Add some practice: start with a lucid dream

Chapter 432 Heaven and Earth Xuanhuang

that bug.

Just seeing it made Xu Guifeng's muscles tense up, ready to run away at any moment.

Yes, his first subconscious thought was not to face the enemy head-on, but to retreat strategically.

This insect is as big as the palm of your hand. Its main body is like a plump maggot, but countless centipede-like articulated legs extend from the body surface. There are also disgustingly dense sharp mouthparts at both ends of the head and tail. It almost combines several species. The unpleasant aspects of disgusting insects all rolled into one.

It's like he was born to disgust people.

Brain-eating worms, undoubtedly a "serious" relic, caused the death of 337 employees during the containment process, but not a single injury.

Because anyone attacked by it will definitely die.

Not to mention that before the Hidden Immortal Society discovered it, the entire small county town was almost turned into a ghost town after being devoured by it alone.

This monster eats souls and souls, leaving only an empty shell when it is attacked, hence the name "brain-eating worm".

During that operation, Xu Guifeng was still a rookie and was only responsible for blockade and security work on the periphery. However, the startling glimpse during the transfer after the successful arrest was still unforgettable for him.

Of course, similar vicious incidents are extremely rare and can only be counted on one hand.

According to incomplete statistics, more than 90.00% of extraordinary events will not cause any casualties, and the remaining [-]% will mainly cause injuries.

And as each year passes, this general trend of stability and calm is gradually intensifying.

Therefore, Xu Guifeng estimated that these five items in the house should be all the "big evil" things.

This is already considered too much. After all, it is necessary to satisfy the "big evil" and cannot be destroyed but can only be kept. Such items must be very few.

Although Xu Guifeng is one of the top decision-makers of the Hidden Immortal Society, he does not know the specific information about the "big evil" relics.

In fact, as long as he applies, the doctor will definitely not refuse.

However, due to some reasons, Xu Guifeng has never been very fond of these relics with extraordinary power, and rarely wears the "Banji" protective magic weapon necessary for high-level officials.

"Yes." After hearing this, the doctor also confirmed Xu Guifeng's statement.

"The most dangerous things are these five things."

"Can you listen to me first?" The skeleton interrupted again.

"Doctor?" Xu Guifeng meant something.

"Ignore it." The doctor didn't even look at the skeleton.
"Everything in this room is just an object, not a life, nor does it have intelligence."

"You can use that skeleton as a self-winding toy, or a clock that tells time, a very noisy one."

"Don't be so rude, doctor." The skeleton responded immediately,
"I have a name."

Somehow, although the doctor repeatedly emphasized not to pay attention, Xu Guifeng still cast his eyes at the skeleton as if by mistake.

And the latter immediately introduced himself,
"Hello, kid. I'm Jesus."

"Jesus?!" Xu Guifeng felt like his mind was having a fight.
“Then why do you speak Mandarin???”

Xu Guifeng couldn't understand, but he was greatly shocked.

He also used the Shroud of Turin to wipe his hands this morning. It is the second most popular hand towel in the base after green cow fur. It has its own cleaning effect and is particularly absorbent. Although it looks a bit dull, it is In fact, it has the same nature as the printed pattern and is not dirty.

"Sometimes, the essence of value only depends on words, kid. Believe me, this is not surprising at all." The skeleton's interruption is like the canned laughter in comedy, sometimes abrupt, sometimes without any sense of violation.

"It's a long story." The doctor shook his head slightly.
"But that's not our focus today"

"Hey! I'm listening! When, when, give him to me!" The skeleton interrupted again.

At this time, the doctor seemed to have exhausted his patience. He took out a small portable speaker from his body and put it in front of the skeleton to start it.

"Enter at the narrow gate, for broad is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and many are those who go in there; but narrow is the gate and hard is the way that leads to eternal life, and few are there who find it. .”

A passage from the Bible came from the speaker, which made Xu Guifeng even more confused.

"It's just a failed experiment." The doctor saw Xu Guifeng's doubts, shook his head and explained simply. At the same time, he made some adjustments on the speaker and switched to another popular talk radio program.

Then the skeleton started talking to the host of the show, and he spoke appropriately, and even picked up on the other person's popular internet memes.

Although this is simply a recording.

Xu Guifeng gradually understood that this skeleton seemed to have some kind of need to keep talking, and it didn't matter whether others were listening or not.

It was indeed a relic of the "serious" level. Xu Guifeng sighed in his heart, he had never seen such a strange thing before.

"Okay." The doctor sounded relieved.

"It won't bother us anymore."

"I brought you something to see."

".That's it." The doctor finally finished half of the sentence and pointed to the jade seal placed on the floor in the middle of the wooden house.

"It" Xu Guifeng looked at the jade seal, his expression suddenly changed slightly.

Because he finally recognized that this jade seal was the treasure used to create that magical bath!

"It is the only 'Daji' relic in the base." The doctor explained calmly.

"That's it?!" Xu Guifeng was shocked, but immediately remembered something,
"It is a good thing, but doctor, you just said that there are five things that are very bad."

Apart from this jade seal, there are only four items left in the house.

The doctor didn't speak, he just looked up at the beams of the wooden house above his head.

"That means no." Xu Guifeng's heart trembled.
"Is this entire wooden house also a relic of a 'big evil'?"

"Haha, the response is quite fast." The doctor smiled and acquiesced,

"Xiao Xu."

Xu Guifeng listened intently.

"How many years?" The doctor slowly stopped smiling and asked instead.

"45 years." Xu Guifeng pondered for a moment and gave this answer.

He knew that the doctor was asking him how many years he had been a member of the Hidden Immortal Society.

"Yeah." The doctor nodded.

"What would you do if I told you that it is very likely that our survival is at stake?"


"Your sacrifice is not meaningless. Follow your own inner decision, child." During Xu Guifeng's silence, the skeleton spoke again.

Its head was still facing the door, and it could no longer face the two people who entered the room. Maybe it was really just talking to itself.

It seems that a speaker alone cannot satisfy it. The radio host always has gaps in his speech, but the skeleton's mouth can't stop talking.

"Huh~~" Xu Guifeng finally let out a long breath,

"What should I do? Tell me, Doctor."

"First you must know something." The doctor was not surprised by Xu Guifeng's answer.

"This square jade seal has a word engraved on its bottom."


"Xuan?" Xu Guifeng muttered and repeated. "Xuan." The doctor approached the jade seal, but stopped at a certain distance.
"The heaven and earth are mysterious and yellow."

"The mystery of this jade seal is unimaginable. It is suppressing these dangerous things around it."

"Let's not talk about these powerful ones for now, if ordinary evil objects are placed around it for a long time."

"As time goes by, those evil objects will gradually fade away from the extraordinary and become ordinary things. After that, if they continue to be placed, they will slowly be assimilated into the shape of this jade seal."

"This process of change is irreversible."

"What you see under the bathtub is just such an assimilated 'imitation'."

"The power and efficacy of the imitation products are even less than one ten thousandth of those of the genuine products."

That magical bath that can prolong life and almost eliminate all diseases is actually just an imitation? !

Xu Guifeng was a little shocked, silently digesting the massive amount of information that was suddenly poured into his mind.

But the doctor didn't give him this free time, and continued,
"Time is limited, so I'll keep it short."

"This jade seal is the most important treasure of our Yinxian Society. Decades ago, a man named Yan Xin sold it to me."

"Yan Xin?" Xu Guifeng asked sharply,
"Who is he? Hasn't this jade seal always been there?"

"He's just a self-righteous frog in a well." The doctor shook his head without explaining much about the matter.

"This jade seal is part of a set of treasures."

"Heaven, Earth, Xuan, Huang."

"This set of treasures is extremely special, and each piece has irreplaceable value."

"Heaven and Earth are Xuanhuang." Xu Guifeng cast his gaze and looked at the jade seal. Although he could see that it was extraordinary and powerful, he did not feel that there was any essential difference between this thing and other treasures.

"Do you know what the world was like before?" The doctor spoke again, and his speaking speed gradually increased.

"Before?" Xu Guifeng became more and more puzzled about the doctor's intentions.
"Isn't it just like that before the decay of heaven and earth? Everyone can practice it, and all races can prosper."

"No." The doctor abruptly interrupted Xu Guifeng's narration.
"I mean, much longer ago."

"It has been so long that this world has not declined, and it has not even been born."

"Go to heaven and earth."

"Go, go to a whole world?" Xu Guifeng was a little hard to accept for a while.

"Don't be anxious, don't be afraid, my child, death is not the end." I don't know if the skeleton is intelligent or not, but it is really good at finding opportunities to find opportunities.

"Soon, child, you will eventually..." The skeleton's nagging stopped abruptly.

The doctor couldn't bear it anymore, so he took out a handkerchief from his body and stuffed the skull's mouth.

In fact, the skeleton's upper and lower jaws barely moved when it spoke, and it was not clear how it made the sound.

But once I plugged its mouth, it really became quiet.

"Going up to another world, going up to another world, this may be a reincarnation, an infinite cycle." The doctor continued,

"Of course, this is just a hypothesis. I am not sure whether it is the truth."

"But at least, the set of treasures 'Heaven and Earth Xuanhuang' does have unimaginable power."

"I know it may be difficult for you to accept this at the moment."

"Doctor." Xu Guifeng's eyes regained focus and he said firmly,

"We'll talk about the rest later."

"Okay." The doctor didn't hesitate.
"Just take what I just said seriously."

"In that case, Heaven, Earth, Xuan, and Huang, they are the remnants of the fall of the previous Heaven and Earth."

"I can't describe it exactly, but I have to say that I regard them as fragments of laws embodied in the upper heaven and earth, which are then processed and exist in the form of treasures."

"as far as I know."

"'Xuan', this square jade seal, symbolizes stability and change, and is the collection and operation of the old order."

"The appearance of 'yellow' should be that of a sword, a reflection of change and development."

"'Xuan' and 'Huang' are corresponding."

"You can understand 'Xuan' as a built wall, filtered data, and advantageous forms accumulated by biological evolution. 'Yellow' has the meaning of development, which is both trial and error and the pursuit of correct solutions. It is naturally uncontrollable. nature."

"As the saying goes, the sword takes the wrong direction, and the jade seal also has the meaning of calmness. Although there is not necessarily an inevitable connection, you should be able to tell something from the appearance of the treasures they turn into."

"Just like in a world, there must be both a stable foundation and anomalies like genetic mutations to continuously evolve and progress. Maintaining a balance between the two is indispensable."

"The other 'heaven' is a cauldron, which corresponds to the rules of inclusion and coverage in the world. It is the key to governing and regulating all content elements."

“It’s like the sea that embraces all rivers, like the sky that covers everything.”

"The last 'land' should logically be the foundation of the world, the foundation that carries everything."

"In this set of treasures, 'Earth' is the most important and the most basic foundation. Its whereabouts are unknown. I don't know much about it."

"The seal of 'Xuan' is in front of you, and the cauldron of 'Heaven' is in the United States, inside that strict disciple."

"And just a few months ago, that 'yellow' sword was born."

"Remember Operation Plan 306?"

"Remember." Xu Guifeng immediately answered,

"The four -man armed team, missing after going to the mission area, it seems that there are still a few tails."

Because Chen Ze's investigation will inevitably alert the enemy, the Yinxian Society headquarters has been following up on this matter for a long time, but the level of attention is still lacking.

Moreover, after Chen Ze killed the four-man team in Wang Lin's palace, he also made subsequent disguises and misleading arrangements.

"The target of their mission is this 'yellow' sword." The doctor continued in a deep voice.

"How could you be so careless!" Xu Guifeng couldn't help but raise his voice,
"Only four people were sent there? And the follow-up."

"Yan Xin lied to me." The doctor seemed to lack the ability to express malicious expressions and tone. Despite his fierce words, his face remained kind.
"This old fox with a narrow vision, sitting in a well and looking at the sky, didn't tell me at first which sword was born."

"I suspect he always knew where the sword was sealed, but he just didn't want me to know."

"He made some excuse to ask me to do him a small favor."

"It wasn't until today, just now, that he called me and told me that he couldn't handle it, that he messed up."

Xu Guifeng was speechless.

"According to Yan Xin, the sword should have been in a sealed state." The doctor added,

"The specific functions and situations of each treasure are different."

"Currently, we only know that the sword should have been broken through the seal and taken away."

"And that group of people defeated the four-person mission team and tracked us down."

"Now, I don't know where those people have gone." (End of Chapter)

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