Add some practice: start with a lucid dream

Chapter 431

A large amount of information came from the branch one after another, and it became increasingly outrageous.

What!They also have a large number of suspected inhuman monsters? !
What!I've only been undercover for two weeks, but I've already mastered Qi Sense? !

What!A whole cave paradise? !

What!A mysterious leader with unpredictable power? !

What!They can actually mass-produce disposable killing weapons, which are cheaper than Chinese cabbage? !

What!Can ordinary people use it? !Not limited? !And it can really aphrodisiac? !
What!Did all the undercover agents cut off contact and rebel? !

It can be said that everyone who handles the information will be numb on the outside and crisp on the inside.

But the Yinxian Society is not a vegetarian. After the initial shock and numbness, they quickly analyzed that this force was still in its nascent stage, and it was expanding too fast and its foundation was unstable.

And the most important thing is that this force is ridiculously retro, focusing entirely on metaphysics, and its reserves of modern weapons are basically zero.

Modern weapons are the strength of the Hidden Immortal Society.

They have dealt with countless such extraordinary forces and have extremely rich experience.

They know that no matter what the form is, no matter metaphysics or science, only firepower and equivalent power are the eternal words!
After several months of preparation, the Yinxian Society has initially formulated a raid plan and has entered the preparation stage.

Just waiting to annihilate the enemy in one fell swoop.

For targets of this level, their usual style is to eliminate them first and seize the initiative first. If they find out there is any misunderstanding afterwards, then just apologize.

Of course, the premise of apologizing is that the other party only has one option: "accept".

"Please slow down this matter for a while." Unexpectedly, the doctor stopped the matter first.

"Ah?" Xu Guifeng asked without hesitation,

"Why? It's been arranged for several months."

"Because we have more important things." The doctor paused and suddenly interrupted Xu Guifeng.

"What could be more important than this?"

"Yes." The doctor cast a look full of meaning.

"Xiao Xu, there are many more things in this world than you imagine."


"Xiao Xu." The doctor pressed a button behind him without looking back.

"follow me."





There are many warehouses in the base, including material warehouses, archives warehouses, arms warehouses, food warehouses, etc.

But in this situation, the warehouse the doctor mentioned clearly refers to the warehouse dedicated to storing retained items.

So Xu Guifeng stopped talking and quietly followed the doctor to the next passage.

The warehouse is next door, connected to the doctor's residence, and the security level is only high but not low.

Just like the interior of the residence, the corridors were also dim. Coupled with the doctor's high and low steps, it was like an invisible ghost floating ahead.

After passing through the corridor and verifying the various access controls, the two of them entered the warehouse one after another.

The first is the "Sueyoshi" area, which is no different from an ordinary sundries warehouse. Rows of shelves are filled with various types of preserved items.

The doctor still didn't speak, and Xu Guifeng didn't take the initiative to speak either.

Next are the "half auspicious" and "auspicious" areas that are similar.

Until a thick explosion-proof alloy wall stretched in front of him, leaving no gaps.

Behind the wall is the "bad" area!

"Come over." The doctor greeted, stretched out his hand to grasp some of the protrusions on the wall, and began to climb slowly.

This is both a protective wall and a ladder.

The "evil" area is not connected together, but consists of many independent holding rooms.

Most of the capacity rooms are completely closed and isolated from the outside world.

Xu Guifeng consciously stepped in behind, and after seeing the doctor safely climbing over, he followed up with great agility.

The drop behind the wall is very low, much higher than the previous two areas.

The view is quite open, and the ceiling and skylights have been specially treated, making it look like an indoor gymnasium with poor lighting.

Each independent holding room has a different appearance and stands here at a regular density.

Although a bit absurd, it does look like a customized combination of a luxury toilet cubicle and a phone booth.

Not all "evil"-level relics are here. Due to different disposal methods, the other holding rooms are full of strange things, and the isolation is more complete.

The doctor continued to move forward, and Xu Guifeng followed.

Although he has permission to enter this place, he doesn't like such a depressing place.

Halfway, the doctor ranged lightly and stopped in front of a room.

This holding room was painted in a light yellow color. It was boxy and airtight. The only thing in the front was a device that looked like a street sign with an LCD screen on it.

"65 degrees." Xu Guifeng approached and whispered the temperature displayed on the screen.

The doctor nodded in agreement and stood still, watching silently.

The appearance of this asylum became increasingly yellow, gradually turning to red.

The temperature on the display screen increased until it broke through the [-]-degree mark, which seemed to trigger some program.

The alarm sounded, followed by the sound of water, and some strange crackling noise coming from the room.

After a while, the temperature on the display slowly dropped, and the surface of the containment room also faded from restless red to light yellow, becoming lighter and lighter.

It turns out that this is a color-changing material that can indicate the temperature in the containment room.

"Don't worry, doctor." Xu Guifeng understood clearly.

"Now it's all automated procedures, and there are people watching, so nothing can happen."

"Yes." The doctor nodded and continued to move around the holding room.

Xu Guifeng took one last look at the holding room, and the information about the items left in it could not help but emerge in his mind.

[Seven Birds and Five Fire Fans (remnant)]

[Level] Fierce
[Disposal measures] Place it in a closed storage room built with multiple insulation materials, spray water to cool it down according to a certain pattern, and put in live animals regularly (birds are best).

[Remarks] Any organic matter that is close to it within a certain range will undergo a violent oxidation reaction. It has been determined that the reaction caused by specific (see appendix for range) cell tissues is particularly significant.In other words, it will ignite any creature that dares to come close.

Moreover, the effect of this item has an ups and downs cycle, and in severe cases, it can ignite inorganic substances together.

There are dozens of similar items, and the holding rooms built are completely different according to their respective characteristics.

This can be said to be the core secret place of the entire Hidden Immortal Society.

Xu Guifeng recovered his thoughts and then followed the pace of the doctor.

After going through the tedious verification procedures again, the two finally passed through the "unfortunate" area and came to a simple wooden door.

In front of you is a self-contained cabin.

"Where is this, doctor?" Xu Guifeng has never been here before.

"It's terrible." The doctor said calmly.

"Big evil." Xu Guifeng's expression changed slightly, and he couldn't believe it.

Not only because of the "major" level relics, but as far as he knew in the entire base, only the Doctor had the authority to deal with them. The few other people who were qualified to view them also needed to submit separate applications to the Doctor if they wanted to have access.Or because this wooden door is really too crude.

You must know that those "ferocious"-level relics just now were properly placed and closely monitored. Not only were they carefully designed holding rooms, but there were countless layers of protection both inside and outside that area.

It makes the entry and exit of personnel extremely cumbersome.

But now, the taboo has been raised to a whole new level. The relics of the "big evil" are actually stored in such a simple wooden house?

You must know that Xu Guifeng has only witnessed one "serious" thing in many years, and that time, people in an entire small county died unexpectedly, and their bones were everywhere.

So Xu Guifeng's first reaction was that the doctor was joking.

But the Doctor never jokes.

"Haha. It's strange, isn't it?" The doctor's tone was very calm, and he had already reached out to hold the door handle.

"I know you want to ask why."

"Because." The door handle turned and made a crisp sound.
"Not only is there 'big evil' inside, it's also stored"

"That 'good luck'."


The wooden door was launched, and the warm warm lights leaked out, and Xu Guifeng's face was yellow.

"Hello, child." came a kind voice, and at first glance it sounded like male and female.

Creak, creak, creak.
Xu Guifeng took a closer look and saw a pale human skeleton leaning against the wall on one side of the entrance. At this time, the skull on the skeleton was turning with difficulty to face the door.

"Did I scare you? Child." There is no doubt that the source of the sound is the skeleton.

Xu Guifeng's face turned even more yellow, comparable to beeswax.

"Doctor." Although he was well-informed, the scene in front of him still made Xu Guifeng feel troubled.
"is that OK?"

As he spoke, his right hand quietly reached for the gun at his waist.


Suddenly, a biting cold bite bit his right hand. Xu Guifeng's body froze and he almost burst into flames on the spot.

"It's okay, don't be nervous." It turned out that it was the doctor who held Xu Guifeng's right hand to prevent him from drawing the gun.

The body temperature of the doctor is always so low.
Xu Guifeng breathed a sigh of relief, wondering how his nerves could be so tense.

"Don't pay attention to it, don't worry about what it says." The doctor explained gently, while gently patting the back of Xu Guifeng's hand to express comfort.

Crack, clap, clap.
"Oh" Xu Guifeng immediately relaxed. Although he didn't know why, he trusted the doctor.

Anyway, the doctor will definitely do it.
Xu Guifeng was suddenly stunned.

"What's wrong?" The doctor looked at him, and the slap on his hand continued.

Crack, clap, clap.
"No, nothing." Xu Guifeng shook his head slightly.

However, in his heart, he was trying to find reasons for the scene he just saw.

Just now, he clearly saw the doctor's eye sockets suddenly separated from the eyeballs and then returned to their original shape at an extremely fast speed.

Crack, clap, clap.
Maybe I just saw it wrong, haha, how could it be possible...!


At this moment, the bizarre and terrifying scene just now reappeared before our eyes!
And it was even more curious than before. The doctor's entire face seemed to be out of contact and suddenly dissociated. What was exposed was not flesh and bones, but some kind of pickled object like a rubber ball!

It took a full two seconds for the doctor's face to return to its normal state.

Snap, snap, snap, snap, snap.
The beating continued, and the doctor seemed to be in an endless loop of downtime, repeating stiff and meaningless movements.

It's very quiet here, and the lights are very warm, which makes such a small sound infinitely amplified, as if it hits the heart.

A crispy coolness started from Xu Guifeng's tail vertebral vertebral vertebral, directly reaching the heavenly lid, bringing out the goosebumps all the way.

Xu Guifeng was speechless for a moment, and the doctor didn't speak either. The two just looked at each other strangely.

Crack, clap, clap.
Obviously just patted, but knocked Xu Guifeng's back pain, making it difficult for him to understand.

"Are you scared? My child." The skeleton in the room finally turned its head completely upright. There was nothing in the black eye sockets, but it seemed to be able to reflect the reflection of the two at the door.

"Don't be afraid. It will be over soon. Everything will eventually return to me."

For some reason, Xu Guifeng suddenly felt that compared to the talking skeleton, the doctor seemed to frighten him more.

The doctor finally shook his palm with great force, and then finally returned to normal.

"Hehehe, what's wrong, Xiao Xu, are you scared to death?"

He was as kind and kind as ever, but it made Xu Guifeng shudder.

He couldn't help but wonder, how much did he know about Dr.?


"It's a bit, doctor." Xu Guifeng couldn't laugh, but he didn't get stage fright because of it.

His experience can help him suppress his fear instinct so that he can make the best response at any time.

After thinking about it, the doctor has not changed a bit for so many years, and everyone knows the meaning of it.

But even if there is something special about the Doctor, or even whether he is a human being, what does it mean?

At least he, Xu Guifeng, grew up under the Doctor's watch. He knows best how the Doctor has treated him over the years.

What's more, such a bizarre scene might just be an illusion caused by the influence of the remnants around him.

Lao Xu, Lao Xu, are you really old, or did you get sick and your courage was shattered?
Xu Guifeng laughed to himself. In just a few moments when the doctor turned to face the room, he had already changed countless thoughts and finally regained his composure.

Perhaps it was related to the special environment here. Xu Guifeng calmed down and no longer panicked.

But at the same time, he was also watching the six directions, silently presupposing the possibility of each bullet in the magazine of his pistol.

He never pinned all his hopes on others.

"Xiao Xu." The doctor said again leisurely.


"Don't trust your senses too much."

"What you hear and see may not be true."


Xu Guifeng rarely failed to answer the question several times in a row like today.

"Is it him? Do you really want to dedicate him to me?" The skeleton spoke again.

In this depressing atmosphere, it has become an excellent atmosphere adjuster.

"It seems that you have been deceived. How pitiful, child, that you haven't seen the truth clearly yet." The skeleton was still talking to himself.

"Doctor." Xu Guifeng ignored the skeleton, and when he saw the doctor walking into the house, he followed suit.

"What the hell is going on here?"

"Are these all 'big evil' level relics? Are they just left here like this?"

Xu Guifeng glanced around and took in the entire scene in the room.

This is a narrow wooden house, which looks to be less than twenty square meters, with no furniture.

There were only a few items lying around.

The skeleton leaning against the wall; a seemingly ordinary old straw hat; a crystal clear jade seal; a strange and scary-looking insect; a group of sunset glow gathered together?

After looking at it, Xu Guifeng confirmed that most of these were really "serious" level relics in the base.

Because there is something he knows here. (End of chapter)

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