All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 22 - Come back home

Stayed in Yinshan for two days, looked at the surrounding scenery in the air, went down to see particularly beautiful places, took a few photos, and collected some precious ingredients in the mountains by the way.

Then continue to the west, cross the Yellow River and stop at Helan Mountain for two days, then turn to the east to enter the Qinling Mountains, and not far from Qinling’s hometown, Shen Long simply drove back to his hometown.

“Drip ~ Drip ~” sounded the horn twice at the entrance of the community. The old guard came out of the porter’s head and Shen Long took out a pack of cigarettes and passed it to him, “Uncle Liu, I’m back.”

“Ye, Shen Long, your parents still said you were here yesterday.” Liu Shuxi took the smoke and looked at Shen Long’s car again, “Mercedes, Shen Long, are you mixing well outside?”

“Hey, just do some small business, the car is rented.” Shen Long said with a smile, watching the car enter the community, found a parking space downstairs in his house, and parked, took out the big bag of small things from the trunk. Go up.

Go upstairs and ring the doorbell. After a while, Shen Long ’s mother came and opened the door. “Yo, why did you come back quietly?” Now that this is a year of trouble, what could have happened? Is that right?

“I didn’t tell you some time ago, I just quit my job, and now I have opened a small shop myself, it’s good to start a business right away. I feel a little tired when I’m busy for a while, so I took a few days off and came back to see Look. “Shen Long brought the big and small bags home,” Dad, I’m back. “

“Only come back, what to do with these things, there is no shortage of home.” Parents whispered, while helping Shen Long take things over, “Are you hungry, shall I cook for you?”

“No, I’ll show you later, I’ll show you my shop first!” My parents must still be worried. Shen Long took them and sat down, took out their phones to open a food review website, and found their own private restaurant , “Well, this is my shop, you have a look.”

“Restaurant? Are your rents quite expensive? Can you pay for it? The chef asked for it, is it reliable?” The parents looked at the cell phone curiously. “Yo, 1,000 yuan per capita! Your restaurant is Expensive enough, does anyone eat? “

“The rent is okay. The old houses in the Hutong are not as good as those in the commercial streets. The cooking skills are quite good.” Shen Long said with a smile. After so many years away from home, I can finally proudly talk about my career with my parents this time.

“Cooking with good craftsmanship is not good, please don’t treat others badly, don’t let people dig it out.” Parents looked at the delicate dishes on the screen and couldn’t help but slap, “Such a good craftsman, you in the end Found it there! “

“Relax, unless I don’t open the restaurant, or the cook will definitely be unable to leave.” It’s impossible to dig people. With no amount of salary, Shen Long doesn’t want to work for others.

“What’s the matter, these are all made by you?” Zhizi Mo Ruo’s parents, they both heard the meaning of Shen Long’s words, “When did you learn this craft?”

“There are many more able-bodied people over there. When I first went, I met the introduction of a former Qing Yu chef. I followed him to learn a few things. , I will cook a few dishes for you to try my craft. “These things are useless. Shen Long got up and took the ingredients he brought back to the kitchen to get busy.

This time my parents did n’t watch TV in the living room, they all squeezed into the kitchen to watch Shen Long busy, looked at their mouths and they could n’t close. Children who don’t enter the kitchen?

“Pinus erinaceus, stir-fried white mushrooms with beef tenderloin, Songhe Yannian, pheasant slice soup … just got some pheasants and mushrooms in Inner Mongolia, and brought them back for you to try.” One soup is enough, and it is served with rice steamed with ginseng. This hand was used by Liao Jie in the first chef competition. The steamed rice has the scent of ginseng, which is used to supplement the elderly. It couldn’t be better.

“Well, really fragrant, after eating the food you made, it feels as if I have done the food for decades.” The food is well done, and it is the child’s heart, and the parents happily eat naturally.

“If I like to eat, I will make more for you for a few days. If you like those dishes, I will teach you how to make them.” Shen Long also wanted to take her parents out, but as soon as the parents’ interpersonal relationships were local, they went to Beijing Inevitably loneliness, the air in Mojing is not as good as that of my hometown, so it ’s still for their health.

“Since starting a business, you should do it well. Don’t fish for three days or surf the net for two days. You should get back to work as soon as possible. Your mother and I are in good health.” I began to worry about affecting the children’s career, and it is such a contradiction for parents.

“It’s okay, my name is hungry marketing. The more they can’t eat, the more they want to eat. UU reading occasionally takes a few days off. No problem.” Shen Long comforted.

Comfortable stay at home for a few days, every day for parents to change patterns to cook, not only considering the delicious but also considering health, after a few days, I feel my parents’ faces are a lot of rosy.

Left some money for the family before leaving, but the parents had not agreed, Shen Long directly showed the running water in their shop, and they barely accepted it.

Hey, after all, he is older. Compared with the last time he came back, there are more white hairs on his parents’ heads. I hope to enter the fairy world or fantasy world next time.

At the beginning, Shen Long was also worried about entering other worlds, but after going through it twice, he began to look forward to the next task.

Went back to Beijing, called Sister Lin, and asked her to return to work early in the morning. At six o’clock in the evening, Shen Long turned on the phone for ordering food on time.

As soon as the phone was opened, the phone dialed in. “Hello, hello, this is Jinyu Mantang private kitchen.”

“Thank goodness, I finally dialed up, boss, I want to reserve two tables for tomorrow.” The callers were crying excitedly. Your phone is too difficult to make. It took more than a week to get through.

“I’m sorry, each person is limited to one table.” The other party said nothing but Shen Long, and had to agree.

Less than five minutes later, the first table of tomorrow was ordered. The phone was just hung up here, and there was a call coming in again. Shen Long looked obvious, but the number could not be displayed.

It’s kind of interesting, let’s hear what he said first? Shen Long thought about pressing the answer button, “Hey, hello, Jin Yu Man Tang’s private dishes.”

“Hello, here is the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. There are foreign guests who want to dine with you …” The voice of a middle-aged man said on the phone.

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