacrificed. She licked her lips while staring down at the now fully attentive Liam. Wanting to keep her new friend’s attention she moved closer to him. Her hips were now swaying enticingly only a few inches from the almost hypothesised Liam’s face.

Keeping her dance going she twirled around and placed her face near Liam’s. She went in to plant a kiss on him as the thanks for convincing the warriors to help them. The curtain over the entrance to the hut swooped open. In a deadly silence, Yantraki walked into the hut and flung Liam over her shoulder before turning to leave the hut.

“Thanks, got a little lost there” Liam whispered to her as she carried him out of the hut.

“Don’t worry, I’ll take you somewhere you can relax until tomorrow,” Yantraki whispered back. Quickly carrying him out of the hut she hurried off onto one of the many paths that lead from the village. Takire and Sruna were close behind them as they disappeared off into the jungle. The sacrificial girl gritted her teeth, she was so close to getting him, but Yantraki had stepped in their way. She glanced back to some of the other girls and gestured for them to grab some food and follow her as they went after the group.

Liam layover Yantraki’s shoulder in silence as the Boruma yelled after them in Amazonian. The troop passed the last of the bodies tied to the trees and soon arrived down at the side of the beach.

“Come on Yantraki, at least talk to them!” Sruna pleaded in Amazonian as Yantraki placed Liam down against a tree. Takire on the other hand wanting more to laugh at was chattering to the Boruma. Trying to stoke the fire so that they would carry on talking to Yantraki.

Liam watched from his seat at the tree as the group of Boruma started to argue with Yantraki. Sruna stood in between them, trying her best to calm the situation. Takire took a seat next to Liam to enjoy the show.

“Who do you think will get hit first?” Takire said, wanting to see where the ever-increasing intensity argument continued. Liam only sighed in response.

“Are there any trees with large leaves near here?” Liam asked, standing up and dusting himself off. Takire frowned slightly, not knowing what he was thinking. Despite this, she stood up and pointed out the leaves on some trees only a few steps away.

“Good, but a little high up. You mind?” Liam said walking over to the tree with the large leaves. Takire came over and helped Liam up the about 9ft tall tree. E quickly picked some of the arm long eaves before dropping back down.

“What do you need leaves for? Can’t we just watch the argument?” Takire said, itching to go back over and finish watching them verbally abuse each other.

“They remind me of the children back at the orphanage. They used to get into fights like this, and I would always have to break them up.” Liam said walking towards the water.

Reaching the water, he knelt and started to wrap the leaves into a balloon shape. He then used a small hole in each balloon to fill it with water. Once the balloons were full, he took count of them, he had 5 which was more than enough. Picking the makeshift balloons up into his arms he wandered over to the bickering amazons. Lifting up one of the balloons Liam aimed for the back of Yantraki’s head. Smiling he threw the balloon. There was a moment of silence as the balloon made contact and burst over the back of Yantraki.

Yantraki’s shuddered as the cold water went down her back. Shuddering Liam gulped as she slowly turned around.

“Liam… What are you doing? Don’t you understand I was...” Yantraki was cut off as Liam threw another balloon at her face, leaving her stunned as her jaw dropped. He sighed as he moved to the now incredibly smug-looking group of Boruma. He lifted the remaining three balloons and lobbed them towards the group, soaking them as well in the freezing seawater. Eyes widened and mouths opened wide as the girls watched as Liam went back to the tree to collect more leaves to make water balloons.

“Liam, what are you thinking!” Yantraki said stomping after him. Liam grabbed some more leaves with the help of Takire who was now incredibly entertained by the events now unfolding. He repeated the cycle and walked back to the water to make more balloons. Liam had finished making another 5 balloons before walking back to the still confused group.

“Why” Yantraki went to say but was cut off by Liam throwing a balloon in her face. Liam then pushed half the balloons into her chest before handing the others to the Boruma.

“Listen here, I’m going to go and make some more of those. In the meantime, you lot throw them at each other until you have let all your anger out.” Liam said as he went back to work making more of the makeshift balloons. The amazons stood confused for a while until Takire took one of the balloons out of Yantraki’s arms and threw it into the face of the Boruma crowd.

As Liam collected more of the balloons with the help of Sruna the two groups behind them started to battle with the balloons. They soon dried up the ammunition and darted towards the water to start grabbing the Balloons Liam was preparing. He smiled as the girls soon forgot their troubles and started to throw and push each other into the sea, every now and then retreating to get some of the balloons to throw at each other.

Liam smiled as his plan was working well. Despite their savage and bloodthirsty habits, Liam had taken not that the amazons could be very childish. Using this information, he knew that giving them a fun way to get out their anger would probably help. He knew this was as he saw the large eager, as well as sadistic smiles of Yantraki and the others as they pelted each other with water balloons and seawater. Once showing Takire and Sruna how to make the balloons Liam went back to the tree line to relax and let the amazons have some time to let loose.

Sitting under one of the large palm trees, Liam couldn’t help but start to admire the amazons. If you stripped away the fact, they were amazons and you had just stumbled across this small crowd playing in the water they would probably just seem like regular people. A little tall yes, but besides that regular. Watching the smiling and laughing faces Liam couldn’t help but feel a depressing nostalgia. These amazons reminded him so much of the boys from the orphanage and how they used to play like this as well.

Watching the happy smiles of the amazons Liam took a quick mental note. They were quick to jealousy, quick to anger/ to fall in love, (from the rumours he had heard and from what the amazons had said themselves it was impossible to make them fall out of love). Liam laughed as Yantraki got hit in the face by a water balloon thrown by one of the Boruma. They were easy to distract, lastly, on his list, he took not that the amazons were an incredibly hormonal and emotional species. Yet he found himself arguing about how stubborn they all were. Chuckling Liam came to the conclusion they were indeed a strange childish yet bloodthirsty and demonic species he didn’t know if he found fascinating or utterly disgusting.

Placing his head back against the tree Liam stared at the stars. Closing his eyes, he allowed his mind to start to wonder if the boys alongside Katlin and the other villagers were safe. His thoughts were interrupted though as a hand gently placed itself on his shoulder. Liam could see everyone was playing in the water. He took in a deep breath as he slowly turned his head, hoping it not to be one of the Sun Sisters.

Thormoenia’s smiling face greeted Liam, calming him as he let out a sigh of relief.

“Hey, come to join in too?” Liam asked, trying to sound polite. Thormoenia shook her head.

“No, just come to make sure where you all are.” She said before turning and disappearing into the night. Liam watched as she walked away. She could help but feel as if something was off about her, something about her was certainly weirder than usual. The thought didn’t stay for long though as Yantraki grabbed Liam and threw him over her shoulder.

“What?” That was all Liam could say before Yantraki threw him into the water. Liam pulled himself out of the water. The cold sea dripping off his now drenched clothes. He smiled as he looked at the laughing girls. These amazons were bloodthirsty creatures, but maybe they had some good in them.

Thormoenia smiled as she watched Liam now playing with the amazons in the water. She stayed around to make sure they were all distracting him. After all, it would be a disaster if he were to learn of the ritual they were about to perform in the main village. Sinking back into the jungle Thormoenia sprinted back towards the main village.

In not too long she arrived at the village where she was greeted by Kenyanire with a handful of warriors holding torches. Each woman was painted in patterns depicting the goddess they wished to offer sacrifices to that night.

“100 of the captives are already painted, prepared and at the temple. Considering it takes 10 Amazonian lives to get one of the goddess crystals then it will probably take a few hours to get the sacrificed.” Kenyanire said walking over and handing Thormoenia a torch.

“We also have a nice few young men for the breeding part of the ceremony. The last time I did this wasn’t too long ago, but I had to use 100 human souls as well as a singular Amazonian male. It was also the night my daughter married her human!” Kenyanire said cheerfully as the group started to move back towards the village.

“I can’t wait for some good amazon meat!” Thormoenia said, licking her lips at the thought of roasted male amazon meat. Several other amazons nodded along with her in agreement, a look of hunger on their faces. Kenyanire smirked at her friends’ relatable hunger as they reached a crowd of warriors waiting with the hundred captives below the steps of the blood-red temple.

As soon as Kenyanire and her group came into site the high priestess who stood at the top of the temple waved her hands high into the air. Drums roared into the night as Kenyanire walked through the crowd of cheering warriors. Sun Sisters watched with terror as the ground started to shake. Vines spurted up from the ground and surrounded Kenyanire’s body. The vines crawled around her, creaking and melding. When the vines finally moved back Kenyanire’s high priestess attire was now clad over her pictures body.

She wore a long skirt of green animal skin. Her top was made of tangled vine, that left little to the imagination. Smiling to her warriors she carried on her walk to the top of the pyramid. The wind blew through her long black hair as she reached the top of the pyramid. She turned and looked over the exhilarated crowd. Her now dark green eyes scanned the line of captives that were being held at spear point.

The high priestess moved to her side, a young man on a leash next to her. Kenyanire peered behind them to see the other men ready to give their seamen for the sacrifice. She glanced back down to the line of warriors. A mix of terrified and brave faces was present up and down the line of sacrifices. Kenyanire put out her arm towards the line. A sadistic grin came over her face as she put out her index finger and signalled for the first sacrifice to come forward.

The royal guard at the bottom of the pyramid dragged the first white-haired Sun Sister up the cold steps. As she reached the terracotta stone slab her eyes widened as the realisation of what was about to happen registered with her. The warriors laid the silent woman on the altar. Four priestesses laid the woman out spread eagle on the alter as Kenyanire began to make the sacrificial pattern on her chest. This pattern was the same one she used on the night she sacrificed the boy when Liam was married to her daughter.

Thormoenia held a ceremonial knife against the woman’s neck, ready to kill her the second the man came. Kenyanire placed a grey crystal at the centre of a painted circle on the woman’s chest. Just above her heart. The second the man’s member was placed in between the woman’s legs, the ritual compilation began. Drums roared as the man was forced deep into the sacrificial woman by the high priestess.

Due to the aphrodisiac drugs that were given to both victims the man soon finished. The woman’s neck was slit and like the man sacrificed on the night of Yantraki claiming Liam the blood started to crawl towards the grey crystal. The man’s seamen and the woman’s blood sank into the crystal. Kenyanire smiled as small red dots started to form in the crystal, now there were only 9 more to go until the first crystal was ready.

Priestesses came forward and picked up the body of the now-dead Sun Sister. The next victim was already laying on the altar before the dead body was even halfway down the temple steps. She had the man who was forced onto the first sacrifice brought back and placed into the next sacrifice. The high priestess then placed the crystal onto the new girl.

The sacrifices continued until 10 of the captives were roasting over fires. Now having a blood-red crystal in the palm of her hand, the high priestess smiled. Kenyanire waved a hand and a young Amazonian priestess stood at the side of the high priestess. Using her blood-soaked fingers, she made the girl open her mouth. Gripping the girl’s tongue with her thumb and index finger she placed the crystal onto the girl’s tongue.

“Thank you for your part in the ritual of Nayari. Now all you need to do is eat about 99 more of these before we get a nice plump golden crystal. Or if we are lucky, maybe a silver with golden patterns through it, or simply a pure purple or silver! Praise the Goddesses if we get an Evaro’ crystal out of this!” the high priestess said as she giggled like a child as she forced the crystal down the girl’s throat.

That night was going to be a bloody night as they still had 9 more crystals to create and 90 more captives to sacrifice.

Sun slowly crept into the room. Blue bed sheets were slowly stirred as the sun warmed the already cosy subjects curled together in the bed. Yantraki’s long dark green hair shined in the approaching sunlight. Deep in her dreams, she pulled Liam into her chest. Coughing Liam moved back slightly, his eyes slowly creaking open. Sleeping in Yantraki’s arms were oddly nice, mostly because she kept his head between her breast which acted like angelic pillows. But one thing he didn’t like was the position he was currently in.

Liam sighed as he looked down to his legs that were engulfed between Yantraki’s strong thighs. His body was constricted by her arms and his head was nestled into her chest. It was an oddly comforting position, the only problem being afterwards he knew his body would feel like he was hit by a tank. Deciding it wasn’t worth trying to escape from the deadly embrace of love he decided to enjoy the feeling for the time being until she woke and allowed him to get up.

Jumping, Liam felt a hand move down his back and between his legs. Yantraki had a bad habit of this. He could tell she usually had dreams about him. He rather not find out what her twisted mind was thinking of doing to him in her twisted dreams.

“Ok, no fuck that,” Liam said, immediately going back on everything he had just decided. Knowing there was a high chance of being felt up by Yantraki in her sleep, Liam carefully moved between the gap between her arms and out of her grasp. Once his torso and upper body were freed, he moved his attention to the legs.

Sweat ran down the side of his face as he struggled to move away from the almost bear-like hold Yantraki had over him. Liam stopped though as he heard talking in Amazonian. He lifted himself up just enough to see the brown-haired Boruma and the sacrificial Boruma from the night before. They smiled as they chattered happily to one another, like long lost friends.

His happiness to see the two quickly faded though as he remembered he was in a hut still in the Huntress village, meaning the brown-haired girls and her friends had actively Sought him and Yantraki out. It didn’t make it better than both girls for whatever reason were both raging perverts whenever they were alone with him.

As if the girls could read his mind the brown-haired girl reviled one of his porno magazines as the other girl (who he called Sac as she was to be sacrificed when they first met) reviled the pair of pants he had worn the day before.

He looked to the girls as they traded his items as if they were spoils of war, he then glanced back to Yantraki. Waying up which of the two groups would annoy him the most Liam moved back down into the arms of Yantraki. Praying the girls hadn’t seen him yet. A soft thump sounded as Liam accidentally hit a small bowl of a strong-smelling oil, they had kept on a stand at the side of the bed to help them sleep off the table and onto the floor, slipping it all. Liam grimaced as the chattering stopped and all that he could hear was the sound of the bowl slowly bouncing on the ground until it came to a stop.

Small squeaks of voices could be heard as the Boruma chattered among each other. Liam didn’t dare move as he took in a deep breath and kept his eyes shut. Soft sounds of the Boruma crawling stealthily towards the bed started to make Liam unintentionally hold his breath as an automatic defence to try and make it look like he was asleep.

Bed sheets rustled as the Boruma slowly climbed on the covers, being careful to keep to his side to not wake Yantraki. Sharp teeth gently bit on the end of Liam’s foot, almost making him jump. Laughing, two of the girls went under the covers. From what Liam could count there were now probably two behind him, by the side of the bed. Two under the covers around his legs, and another two by his side. The two by his side giggled and started to prod at his face.

Still not wanting to give in to these girls Liam didn’t dare move. His eyes widened though as he felt an odd tugging at the brim of his pants. Two pairs of hands were gently pulling down his pants. Liam shot up, hitting his head against one of the Boruma who was watching his sleeping face. As he sat upright in bed and looked around the room his eyes widened. There were about 30+ Boruma sitting around staring at him. Liam groaned as he looked at the crowd of smiling faces that overflowed into the room as even more entered. Today wasn’t going to be a fun day. Hands grabbed around his ankles and dragged Liam out of bed. Before he knew it he was sat in the main room, the horde of Boruma surrounding him.

Liam looked up at all the smiling faces that gazed down at him. Gathering his strength, he pulled himself to an upright position. Gazing around the room he could see at least 50+ Boruma all sitting around him as if they were watching an animal at the zoo. The door to the hut creaked open. All heads turned to look at the door as Kenyanire walked into the hut. Kenyanire and Liam’s eyes met.

“Morning?” she asked, not understanding why the hut they were staying in was swarmed with Boruma. Her eyes dotted around. Watching the groups as they either traded items which she noticed to be Liam's belongings, or they were trying their best to communicate with him. Kenyanire her head as she walked past the group and over to the stairs. She turned around and looked at Liam.

“Do you…” Kenyanire said, gesturing to the group.

“No clue…” Liam said. He understood she probably didn’t know why they were here either. Liam felt something on his lap and looked down. He was greeted by the sight of the brown-haired girl using his lap as a pillow for her head. A broad smile and devilish gleam in her soft emerald eyes.

“Fucking Boruma…” Liam muttered under his breath.







Hey there, hope you enjoy the story, I felt like I wanted to get my story here on scribble hub a little but more up to date with the one of Royal road  so I will probably upload a few more chapters either this week or next week to get it a little bit more up to date. 

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.