Agatha The Legendary Guild Master

Chapter 44: Fighting with Dragons & Cragens Part 3

I looked strangely towards Shin who just glanced at me in a way that made me feel we weren't at a disaster, but an opportunity. I didn't delay as I ordered in the team chat:

'Heda, use one of your skills now.'

'At once, but you ought to explain things later.'

I smiled as I replied:

'Shin is the one who will explain things to all of us.'

Everyone looked at Shin who just smiled and said nothing. Heda didn't hesitate to use one of his skills that attacked that dragon. A small number of damage appeared above its head.


It was enough, as Shin wanted to just have a single point of damage. I waited patiently while observing the two monsters fighting brutally while glancing from time to time towards the two parts of the tunnel.

I didn't want to be attacked from behind like before. The fight between the two monsters was weird, as they didn't use any skill at all but just their claws and weapons.

While I was thinking about the reason behind this, Shin sent in the team chat:

'Observe the two monsters now, there is something strange there.'

I felt curious as to why he said that. Just before I used my skill, nearly all of my teammates complained in the chat. None of them had an observational skill like me and Shin, so I posted the results that came with this skill to the chat.

'Cragen Special Elite monster ( Weakened state-neutralized state.)

LVL10 Special Elite monster. Unique class monster. HP: 2450k/6k'

'Dragon Special Elite monster ( Weakened state-neutralized state.)

LVL10 Special Elite monster. Unique class monster. HP: 3240k/6k'

There were changes at the data of the two monsters. Two strange states were added to their description. Mony was faster than me as she asked:

'What is going on? The two monsters' stats changed drastically, and what does this weakened and neutralized state even mean?'

We all looked without any arrangement towards Shin who replied without delay:

'The weakened state is a famous state where the monster loses most of its powers due to some causes. The strange state here is this neutralized state. It's my first time ever hearing about such a state.'

I understood the meaning and purpose of the first state, and the second one I already had a theory which I explained:

'I believe that a neutralized state means that these two monsters are neutralizing each other like they won't be able to use any skills at all. The two monsters didn't use skills for quite some time now, and that's so weird, to be honest.'

No one commented on my words for a while as they observed closely the ongoing fight between the two monsters. Shin was the first to express his thoughts as he sent in the chat:

'You have a point here, the monsters didn't use any skill so far.'

Goda added:

'Yes, that's really weird. monsters can use skills easier than us as they have low CD for all their skills.'

I then said in the chat:

'So, what should we do now?'

Snad suggested:

'We should use this to our advantage, we shouldn't face monsters directly, but we should try to bring them to face each other.'

Shin added:

'Snad is right, although this time we managed to bring both together by coincidence, we should plan things out next time. We also needed to cause some damage to each of them first.'

I interfered by asking:

'Why do we cause some damage to them?'

Shin explained:

'That's because if the two monsters killed each other without our interference, then we won't get anything after their deaths. We won't get XP or even loot, so we must cause even a single point of damage before we let them both kill each other.'

I thought about it for a second before formulating a plan which I explained:

'Then we must cause damage when we are bringing them together. By the way, would this work on multiple monsters or only a single one?'

Shin was the most experienced player in my team, so he replied confidently:

'The rules in the game are unified, so these rules will still be applied to a group of monsters. The issue here will be the number of these monsters. I believe we need to make the two sides even or else some changes might occur.'

I agreed upon his theory as I said:

'That makes sense, fine let's try out this plan after we end these two monsters. Get ready, the dragon is about to kill the cragen and it still has some HP left. Grendy, you will move to meet it.

Heda and Snad start using your skills once the cragen falls. I, shin, and Goda will try to help Grendy and make some damage to this dragon.'

Mony sent in the chat asking:

'What about me? shouldn't I use my skill too?'

This girl seemed to get used to the sweet taste of fight and cause damage, so I patted on her head while saying:

'Don't worry, you can use your attack skill as much as you like, just don't forget to check upon the HP of all of us and make sure none of us will die.'

Just as I finished my words, the cragen issued a high scream before it fell to the ground motionless. Its body exploded to release only three items. I looked at these few items with confusion as I asked in the chat:

'This monster's loot is way lower than the previous one.'

Shin replied without delay as we started to move to meet that crazy dragon:

'That's normal, as we weren't the one who managed to deal the last blow to that monster.'

'If so, we need to deal the last blow to these monsters.'

Shin laughed as he said:

'You are going to steal from monsters, that's a first.'

'Guys, can you help me out? This dragon strength is imposing, I can't stand against it alone.'

Grendy sent in the team chat interrupting my talk with Shin. I glanced at the dragon and used a skill over it.

'Dragon Special Elite monster.

LVL10 Special Elite monster. Unique class monster. HP: 453/30k'

The monster's two special states disappeared, but its low HP remained there. I sent the info to the team chat while I said:

'Let's kill this monster first; it just needs one small push to die.'

I raised my spear and started to attack this monster with stab skill alone. A small row of damage appeared above its head before it took its last breath. I looked towards Grendy as I teased him:

"Are you satisfied now? It didn't last for a second there."

"That's because you are a monster."

Everyone laughed at Grendy's comment even I. I looked towards that dragon's body to see 7 loots scattered on the ground. I felt satisfied this time; we got the whole loot completely.

Killing these three monsters gave us decent XP, but it wasn't enough to make us rise to another level. We needed to kill around 100 monsters like these to rise one level.

That was easy as now we had a way to deal with those scary monsters. Killing this number wasn't an issue anymore.

This dungeon had turned from hell to a walk in the park for us, as we weren't afraid of facing these monsters, but quite excited.

'Let's check the loot, send the info of the loot here, little princess.'

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