Abyssal Phoenix – Multiverse


Jinah watches on in horror as the news plays out. She knows her brother is strong, especially after the Jeju island raid, but this is a whole other level. She watches as one of the many different beings flies towards the hunters, and expects the worst. However, this being is surprisingly peaceful. Instead of instantly attacking, it speaks with the hunters. She can’t hear it, as the news crew is in a helicopter, but she can tell that it’s not threatening them at least. In fact, it smiles at the hunters! The camera pans over towards the gigantic bird once again. It looks straight into the camera.

Jinah feels something when it looks at her. It feels… like it’s calling out to her. Like it’s reaching out a hand to pull her up into the light. She watches as a small black bolt leaves the body of the bird and disappears into the sky, clearing away the clouds and disappearing into the horizon. She’s confused by all this. She feels her head beginning to hurt as she keeps looking. The camera stays pointed at the bird, almost as if the camera man can only see it.

Jinah continues looking, unblinking. Her nose begins to bleed. Park Kyung-Hye, her mother immediately pulls her away in fear,


Jinah looks at her mom and says,

“Ah! Uh, what happened?”

She reaches up and touches her upper lip, coating it in blood. She jumps as she sees this and says,

“Jeez! I never get nosebleeds!”

Jinah hurriedly gets up and runs to the bathroom. She looks in the mirror and sees that her blue shirt is covered in blood,

“Gah! Not my shirt!”

She takes off her shirt and is about to throw it in the hamper before just deciding to throw it away,

“Haaaah. I’ll just get my brother to buy me another one.”

She thinks while cleaning her face off,

‘What the hell was that? That bird… thing just looked so… pretty.’

As Jinah leaves the bathroom, she hears a voice come on the TV,

[We’ve received word that the monster in Philadelphia actually had a conversation with hunters at the scene!  We’ve received a recording from a hunter's cell phone-]

A video plays out, showing the monster woman Jinah saw earlier talking with hunters. It explains that the bird behind it is a goddess, and states that they have no intention of expanding. It also gives a warning about killing its faithful members. The bird woman then flies off back towards the bird. The video cuts off soon after.

[The United States has decided to allow the creature to stay in Philadelphia so long as it doesn’t expand, but has banned any and all entry into the surrounding area. Several people are posting videos online proclaiming this being as the angel of death from Christianity. Others are referring to it as the anti-christ, or even god itself. One thing is for certain, the world is sure to see some changes over the next few years.]

Jinah ignores the rest of the news as it changes to local after this. She walks to her bedroom and closes the door before plopping down on her bed. She closes her eyes, feeling the heavy weight of exhaustion coursing through her body. In seconds, the girl falls asleep. 

Her mom comes in soon after, worried about her sudden bout of exhaustion. She sits on the side of her bed and covers Jinah with the blanket. She pushes Jinah’s hair out of her face and rubs her thumb across her cheek before standing up and leaving her room, turning out the light.

As soon as the door closes, a dark purple bolt of energy phases through the ceiling and slams into Jinah’s back. She jolts for a second but stays asleep nonetheless.

She feels a sucking sensation across her body, as if she were being pulled from a vacuum. She opens her eyes and finds herself in space. Stars are all around her. Earth can be seen in all its glory. The beautiful blue marble. She looks all around herself, but sees nothing else. 

She blinks and finds herself floating above a massive planet, completely covered in skyscrapers that raise above the ground. Beings of several different races coexist in peace and harmony on this planet. All luxuries are available, nobody is left uncomfortable

She blinks again and finds herself in front of a massive temple, constructed of black marble and standing thousands of kilometers tall and wide. Beautiful people with long black wings on their backs walk around in togas, seemingly unable to see her. Gigantic fires light the long marble walkway she stands before, and several children can be seen playing in the gardens on either side of her. Animals of all kinds roam the premises, playing, resting, and eating. Everything feels so… perfect.

She blinks again and finds herself in a throne room. A throne many times the size of even the largest building on earth stands before her intimidatingly. She almost feels compelled to kneel before the empty throne, as whatever being sits upon it must surely be a god.

She blinks again. A gigantic woman appears on the throne. Her skin is darker than the void, her hair falls upon her shoulders with a feathery grace. A halo stands upon this woman’s head, dark as night. Two wings sprout from her back, spreading out further than the eye can see. The woman looks at Jinah with a warmth almost unbecoming of such a great being. She feels herself being drawn into this being's beautiful eyes that seem to contain galaxies inside them.

She blinks again and finds the woman standing in front of her, just a few inches taller than her. The woman reaches up and gently holds her chin. She sees the woman smile at her. The woman speaks in a tone so beautiful it’s almost orgasmic to hear,

“Life can be so unfair, can it not? Beings from another dimension invade your own, causing life to become chaotic and short. Your father disappears one day, never to be seen again. Your mother falls ill with a supposedly incurable disease. Your brother fights with his life on the line just to give you food to eat.”

The woman’s eyes protest a deep sorrow as she continues talking about Jinah’s past,

“Yet however, it seems not all is lost. Your brother has a rather fortunate encounter in a dungeon. After this, he awakens your mother from her sleep and grows to become one of the strongest people on the planet. Though, he is still forced to fight in order to survive.”

The woman brings Jinah in as her eyes begin to water. Feeling the warmth of this woman’s embrace, Jinah’s tears fall. She wails out, the pain from the past years resurfacing and vanishing as she airs out her sorrows. The woman holds her close, letting her calm down and listen to her heart.

It feels like a mothers embrace. Jinah feels as though she is truly safe for the first time since she was a kid. Even if her brother is strong, that doesn’t mean she is as well.

As she calms down, the woman speaks once more,

“All is fine now, child. You shall be safe in my embrace. I name you my apostle. Nothing shall threaten you or your family's safety ever again. They shall be protected. I guarantee you on my name, Seraphim, Goddess of death, life, and fertility!”

With that, Jinah jolts awake. She finds herself back in her room, under the covers of her bed. As she pulls up, she notices that her pillow is covered in tears and then coughs. Her throat is dry as a desert. She gets up and walks to the kitchen to get herself a soda. As she stands in front of her metallic refrigerator, she opens the door and freezes. She slowly closes the door and notices… her hair is now… black? She runs over to the bathroom and turns on the light. Indeed, her hair is now black. She reaches up and touches it, noticing that it’s feathery and soft. She looks back in her mirror with a shocked expression.

A loud voice echoes throughout the apartment,



AN: you guys overwhelmingly wanted Jinah to be the apostle, so here ya go!

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