Am I the Player? Surviving in Terraria as the only existence

Chapter 32: Humans vs Goblins (II)

Chapter 32: Humans vs Goblins (II)


Goblin commander POV







The battlefield was currently being covered in death and destruction for our army.

Giant trees in the shape of dangerous weapons were butchering our most vulnerable soldiers while making horrifying sounds that seemed to represent death itself, thousands of arrows covered in fire rained upon us all the time, and giant boulders covered in flames squashed and killed our soldiers due to falling at terrifying speeds upon us.

Meanwhile, the humans, at the other side of the battlefield, were relaxing and laughing at us while they saw all their dirty tactics work perfectly...

Just the feeling of being underestimated by such weak beings made me grit my teeth in anger.

How dare these weaklings laugh at us?!

I looked back at our army.

Although the warriors were advancing through the battlefield, they were doing it very slowly due to the constant rain of arrows upon us.

The archers and mages were completely unable to shoot projectiles at the walls of the human city due to being completely decimated by the arrows, rocks and trees at all times.

The summoners were almost already dead.

And only the goblin peons that advanced alongside the warriors were still standing somehow...

But for how long?

At this rate we could be all killed before reaching the walls.

So there was only one option left.

Kill the Dryad that's helping the humans and cause some chaos inside the walls.



"And It seems I must go personally this time" I said while cracking my neck


Aspen POV:




"...Haah~... At this rate we will defeat them before they can even reach us..." I said while placing the empty mana bottle to the side and grinning sightly.

I should probably eliminate the archers and mages first so that then only the melee ones remain when they manage to reach the walls...

"Alright, time to start once agai-"

Before I could even finish my sentence I ended throwing up...


Name: Aspen (Aeron) 


Age: 19 (38)


[Hp: 240/240]  [Mana: 40/40]

[Mana sickness: Magic damage is reduced by 25%, the amount of damage reduced is reduced by 1% every 1/5 second]  (7 Seconds left...)


So it was the debuff that appears every time you consumed mana potions too fast huh...?

But to think that it could actually act as a sickness...

I felt heavy and dizzy after throwing up, and when I glanced at the mana potion next to me, I almost threw up again.

Just the sight of a mana potion disgusted me to the point of almost throwing up.

Well, I'll just have to take them at a more slow pace...

I moved my mana towards the trees and started controlling them once again.


When I tried moving them, the weight I felt from them was a lot more than before, so It was also more tiresome for my body.

The speed when I moved of the chainsaw trees had also decreased a lot. Even If I tried to move them faster, they didn't even budge and continued advancing at the same slow speed towards the goblins.

Of course a lot of them ended up dodging the attacks and successfully escaped from the death.


Luckily, all this just continued by a few more seconds, probably because it was a side effect of the decrease in magic damage the debuff [Mana sickness] gave me.

Whatever, it's over now. Let's begin agai-


An explosion happened a few meters away from me.

What now?!

I turned my head in the direction of the nearby explosion while still maintaining the control of the magic.


"LEAVE HIM ALONE YOU MONSTER!!" A soldier screamed in rage while swinging his sword in the direction of a giant silhouette in the middle of the crowd of our army while holding in his hand the body of another soldier.



The whole body of the soldier was sent flying while his head flew in the other direction after being hit by the strange creature.

Bulging muscles that were hidden under a very thick armor of gold, a helmet made out of bones of who knows what creature, and a giant sword made of gold as well.

A truly horrifying creature that was at least four or five meters high...

If it weren't for his armor I could have mistaken him with the green giant H*lk.

When I looked at it, I was surprised by the yellow eyes that seemed to look into my deep very soul.


°[Goblin commander: Seuk

Title: The Butcherer

HP: 4789 / 4800



Yeah, I was expecting a lot of HP, but...

It's almost five thousand HP... Are you serious?!

How the hell I'm even supposed to beat that shit?!


More than being scared or helpless I just feel disappointed...

Even after preparing so much to win this war, this fucker suddenly arrives and decides to ruin everything...



I'm not going down without a fight, just so you know...

I began chanting all my magic on the surrounding trees at the bottom of the wall, so that I could attack him at any moment with a 'chainsaw' or a 'drill tree'.

"WHERE ARE YOU LITTLE DRYAD?!" The giant goblin screamed in an enraged tone 

What's with him? What dryad?

"If you don't show yourself right now then I'm gonna rip every human here to pieces!!"

Did he not come here for me?!



I recalled a certain comment from the strange elf woman named Elysia after feeling my connection to nature.

"I know, but that doesn't change the fact that his connection to nature is a lot higher than mine. It is so high that I'm starting to doubt that he is really a human and not a dryad."

Yeah, it was something like that...

Maybe he thinks that a dryad is helping us humans?

Well... maybe for him is much reasonable to think that a dryad is helping us than to think a human has this much control over nature.

Alright, then better for me!

I conjured my magic over a big tree at the bottom of the wall and morphed it into a 'Giant drill tree' that launched itself in his direction with the hope that I could perforate his armor and leave him unprotected before my next attacks.


The drill did Its characteristic sound and launched itself in the direction of the goblin.



A giant explosion covered the area around the impact, and soon the sound of the drill stopped.

"I see... I guess I'll have to kill everyone here in order to take you out..." The voice of the goblin sounded from deep inside the thick cloud of dust with a mischievous tone.

Once the dust cleared out, the appearance of the goblin with its sword smashed directly on the drill came to my eyes. The drill, of course, couldn't resist the impact and broke instantly.

"Shit... My 'Tree attack series' don't  work on him?!"

No, Maybe I have not used it on its full potential...

While the situation was becoming more and more serious, a certain sound of something cutting the air came into my ears



A sharp pain struck my leg suddenly, while I was still distracted.

You have received 39 damage

What the hell?!

I turned to see what had hit me and I saw an arrow struck directly on the side of my thigh.

Before I could ponder anymore what was happening, hundreds of sounds of metal cutting through the air were perceived by my enhanced hearing.


I looked above me.


Hundreds of arrows were raining directly upon us.

It's this karma?


I looked at the battlefield again.

Our side stopped attacking due to the intrusion of the goblin commander. This ended up allowing the goblins to stand up again and counter-attack with their magic and arrows while we were busy with this monster.

Fuck! If he notices me attacking the army of goblins with my magic, then I'm doomed...





Soon the sounds of despair and rage filled the place.

Dozens of soldiers being beheaded instantly after being struck by the giant sword of the goblin commander, and many others being struck by the arrows raining on us.

I have to stop him!

I conjured magic once again on another tree at the bottom of the wall and morphed it into a 'Giant chainsaw tree' that slashed directly at the goblin commander.


"Useless...!" The goblin said once again before smashing the tree once again with his giant sword.



However, while he was distracted with the chainsaw attack, a very sharp tree in the shape of a giant dagger attacked silently the back of the goblin.


"AAAAAAAAH!!" The goblin screamed in pain after having it's back being stabbed 


You have dealt 98 damage


HAHA! In your fac-... In your back bitch!

Still... This was gonna take time...


The 'dagger tree' crumbled apart after hitting the back of the goblin, probably because the wood wasn't strong enough to resist the impact.

Shit, then this is gonna take a lot of mana as well...

'Now... how much did that hurt our little goblin?' I thought while grinning sightly.

"YOU!!" The goblin screamed in rage while looking directly at me


Me what??!!

Was it that obvious that I was delighted after seeing him being stabbed?!


Oh shoot, he is coming here!!

I survived the heat of yesterday guys B)

Though I sweated like crazy... 

Also, I thought that maybe I could place an alarm at a specific hour to start writing this.

That way I won't keep postponing it until it's already eleven o'clock.

Anyways, that's all for today, I hope you liked it guys.

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