Althea: The Legendary Saintess [Shoujo]

Chapter 78 – Mental Defense Magic and Plans

"Mental Defense Magic…"

Althea murmured to herself in her room.

After school, she had gone to a café with Yugg de Starry Stars to discuss the recent strange occurrences and possible reasons behind them. Yugg also shared some potential countermeasures.

One piece of information struck her as particularly important—a type of magic she had long forgotten.

Two years ago, she had gifted her brother and a royal prince with protective magic stones as a graduation present. On the very day she intended to enchant the stones, a new spell appeared in her grimoire: Mental Defense Magic.

She had three slots for enchantments. After deciding to include both physical and magical defense spells, she was uncertain about the third. It was then that the Mental Defense Magic appeared, and she used it on a whim.

"Who knew it wasn’t a common spell…"

Althea mulled over the information Yugg had explained to her.

"Mental Defense Magic can be wielded by those with an earth attribute. However, not just anyone with this attribute can use it. It’s recorded only in individual grimoires, making it unclear who can actually use it. If someone who can wield this magic is found, they can prevent enchantments and mental manipulations. But whether this magic works on individuals or spaces is still unknown. It’s rare and hardly used, so finding a magic stone with Mental Defense might be more reliable. These stones can be obtained by defeating a succubus. Placing such stones at the four corners would create a psychic defense field."

“Are you alright?”

Laila asked worriedly, placing a cup on the table with a soft clink. Althea smiled and reached for the cup.

“Thank you, I’m fine. I never thought charm magic existed outside of stories.”


“Is this ominous presence due to a creature? Or is something being controlled?”

“Prince Yugg only mentioned a presence, not a creature itself.”


Althea pondered deeply.

“Lady Althea.”


“You’re not thinking of enchanting a large magic stone with Mental Defense Magic for spatial protection, are you?”

Althea’s expression froze. Laila sighed deeply and spoke in a cautionary tone.

“That’s impossible. Remember how you were bedridden for an entire day after enchanting the magic stones two years ago? You brushed off the reason, but it was due to the enchantment, wasn’t it?”

“But I didn’t collapse when I enchanted the sweets.”

“The compatibility of the enchanted item matters greatly, as the young lord explained. If you plan to protect the academy space with Mental Defense Magic… I’ll defeat the succubus myself to obtain the necessary stones.”

“No, it’s too dangerous.”

“Even so, Lady Althea, I don’t know how to enchant. But the enchantment drains your magic power directly, even if temporarily.”


“So, please refrain from using enchantment magic.”

“Not even on small magic stones?”


“But… if, as Prince Yugg suggests, someone is using charm magic… my brother and Prince Siegfried might be safe with their magic stones, but what about Jean? Lady Lily, who might have purification abilities, Lady Kaera, Lady Julia… even you could fall under the charm. I can’t bear that.”

“Lady Althea…”

“Even if I cast the Mental Defense Magic directly, I don’t know how long it would last. But enchanted magic stones remain effective unless broken. Please, Laila, if spatial magic is out of the question, at least let me enchant stones for those I mentioned.”



“But follow Lord Regalus’s guidance on whom to enchant.”

“…Alright. I planned to discuss this with my brother anyway. Can you arrange for me to contact him tomorrow?”

“As you wish.”

After Laila left, Althea sank into the sofa’s backrest.

“My brother will oppose this too… even more than Laila. But I want to do what I can. It might be presumptuous, but I love everyone. I don’t want anyone to be controlled…”

Her whispered words were swallowed by the night.


The next day after school, Althea headed to the central building. Laila had arranged a meeting with Regalus, and Siegfried offered his room for the discussion.

Reaching the designated floor, Althea was guided by the tower’s keeper, Jonathan, to a room. Inside, both Regalus and Siegfried awaited her.

Entering the room, Althea bowed respectfully.

“Your Highness, brother, thank you for making time for me.”

“Yes, I’ve heard a rough outline from Laila. I thought this place would be suitable for a detailed discussion, so I asked Sieg.”

With that, Regalus and Siegfried greeted Althea with smiles and guided her to a prepared seat.

As soon as Althea sat, Siegfried inquired,

“Is it true that charm magic is being used in the academy?”

“We have no concrete proof… but it seems likely. Prince Yugg shared this information—”

She then relayed the details she had learned from Yugg.


In the academy, a magic believed to be charm magic was suspected to be in use. To counteract this, Mental Defense Magic, wielded by those with earth attributes, was considered effective. However, this magic was not universally accessible. They also discussed purification magic for those already affected by the charm.

After hearing this, Siegfried began speaking, as if a realization dawned on him.

"…You said Prince Yugg was also targeted?"

"Yes… along with you and Prince Regalus?"

"Indeed. Not just me, but Regalus as well. It was last week, wasn't it?"

He turned to Regalus, who nodded and began to recount his experience.

"Last Friday morning, as I was on my way to school, I found a female student crouched on the roadside. She seemed unwell, so I thought to take her to the infirmary. Just then, Lily approached and offered her help. As I explained the situation to Lily, the student disappeared without a trace. When I mentioned this to Siegfried, he said he encountered a similar situation the same week, on Wednesday."

"Yes, in my case, I ignored her and walked past. Yet, she called out to me, 'Prince Siegfried, please help me.' I didn’t recognize her, so I left her there."

"You just left her? That's harsh, don’t you think?" Regalus sought agreement in an exasperated tone.

"Harsh or not, it's a precaution. In the past, women have often feigned illness to get close to us. When we first entered the academy, it was almost a daily occurrence."

"True, Siegfried, who already disliked women, would always look particularly irritated. He often muttered about how familiar they acted without permission."

Regalus reminisced with a distant look.

"Indeed. This time, too, I didn’t know her face or name, though I had heard of her. She called out my name and asked for help. It was unpleasant. Later, Curio confirmed her identity—she was Persephone FullTale."

Althea, worried that her brothers might have already fallen under the charm spell, felt a wave of relief as she noticed nothing unusual in their behavior. To be sure, she asked:

"Did you feel anything odd at that time?"

"No, nothing. As I said, it was merely unpleasant."

Siegfried replied with his usual stoic expression, though he seemed more openly disdainful.

"I didn’t notice anything either… except…"

Regalus murmured as if recalling something.

"The bracelet Althea gave me felt slightly warm."

He showed the bracelet, usually hidden under his sleeve, which Althea had gifted him two years ago. It was part of a set, with earrings enchanted for physical and magical defense, and the bracelet for psychic defense.

"This has enchantments, right? You mentioned it was a 'secret' at the time. What magic did you use?"

Regalus asked, and Siegfried turned his gaze to Althea as well.

"Mental Defense Magic."

"That means… the enchanted stone reacted, indicating the presence of charm magic."

Siegfried nodded at Regalus's observation.

"But… we can't disclose this to others."

"Indeed. The fact that you can intentionally enchant stones is a secret, let alone using Mental Defense Magic… my sister is truly remarkable."

Despite his proud sigh, Siegfried remained composed.

"Althea's abilities are impressive. However, the use of charm magic poses a greater threat, making the Mental Defense Magic more critical to keep secret. Did you inform Prince Yugg about this magic?"

"No, I didn't mention it."

"Good. We never know who might be listening. Rest assured, this room is protected with soundproof magic."

Siegfried continued, ensuring Althea understood the gravity.

"If someone intends to disrupt the academy with charm magic, Lady Lily, capable of purification, would be the primary target. Regalus."

"I understand. Either Jean or I will stay with her as much as possible."

"Althea, being known for her dual attributes and high magical power, will also be targeted. Take extra care."


"I'll assign Curio to guard Althea."

"That’s not necessary. Laila is with me. Besides, suddenly having a guard might reveal that I can use Mental Defense Magic."

"But we can't be with you constantly."

"Thank you for your concern. However, there have been fewer incidents in the general studies department. It’s the magic department—where Lady Gresha is—that’s at greater risk. You two as well…"


"Yes. You've both already been approached. Please keep the enchanted stones with you at all times."

After exchanging glances, Regalus and Siegfried agreed.

"Alright. We will. Althea, promise you won’t wander alone."

As Althea nodded, they both seemed slightly relieved.

They then discussed the enchantment process. Despite the physical toll it took on her, Althea insisted on enchanting stones for a select few. Regalus reluctantly agreed, understanding the necessity.

The plan was as follows: Regalus would purchase the required stones, passing them to Laila through Jean. Laila would give them to Althea, who would enchant them and return them at their next meeting. They strictly reminded her to avoid overexertion and not to fall ill.

After deciding to reconvene in two days, Althea left the central tower, escorted by Regalus.

As they parted, Regalus mentioned, "Sieg said the stars’ movements are strange. Be careful, Althea."

With that, he returned to his dormitory.

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