Am I the Player? Surviving in Terraria as the only existence

Chapter 31: Humans vs Goblins (I)

(A/N: Accidentally clicked on publish earlier. Luckily, it was just two people that saw the unfinished draft)

Chapter 31: Humans vs Goblins (I)


"Burn them up!"

As soon as my orders reached the ears of the general of the archery division, the whole sky was covered in thousands of arrows enveloped in fire.

The people controlling the catapults didn't stand still either. As soon as I gave the order to attack, they started launching giant rocks covered in a thick layer of already ignited gel.

The goblins that were caught on the explosion of gel from the previous attack, soon were caught in flames after being hit by the flaming arrows.

The giant rocks being launched constantly also inflicted heavy damage in the formation of the goblin army.

The goblins soon started scattering without any real formation. All this thanks to the chaos the giant rocks created.

All hail the Chaos!

Fuck you goddess of 'order'.

The formation in which they first appeared

First were the warriors goblins who were at the front supposedly to be tanking all the attacks incoming. However, they were unable to do anything at all, because the archers ignored them and just attacked the goblins from behind them.

The second group of goblins in the formation were the goblin thief. Who were positioned on both sides of the army in a large line. Probably prepared to surround any group that attacked the warrior goblins from the front.

After that were the goblin peons and the goblin archers. Nothing much to say, they were the ones who were the meat shields and the ones supposed to be attacking from the distance, however, they were currently too busy dodging the flaming arrows that our army sent them constantly to pay attention to their roles.

And lastly were the small group of goblin mages and-


What kind of goblins are that?

I looked at the eyes of one of them and soon became frightened at what I saw.

Goblin summoner (Unawakened)

Hp: 334/360

[On fire!: gets covered in gel and flames and Suffers constant damage]

A goblin summoner?!

Weren't these guys supposed to appear just after entering the hard-mode as a mini-boss?

No wait...

It says [unawakened] and its HP it's a lot less than what it's supposed to be for a goblin summoner.

Huff... I almost had a heart attack.  

It seems not everything is lost.

For some reason they are a lot weaker than what I remember, as they were the boss that appeared every time the goblin army attacked, I supposed that they could be strong. However, they are barely any different from the goblin mages...

I guess that's perfect, they will be destroyed more easily then.

Time for the second attack!

I started gathering mana and redirecting it directly at the trees that spread across this battlefield.

"If I could make gigantic piercing drills by controlling the trees before, then what about gigantic chainsaws?"

The trees that were near the army of goblins soon started morphing into the shape swords with many small teeth on the blade, and they soon started rotating at vertiginous speeds while making horrendous screeches that seemed to represent the death itself approaching the goblins.


The scene after that... well, lets say it was quite bloody.

Even the goblins, that were supposed to be a lot more resistant and stronger than normal humans, were turned into mere meat pieces in just an instant. And the screams of pain soon covered the whole battlefield

"Wow, I'm even feeling a bit bad for them..." One of the soldiers at the knights division said while watching the horrendous massacre my magic was performing

"Really?" other soldier next to him asked.

"Nah" He replied before both of them grinned evilly while looking at the goblin army being butchered.

Unfortunately, It seemed that I only managed to kill only two hundred goblins with that attack as the trees could only stretch a certain distance before breaking. So this tactic was only able to reach the sides of the army, not the center.

Also, the goblin warriors were a lot more resistant than what I thought. They actually managed to survive the attack, however, not completely unscathed.

Most of the goblin warriors that were hit by the attack had now grave injuries on their body, and probably some of them even got mortal wounds that could end up killing them as the time progressed.


Just 2800 to go...


Goblin commander POV:




It was the day... We were finally going to eradicate those abominable humans.

The thirst for blood I haven't tasted for so long due to being selected for training with the emperor, finally awakened on me after seeing the walls of the human city.

I was already imagining the screams of pain and desperation those humans could make when we butchered everyone in their puny city.


That's strange... I thought they could be waiting for us with their army prepared... However, there's no human on the battlefield...

What is going on...?

I concentrated my vision and managed to spot where the humans were.

So they are going to be cowards until the end huh? They are actually going to fight us by firing arrows on top of the wall the entire time.



Arrows are not going to stop us from reaching the walls with ease. Their bows are not strong enough to damage our the people of my army.


While observing their movements I saw that they threw many giant projectiles at us.


That might deal some damage... However, it will be negligible.


The object exploded when it come into contact with the floor. However, it didn't deal any damage to us, Instead it just covered our soldiers with a viscous substance. Though some of us managed to not get covered in it.

Do they want to decrease our mobility by using this slippery liquid?

No... What are-...


A giant explosion hit the place next to me while I was making assumptions.

What the-?!






Many explosions started appearing on the battlefield, and this time the cause were giant rocks covered in fire

"Shit..." I cursed under my breath.




However, before they could even begin their summoning, an arrow struck the body of the summoner that began chanting first. Who had no other option but to kneel due to the pain.





No... It wasn't just one arrow.

Thousands of arrows started raining upon us.

These worthless pieces of shit!




I looked back, and I saw a tree morphing into a giant monster with many teeth that rotated at a horrifying speed.

This level of Nature control magic...!

A dryad?!




The archer, warriors, and thief, and peons of our army soon started being butchered by the monstrous trees and the screams drowned my surroundings.

Why is a Dryad helping the humans?!


One of the trees moved directly in my direction.


I grabbed the sword on my back and struck down with full force the blade of the tree.


The blade of the tree cracked at the impact and soon the tree stated crumbling as well.

It took a while, but in the end the trees eventually stopped rotating and returned to their original positions.

Out of mana already huh, little bitch?



""""HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH!!!"""" The soldiers surrounding me yelled.

These little shits actually managed to provoke some damage to us... But the time is up for them.

In the end this is all they could accomplish.


What the-?!!


Aspen POV




"Haaaaaah~ That's refreshing..." I exhaled after finishing the mana potion currently on my hands.

HP: 240/240 Mana: 40/40

I directed my mana directly at the trees once again, and started the 'Chainsaw operation' once again.

*BROOOOOOOOOOOOM-!!* The terrifying sound once again started, as the goblins started having a helpless look on their eyes.

Well then...

Shall we begin round two little goblins?

This may be my final day alive guys...

It is expected 37 C° for tomorrow...

I don't know if I will survive. However, I have one last thing to say before my impending doom.

Those who like summer are dumbasses.









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