Althea: The Legendary Saintess [Shoujo]

Chapter 77 – Althea Is Now Third Year

Althea and her classmates had finally become third-year students.

Reports of monster sightings from various countries had more than doubled in the past year. It wasn't just about their appearances anymore; these creatures were causing actual harm. Initially, these incidents were classified as top-secret state affairs, but the situation had escalated beyond control. Recently, representatives from various nations and the Pope of the Illumi Church convened for a large-scale discussion.

This discussion also included the "Disturbance of the Stars," which had been reported for the past two years.

The unsettling movements of the stars—appearing to align in blue, green, yellow, and red—had become a topic of widespread rumors among the populace.

Amidst these various uncertainties plaguing different nations, the Holy Sacrament Academy was preparing to hold the entrance ceremony for new first-year students today.

Althea, now a third-year student, had spent the past two years learning not only dance but also etiquette and knowledge, earning her a respected position within the academy. Although she wasn't the student representative thanks to Regalus, she decided to help with the reception at her friend Kaera's request. She was currently at the reception desk with a second-year girl who was the new student representative.

The reception duties were not particularly demanding.

All they had to do was verify the names of the new first-year students and their guardians against the roster and then guide them to the appropriate attendants.

As the time for the entrance ceremony approached and they were wrapping up the reception, a strikingly handsome pair—a man and a woman with black hair and golden eyes—approached the desk.

"Excuse me, is this the reception?" the woman inquired. The second-year girl, representing the students, greeted her with a bright smile.

"Good morning. Yes, this is the reception for new students. May I have your name, please?"

"Certainly. This is Philip FullTale, who will be joining this year. I am his sister, Persephone FullTale. I will be joining the magic department this year, but today I am here as a guardian. May we enter?"

Her bewitching smile captivated the second-year girl, leaving her momentarily speechless. Realizing the situation, Althea stepped in to handle the interaction.

"Yes, as family members, that's perfectly fine. You are from the Kingdom of FullTale, correct?"

"Indeed, you are quite well-informed. We are the niece and nephew of the King."

"I apologize for not recognizing members of the royal family."

"Oh, no need to worry. The Princess often attends such events, so we tend to stay out of the spotlight. Not many people know us."

"Thank you for your understanding. I have confirmed your names. Please proceed to the hall."

"Thank you. By the way, what is your name?"

"Me? My name is Althea Monclair."

Upon hearing her name, Persephone's eyes twitched slightly, but no one noticed.

"So, you are the famous..."


"Oh, it's nothing. Althea, although we are in different years, I hope you will get along with my brother. Now, if you'll excuse us."

With that, the FullTale siblings followed the guide to the entrance ceremony hall.

"They were incredibly beautiful, weren't they? I couldn't see the brother well because of his bangs, but he must be handsome," sighed the second-year girl.

"Yes, they were indeed very beautiful. Their beauty is quite different from that of the Princess of FullTale."

"They're the children of the King's siblings, right? Their other parent's blood must be quite strong."

"Yes, that could be the case. It seems we've finished with the reception. Let's start cleaning up."

"Oh, Althea, we will take care of the cleanup. Thank you for helping with the reception. It was an honor to work with you."

The second-year girl beamed as she bowed her head in gratitude. Althea returned her smile and continued to chat casually as they tidied up together.

The entrance ceremony concluded without incident, followed by an exploration event that also went smoothly. As the new students began to settle in, unsettling rumors started to spread throughout the academy.

These rumors were about—noble sons with fiancees breaking off their engagements one-sidedly.

Engagements were occasionally broken, but having over five engagements broken within a few months was unusual. Even if it was mere coincidence, the frequency was alarming. The girls who had been jilted were left heartbroken and confused, without any clear reason for the breakups.

Naturally, these rumors reached Althea's ears. She had recently comforted a classmate who had been crying over a broken engagement.

As these unpleasant rumors circulated, the academy started joint classes for students who would be advancing to the magic department next year.

The joint classes were designed for third-year students with magical abilities to practice magic demonstrations with senior students already in the magic department. These classes were held four times a year, starting with the third years, then the second years, after the summer break's martial arts tournament, and finally, another session for the second years.

In the first session, Althea was paired with Yugg de Starry Stars, a familiar face.

Yugg had been a constant presence since their first-year incident at the fountain, where he helped her with a confession. Each time they met, they went through their usual exchange of "Will you marry me?" "No, thank you." While he wasn’t a bad person, this routine had become their standard greeting over the past two years.

During their usual banter, Yugg suddenly turned serious and warned her, "Be wary of Philip FullTale, the first-year."

Confused, Althea asked why. Yugg simply said, "I'll explain later," and they agreed to meet at a cafe in the town after school.

After school, Althea headed to the cafe as planned. She intended to go alone but couldn't evade Laila's inquiries about her destination, resulting in Laila accompanying her.

Upon entering the cafe, Yugg was already there, waving happily until he saw Laila, his disappointment evident. Smiling wryly, Althea sat across from Yugg, seating Laila at a separate table.

Satisfied with their private table, Yugg began to explain his concerns.

"In the magic department, several male students who joined or transferred this term have fallen for Persephone FullTale. The recent broken engagements are because of her. Moreover, I sense a hint of 'demonic influence' around her. I haven’t met her brother, but there’s a possibility he’s the same."

Yugg explained that the royal family of Starry Stars had a history of demonic blood in their lineage several generations back, making them sensitive to demonic presence. His black hair and dark skin were also traits from this demonic heritage.

According to Yugg, "Honestly, I’d say about half of the first-year boys in the magic department are under her spell to some extent."

“Fallen under her spell?”

“Yeah, it’s a charm. Those who are charmed would do anything for her, even to the extent of sacrificing their lives.”

“Is there no way to break the charm once someone is under it?”

“Unless the source is removed, it can’t be undone. And even if it can be undone, the longer the person has been charmed, the harder it is for them to return to normal. The charm itself is like a drug. In the worst cases, it could leave someone as a shell of their former self.”

“That’s terrifying…”

Among the first-year students in the magic department, there was Richt, who, despite his flirtatious nature, had helped Althea on many occasions.

Could he have fallen under her spell too?

Gripped by anxiety, Althea clasped her hands tightly on her lap.

Unaware or perhaps indifferent to Althea's growing unease, Yugg continued speaking.

“The quickest solution is to prevent any contact between her and her targets... but unless the academy goes on break, that’s nearly impossible.”

“What about informing the headmaster?”

“There’s no proof.”

“But aren’t the charmed students evidence enough?”

“If you tell the charmed students to ‘act normal,’ third parties wouldn’t notice anything. They’d just think it’s a change of heart. Also, exposing the headmaster to her is dangerous.”

“You mean, even the headmaster could potentially be charmed?”

“It’s a possibility, yes.”

Yugg took a sip from his cup. As he placed it back down, Althea asked her next question.

“Your Highness... have you not been charmed?”

“Me? She tried to approach me soon after she transferred, but... oddly enough, I felt a strong sense of repulsion. I think it’s due to my demonic heritage. She seemed to sense something too, and was scared off. She’s been laying low since then.”

“Does that mean... demons can’t be charmed? What about humans? Is there a way to protect them from being charmed?”

Althea was desperate to find any possible solution.

After a brief silence, Yugg’s next words took her by surprise.

“...Have you heard of mental defense magic?”

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