All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 21 - flight

The moon appears particularly large in the clouds, and the moonlight shines on the clouds, which is cold and gentle. These two supposedly extremely contradictory feelings are extremely harmonious at this time.

“Haha, fly, hurry up!” Somersault cloud passed through a cloud mountain, and the wind blew from all directions, but it was not as strong as Shen Long expected, as if … it was like driving a convertible sports car, somersault There is an invisible shield around the cloud, which weakens the impact of wind.

Think again about the clip of Wukong riding a doom cloud to chase the plane in the comic. I feel that at that time, the speed of the doom cloud may exceed the speed of sound. If there is no protection, his clothes may have been blown by the wind.

It ’s better to be like this, otherwise I would n’t dare to fly too fast. Shen Long suddenly let go of it and urged him to fly faster in his mind.

He could hear the sound of the wind whispering in his ears. Suddenly there was a soft bang, and a vertical dish-shaped cloud spread out around the doubling cloud. The surrounding sea of ​​clouds shattered a lot.

This should be a sonic boom cloud, but his ears are not much uncomfortable. The protective cover of the doudou cloud protects himself well and protects him from the sonic boom impact.

An unprecedented feeling flooded my heart, Shen Long stood with arms spread out over the doubling cloud, feeling the impact of the wind, and Xingyue’s radiance sprinkled on his body. At this moment, he felt an unprecedented freedom, a kind of freedom from the earth, completely Freedom with the sky.

No wonder so many people are longing for flying, the feeling of flying is really great! Shen Long couldn’t help but look up to the sky and howl, “Ah ~~~~~~” All the unpleasantness encountered in life and work in the past radiated with the howling, and my heart suddenly opened a lot, and his face naturally appeared warm. Smile.

Speeding forward quickly, turning around, turning straight to the moon and falling fast, even flying upside down, this night, Shen Long tried all the flight methods that could be tried until he was exhausted. Reluctantly, go back to the parking place, get into the car and lie down in the back seat.

It wasn’t until the phone rang that he awakened again. After picking up the phone, it was Sister Lin who asked him if he would go to work tomorrow. Shen Long still has interest in working now, and he hasn’t played enough.

“No tomorrow, no day after tomorrow, no need for the day after tomorrow. I’m going to travel abroad in these two days. You have a good rest. The salary will be paid as usual. There is no need to call me specifically. I will notify you in advance when I need to go to work.” Last night I just tried the feeling of flying at night. I haven’t tried flying during the day yet, so Shen Long didn’t want to go back so early.

After calling, the person was awake, got up and rinsed with mineral water, ate something to pad his stomach, and ran for more than ten kilometers along the mountain road. During the days of following the practice of the turtle fairy, Shen Long has already I am used to exercising every day, but now I feel uncomfortable without training.

Came back after the workout, drove to the nearby city to find a hotel to take a bath and rest, bought some ingredients and kitchenware for outdoor picnics, and continued driving to the northwest.

At night, enter the Yinshan Mountain Generation, where the population is even rarer than Yanshan, and even if it comes out during the day, it is not easy to be found.

Set up a tent in the wild to do something to fill up his stomach, and once again summoned somersault clouds to fly into the sky. The air pollution here is much lighter than that of Yanshan, and the clouds are fairer, like cotton blossoms.

Flying around in a circle, always pay attention to the lights below, mark these on the map, find a sparsely populated area, and return to the tent to rest.

At four o’clock in the morning, Shen Long woke up from his sleep and flew into the sky before the sun rose. He sat cross-legged in the sea of ​​clouds and looked at the east. The sunrise gradually rose from the clouds and dyed everything around him. The magnificent colors are like plating a layer of gold on the clouds, making people enchanted and unable to extricate themselves for a long time.

Wow ~ This is more spectacular than the sunrises seen at Emei Jinding, Taishan Guanritai, and Huashan Peak. On those dangerous peaks, you can only see the sea of ​​clouds 180 degrees ahead, and here, Looking around, there is no occlusion, all eyes are golden sea of ​​clouds.

The golden giant, the golden running horse, the golden buddha, and the golden waves are rolling, the sun emits a golden light, which brings light and warmth to the world.

Waking up from the enchantment of the golden cloud sea, Shen Long flew to the gap of the sea of ​​clouds, overlooking the vast earth, here is the rolling mountain range, the hinterland of the mountain range is the green grassland of the Hadamen Plateau, and the west is the yellow river like a ribbon. Flowing through the vast yellow sand.

Flying towards the places where there were no lights yesterday, came to the depths of the Yinshan Mountains, tried to go down through the sea of ​​clouds, and came to the top of the mountain ~ ~ He specially wore a suit of the same color as somersault clouds today From the bottom, it seems to be completely integrated with the doom cloud. Even if someone sees it, I am afraid that it will only be regarded as a more unique cloud.

The vast forest is lush, the meadows and grasslands are full of flowers, the grasses are overgrown, and the flowers are blooming. All kinds of birds and beasts wander carefreely in the meantime.

“咻 ~~ 咻 ~~” Suddenly two screams came, and a golden eagle flew towards Shen Long, with great momentum, it seemed to want to see who dared to invade its territory.

Jin Douyun turned around to escape the attack of the golden eagle. Shen Long laughed and found out from his pocket that he was going to throw away the dried meat for snacks. “I will go shopping, don’t be nervous, come, this is for you.”

The golden eagle flew in the direction of the falling of the dried meat, and then yelled disdainfully, and let the dried meat fall to the ground. As a king among birds, it would not eat this kind of thing.

The meat fell to the ground, and a little wolf thought it was a gift from heaven, and immediately threw it over to bite it. However, it kept eating, but did not notice that the golden eagle had regarded it as its prey.

The golden eagle swiftly fell at a speed of 300 kilometers per hour. When it was about to fall to the ground, it quickly flapped its wings to stop its body. At the same time, it extended its claws and firmly grasped the coyote ’s head. The sharp claws pierced the coyote easily. The key point is to kill, and then fall on the ground to dismember the little wolf, eat the heart and lungs, and then take the rest back to the nest to feed his children.

It ’s really amazing. Shen Long stunned in this scene, and he could n’t help but start thinking about it. The real world is so wonderful. If you go into the mission world and enjoy Guo Jing ’s white eagle hunting in the sky, even the Green Dragon and Suzaku What would such a beast look like?

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