Agatha The Legendary Guild Master

Chapter 45: Crazy leveling Speed Part 1

I had a strange feeling while I checked out the loot. There was some sort of unexplained excitation that I rarely had. I only felt like this when I won my battles back home, so why would I feel like this when I checked the loot?

That was weird. The loot of the three monsters was 17 items. 10 of them were materials for making out equipment, while others were all pieces of multiple things. I shared the details of these pieces on the team chat.

'Cragen Shield piece: Dark gold rank equipment. Number of pieces needed to be assembled: 50'

'Cragen Staff piece: Dark gold rank equipment. Number of pieces needed to be assembled: 50'

'Cragen sword piece: Dark gold rank equipment. Number of pieces needed to be assembled: 50'

'Cragen helmet piece: Dark gold rank equipment. Number of pieces needed to be assembled: 50'

'Cragen boots piece: Dark gold rank equipment. Number of pieces needed to be assembled: 50'

'Dragon sword piece: Dark gold rank equipment. Number of pieces needed to be assembled: 50'

'Dragon armor piece: Dark gold rank equipment. Number of pieces needed to be assembled: 50'

These seven pieces were parts of seven different kinds of equipment. All of them were dark gold rank, which was awesome. The only thing that frustrated me was the absence of any spear piece.

When would I receive my dark gold spear? I need to have a spear anyway, as mine was holding me back.

"What are those equipment pieces? Should we gather the required numbers to gain them?"

Heda asked after reading the info I sent in the chat. I didn't have a clue about this, so I looked towards our encyclopedia as I said:

"C'mon, tell us the answer."

Shin shrugged his shoulders while replying:

"This is the first time for me to see it. I believe that we need to gather all the 50 pieces to have the final equipment. I don't know if these newly acquired pieces of equipment will be suited for all of us, but it's worth a try."

"I agree with shin, we should gather up one piece of equipment first to test it out," Goda agreed on Shin's assumptions, so I added as well:

"There is no problem in doing that, after all, we need to keep cleaning these monsters."

Everyone nodded in agreement, as we had to kill these monsters to be able to level up and leave this crazy dungeon.

The next issue left for us was how to plan the way to allure the monsters to end meeting each other instead of killing us together. After some discussion, I ended the current debate as I said decisively:

"Grendy, I know you are our main tank, but this task doesn't require high defense as it needs high agility. So, your main rule is to observe the two sides baiting the monsters here.

The ones responsible for luring the monsters are me, Goda, and Shin. I will go to one direction, the cragen direction, while the two will go to the dragon direction.

Keep me always informed about the number of monsters you bring, as we need to bring the same number of monsters or our plan might fail."

Shin tried to edit upon my plan as he sent to me privately:

'Let Grendy go with you.'

'He will delay my steps, and cragens have many arms as you know, so I need to focus completely on evading them without any distraction.'

I looked towards Shin firmly, this decision was final and I didn't need anyone to help me here. I chose the cragen monsters as I was the only one here who could actually play with them and keep her life.

Even Shin couldn't last long facing a single cragen monster, so I was the only one suited for the job.

"Let's go, keep me updated by the number you attracted."

I moved towards the direction of the cragen monsters, while Shin and Goda moved in the other direction.

Although I decided to face cragens, I needed to know exactly how many monsters they brought so I could match them. In a few minutes, I received Shin's words in the team chat informing me of the number of monsters they brought.


That was a good number, I expected they would play it safe and choose lower than that. I raised my spear as I moved step by step towards the far cragens.

These monsters were lurking in the dark using it as a cover to move. I wasn't afraid of them, as I had rapid reflexes and battle instincts that were honed during many wars.

What I cared about was the fact I needed to bring exactly 6 monsters back with me. That was hard especially when you couldn't see even your hand here.

'I just need to make some noises and then let the monsters come to attack me. If the number was greater than 6, then I should deliver 6 monsters to the team and separate the extra from the place of engagement and try to stall my time with them.'

I thought to myself while heading straight towards the nearest monster to me. Although it was trying to use the darkness as a cover, I could notice its huge body from my place.

It looked like a big black spot strangely different from the rest of the darkness around it.

'Stab, stab, stab…'

I didn't start using my killer skills from the beginning, as I didn't need to kill it. I just need to cause some damage and attract its aggro. Long lines of damages appeared above its head at once which illuminated its ugly head.


The monster roared as it started to move rapidly attacking me with its multiple arms. I used my life experience evasion movements to stay safe without losing a single point of HP.

In seconds, I dodged many attacks from it and retreated a couple of steps backward. When I glanced over that monster, I didn't find any other cragen moving here towards me.

It seemed my previous assumptions about the noise role in this battle was groundless, these monsters didn't care about sounds at all. Then what should I do?

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